ㅡIT WAS ALWAYS ODD to see a quiet, reserved and stone-faced person walking with such an expressive and self-confident contrast.
Passersby stared at the two students clad in the famous grey and green uniform of the top heroing school in the country. Though the uniform was already an eye-catcher, that wasn't really what caught their attention in the first place.
They couldn't help but pity the boy of the two, who was continously being poked on the cheek by the girl beside him. To them, he looked exhausted by the girl's relentless and somewhat of an annoying attitude... but that was far from it.
Shoto Todoroki had gotten used to his cousin's energy and behaviour since he was 12, hence he didn't really feel as bothered with Himari's touchiness as the public makes it out to be.
He had to admit... it did annoy him sometimes.
And when Himari learns he was already annoyed, you can bet she would try to worsen it...
...not really the best trait to have when living with Endeavor.
Himari Ricardo was literally that one cousin who you were most closest toㅡ and you love them, but they would just be so annoying sometimes.
"Stop it!" Shoto finally snapped when the girl accidentally poked his left eye, snapped his head to glare at her with an evident frown.
But even with him obviously being in a sour moodㅡ which he was most of the time, she had to admitㅡ that didn't stop Himari from letting out an ugly smile and showing her double chin after she drank her water. "Weh." She mocked, "Sho gettin' all pissy like a little bitch?"
He wanted to freeze her fingers off right then and there, but since they were in public and quirks weren't allowed to be usedㅡ and the fact that it would just melt off her the moment it makes contact, he could only tighten his fists before letting out a huff and walking faster, ignoring the whines from his cousin.
"Hey! Respect your elders!"
Todoroki glances at her, momentarily staring into his own reflection of her sunglasses before going back to facing front with a huff. "You're only six months older than me."
Himari chuckled, looks down at her shorter cousin and ruffled his perfectly split hair of white and red. "Best six months of my life."
Himari was older and taller than Shoto, though her personality said otherwise. Her father was rather very tall for a Filipino, standing in a height of 205cmㅡ he used to be a professional basketball player in SBP back in the Philippines before leaving at 30 to move to Japan and have a 'cute Japanese weeb girlfriend' as he called it. In the end, however, he ended up marrying a woman who was far from cute and loved hiphop than anime or manga.
Himari stands a good 181 centimeters tall, and participated in alot of sports clubs like volleyball, track and field, and swimming back in middle school.
"Hey," she looks down at Shoto, head tilted to the side to show the golden irises of her eyes, the mesmerizing sight half of the time hidden behind her much needed migraine sunglasses. "What do you think UA is like?"
"A school."
Himari rolled her eyes, flicked a stray of her short yellow-orange hair as she shook her head at Shoto's dry reply. "Boo." She pouted, "Why did I even agree to your dad's suggestion.."
Shoto didn't bother saying anything after that, and the rest of the way to school was silent between the two.
Shoto let's out a sigh, staring Himari in the eyes who simply smirked back at him, mocking him by rubbing the desk of the seat she was sitting in.
He wanted that seat. But she overtook him like they were in a car and sat there before he could. He wanted the seat at the middle of the very back.
Himari grinned, "Don't be shy! Find a seat!"
"Why are we even in the same class.." Shoto grumbled under his breath, took in a deep breath to prevent himself from having a physical quarrel with her and decided to just take the seat to her right. It was the next best thing in his opinion.
They were early. So early that the only other person in their new classroom besides them was a stiff boy walking around the room and checking every single school property which was odd and a bit concerning. And the moment Shoto planted his ass on the chair, said stiff boy was suddenly standing in front of them and bowing in a ninety-degree angleㅡ much to their surprise.
"I am Tenya Iida from Soumei Junior High! It is a pleasure to meet you!"
Shoto simply stared at him whilst Himari, who had finally snapped out of her own mini shock, grinned at Tenya. "Himari Ricardo!" She introduced and took out her bottle to take a sip. "But you can call me Mar or Ji.... or Ricardo... whatever floats your boat."
Iida couldn't help but furrow his brows after hearing her last name. It obviously wasn't Japanese. Her skin was also relatively darker than any other people you would meet in the countryㅡ 'morena' if he remembered the name correctlyㅡ and she did have foreign features. Shamelessly, he asked, "Are you Mexican?"
Shoto could only hide his face in second-hand embarrassment whilst Himari began to laugh.
It wasn't really uncommon for her to be mistaken as Mexican since Filipinos and Mexicans do look alike and share certain words and traditions. That was most definetely due to the Spanish colonization back in the Philippines years ago. Filipinos are the Mexicans of Asiaㅡ even though they're less well-known compared to the east asian countries.
"Close~" she chuckled, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. "I'm Japino."
Face burning red, Iida quickly bowed down in embarrassment. "I apologize! I didn't mean to mistake your ethnicity!"
"Don't worry about it!" Himari smirked. She props up her elbows on the desk, loosely intertwining her fingers as she rested her chin on them. She gave the boy a playfully seductive look, her voice suddenly deepening just a bit. "I'm really pretty, aren't I?"
