You guys must be curious as to why I'm updating two different stories today (and a new one too!)!
I've come up with a new schedule, which is to update once every two weeks on Monday from now on, and since I have two tumblr blogs, it's one story each! So two different updates every two Mondays! I hope you enjoy this new story!
Crimson Bay.
Crimson Bay, the name of the place where I'm moving to.
Crimson Bay, where my new life is going to set roots, which is quite remote from home and family. An old boat is the only way to reach the town, and it takes around four hours from the mainland, with the wind and all that.
I stare out at the body of water around us, at the trees on each horizons, I feel the breeze sliding through my hair and against my skin, a cold bite to it that makes me glad I wore this jacket like someone recommended I do before boarding.
My short, pointy horns thrum slightly whenever some water splashes onto me, or is it because I'm getting closer to that new land? My dragon genes have been responding rather intensely to whatever is there, which I've found weird.
Could it be that I have a mate there? That would be surprising, but if fate really did have a say in my being here, then this kind of outcome would make sense. How else could I explain this?
When I was young, my mother, a vampire, went to see a seer for me. I was the only one in the family born a pure half-breed, meaning that I have equal amounts of dragon and vampire genes from my father and her, and she was worried about my future.
My older brother has our father's dragon genes while my older sister has mother's, but I have both, something that's rarely seen, if ever.
The known cases were all told to have a weak health, poor blood circulation, and some of them even died at a young age due to how fragile they were. I remember hearing my sister cry one day, fearing that the same would happen to me.
Mom and dad didn't know what that would mean for me, seeing as this could affect my entire life, but the seer had assured us that there would be nothing to worry about, as long as I moved to the Red Land, she'd called it. When I'd turn thirty, a boat would take me there, to my destiny.
It took us a long time to figure out what she'd meant by that, or where, but when we eventually stumbled upon pictures of Crimson Bay last month, when we saw the red dirt that made up more than half of the town's forest grounds, I immediately felt called to it, like my place had to be there.
The deep emerald green of the trees and plants and the colourful hues of flowers, the town's romantic streets and shops with the rustic ambiance, the people's relaxed lifestyle, it felt like I'd seen a glimpse of my future, and for a moment, I'd wondered why I wasn't there already.
My parents lost no time in packing my belongings on the eve of my birthday, and after spending one last day with my dear family, on the following morning, my brother drove me to the airport with my sister.
Eric and Solar did their best as they held in their tears while they hugged me tightly, but every strangers could see that they found it hard to say goodbye.
They were worried that I wouldn't have anyone there to look over me, that I wouldn't be able to get the regular amounts of mana and blood that my peculiar constitution requires, but dad apparently already called a clinic there, so I know that someone will be waiting for me for when I need anything.
One of the doctors working there is his old friends' son, who assured him that he would take good care of me. When I told them that piece of information, they were reassured, but still concerned. I've never been so far away on my own after all, and it feels weird to all of us.
Mana is easy to acquire, as it requires simple physical touch from a dragon, like a hand on my shoulder for example, which is how dad would do it.
It has to be a conscious decision from the other party, so it's not like I risk absorbing everyone's mana wherever I go, but since I cannot produce new mana myself, I need to receive it from someone who can produce it - like any full-fledged dragons - to remain healthy.
As for blood, the reason is similar, but I need it a lot more often, which is why I always have blood snacks and samples nearby. It keeps me from going on a blood crave, which could prove dangerous not only for me, but for those around me.
I know that mom packed some in one of my bags, but she didn't tell me which one so I haven't taken anything for... probably too long, but it should be fine. Once I make it to my new home, I can unpack and drink blood before taking it easy.
Anyway, once Eric and Solar went back home after saying goodbye, I took the plane all the way to the mainland's port where I boarded the small, rusty boat that has certainly seen better days, which is where I am now.
I sure didn't expect to be the only person going to Crimson Bay today.
