r o l e
n a m e
n a m e • m e a n i n g
n i c k n a m e
lee, rose
a g e
589 years old
g e n d e r
s e x u a l i t y
f a c e c l a i m
Freya Mavor
l i k e s
helping out others, expressing
kindness to everyone, flowers,
spring, cooking, baking, stargazing,
cloudgazing, marine life, the ocean,
sleeping, pillows
d i s l i k e s
negativity, being stressed out, fire, criticism, inflicting pain upon others, seeing others suffering, cruelty of any kind, meatballs, being under pressure, heartache, anger, the darkness
p o w e r s
light manipulation. atmokinesis.
telekinesis. photokinetic
s k i l l s
cooking. baking. dancing. gardening.
q u o t e
" have courage, and be kind "
t a g
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