"I flower you too... from sunrise to sunset, and for every stars that light up the sky. Those flowers will forever bloom for this precious bond that is ours, that's my eternal promise to you" Yoongi repeats dreamily as I hide my red face under my arms.
"That sounded so poetic... do you perhaps write poems, Y/N?" he asks while nudging my side as we sit side by side on the couch, and he can't help but to coo when I shyly nod my head while hiding further into the cushion with my arms around my head.
I shouldn't have said that earlier. I didn't know they would tease me so much for it, but my heart felt so full that the words came out of their own free will. Such an embarrassing thing to do!
"You should have seen her as we were walking back from the park. Crimson was paler than her" Jimin continues to tease as he walks over before sitting on the rug in front of us, a contented sigh past his lips as he leans back on his hands to gaze at us.
"Go ahead, keep mocking me like this. I won't ever speak such words ever again" I complain while looking up at them with a pout, which earns me a head pat and an arm around my shoulders to pull me into a warm waist.
"We'll stop teasing you, sweetheart, we just find your reactions cute. We won't do it again, right, Jimin-ah?" Yoongi asks the later with a quirked eyebrow that means 'say no and I will not give you cuddles for an entire week'.
Not one to take Yoongi's threats lightly, the vampire quickly nods his head at me. "No more teasing" he says, only to add cautiously, "for today. I can only promise for today. Please".
Fair enough. Jimin seems like the type who would die if he can't tease his mates for too long.
I make a sound, appreciative of his effort to appease me right now, then inhale the wonderful smell that's filling their house from the oven. Bread is cooling off on the counter, and there are a few different pastries currently baking with their delicious aromas perfuming the house.
"Are you hungry?" Yoongi asks, somehow always noticing everything about me with his attentive eyes. I stare at the loaf of bread, then swallow when saliva pools heavily on my tongue. I would be a very bad liar if I were to say no right now, so I nod my head and they both chuckle.
"Let's try the bread first while I have a look at what we could have for lunch. We have leftover rice from yesterday, so I could make fried rice with some meat and our homemade kimchi, what do you think?" the dragon offers as he stands from the couch, a hand offered to me so I can keep him company in the kitchen.
He said he wanted us close and he wasn't lying. Yoongi has not left my side ever since we arrived a dozen minutes ago, and Jimin happily kissed his cheeks - then mine - before heading to their bedroom to wear something more cozy and soft.
He's got a look that currently screams cuddles to me, and if I get to leave this place without melting in their arms at least once, I'll honestly be very confused. Is it a weird thing to say? Maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself.
I accept Yoongi's hand, heart swooning when he pulls me up easily, and he doesn't let go until we reach the kitchen where he leaves me at a safe distance from the oven so he can have a look inside to inspect the pastries.
"I'll cut the bread in thin slices, should we have it with butter?" Jimin asks in a chirp as he jumps past me to reach the sharp knives on the counter space besides the fridge, and Yoongi shrugs at the same time as I do.
"Anything to suit your taste, Jimin-ah. Cut me some veggies when you're done, I'll get started with the meat. Mind looking at the sauces we have in the fridge, sweetheart? You'd be an angel if you could find me one that you can have".
Blushing happens so quickly whenever they speak to me like this, it should be embarrassing and yet I find myself liking it. I do as he asked, eyes searching around until I find all of the different bottles, after which I begin reading through the ingredients one at a time.
"These are fine, Yoongi. There's really just this one that I can't have because it has peanuts it it" I let out after a couple of minutes, lips unconsciously parting when Jimin brings something up to my mouth with a "aaahhh".
I chew on the soft texture while Yoongi acknowledges my conclusion with a hum, and when I swallow, another piece of food is brought up to my lips, which is when I finally realize that this is the bread that made me so hungry since earlier.
My eyes light up, and Jimin grins as he eats the last piece of the slice. "So? What do you think? Isn't our dragon such a good baker?".
That has Yoongi eyeing us both from over his shoulder, face looking nervous when I've yet to say anything about it. It's not because I have nothing to say, but rather because I don't know how to verbalize how good this bread recipe is.
"You made this, Yoongi?" is all my mind can make up at the moment. "It's- wow. Can I have more?".