"We'll be there soon, young lass. You have a lot of bags, I hope you have someone waiting for you with a car, otherwise it's going to be hard to go anywhere like that" the human captain speaks from where he's steering the vehicle, his trusty hat on his bald head and a candy stick in his mouth.
He's had it between his teeth for hours now and I can't help but wonder if it's only decoration or if it once was a candy. Still, I honestly hadn't thought about how I'd move around once we'd dock. Calling a taxi had been my first thought, but do they even have taxis there?
It's not that small of a town, so I should be fine. Right?
"I don't have anyone picking me up, if that's what you want to know" I reply as the boat begins to near the docks nearby, where a couple of men appear ready to help with docking and unloading the trade materials, "I thought I could just call a taxi?".
"You chose the only day when they're not working, lass. Taxi drivers don't take any customers on Sundays. Except me, of course, that boat won't drive itself. Do you have no other options, kiddo? Wouldn't want to leave you stranded in Crimson Bay on the first day".
Oh... well that changes things.
What do I do? I have five bags with me since my parents made me leave with all of my clothes and belongings. Moving everything onto the boat was a hassle, so I can't possibly carry all of that while walking to the house.
They bought one for me on some hills that overlooks the bay, so that would be the death of me.
Have they planned something and they just didn't tell me? That wouldn't be anything new. I should trust them for now, but I'll make sure to call them if it ends up that they didn't know about the no taxis on Sunday. What a strange rule.
"I'll have to see my options once we reach land, sir, but thank you for your concern".
The next half hour happens without a hitch, with the boat docking smoothly. It shows that the men working at the docks know what they're doing, and I can only be grateful when they help me to carry all of my bags to a clean area with seats and a warm campfire in the middle of the stone.
I thank everyone, then start warming up my hands by the fire when I sense that my body is already starting to feel weaker. Maybe I should've worn something warmer, but the temperature was hotter before I boarded the plane. I didn't know that it would be this cold around here.
The air is humid, as one would expect from a town situated right by the bay. I can't deny that I wouldn't mind being inside four walls right about now, with a blanket around my shoulders and a cup of tea in my hands. It looks like it might rain by the end of the day too.
My family would've fussed about my comfort and made sure I was somewhere dry and warm by now, but it's just me this time. Little old me, and this old little town. I'm going to have to take care of myself from now on, no matter how foreign of a concept that sounds to me.
Looking around, I take in the few shops on the other side of the street facing the docks. There's a coffee shop, a bakery and a restaurant side by side, with a souvenir shop a little further away. A few people can be seen walking around, but otherwise, it's a lot more silent than I thought.
The pictures showed Crimson Bay bustling with life, but either Sundays here are always like this, or it's the temperature that's making everyone want to stay at home for the day. I'll probably find out after a couple weeks of living here.
Man, I would've loved if my siblings were here with me. They always make things fun and less scary.
Waiting reveals itself to be useless when I soon realize that no one's going to come pick me up, and I search in my handbag looking for my phone while I see the boat leaving the docks again, with new materials that will see the other shore.
There's no going back now, so I'll just call dad to see what I could do and-
A sudden thrum echoes in my horns, and I pause my search to instead look around me again.
It feels like a wave of mana that's pushing out of me into the world, seeking something. There, it meets another wave of unknown mana that comes to greet my body and soul like an old friend, and I tense and freeze on the spot.
Like a heartbeat, it echoes all over my body, and my vampire senses open up to my surroundings on instinct, every smells around here filling my lungs in search of that special one, while my mana tickles over my skin, in search of that special pull.
I shouldn't know what it is that I'm looking for at this moment, and yet I feel like I do know.
Confused, because this is unlike anything I feel when I'm with my family - it's much stronger and intense - I look towards the black car that stops right in front of where I'm seated, breath held in as I wait to see who's inside, for every one of my senses push me in that direction.
