Chapter 8 Season 3: The Battle Of Starcourt
The screaming and sobbing from El made me hurt inside. El wails in pain which made me whimper. I didn't like it when El is hurt. I can hear the flesh sizzling.
"What is that?" Erica asked.
"There's something in there." I said pointing to her leg.
"No!" El exclaimed.
"Jesus Christ." Dustin panicked.
"Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" Jonathan asked. He runs off to find something.
"Jesus Christ." Dustin yelled. Jonathan grunts, jumping over the counter of Imperial Panda he looks through the drawers, panting he exhales sharply as he finds gloves, and heats up a knife to sterilize it.
"Hey, hey, hey. Stay awake, stay awake. Let's get her on this side, on this side. Easy, easy, easy, easy." Mike tried.
"I know how to handle my sister you idiot," I yell to Mike shutting him up. We carefully move her so she's sat up slightly leaning against me. I didn't mind.
"(trying to play it calmly to calm El down) It's, uh... You know, it's not actually that bad. There was a... The goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the bone came out of her knee, six inches or something there was blood everywhere, it was insane." Robin tried I just looked at her.
"Robin!" Steve piped up.
"Yeah?" Robin asked.
"You're not helping here!" Steve answered.
"I'm sorry..." Robin answered. I could hear running footsteps as Jonathan runs back over with the knife and gloves.
"Okay. All right, El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" Jonathan asked. I didn't let go of her hand.
"(sobs) Okay." El answered.
"(puts on gloves) I need you to stay really still. Here, you're going to want to bite down on this, okay?" Jonathan asked as he passed her a wooden spoon and I grabbed her hand.
"Jesus Christ!" Dustin says. Eleven whimpers, putting the spoon in her mouth gripping my hand.
"Holy shit. Holy shit." Dustin yelled. Jonathan readies the knife. Mike looks at me and I nod slightly.
"Do it." I pipe up.
"Okay." Jonathan answered. Dustin shifts on the floor uncomfortably. Eleven screams as the knife entered her leg. The screaming continues. Nancy passed out on the floor and suddenly regained conscienceless 10 seconds later.
"Oh, shit!" Dustin yelled. As Jonathan finishes the incision, El screams, nearly sobbing. Eleven screeches in pain as Jonathan puts his fingers into the cut. Eleven whimpers and sobs as she grips my hand tighter, I kissed the side of her head for support.
"Jonathan!" Nancy cried.
"Stop talking!" Jonathan exclaimed, "I need to concentrate Nancy!". Eleven screams as his fingers move, trying to catch the moving creature.
"Goddamn it!" Jonathan yelled.
"(spits out the spoon) No! Stop it! Stop! Please, just stop!" El begged. Jonathan pulls away when Nancy puts a hand on him.
"(grunts) Let Alex do it. She can do it." El said. El sits up crying and nods at me. There was low frequency vibration I start using my powers on the thing. El wails into my stomach.
"Ouch!" El screams through gritted teeth. The vibrations intensify.
"God!" I screamed. The creature chittering, close to the surface. El continues to wail into my stomach I start screaming. The screaming continues, accidentally breaking the nearby shop window Max wails as the glass breaks and falls. Eleven's screaming continues and it is mixed with my screaming. The creature shrieks as it is finally removed. My scream continues as I throw it away from us I grunt slightly. The creature chitters painfully it starts crawling away, screeching a heavy boot comes down on it. I stand up with a bit of pain and lift my hand up not looking up trying to get my balance. Everyone looks over at the people that have arrived in Starcourt I drop my hand when I realised it was dad. I tried to run to him but end up falling into Joyce's arms. They clean up Eleven's wound and all sit down around the fountain my head was in dads lap.
"The Mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins, to stop El and Alex, to kill them and pave a way into our world." Mike explained.
"And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it." Nancy carried on.
"How big is this thing?" Dad asked.