Jimin giggles before handing me an entire slice so I can eat it all on my own, and as I heartily bite into the soft fluffy bread, Yoongi releases a sigh of relief. He was really worried that I wouldn't like it for a minute.
"Is it good?" he asks with a small smile that grows at my happy hum. This is all he wanted for me, something pleasing to eat, so he's very satisfied with his first baking experiment. That recipe will be printed out and kept on the fridge.
"Don't eat too much if you want it to last you a few mornings" he eventually chides when he hears me beg for another slice, and though regretfully, Jimin also agrees that it would be for the best before putting the loaf aside and into a tupperware so I can easily bring it home later.
"You need to be hungry for lunch, hun" the vampire coos at my pout. "Besides, there's more in the oven that we have yet to try, we can have them for dessert, hm? Can you be a good girl and wait for lunch with us?".
I nod twice, puppy eyes on them, and endearment fills their chest.
"The veggies, Jimin-ah, please".
"Right, I'm on it. Have a seat, princess, it won't take too long".
I do as told without much fighting, dining table chair pulled over so I can watch them cook together with an ease that I've not seen often in others. Mom and dad don't do so well being in the kitchen at the same time. Dad's a terrible cook so she always gets angry at him when he does something wrong.
I guess I took from him on that aspect.
"Yeah, that size is fine, but do them a little thinner if you can. Put everything in the pan once you're done, I'll get the rice".
Hoseok's POV
"Joonie, quick, our taxi is waiting for us!" I say as I usher him to his feet so we can gather everything we own and make sure we do not forget anything. It's our first day in Crimson Bay and I want everything to fit into the schedule as much as possible.
He grumbles a little but listens either way, a kiss pressed onto my lips before he grabs the luggage from my hands to reach the vehicle on the side of the street facing the docks.
I stare at his back for a long second, a loving sigh past my lips before I hurry behind him so I can be of help as he and the driver try to fit what's left of our bags on the back seats of the car. It'll be cramped for me, but we don't have any other choice if we want to make it to our new house.
Moving here wasn't particularly the plan, honestly. Seeing pictures of this town had made me comment something jokingly along the lines of "Joonie, wouldn't it be great if we could live by the water? Look at that house, it's for sale. I bet we could get it if we wanted".
It wasn't meant to be more than a casual comment, as I usually make them, but then Namjoon had taken a look at the screen, only to search up the house on his computer afterwards. The next thing I knew, we were looking at the rooms and wondering what use they could have.
"We could have an office each, a workout room, and one of them could be a little library for all our books. You could have a little reading nook over there, with a lamp and a comfortable couch" Namjoon had said with a spark in his eyes.
I knew then and there that he was already sold to the idea of moving there. We started looking at our expenses, at the house's price, and all of a sudden, we were making an offer that would be accepted no longer than three hours later.
That was last week, and now we're here, in Crimson Bay, ready to move in.
Were we impulsive? Certainly, I've never done something quite as hasty as this before, but nothing has ever felt as right either, so it's got to count for something. This spontaneous life change ought to be good for us, since we were getting tired of our previous home and city.
"Have a seat at the front, Hobi, I'll sit in the back" my dear dragon demands while pushing some bags aside so he can fit inside the car, and before I can counter and say that I'll have an easier time fitting in there, he closes the door with a happy grin, leaving me with the passenger's seat as my only option.
This man... he needs to learn to choose his own comfort before mine, he won't lose any lover points just because I get the uncomfortable seat for once.
Well, there's no changing his mind, I know that much. Sitting inside at the same time as the driver does, I wear my seatbelt while Namjoon hands him the address to our house, and the drive begins in a silence that cannot cover the stress that floats over my head like a rain shower.
I try to focus on the scenery, mind using some visual points as landmarks for future references, but it'll be easier to do when we can visit at our own pace some other day. Today will be busy enough as it is since we need to be there for when our furniture will be shipped over.
It was a bit of a wild guess to have everything happen in the same day when we had ten hours of traveling to do, but I'm confident we can make it happen. We've arrived in Crimson Bay before the given hour, and that's good enough for me.
