Season 4 Chapter 5
Me and Max were in the kitchen with Holly. I had my headphones on reading a book Karen lent me. I took my headphones off Max did the same as Nancy sat down.
"Hey." Max started.
"Hi. You okay?" Nancy stated.
"Just couldn't sleep." Max answered as Nancy turned to look at me.
"Had a nightmare about Vecna getting me. And couldn't get back to sleep." I stated turning the page.
"People kept blasting music in our ears, for some reason. But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons. And Karen gave Alex a book to read. We've been having a fun, right, Holly?" Max asked.
"Mm-Hmm." Holly answered.
"Is this what you two saw last night?" Nancy asked.
"I mean, it's supposed to be. But it's better then what Alex drew." Max answered as I held up a terrible picture.
"This is why I'm sticking to science." I stated.
"I thought it'd be easier to draw it out than to explain it but...not so much." Max explained.
"Is that...?" Nancy asked.
"It was like they were on display or something. And then there was this red fog everywhere. It was like a dream. A nightmare." Max explained for us both.
"Do you think Vecna's just trying to scare you?" Nancy asked.
"With Billy and Sara? Yeah. But when we made it here... I dunno, something was different. He seemed surprised, almost. Like he didn't want us there." I explained.
"Maybe you two infiltrated his mind. He invaded both your minds, right? Is it a big leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his? Like Freddie Kruegr's boiler room." Dustin tried.
"Freddie Kruger?" Holly asked looking up at him.
"He's a super burned-up dude with razors for fingers. And he kills you in your dreams." Dustin answered.
"Way to go dumbass." I stated kicking his leg.
"Dustin, seriously?" Nancy asked him as she nodded to Holly.
"Sorry it's a movie. It isn't real. Just... think about it. What if you two somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna's world? Like, maybe the answer we're looking for is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing. God, we need Will." Dustin tried.
"No shit!" Max stated.
"We are in a shit position we need them all back!" I exclaimed.
"She has a point. We can't do shit with just one sister. Sorry Alex." Dustin stated looking at me.
"I will take that into offence and meant you want El and not me." I joked looking him in the eye.
"We need you both you two work better together." Nancy stated stopping the debate.
"But I tried them again this morning and it's the same busy signal." Max piped up.
"Is this a window?" Nancy asked showing me and Max.
"I think it was a window." I answered looking at Max.
"Yeah." Max said agreeing with me.
"Stained glass with roses." Nancy stated.
"Yeah see not so terrible after all." Max tells Dustin.
"Yeah well it looks like I've seen it before." Nancy stated as she started folding things up.
"Nance? You alright?" I asked heras I watched her. It turned out like a house.
"It's pieces of a house." Max stated.
"Not just any house." Nancy stated as she looked at me.
"The Creel House." I stated looking at her.
"Yeah. Victor Creel's house." Nancy stated standing up.
"Where are you going?" Dustin asked her.
"To wake up the others." She answered as I followed her down the stairs.
"Boys wake up!" I yelled running downstairs. We ran to the car. We pulled to the Creel house. We walked to the door. I felt Steve's hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, that's not creepy." Steve stated.
"It could be worse Vecna could be trying to kill us." I stated as he looked at me.
"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?" Steve asked as he looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders.
"We're not sure. We just know this house is important to Vecna." Nancy told him.
"Because the girls saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?" Steve asked.
"Well it's not stupid Steve if that is what you are thinking." I told him.
"Basically." Nancy stated.
"Wonderful." Steve stated. Max looked at me all confused.
"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the Creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for the girls." Dustin stated as they pulled down the door.
"He does have a point. I don't like having some demon riding my ass." I stated looking between the group.
"We don't think he's in here, do we?" Lucas asked trying to grab my hand. I pushed his hand away before he could. Steve noticed it.
"Guess we'll find out." Max stated as Lucas continues to look at me.
"Max, Alex. What are you doing in here, girls?" Vecna asked. I grabbed Max's hand as Steve tried the door.
"It's locked. Should I knock, see if anybodys home?" Steve asked. Max nodded at me.
"No need. Do we forget we have Alex?" Robin asked pointing to me.
"Move out my way." I stated pushing Steve away from the door. I used my powers to open the door.
"It was either that or a brick." Robin stated. I opened the door.
"Here we go. And I think my way was easier." I stated. We all walked into the house. Steve whistled as we got a better view of the house. It was a creepy looking house.
"Looks likes someone forgot to pay their electric bill." Lucas stated as I made a light flicker above us.
"Thanks for the light." Dustin stated before looking down at his flash light.
"Where'd everyone get those flashlights?" Steve asked.
"Do you need to be told everything?" Dustin asked him.
"You're not a child Steve." I told him.
"Thank you both." He answered.
"Huh." Dustin said looking away.
"It's alight anytime." I stated as Dustin took his backpack off,
"Back pocket, it's just in case you don't have Alex with you. Because Alex can't be everywhere." Dustin stated. I stayed by Max's side. I looked into a room Nancy and Robin was looking at.
"They just left everything." Nancy stated.
"I mean after the triple homicide do you blame them?" I asked her.