"It's big. [murmurs] Thirty feet, at least." Jonathan answered.
"Yeah. It sorta destroyed our cabin." I mention. "Sorry Dad."
"At least my two girls are alright," Dad says before sighing I nodded weakly and El smiled.
"Okay, so, just to be clear, this... this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El and Alex, it's some kind of gigantic... weapon?" Steve asked.
"Yes," Nancy answered.
"But instead of, like, screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon... with melted people." Steve carried on.
"Yes, exactly." Nancy states.
"Yeah, okay. I- Yeah, I'm just making sure." Steve carried on.
"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Joyce asked.
"These two girls beat the shit out of it, but, yeah, it's still alive..." Max answered.
"But if we close the gate again-" Will starts.
"We cut the brain off from the body." Max finishes.
"And kill it, theoretically," Lucas stated I smiled at him.
Yoo-hoo!" Murry cheers he walks over from wherever he was, papers rustling. "Yoo-hoo! [puts down the papers] Okay, this is what Alexei called "the hub." Now, the hub takes us to the vault room."
"Okay, where's the gate?" Dad asked.
"Right here. I don't know the scale on this, but I think it's fairly close to the vault room, maybe 50 feet or so." Murry tried Erica looked at me for permission to go on off him and I nodded.
"More like 500." Erica piped up. Murray looks at Erica as if to say 'who left this sassy small child here?'. "What, you're just gonna waltz in there like it's commie Disneyland or something?"
"I bet you're glad me and El are not sassy." I laugh slightly and dad nodded laughing as well.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Murry asked Erica. I stood up and walked to her slowly.
"Erica Sinclair. Who are you?" Erica asked.
"Murray... Bauman." Murry answered.
"Listen, Mr. Bunman, I'm not trying to tell you how to do things, but I've been down in that shithole for 24 hours. And with all due respect, you do what this man tells you, you're all gonna die." Erica explained.
"I'm sorry, why is this four-year-old speaking to me?" Murry asks I look at him.
"Um, I'm ten, you bald bastard!" Erica says giving me a high five.
"Erica Alex!" Lucas exclaims.
"Just the facts!" I answer smiling at Erica.
"She's right. You're all gonna die, but you don't have to. Excuse me. Sorry, may I?" Dustin asked.
"Please." Murry answered.
"Okay, see this room here? This is a storage facility. There's a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system. That will lead you to the base of the weapon. It's a bit of a maze down there, but between me and Erica, we can show you the way." Dustin explained.
"You can show us the way?" Dad asked.
"Don't worry, you can do all the fighting and the dangerous hero shit, and we'll just be your... navigators." Dustin tried.
"No. Nope." Dad answered. They prepare and dad loots the dead Russians like it's a round of Fortnite dad cocks assault rifle.
"Well, that settles it. He's gonna die. They're gonna die." Erica pipes up from next to me.
"Yep, most likely." Dustin answered.
"You guys survived." Lucas piped up.
"Barely. We could've really used you guys down there." Dustin said.
"Could've used you up here, too." I said looking at Dustin.
"Yeah, man. We missed you, dude." Lucas said.
"Yeah. Big-time." Will piped up.
"[hugs them] I missed you guys, too. Big-time." Dustin said hugging the party.
"Please don't cry, nerds." Erica said.
"Erica." Me and Lucas said in unison.
"Keep saying my name, see what happens." Erica said.
"Hey, heads up. [throws a radio to Dustin] You can navigate, just from someplace safe." Dad said.
"It's not that simple." Dustin said.
"The signal won't reach." Erica carried on.
"Not with this. You need something with a high enough frequency band to relay with the Russians' radio tower. But for that to work, you need someone who has both seen their comms room and has access to a super-powered handcrafted radio tower, one preferably already situated at the highest point in Hawkins. Oh, wait. That's me. If you want us to navigate, you got us. But we need a head start. And a car." Dustin said. Me dad and El were sat together El had one of Sara's hair ties in her hair. I held one of dad's hands El held the other.