The driver's door opens, and the smell of a forest hits me almost right away. Earthy, but there's a hidden sweetness underneath it all, and a spice to it. It has my body losing of its rigidness and tension in mere seconds, making me feel like cotton as a tall body then exits the vehicle.
Two sets of horns rest above pale temples and peeking out of black hair, white with strings of gold circling the length of the bony appendages. A dragon, there's no doubt about it, and when his coffee brown eyes fall on me, when I finally get to see his ethereal face, when our mana joins between us, I immediately turn into putty.
His scent is intoxicating, and my blood pulses in my veins with every beats of my heart, with every steps that he takes in my direction.
The pull that links me to him gains in solidity the closer he gets, and there's no looking away from the feline arch of his eyes as he looks me straight in the eyes, an intensity in his gaze that locks me where I am.
"You are... Y/N, right?".
I want to reply to him, to say that I am, to ask how he could possibly know my name, who he is, but the veins in his neck ultimately earn my attention and my brain turns silent.
I find them pumping blood so attractively underneath his skin, as if their unique goal is to captivate me, and his scent nearly has me salivating at the thought of the taste his blood would have on my tongue. My teeth would feel so cozy sinking into-
With a gasp, I quickly shake my head, hands patting my cheeks to pull the focus elsewhere, anywhere else but on that soft skin.
I can't possibly scare my mate right as we meet for the first time because my vampire side is trying to get a taste of his blood! That was part of the worst case scenarios my imagination could create, but to be so suddenly confronted to it like this was not something I was ready for.
Feeling my canines grow the slightest bit has me covering my mouth with a hand in shock, and I look down right as the impressive dragon reaches my seat, his feet and slender legs all I can see as I try to avoid making eye contact with him again.
This hadn't happened in months, what do I do? Usually, my family always knows how to help me when I reach that point, but they're not here this time. What will my mate say if he learns that I am both dragon and vampire? That I not only crave his mana, but also his blood?
His scent becomes more overwhelming the more I try to fight against my impulses, and I shut my eyes tightly as I revert to breathing between my teeth, if only to lower the impacts he's currently having on me.
My voice locks in my throat, my body starts to tremble slightly, and I inwardly curse that I can't warn him to stay away from me at such a crucial time.
Biting my own wrist would earn me maybe a few minutes, but as I am right now, I do not only want blood, I need it. To think that being near my mate could make me reach my limit so quickly, how terrifying is that? I thought I'd have time to make it home first!
"Hey, hey. You're okay, everything's okay. Look at me, sweetheart" his soothing, raspy voice speaks softly as he kneels in front of me, hands on my arms to share mana - how did he know? - but I shake my head, unable to do as he asked.
Have my eyes turned red? I can't let him see me like this when we just met, I just can't.
I feel the burn of tears in my eyes, but also the burn of my own blood as it races through my veins, seeking the new taste that lingers in front of me, within reach and yet so far away. Why is this happening now of all times?
"I'm Min Yoongi, the doctor of the local clinic, your father told you about me" the stranger says as he keeps his warm hands on my arms, to ground and to comfort me. "He told me everything I needed to know about your condition, so you don't need to hide from me, alright? I'm not scared of you".
The local... clinic? He's the doctor that dad mentioned?
My eyes open slowly, and with a hand still covering my pointy canines, I look up to find kindness in his gaze. Understanding, and empathy, but no judgement. The redness of my eyes doesn't even seem to faze him.
He hums at the sight, now knowing why I reacted the way I did.
"You didn't consume blood on the way, did you?" he asks, then sighs at my guilty shake of the head.
"That triggered your blood crave, and your dragon blood is making your impulses stronger, but you already know that, don't you?" he continues. "Can you please remove your hand from over your mouth for me?".
Spoken with so much authority, I can only listen to him at the moment, and he smiles gently when I hesitantly remove my hand to show him my two canines that poke into my bottom lip, eager to draw blood.
