Mission over the Wall-Part Two-
She knew me. How? She knew me. How did she know me? "What have you done to my horse?" I ask. She smiles and undoes the girth and it falls to the earth. She then removes the bit. "Your horse I just put to rest, he'll wake up in a few hours Levi." She replied.
She then walks up to me, sadly I despise taller beings. She easily looked down to me. " I'm (F/N) Slade, its a pleasure to finally meet you." She extended her hand. She had a lovely smile. I shake her hand as well, and I notice the strong and firm grip. A man like shake. "Welcome to Iron Clover Ranch. If you'll come with me I'll get you some clothes so we can clean yours up a bit." She said motioning me to follow.
As I follow I notice all the horses which were inside the pen, her stud, the one she rode bareback was looking at her in worry. As I notice this, he glared at me. 'Watch yourself.' He seemed to be saying.
"Was that even possible?" I muttered.
As she guided me I notice a tall wooden house. At least two stories. An a odd looking dog watching me intentivly. "Yote, Get a pair of boots please." She asks the dog. He sat up and quickly ran off. "Why is the dog's name Yote?" I then ask.
"He's a coyote, I found him while on a herd trip." She replied, then walking inside the house. Inside it was very clean and very well organized. Paintings of horse herds, and cattle running along a river. I was quite surprised. "Father!" She calls out.
I stop quick on my feet, she didn't run this place by herself. Silence rang through the rooms. "Alright, wait here, I have to get some clothes for you." She said then walking off.
I felt so confused, me of all people confused. I then begin to take off the 3D Maneuver gear, taking off strap after strap. I then take of my leather boots. Then my hood, and jacket, I fold them carefully and my cravat I set against the folded clothes. All I had on was my long sleeve collared shirt and white pants.
"Here, some sweats and a t-shirt." Said (Y/N) as she walked back in and sat down before me, a cup of something set before me. "Thank you." I reply and take a sip. It wasn't black tea. It was something else.
"You probably have a lot of questions, and my father will be home soon. Let's get to it then." She then crossed her legs on the sofa before me. An excited smile on her face.
"Fine then, how do you know me?" I ask. She then looks to me. "It's your dream, shouldn't you know that question yourself?"
I irk and nearly rise from my seat. "What do you think I am? An idiot, this isn't a dream!" I holler. She looks the least bit fazed. She smirks to me. "Fine believing it is up to you, next question."
"How did you get that horse to let you ride it, bareback and bridleless no less?" I then ask, anger prickling my skin.
"He's my stud, I trained him when I was small. I trust him, and he trusts me." She replies. A coyote as she calls it then sets a pair of leather boots, way different from my black combat boots. "Western attired riding boots, very handy around here. I'm assuming you have no idea how to get home so I'll tell my father you're under a boot camp. Your short enough to be considered a child. There is a bathroom to your right, change then hide your clothes and gear in the room across the way." She rose from her chair and walked out of the room.
"Oi! I'm not a child!" I holler but she was gone. "Even more aggravating than Eren." I then mutter. I then look to the clothes she gave me, walk to a bathroom and decided to change. I then walk out of the house, after hiding my uniform and maneuver gear under the bed in the room across the way.
Many horses stood in the round pen, and a white haired male stood in front of (Y/N), he was talking to her. Handing her a letter. I walk over to her. "Sweetheart, I can't tell you how hard it is to lose this place, but you have less than three months to sell some off your trained horses. I'm sorry (Y/N)." His voice was deep and so rustic, It was hard to imagine him as a old man. He had wrinkles so I could tell.
(Y/N) looked angry, her body shook from holding the papers so tight. "He'll pay!" She ran towards the pen and whistled.
"(Y/N)!" Yelled the man. Was that her father? A black stud then appeared by the fence boards and allowed her to jump on his back. "Storm Jumper!" Called out the man who stood before the lowest section of wood, the horse stopping in front of the fence before him. "(Y/N), talking sense into him, is my job. You're not involved in this yet, not till I die." He explained. She looked down angered. "Come on know, slide off Storm Jumper now." He said calmer. She does so and slides through the fence and storms off. Dropping the papers in her hand.
I pick them up. 'Land Sale Release Form,' was the title. "Who are you boy?" Asked the white haired man. "I'm Levi Ackerman, I was lost Sir. Your horse trainer told me I could work here." I nearly collapsed at the weakness in my voice. I shouldn't be taking orders from her.
"That horse trainer is my daughter lad." He said.
'So that is his daughter.' I thought.
" I'm Carter Slade, (Y/N)'s father." He extended his hand. I shook it, his grip slightly stronger than (Y/N)'s. "You start tomorrow, be ready to wake up at dawn." He said a smile, nearly covered by his beard.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I then walk after her, not really understanding why. My best guess would be the big barn. I walk inside and see nearly ten horses standing in beautiful crafted stalls. Far more higher quality than the ones at camp. She was stroking a palomino's face. "(Y/N)?" I ask.
"Yes?" She replies wiping her eyes, tears coating her words.
"Why does this man want your horses so badly?"
She faces me. "Carmella. A moment please?" She asks the horse. I wasn't expecting it to work but the horse walked further back into the stall.
"The man wants the best trained horses for his shows, the best of the best ridden, and well mannered on and off the show floor. He wants them for money. In exchange we get nothing, and lose the ranch." She said.
"Why not just show them yourself?"
She looked down. "Father won't live very long without me. He's had thirteen heart attacks since last year. He needs me, I need him."
"He's very stubborn to die, that's why I don't want to let him down. His heart is too strong, but his body won't last forever." She then says. "You read my mind." I then reply. She then looks up and gasps.
"Oh my gosh! I'm such a clutz!" She exclaims. She opens the stall and then mounts the palomino named Carmella. I just watch as she rides off and out of the barn. "(Y/N)!" I holler then almost chase after her, she disappears into the afternoon, Not a moment after she had mounted the palomino.
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