"Our battery's low, but..." El started.
" will recharge." I carried on.
"I know it will, kids. I know." Dad said.
"We can fight." El said making Dad smile.
"Better than any of us. But right now, I need you safe. This thing is after you. It's not after me. Do you understand? Hey... I need you to understand." Dad said El nods slightly, they both look like they're about to cry I was already crying slightly.
"[quietly] Okay?" Dad asked as I hugged him tight.
"Hey. We should probably go." Mike says Dad sighs El joins the hug and dad murmurs as we hold each other. El lets go and stands up, helped by Mike Lucas and Max, leaving dad sat with me not letting go.
"Hey. Hopper you're daughters are badasses like real badasses." Lucas pipes up.
"I mean I have to be." I pipe up.
"Alex get's it from me and El gets it from Alex." Dad says. "But why do you say this?"
"Alex almost sacifsed herself for El." Lucas answers dad looks at me.
"What remember that gun you hid for any danger?" I asked dad nodded. "I slipped under this creature to get the gun." Dad laughs.
"Mike? Be careful." Dad said the he let out a big sigh and gave my hand to Lucas. Mike nods and heads off with Jonathan, Will, Nancy, Eleven, Lucas, me on Lucas's arm and Max. El grunts in pain as Mike and Max help her walk. I was leaning my head on Lucas's shoulder.
"El, you're bleeding." Max says.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah." El answered.
"Here." Max said.
"Okay." Mike answered. Max gets the door for Eleven and Mike helps her in. I was sat on Lucas's lap since there wasn't enough room.
"Here." Mike said. El groans slightly.
"Lay down." I suggest. El whimpers the engine sputters.
"What's wrong?" Jonathan asked.
"I don't... I don't know." I answered. The engine was sputtering again.
"You can't be serious. Come on!" Nancy yells.
"Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas asked.
"Yes. I'm sure it's fine." Nancy answered.
"Did you leave the lights on?" I asked.
"No." Nancy answered.
"Do we have gas?" Lucas asks.
"Yes!" Nancy yells. The engine sputters again. "Come on!"
"[stops her] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Just stop, stop! Pop the hood." Jonathan suggested. He gets out hood latch clunks Nancy gets out too.
"What the hell?" Jonathan asked.
"What?" Nancy asked.
"The ignition cable's gone." Jonathan answered. A car engine roaring they turn to see who it is. A car's lights turn on, the engine revving as soon as I got out ominous synth music playing he engine was revving we all could see that Billy had arrived. The engine revving louder] Max gasps when she saw. The revving continues again and again. Nancy suddenly bangs on the car door window, scaring the crap out of Lucas and Will which made me laugh she opens the doors so the kids can run out.
"Back in the mall! Back in the mall! Go! Go, go, go!" Nancy yelled.
"(yells) I should of aggreged to do track club it would of been needed." I yelled running as fast as I could. Mike and Max carry Eleven inside.
"Be careful with my sister!" I yelled to the two carrying El.
"Go! Go!" Nancy yelled. The revving continues loudly.
"Go, go, go!" Nancy and Jonathan yelled. The revving continues as we reach the mall.
"We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation." Mike tried his comms Lucas is practising with his wrist rocket.
"Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us. He has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. Repeat: Billy has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall." I say into the comms. Mike looked at me and chuckled. Nancy loots another guard for his gun and checks the magazine.
"Scoops Troop..." Mike tried again. I sit next to Will and Max to watch Nancy.
"You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" Max asked.
"This is just a precaution, okay?" Nancy questioned answered.
"And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer." Will states.
"Scoops Troop, I repeat, we are in need of emergency transportation. Do you copy?" Mike continues trying. The radio static hissing. "Scoops Troop, do you copy?" We all look at the car El threw into the Russians.
"No chance that thing'll drive, right?" Nancy asked.