"I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value." Robin said agreeing with me.
"Hey guys." Max stated we looked at her.
"You okay Max?" I asked. We looked at where she was looking. "Shit." I muttered Max heard.
"You all see that right?" Max asked.
"Yeah." Dustin and Steve answered..
"Is this what you both saw? In your visions?" Nancy asked.
"Pretty much yeah." I answered.
"I mean, it's... just a clock. Right?" Robin asked us. She looked at the clock.
"I guess." I stated,
"Like a normal old clock." Robin pointed out.
"Why is a wizard obsessed with clocks? Maybe he's like a clockmaker or something?" Steve asked.
"I don't think a wizard would be a clockmaker Steve." I answered looking at him.
"I think you cracked the case Steve." Dustin stated agreeing with me.
"All I know is the answers are here. Somewhere. Okay everyone stay groups of at least two. Robin, upstairs." Nancy stated as Max grabbed my hand.
"Come on." Max told Lucas. He followed us.
"Alex I'm sorry for everything." Lucas tried.
"Yeah whatever." I stated putting my headphones on. I still held Max's hand. My song stopped and I guessed Max's did too. I made sure to make sure it was going to be back at the start.
"I wish we had a longer loop." Lucas said looking at me.
"Forty-six minutes isn't bad." Max answered for us. We both had a 46 minute loop of both of our songs. Just in case something happened.
"I think there are bigger concerns." I stated as Max looked at me.
"Like... What if, by listening to these songs over and over, we get sick of it, and suddenly it's not our favourites anymore." Max says.
"Don't stop believing will always be my favourite. No matter what. But will it still work? Or will Kate Bush and Journey, like, loose their magic or something?" I said looking at Max.
"Journey loose their magic? Never." Lucas said looking at me.
"You're a journey fan?" I asked him.
"Uh, yeah. Now I am." He answered.
"Really?" I asked him.
"Yeah, mega-fan. They... they saved your life. And Kate Bush is a good singer as well Max. Besides, we're hot on this creep's trail. We're gonna find Vecna and kill him Bedford he even thinks about messing with you again. All right? (He puts his hand on Alex's shoulder) In fact, I bet if we hit these suckers in the right combo, we might just open a door to his secret lair. (Plays a bad tune making me laugh) Voilà." He states as Max pushes me closer to him. I laugh.
"You are so much more of a dork then last year. (Laughs) I thought you were, like, one of the cool kids now." I stated.
"So I'm not cool?" Lucas asks me making me laugh.
"You are cool to me." I stated laughing.
"I really missed that." He stated looking at me.
"Missed what?" I asked.
"Your laugh. I missed you while you've been in California." He stated. My Cassatt player beeped.
"All done. (I pressed play) Work your mastic, Journey." I stated before hearing a sound. A light was going off. "Do you see that?"
"Yeah," Lucas asked me as I tried to touch the light. But when I went to it turned off. I heard another sound. Lucas tapped me on the shoulder. "Look." He pointed to another room where the light turned on. We walked outside to see what was happening. The electricity was acting up.
"Where Max?" I asked looking at Lucas.
"I think she walked off to find the others. Giving us time to ourselves." Lucas answered. We found the others we were all stood together looking at one of the lights. I gripped Lucas's hand tight.
"I promise I'm not doing that." I stated.
"It's like the Christmas lights." Nancy said making me chuckle.
"The Christmas lights?" Robin asked us.
"Yeah, when Will was in the Upside Down, the lights... came to life." I answered.
"Vecna's here. In the house. Just on the other side." Lucas said as the light turned off.
"I think he just left the room." Robin stated.
"Did he hear us?" Max asked.
"Can he see us?" Steve asked. I felt Steve tap my shoulder before pointing to my headphones.
"Max headphones." I stated before putting them on myself. Max followed my lead.
"Wait wait. Everyone turn off your flashlights and spread out. Alex don't turn lights on yet." Nancy stated.
"We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash...lights." Steve said as Lucas tapped me to follow him. I followed him out of the room. We explored the house.
"I got him. Got him. I got him." Robin yelled. I felt Max tap my shoulder before we run into where Robin was.
"Where is he?" I asked looking around the room.
"I had him." Robin stated. The light went into Steve's torch.
"Oh, whoa. I think he's moving. He's moving. He's moving." Steve stated we all a followed him out of the room.
"The question is to where?" I asked. We go up the stairs when the light turns off.
"Shit. I lost him." Steve stated as Max tapped me and pointed.
"No, you didn't." Max stated opening the attic staircase.
"It's an attic. Of course it's an attic." Robin stated as me and Max led the group up the stairs.
"Hold up, guys. What if he's leading us into a trap? Guys. Guys." Dustin stated. I didn't hear what he said after that. We got into the attic. Lucas grabbed my hand as we looked around. The light was going crazy.
"Flashlights." Dustin stated as everyone puts their flashlights up to the light. I felt Steve put his arm round me as we did it.
"Okay, what's happening?" Steve stated. All of our lights were going crazy.
"I can't say for sure." I answered. The lights got worse. I felt Steves grip on me tighten. All the lights started braking. We all flinched back. It suddenly went super dark in the attic.
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