1. Don't be OP. You can have one power. If your power can do multiple things fine just don't be like invincible to everything. Nobody likes a character like that.
2. This is an INDIVIDUAL rp. Please don't break into other chains. It's rude.
3. You can swear all you want go at it
4. No smut. This one especially has to be enforced because of the lack of PMs now.
5. Don't control my characters please. It's not cool
6. Rp in 3rd person please. That's all I ask. You can write however long or short you want just write in 3rd person. Also write it like this:
"Good morning dorkface," (Oc) said hitting their friend softly on the head.
Not like this:
(Oc): *softly hits on head* Good morning dorkface
7. If you wanna have a character with powers similar to superheroes from already existing media that's fine just don't make a carbon copy please
8. You can have multiple characters if you want. Just keep track of them. That's not my job that's yours
9. Seriously don't just make your character an already existing superpowered character from media
10. If you wanna make your character your self insert go for it. That's what i'm gonna do
11. You can be straight, gay, bi, etc. I'm all about that acceptance baby. Same goes for race, gender identity, etc.
12. Don't bully people just because you don't like their character. Keep that shit to yourself
13. Have fun please. This is the whole reason I make these rps. To have fun
14: esoiflkdjsgvoi;sf;kdvkjdhflkuaeHfo;isegkljefiouSFIU>fu. :)
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