"Steve, do you copy?" Mike asked.
"We don't need it to drive." I answered.
"Dustin!" Mike tried again I pointed my hand to where Mike was and turned his walkie talkie off.
"We just need the ignition cable." Jonathan said I walked over to where Will and El were. They go to the car and try to turn it over, all straining.
"Push!" Jonathan yelled metal squealing could be heard straining continues which makes me laugh glass shatters as the car falls back down.
"Shit!" Will said.
"Let us try." El said pointing between me and her.
"[panting] El Alex..." Both Mike and Lucas said she limps forwards slightly with my help. Mike sighs and they all move out of the way there was low frequency vibration. I could hear metal buckling and me and El both gasps the metal squealing was pretty loud. There was strained breaths from me and El the metal squealing again but louder El was panting worse then what I was. The vibration intensifies Me and El yells. Everyone straining to turn the car over.
"Push!" Jonathan yells I was sat next to El trying something. I could hear the metal squealing they get the car to stay on its side, grunting and panting.
"All right, great. All right, now, all the way. Ready? Three, two, one... Push!" Jonathan carried on. They were straining for breaths.
"Told you. Physics." I could tell Mike was being weird. They get down and Nancy and Jonathan try to open the hood.
"How do we get it open?" Nancy asks.
"Uh, there should be a latch. Check under the wheel. You see it?" Jonathan asks.
"I don't know, hold on." Nancy answered. I can tell Max isn't looking at the car.
"What are they doing?" Max asked. Mike and Lucas exhales sharply and turns to look at El and I. El is looking through a trash can I was looking through the one next to it. She finds a Coke can and puts it down I copy her but with pepsi. I could hear the high frequency vibration coming from me and El. The vibration intensifies as we keep trying to crush the cans. Mike Lucas and Max walk over.
"[echoing] El. Alex." I heard from behind me. The vibration stops.
"Are you okay?" Lucas asks. Jonathan grunts as he opens the hood.
"Do you see it?" Nancy asks.
"I don't know. It should be right here. Distributor, distributor..." Jonathan trailed off. I looked around. Will feels goosebumps on his neck with the fluttering sound there was a distant rumbling my battery percentage for power was fully charge so I was in front of the party before they realised I was. Max looks up and sees a shadow walking across the skylight] we could hear pounding footsteps.
"Mike." Max yelled. I could see the skylight glass clinking. The monsters footsteps continue Mike looks up and gasps.
"Got it." Jonathan yelled.
"Nancy!" Mike screams. I could hear the creature snarling Mike grabs Eleven and runs.
"Come on!" Mike yelled I jumped onto the foutine and slid across it as the glass was shattering.
The creature falls through the ceiling, shrieking it started snarling. I stood up and got in front of the others. It 'looks' around slightly, roaring the creature has somehow figured out how to use the radio after never using one before, roaring it throws the radio and breaks it.
"Bitch." I mumbled. Lucas, Will, Nancy and Jonathan are hiding behind the car.
"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop. Please confirm your safety! Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Please confirm your safety! Are you en route to Bald Eagle's nest?" I could hear Dustin's voice. Dustin continues indistinctly. The creature was roaring pretty loud.
"Please confirm your safety! Someone, please just answer. Is anyone there?" Dustin asked. Will shudders. "Just answer! Anyone, please..." The radio transmission garbles the creature starts moving around, hunting for Eleven but probably wouldn't mind eating one of the others as a snack while he hunts I could hear El panting. The creature snarling clearly looking for us. It was growling pretty loud the bit that was in Eleven's leg makes a chittering noise as it joins with the creature I just looked confused. The sound of the creatures roars were pretty loud. El was still panting as I hid behind the counter.
