It was a beautiful day as the sun was shining through the green forest trees, and the weather was a perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold. In the middle of the forest was a big green field that was surrounded by the forest trees.
On the big open field was an Eevee and a Flareon staring at each other as they were in some battle position. These two were best friends, probably even besties. It was that time of day where the Flareon trains the Eevee how to do moves so he can be strong just like her. Today she is helping him learn how to do a takedown.
"S-so how do I do this move again?" The shy Eevee asked the Flareon. "It's simple; I'll show ya." The Flareon told him. She began to perform a takedown in front of him to show him how it's done. He watched as she performed a takedown before she looked over at him. "Now you try." She said with a smile on her face. "O-ok," he said before he braced himself and began to try to do a takedown. But he suddenly trips on a small rock and fell forward; his face landed straight into the ground.
She gasped and rushed over to him. "Zack, are you ok?" She asked as she offered him her paw to help him up. "Y-yeah, I-I'm ok," he told her before he reached to grab her paw. "I-I just tripped, that's all." He said as she helped him up off the ground. He did feel embarrassed that he tripped, but she giggled softly and smiled at him.
"Now watch closely as I do it." She told him. She then began to perform the takedown again. Zack watched carefully, looking at every movement she makes when she does it. Once she was done, she looked back at him. "Now your turn." She said with a smile on her face. He nods and takes a deep breath. "O-ok, I-I can do this." He mumbled to himself. Soon he begins to try to do a takedown again, being careful not to trip again. She watched as he performed a takedown without tripping; she was impressed by his effort.
He pants a bit and looks over at her. "S-so how did I do?" He asked her, wanting to know if he did a good job. "You did great!" She said all happily, clapping her paws together for him. He shyly smiled and blushed a bit at her applause, feeling a little proud of himself. "Th-thanks, Flare." He shyly thanked her.
Zack was a very shy Pokémon; he doesn't talk to other Pokémon much except for her, but Flare doesn't mind. She noticed his blush and giggled a little as she found his shyness cute. "Let's keep practicing takedown until you've mastered it well." She told him. "Are you ready?" She asked. He nodded and smiled. "I-I'm ready to train Flare." He told her. The two begin to continue doing takedowns, Flare teaching the ropes while Zack listens and follows along.
After a while, they both did a lot of takedowns as Zack pants heavily and lays on the ground. Flare catches her breath before she looks over at Zack with a smile on her face. She was very proud of him, learning how to do a takedown pretty quickly. She went over to him. "Feeling exhausted?" She asked him, giggling a bit. "Y-yeah," he pants, catching his breath after training a lot.
"Wanna take a little break?" She offered. "Y-yes, please." He said, excited to have a little break from training. She giggled and smiled softly before helping him up. "How about a little swimming?" She asked as Zack gasped quietly, his Eevee tail wagging quickly. "Y-yeah!" He said, all excited. She giggled and soon leads him to a little pond up ahead.
Zack really loved to swim as he quickly jumped and dove into the pond, making a big splash as Flare giggled and watched him. He swam around and enjoyed the water as Flare sat and watched him. She was a little scared of the water but didn't mind watching Zack have fun.
She then begins to daydream about Zack, looking at him with dreamy eyes. She loved how cute and sweet he is; he is very shy but also very kind. She wished she could just hug him close and cuddle with him. She had a crush on Zack for a while, and throughout their time together, it grew stronger and stronger.
She does think if she should tell him, but she wants to make sure to be patient with him since he's very shy, and she didn't want to scare him. But she did find herself holding back the urge to kiss his cute face when he blushed.
She soon closed her eyes and hummed to herself as she daydreamed about herself and Zack being a happy couple. She was so distracted by her daydream she didn't notice Zack slowly getting out of the pond and shaking his fur dry before walking up to her. "U-uh, Flare?" He asked her as she had a big smile on her face and continued to hum happily.
"Flare?" He asked her, and he then reached over and tapped her shoulder to try to get her attention. "Hmm~ Wha-huh?" Flare soon snaps out of it and looks over at Zack. "O-Oh, you done swimming, Zack?" She asked him. He nods and smiles a little. "Y-yeah, I am. Th-thanks, Flare." He said while his tail wags.
Zack then looks over at the sky to see the sun was setting. "O-oh, w-well, looks like I need to go." He told her. He begins to leave before he looks back at her and waves. "I-I'll see you tomorrow, Flare." He said before he runs off. "Bye, Zack!" She yelled while waving back before she soon went off to her home. But little did these two best friends know, something is about to happen to them starting tomorrow.
-To Be Continued-
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