As the car goes up the hill where our new house is - we've never seen it in person even once, how crazy is that? - I notice that Namjoon is starting to fidget a little in the back seat.
His black horns are shining under the bright sunlight as he moves his face closer to the window, the tip of his nose nearly pressed against the glass and his eyes staring out at every houses like he's trying to find something.
Or someone, I realize. Could it be?
"Joonie?" I speak up softly when he frowns at one house in particular, and his glance at me says everything I needed to know. We have a mate nearby, don't we?
The car takes that time to slow down and turn into the next driveway, and I stare at the building that we're now to call home. It looks really pretty and in good state, and the lawn is clean too, freshly cut with the garden and trees in good health. It's a relief to know we weren't lied to after all.
I pay for the drive while Namjoon starts pulling everything out of the car at high speed, his attention always pulled towards the house next to ours. I can see that he wants nothing more than to head over there and knock on the door, but we need to get our stuff first.
The driver helps us to bring everything to the front porch, he's not much of a talker but he's very helpful, there's no denying that. He wishes us a good day before leaving, and Namjoon doesn't waste anymore time when he grabs my hand before pulling us over to the neighbour's house.
"Dragon mana, it's soft and fragile, but it's there, calling out to me" he blurts out on the way, hence confirming my thoughts. We have a mate in Crimson Bay, and we managed to buy the house right next to them.
Before we can make it to the door, it opens in one quick swing, and a young woman with messy hair steps out, eyelids still a bit heavy from a previous nap.
Her gaze surveys the horizon before finally settling on us, and my heart catches in my throat with a rapid pulse at her stunning beauty. The sunlight on her skin looks as if it painted her itself, with strokes of gold and a whole lot of love.
Her pointy little horns have a red and blue hue swirling around the light purple appendages, so different and delicate compared to Namjoon's thicker and curved horns, and her pointy canines softly poke into her bottom lip due to a recent feed that the red-ish glow in her eyes validates.
That should strike me as abnormal, but my brain has no time for thoughts when her scent wafts over to me, causing me to inhale deeply with a sense of belonging that feels like home.
Roses, their fragrance spreads all over the place with an embrace that envelopes not only my body, but also my soul. There's... chocolate in it too, heart-shaped chocolates pushed into the center of each flowers, and they bloom magnificently for us. Such a delicious scent she has.
We remain there, staring at one another in silence for goodness knows how long, until Namjoon finally closes the distance until he stands right in front of her, towering from all his height over this little beauty that already owns half of my heart.
I join them, not willing to be left out for even one second, soul relishing in the shyness that paints her face in the prettiest of colours.
"Seeing you has so easily explained why we're here today" Namjoon murmurs as he raises a hand to softly caress her cheek, and her fluffed up scent makes my chest feel so full that it could burst at any time now.
Her big eyes flutter at him before falling on me, and I need to resist the urge to touch her too. We can't crowd her space so quickly, that would be impolite. Namjoon lets go of her face, seemingly coming to the same conclusion as me, and she releases a soft breath.
"I'm sorry if we surprised you, we're moving in next door today" I explain with a sweet voice that shows I'm already in love, I can hear it dripping from every words I speak myself, and I would be embarrassed if I wasn't so taken by her already.
Her eyes shine brightly as she glances between the two of us shyly, she's giving such prey energy that it makes me want to cradle her close this instant so that nothing ever happens to her.
"This big dragon here is Namjoon, and I'm Hoseok, a vampire. You are a dragon, that we can see, but..." I gently press a finger against the tip of one of her canines, and she sucks in a breath, as if just now aware that it's visible to the both of us.
"Are you a hybrid?" I ask her softly, worry already beginning to gnaw in the pit of my stomach, because if it's true, then we have ourselves a very fragile mate indeed.
She hides her fangs behind a pout, it being the only way she can cover them without piercing her skin, and she sheepishly nods her head, which has Namjoon's and my own heart falling at our feet. A bouncing ball that has lost its bounce, that's how I feel.
"That's right... but I promise there's no need for concern, I'm doing well" she quickly blurts out a reassurance first, knowing very well how concerning that must be for us. It's our first time meeting a half-breed, but we're old enough to have heard a few heartbreaking stories about them.