"[distorted transmission] Griswold Family, do you copy? Griswold Family, do you copy?" Dustin tried again. The creature is still roaring, hissing and snarling whatever he could do it should have grown eyes as it missed El and I and moves in the other way, snarling the creature growling as it nears the car I stood up slightly still not being caught and chucked something off the ground in the opposite direction of the car. The squelching footsteps could be heard running towards whatever I threw the snarling still was loud Nancy watches the creature throw away a dead guard in the wing mirror of the car, panting, as I sent him flying in a different direction. The creature growling could be heard meaning I made it hit something.
"It's turned away. If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it." Mike says.
"No way, not with El's leg." Max pipes up.
"We have to try." Mike states I roll my eyes at him. "Got a better plan?"
"There's another way... to get out. Through the Gap." I say smirking. The creature snarling was getting on my nerves.
"[panting] [whispers] Okay. Now." Mike said. We were all panting as we run into the Gap. We run over the broken window, broken glass clinking every time we walked. Max gasps, knocking over a handbag that wasn't there before. The creature turns to face the Gap after hearing Max gasp, not the clinking glass, and roars the creature moves towards us, screeching and growling it was snarling and screeching, it moves as far as it can into the store it releases some tentacles to search the store as it is too heckin lorge, the tentacles screeching I turned my noise up in disgust. The creature was still snarling tentacle chitters, screeches and roars when it sees El's shirt it has been played for a fool as Eleven had bought her shirt at the Gap and the tentacle has gone and attacked a mannequin. The creature snarls and throws the mannequin away it nearly lands on Mike, him, El and Max panting as I knelt down for a second. The creature was lowing for some reason the tentacle squealing as it searches for something the tentacle chitters, and snarls could be heard. The tentacle screeching was the most disturbing noise ever. The creature snarls. I forgot about Lucas I snuck around the creature managing to chuck it away a few times into a few walls.
"Oh, shit." I heard Jonathan say as I walk up to them. Lucas grabs his wrist rocket, panting.
"What are you doing?" I asked when I got to them.
"Don't worry baby." He told me. I stood up still hidden trying to help the other three. The tentacle was hissing every time I hit it. The tentacle screeches, close to Eleven, Mike and Max but I didn't realise. Lucas readies the wrist rocket and for some reason closes his eyes which he needs to aim. I sat down charging myself up a bit. The tentacle is literally pulling a velociraptor in Jurassic Park move, screeching beside Mike I used a bit of my powers to chuck it across the room. Lucas aims at a balloon and pops it, ducking back down the creature turns and snarls the creature was screeching pretty fucking loud. The tentacle squeals and shoots back to the creature Jonathan watches the creature move away from the Gap.
"Go! Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Jonathan yelled. Our part of the Griswold family run into a nearby store
"Let's go." Mike said. Everyone went to the runnels they run off into the tunnels as I was not for behind. Both groups run through the tunnels we managed to run up some stairs. The Griswold Family run out of the shopping center.
"Go, go, go!" Jonathan yelled. Billy's car engine revs. Fuck the loud revving could be heard.
"Shit." I cursed.
"Get the car started. Go!" Nancy yelled to Jonathan.
"This is not how I planned my life would be." I mumbled. Nancy cocks her gun and I pull out the one I had in my pocket. Jonathan tries to turn on the engine, the engine sputtering.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come on." Jonathan complained. The engine revs. Billy starts his car, the tires screeching.
"Come on." Lucas yells.
"We gotta go!" I scream. Nancy shoots at Billy's car, smashing the windshield.
"Come on!" Jonathan exclaimed. Billy's car gets closer.
"We gotta go!" Lucas screams holding my hand tight. Nancy gasps and tries to move out of the way the Todfather enters the chat and crashes into Billy's car at the last second, moving it out of the way. I could tell Steve and Nancy was panting Billy's car sets on fire.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks Robin.
"Ask me tomorrow?" Robin asks. I could hear the creature snarling. "[gasps] Oh, shit!" The creature appears on the roof of Starcourt, snarling and growling it started roaring loud. Car horn honking, Nancy's car parks suddenly beside them.