Her sudden statement made the stiff boy straighten. He pushes his glasses on the bridge of his nose and made a robotic gesture with his other arm, "I personally believe all women are pretty and unique!" He answered, "So yes, you are very pretty, Ricardo-san."
Well that took her aback.
Himari stared at Iida with wide doe eyes, blinking once. Then twice before her face broke into a wide grin.
Others would normally blush and start to stutter whenever she'd ask thatㅡ sometimes there were those who would fake throwing upㅡ so it was understandably a surprise someone gave a different response from the two.
First day of UA was already interesting.
"I think you'll be a great feeder for my ego."
Iida turned to Shoto with a confused look, the boy was already subtly frantically shaking his head at him and strongly mouthing out a 'no'.
Slowly, more students began to enter the room after their short conversationㅡ some looking nervous, some confident and some who didn't look like they cared at all.
Himari turns to her cousin, suddenly smirking as she fixes her migraine glasses on the bridge of her nose. Suddenly, sheㅡ not so subtlyㅡ pulls out a black object from her skirt pocket and whispered."I stole one of your dad's credit cards."
Shoto sighed and just simply shook his head. Though his face didn't show it, 'borrowing' money from his father without asking was probably his favorite hobbyㅡ same goes for Himari who does it more often than him. The funny thing about it was that she would casually give it back to his father like she didn't go through his wallet to get ahold of it.
"I want soba for lunch." He said, which made Himari grin.
It didn't take long after a nervous-of-a-wreck boy and normal-looking but cute girl showing up last did their homeroom teacher finally make his appearance, lying in the hallways in a yellow sleeping bag and sucking on capri sun.
Well... at least their teacher isn't boring.
Himari always liked people with unique features or traitsㅡ something that can easily catch eyes of passerbys either it be because of curiosity, interest, or something positive. She loves confidence and assertive individuals, and wasn't really a fan of normal people: the type of people that easily blends in with the crowd.
It wasn't that she has anything against them... she, like any other person, just has her own preferences.
"I'm Shota Aizawa." The scruffy man introduced, no entusiasm laced in his voice at all. He honestly looked like he needed sleep more than anything at the moment.
He then took out UA's P.E uniforms from his sleeping bag, lazily tossed one over to the nervous boy who was closest to him before looking back at the rest of the class. "Put those on and meet me in the field."
Himari stood up from her seat, quirking a brow as she turned to look at Shoto in a useless attempt to get answers. If she remembered correctly, orientation was starting in less than thirty minutes...
But then she shrugged her shoulders. "No complaining here."
Their teacher really was something.
Class A stands in the field of UA, clad in the P.E. uniform they were instructed to wear as they gathered as a group, staring at Aizawa's hunched back as the normal looking girl from earlier bodly complained out of confusion and speaking out the same question that went in everyone's heads.
They could hear from one of the gyms nearby , the one being used for the orientation, the faint chattering of students and mic testing. No student or staff could be seen, meaning their class was the only one not attenting the entrace program.
"Pointless ceremonies aren't needed when aspire to be a heroㅡ or anything, honestly." Aizawa answered the girl's complaint, turned around to finally look at his studentsㅡ currently temporary students in his standards. "UA's selling point is how unrestricted it's school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes."
"I'm starting to not regret your dad's offer." Himari whispered to Shoto's ear, a grin on her face as the boy merely swatted her awayㅡ his silent way to tell her to shut up and listen.
"You've been doing these too in your Junior years, correct? Physical fitness tests where using of quirks was prohibited." Aizawa pulled out a device, similar to that of a phone with lists of familiar exercises. "Japan still uses averages taken from results from students without the use of their quirks. Ricardo,"
With the sudden call of her surname, Himari's head perked up with a waiting pout on her lips.
"You're the only foreigner in this class." His words immediately caught the whole class' attention and all eyes were now on her. She didn't really mind. If anything, she stood with more confidence than earlier. "You were born and raised in the Philippines when you were younger. Care to share of the differences of Japan and other countries in terms of quirk laws and regulations?"
It took a quick moment for her to fully soak in his words and request in her mind, but when it finally did, Himari let out a long hum as she fixed her sunglasses before finally answering. "I'm only speaking for Philippines. I personally don't know if the laws I will mention also applies to other countries... but the Philippines has more leeway with quirk laws. So long if the user is not using it for illegal and destructive purposes, the government doesn't see any issues."
Aizawa nodded at her short but satisfying response before going back to talking about Japan's own quirk laws and regulations. "It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procastinating... Bakugou,"
He turns to a spiky blond, one who stood in the very front of the whole class and closest to their advisor.
"You finished at the top of the practical exam." Aizawa monotonely shared, much to most of the class' surprise and even the boy himself. "What was your best result for the softball throw back when you were still in junior high?"
"67 meters." The boy quickly answered and looked down, which made Himari scoff from the back. This wasn't an unusual reaction to Shoto.
"Then.." their homeroom teacher tossed him a softball, one with a device in the middle. "Try doing it with your quirk."