"And, erm. My name is Y/N. I've been living here for a week now, so I'm still new around here. We have two other mates and... they're also our neighbours. It's the house before mine, but they're not home right now".
We all glance towards the building she points at, though we can barely see it from here because of the curved angle of our street. So we have three new mates, then? That's not what I thought our first day here would be like, but I'm certainly not complaining.
"Jimin is a vampire and Yoongi's a dragon, they're very kind. I guess we're not meant to have wolves in the bond" she wonders the end aloud before staring back at us with a smile, now that the initial shock has melted away.
"Can I help with bringing your stuff inside? I have nothing to do anyway, Jimin's not coming back before an hour or two and Yoongi will be done with work at around five".
"Of course" I speak faster than Namjoon can, knowing that he would deny her request otherwise. He shoots me a stare while I smile at her, an arm offered to guide her to our new home. She said that she's doing well and to not worry, so let's not treat her like a liar.
"Having some company while we unpack would be wonderful. We're still awaiting our furniture, though, so the house is still empty. I hope you won't mind".
She sweetly links her arm with mine, and we begin our walk with Namjoon behind us, his grumpy frown on the mountain of heavy bags and luggage we left on the porch. I understand his unease about having her help us, but I also know that we should know better than to hold her back.
Her condition is one that we don't know much about other than that too many hybrids have died young, but she doesn't look that frail, and besides, she has a healthy complexion right now, that's more than enough for me at the moment.
I agree that the heavy bags are too much, though. As a man... I cannot let this pretty lady carry them for us.
"So, you said you moved here about a week ago" I ask her once we reach the front door. I enter the code on the tactile lock before turning the knob when it makes a sound, and I push it open for the very first time.
"Yeah... it's a long story but made short... a seer told my mother when I was young that coming here once I turned thirty would keep me healthy. Maybe she said so because she knew I'd meet my mates in Crimson Bay" she says that as if she only now made the links, and I hum as I inspect the house's interior.
We'll need to open some windows because of the stale air and the floor will need a good wash, but otherwise, it's really not that bad. A little dirty, but nothing some cleaning can't take care of in a day or two.
"Why did you and Namjoon move here, Hoseok?" she asks next as our burly mate pushes past us with the heaviest luggage first - he exhales roughly while putting it down and it echoes against the empty walls. Seeing that, Y/N also reaches the pile, eager to be of help.
I see Namjoon sharply turn around to stare at her with his breath held, only to release it when she grabs something light. I almost chuckle at the sight, but decide against it, knowing that his brain is on high alert right now.
He'd do everything himself if it was up to him, which it isn't. Is our other dragon mate the same? Yoongi, was it?
"It was actually on a whim" I answer her question smoothly as I walk besides her with my arms full of differently sized bags. She helps me to put everything down on the floor while Namjoon goes back outside to continue with his task, content to just listen as we talk.
"I saw pictures of Crimson Bay last week, and they came with a link attached to this house, for some reason. So we looked at it, and we couldn't shake off the feeling that it was there for us, that maybe starting anew here could be our next step in life. It all happened so fast, such big decisions made in the span of a few days".
She lets out a small laugh, and I smile at her with a growing sensation of adoration in the pit of my stomach.
"It's similar to my story. My family and I found the pictures last month, but we waited until after my birthday to have me move here. It was... very hard for them to let me go" she reveals softly, before grunting a little at the heavier bag she decided to carry in her arms.
That is, until Namjoon gently takes it from her once he notices.
"Leave the heavy ones to me, please" he murmurs with a pat to her head, and her face flushes slightly before she grabs the last smaller one. I grab the rest, happy to see that it didn't take us long thanks to her, or maybe it's because our dragon was intent on getting it done before she could get hurt.
"Why didn't they come with you?" I ask her upon closing the front door, a quick survey of the living room showing me a few windows that will need a good scrub later. I walk around and open all of them, thankful for the nice weather outside.
Having nowhere to sit right now, she leans against the wall next to the kitchen, hands in her pockets.