"Get in!" I scream to Steve and Robin. The creature was roaring as Steve and Robin get in the car.
"Go, go, go, go!" Lucas screamed.
"Go, go, go!" Steve yells. The creature screeches as Jonathan drives off, leaving Eleven, Max and Mike behind as they're not in the car the creature climbs down off the roof, roaring it follows the car. My coms started going off with Dustin's and a girls voice. I guessed it was Suzie.
"Dusty-bun, you copy?" Suzie asked.
"I copy, Suzie-poo. It sounds much better now, thanks." Dustin answered.
"Suzie." Me Robin and Steve say in unison.
"Okay, so, listen..." Dustin trailed on.
"What type of name is Dusty-bun?" I asked laughing pretty hard.
"Do you know Planck's constant?" Dustin asked. I listened trying not to laugh.
"Do you know the Earth orbits the sun?" Suzie asked.
"Even I know this and I don't really listen." I mumble.
"[snickers] Okay, so I know it starts with two sixes, and then a... W-What is it?" Dustin aske not hearing me.
"Okay, let me just be clear on this. I haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know so you can... save the world?" She asked I snickered.
"Suzie-poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible." Dustin answered.
"You can make it up to me now." Suzie states.
"What?" Dustin asked.
"I want to hear it." Suzie answers.
"Not right now." Dustin tried.
"Yes, now, Dusty-bun." Suzie insist.
"Suzie-poo, this is urgent." Dustin continues.
"Yes, yes, you're saving the world, I heard you the first time, but Ged is also saving Earthsea and he's about to confront the shadow, so this is Suzie, signing off." Suzie states.
"Wait, wait, wait! Okay. Okay. Okay." Dustin states. "Shit. [sighs] ♪ Turn around ♪"
"♪ Look at what you see, In her face ♪" Dustin sings. Steve and Robin look concerned and confused. I'm just laughing my head off. The creature is still chasing them and you can see it through the rear window between Steve and Robin. " ♪ The mirror of your dreams ♪"
"♪ Make believe I'm everywhere ♪! Suzie joins in.
"♪ Given in the light ♪" Dustin continues singing which makes me laugh.
"♪ Written on the pages is, The answer to, A never-ending story ♪" Suzie continues. "♪ Reach the stars, Fly a fantasy ♪" Me Will and Lucas have joined in Steve and Robin's confusion. They all look at Jonathan and Nancy as if to say, 'is this what couples do?' "♪ Rhymes that keep their secrets will ♪"
"Never get me to sing a song ever." I whisper to Lucas.
"Why it seems cute." He answered.
"I can't sing for one." I answer.
"Yes you can I heard you." Lucas carried on. I just looked at him and kissed his cheek laughing. The creature shrieks and turns back.
"It's turning around." Steve said.
"What?" Steve asked.
"It's turning around!" Steve exclaimed.
"Maybe we wore it out." Lucas suggested.
"I don't think so. Hold on." Jonathan answered. Robin screams as Jonathan suddenly turns the car around.
"EL." I screamed. The creature wails as a firework suddenly goes off on its back. I walk into view. "Flay this, you ugly piece of shit! Stay away from my sister." I chucked another firework, the creature screeching more fireworks hit it, the creature screeching fireworks crackling, Jonathan and Nancy also throwing them.
"Hey, asshole! Over here!" Steve yells then grunts, throwing a firework. Will grunts and throws a firework the creature wails. Billy groans as I stop him. Steve grunts, throwing another firework the creature wails Billy groans, forced to the ground by how much pain he's in. I run down to El and the others the creature screeching Billy groans. The creature screeching in pain fireworks whistling Billy screams El tries to crawl away, panting.
"Alex." I heard El scream. She screams when Billy grabs her and drags her back to the creature. El was screaming. I was nocked on the ground by Billy. I let out a puff of pain before standing up. I wiped the blood from the side of my head before putting my hand up ready to use my powers. The creature was roaring not far from me. The creature was snarling pretty loud.