Bakugou stands in the center of the drawn out area in the field, ball in hand and waiting for permission.
"Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle." Aizawa reminded. "Hurry up. You're wasting time."
Himari merelyㅡ not so subtlyㅡ yawned from the back. She was honestly not expecting much from the boy she already knew to be easily broken down if given enough pressure. In her past observations, he seemed to not be as mentally strong as he was physically.
He was cocky and arrogant back at the classroom earlierㅡ sat like he was the alpha of that class and even made a snarky remark when Iida told him to take his feet off the desk. People like him were most likely overpraised when they were younger, and when that continues as they grow older, it sticks and becomes a daily fuel for them. But everyone eventually faces the truth of reality, and when that happens, his pride and ego would shatter like glassㅡ leave him to doubt his own beliefs of himself.
Himari would prefer to stay away from himㅡ having a superiority complex but an easy-to-break pride and ego when tampered and played on.
Bakugou began to warm up, lessen the chances of getting a strain after using his quirk. Not long after, he finally threw the ballㅡ not without yelling out a 'die!'
"Fucking blast.."
Shoto looks over to his cousin who was rubbing her eyes from under her sunglasses. Himari suffers from 'photophobia' or light sensitivity, one of the drawbacks of her quirk. Hence the reason she wears migraine glasses.
"Know your own maximum first." Aizawa said out, turned around to face the rest of his class. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero."
The results caused an uproar among the students. It was understandable, 67 meter was nothing compared to 705. But then again, it shouldn't really be that surprising; quirks are superior abilities.
Aizawa soon went on a rant, something about UA not being fun and games. Himari didn't really listen to him, and continued attending to her eyes which hadn't yet recovered from the sudden blast caused by Bakugou's explosionㅡ which was his quirk.
That boy is really going to be a pain if she ever goes up against him.
"Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests with be judged to have no potential and..." Aizawa continued on, a smirk on his face as he stares down at the studentsㅡ his obvious goal to put them under pressure and feel intimidated. "...will be punished with immediate expulsion."
"Nice." Himari chuckled, smirking at the challenge as she took sips of water from her bottle. She was confident she wouldn't place last.
"We teachers are free to do what we want with the circumstances of our students." Their teacher added, not caring one bit of the terrified look on his students' faces. Instead, his smirk widened as he pushed his hair back, staring down at every one of the students. "Welcome to UA's hero course!"
Yes. New story. Hi!
I haven't taken this story too seriously yet since I decided for this to be an experiment for nowㅡ see your reactions and if you want me to continue working on this story in the future and if this gets enough attention and support, I will<3
Full Name: Urduja Himari T. Ricardo
Age: 15
Height: 181 cm
Birth Date: July 11
Birth Place: Dumaguete, Visayas, Philippines
Likes: colors blue and purple, Filipino sisig, sinigang and lechon
Himari is known to be very playful, annoying and carefree, yet hot-headed and subtly intelligent. And even if she moved and grew up in Japan by 7, she has kept alot of Filipino traits, personalities and attitudes.
She finds entertainment in teasing, taunting and irritating others until she is either bored or satisfied. She isn't one to use or address with formalities and is oftentimes considered to be quite rude and disrespectful, but can be mature when she wants to.
When around people she likes and feels comfortable to be around with, she tends to show them affection such as being clingy and teasing and poking them. Around people she dislikes, however, she taunts, annoys and torments them to the point they would either cry or start a fist fight. Ironically, though, she doesn't like being disrespected.
She is very laid-back and focuses more on the present than the past or future since she claims it builds alot of stressㅡ which she dislikes. But despite this, she is also a naturally-born leader, meaning she isn't fond of following behind others. You can follow her or stand on equal grounds, but she will never tolerate being behind or below.
She is hot-bloodedㅡ and instead of being angry most of the time, she changes that foul mood to a more active and energetic one. Don't underestimate it though! She can still be angry and upset , and when she is, it isn't pretty. She also loves to make it clear when there's someone or something she doesn't likeㅡ like making certain facial expressions, rolling her eyes or taunting and tormenting themㅡ and loves to get straight to the point of something. She doesn't like sugarcoating or beating around the bush.
Additional Info:
>Both her mother and father have heat-based quirks. She mostly takes after her father though.
>She has a very toned and well-defined body due to her active participation in sports(also rumored from genetics). And though it isn't obvious on the drawing above, her legs are very muscular and almost man-like!
>She likes to dress in a boy-ish or tomboy fashion most of the time. Though there are some times where she would rock feminine clothes like a very revealing crop top matched with a pair of wide leg pants.
>She cannot write properly if the paper/notebook isn't in a 45 degree angle to the right or if her body isn't facing left.(her handwriting is extremely slanted)
>She hates lies and empty promises with a passion.
>Genderfluid and pansexual (pronouns are 'hinted' with the color of the flower earrings she wears)
Power: 5/5 (S)
Speed: 4/5 (B)
Technique: 4/5 (B)
Intelligence: 5/5 (A)
Cooperativeness: 2/5 (D)
[Other informations currently undisclosable]
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