My identity is so uncommon that it can be stated as rare, to have one's instincts affected by two different races like this. Whether one's parents are of the same race, or of two different ones, the children will always inherit only one leading gene.
That's the norms, and what everyone expects, like my siblings. Eric inherited dad's dragon genes, and Solar mom's vampire genes. They still have both, but just like Eric isn't considered a vampire, Solar cannot be considered a dragon.
Having two leading genes means that the line that normally separates them has been dissolved, so not only do I have vampire teeth and a need for blood, I also have dragon horns and a need for mana.
Not only am I hot-blooded, I am also cold-blooded, which makes me more prone to sickness and fevers.
A lack of blood awakens my blood crave, and my dragon's side strengthens them, making it impossible for me to do anything until the need is taken care of.
My parents and siblings are usually by my side when that happens, so they can help by allowing me to feed off their wrists when it becomes too much and if we do not have blood snacks, but right now, I am all alone.
Everything's always less scary with family, but they're not by my side anymore.
My tears fall down my cheeks at that thought, and Yoongi's heart cracks open, seeing so clearly the fear in my eyes and in the wilt of my scent, roses drooping in a dying garden. He can only imagine what I must be going through right now.
Rolling up his sleeve has me tensing up all over again, and I look away when he brings his wrist closer to my lips.
"You need to drink blood, otherwise your crave will get worse. No one's watching, trust me, so please don't make things any more complicated for yourself" he implores when he sees that I'm not even considering what he's offering me, and instead opts to reveal an information that might help to convince me.
"We have a vampire mate at home, so I know what it's like to be bitten and I don't mind it one bit. His name is Jimin, and he's a very sweet mate. Sometimes twisted and cunning, but more often kind and sweet. I promise, biting won't hurt me, so drink before it gets too much for you".
I stare at him at those words, then at his wrist, now seeing there two punctures over his milky skin.
It looks recent, from a few days ago at most, so the tender wound would be easy for me to break again. The space between both canines looks similar to my own, so that wouldn't be a problem either, and it would make things less painful.
The skin pulses along his heartbeat, and my eyes zone in on the blue veins underneath, filled with that delicious blood that, I'm sure, tastes just as good as it smells. How bad is it that I want it that much? How can he be okay with that so easily?
My body begins to burn even more at the knowledge that feeding is nearly there, and I know that if I don't drink now, I will soon begin to hurt.
My family isn't overprotective of me for nothing, my constitution makes me weaker than if I'd been only a dragon or a vampire. Solar would've pushed her wrist under my teeth by force by now before cussing me out if she'd been here.
Damn it, why does this have to be the only way?
Softly, with a feeling of humiliation settled deep inside my guts, I take Yoongi's arm so his wrist nears my lips, and after one last glance at him to make sure that he's truly fine with this, I push my guilt aside to sink my teeth into his flesh.
The old wound breaks easily, and when his blood begins to pour out from around my canines, I make sure to not waste a single drop, eyes shut tight when a strong feeling of euphoria washes over me at the taste, soul relishing in every gulps that I take as if he is the best meal I was ever given until now.
It tastes like... green, if a colour had a taste. Soothing, peaceful, calming. But it's also spicy, but not the uncomfortable kind. It's a strong taste, like that of a tree with moss growing over the roots. Bitter? Not quite... it's a tinge of sweetness that makes my senses tingle pleasantly.
I count up to ten before forcing myself to pull out my teeth, and after awkwardly licking over the wound to seal it for a better healing, I slowly lets his arm fall to his side as I sink in on myself, ashamed of what I just did.
He's someone I just met, someone I barely know and who barely knows me. We might be mates, but it's still a shameful experience for me, for this isn't how I thought meeting one would go, not at all what I imagined.
Swallowing what remains of his blood in my mouth, my chin begins to wobble, and the next thing he knows, I'm bursting into tears, both of my hands back over my face to hide from everyone and everything.
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