"Because my fate isn't theirs. I have to be here, but not them. This is my journey, my path to... I don't know where it'll lead me, actually. My family focused solely on the part that led us to believe I would be healthier here, but I rather like the independence that comes with it. I thought it would be scary, but it's actually not. And the air, the sights... I really like Crimson Bay, much more than the city".
I glance at her as she speaks, finding on her face a real relief at her new situation.
She likes the independence... did she have none back at home? That's all I can think about as I open the last window while Namjoon does the same in every other rooms. It's very dusty, we can see it in the air now, every little particles floating around us gathering like clouds.
The sight alone is suffocating, those windows will be open all night for sure.
"Crimson Bay is very beautiful, that's true. Maybe the seer said your health would improve here because there's not as much air pollution, the way the people live life feels different, too. Less stressful, there's no one rushing anywhere, it's peaceful".
She makes a sound, then nods her head, her purple horns almost shining thanks to the reflection of the outside light. She's beautiful, more so than any sights available in the world.
"You're right, that makes sense. Stress isn't good for my heart, so my family tried very hard to keep me from having to worry about anything. Here... Jimin and Yoongi are always by my side, but it's different. Not controlling, just... safe".
Hearing that makes me like them already. I normally would invite them to eat over for dinner, but the house isn't in a state for receiving guests just yet. Maybe we could eat out somewhere, so we can get to know each other.
Y/N suddenly begins to cough, too much dust getting in her lungs, and Namjoon nearly trips on his feet as he comes running to open the front door again.
"The air inside isn't good right now, stay close to the door" he says while guiding her to the porch with a secure arm over her shoulders, his nostrils flaring in nerves. He treats her as if she's so fragile, a little paper doll, but the blush on her cheeks reassures me.
If it made her uncomfortable for even just one second, I would be stepping in.
"Why don't you two go on a walk or something? The day is bright and warm and it would be a waste to spend it inside, just carry some water with you in case of dehydration. I'll stay for when the moving truck gets here" I offer, wanting nothing more than for them to get acquainted with each other.
I feel like I'll be doing all the talking otherwise, and that's not what I want for them.
Y/N and Namjoon look at each other, and small smiles are shared before they nod at me. "I have water bottles in the fridge at home, I'll get two" she chirps before running off to her place, which is to our left. I'll have to get used to the fact that we're neighbours. What a twist of fate that is.
"She's adorable" Namjoon blurts out from the entrance, already feeling in his entire soul that he would do anything and everything for her. Enamored would be a better word, he is utterly enamored with her already.
"She truly is" I muse softly. "And we have two more mates, she said. I hope we can meet them soon".
"Right, that's true".
I watch with a pleased sigh as he comes back inside to reach my side, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me close so he can press another kiss onto my nose, then lips. I melt in his warmth, his scent of firewood always so calming to my senses.
It's the aromatic smell of burning wood that spreads in the breeze at the end of a long day, but so much more loving and full of life. He pulls back so our noses bump onto one another, eyes shut, and we let ourselves enjoy this moment, one that feeds the soul and tends the heart.
"Thank you, Hobah, for finding this place. You led us straight to them" he murmurs against my lips, and I hum, eyes creasing as I press a kiss to his soft lips myself.
"Fate led us here, not me, but you're welcome, Joonie. Now go spend some time with our sweet girl and don't treat her like she could break with one wrong breath. She's an adult, so clearly she's overcome the worst of her hybrid condition, otherwise she wouldn't be running about right now".
His brows furrow slightly, lips pursed, but he nods nonetheless, a little sheepish as he glances at me with a pout. "Yeah, I'll be careful. It's just... you know how hard it is for me to not overdo it when it comes to my mates".
"Oh, trust me, I know" I tease my man before pushing him gently towards the door. "Get going, now, she's waiting for you outside. I'll call you when the truck gets here, but I think I'll be able to manage it on my own. You'll come back to a messy, but otherwise furnished house".
"As long as there's a bed to cuddle you into the night, that's all I need" he says with a grin before waving at Y/N from where she is outside, and I watch as he runs the last distance between them while I close the door behind him.
I put my hands on my waist once left alone, a determined huff pushed out before I get started with the cleaning. "It's just you and I, house, so prepare yourself for a deep cleaning. Today is assuredly the last day you'll be making my young mate cough".
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