"We're almost out!" Will screamed.
"I know!" Lucas screamed back. I quickly got my comms and turned it on.
"Dustin! We're out of time!" I screamed to Dustin.
"Hurry! Close it now!" Dustin screamed to dad. Max wakes up in the tunnels, that was a very strong backhand from Billy.
"Mike... Mike. [tries to wake him up] Mike. Mike. Mike. Mike, get up. Mike, can you hear me? Mike! Mike!" Max screams. Mike whimpers "Hey, come on. You okay?"
"Where's El?" Mike asked. The creature roaring could be heard frim a mile away. El was panting while I tried to get my breath back Billy winces not to far away from us. El whimpers next to me reaching for my hand. El screams and falls in the void with me. Young Billy and his mom laughing.
"Leave me alone!" Young Billy yells.
"Stop it!" Billy's mom yelled.
"Mom!" Young Billy yelled.
"This is your new sister." Billy's dad said pointing to a young Max.
" least seven feet." Young Billy said to his mom. There was distorted screaming.
"Seven... feet." El piped up and gasps. There was fireworks crackling around us.
"You told her... the wave was seven feet." I finished.
"Woo! Yeah!" Billy's mom cheered in the flashback and laughs. El cries as I try not to.
"You ran to her, on the beach." I speak up. There was a flashback of laughing.
"There were seagulls." El carries on. There was flashback of squawking.
"She wore a hat..." I carrie on. Billy sniffles in front of us.
"...with a blue ribbon." El finished my sentence. Billy gasps at the memories.
"A long dress... with a blue and red flower. Yell- Yellow sandals, covered in sand. She was pretty." I continue. A flashback of laughing came to us.
"She was really pretty. And you... you were happy." El finishes. Billy closes his eyes, a single tear falling which set a few tears to fall down from me. It goes over to Billy and El, snarling and roaring. Roaring continues as Max and Mike appear. The creature was screeching which gave me a headache. Its mouth opens and a tentacle comes out, snarling and roaring. El tries to back away on the ground I managed to stand up slightly limping to El. The tentacle shoots at El but Billy catches it.
"No!" Billy screams. Billy yells, holding it back Max watches in shock as the creature keeps screeching I fall back whimpering as my wrist hit the ground. Billy yells more tentacles appear, the creature shrieking a tentacle attaches itself to Billy's side, Billy screams in pain. The creature screeches as another tentacle attacks Billy. Billy screams as another two tentacles grab him and lift him into the air Max watches in horror, El in shock as I start crying. The creature lowers Billy to his knees, roaring Billy screams, blood coming out of his mouth, a true Boromir of this situation the creature pierces his chest with a sixth tentacle, roaring.
"Billy!" Max screams. Billy grunts as the sixth tentacle retreats from his body the other five tentacles also retreat, Billy falling to the ground as a martyr. The creature reels back, screeching snarling, it wildly attacks anything around it but not El and Alex as too many people have died this day Steve and Robin duck on the second floor of the mall to avoid its legs, the creature roaring groaning, it falls to the ground. Steve and Robin get up and look at the creature the creature makes a weak snarling sound which is akin to a machine powering down the creature is no more. I stand up with my hand holding my right wrist whimpering. El was panting next to me. Mike runs over to her I look for Lucas not seeing him.
"El." Mike yells
"Mike!" El yells. El sobs and whimpers, hugging Mike close Max walks over I notice Billy on the ground.
"Billy?" Max asked I looked over and ran to Max's side not caring about my wrist. Billy coughing on the ground Max kneels beside him.
"Billy. Billy, Billy, get up, please. Billy, get up, please, please." Max begs.
"I'm sorry." Billy says looking at us mainly Max.
"Billy..." Max whimpers. I kneel next to her holding her close. Billy exhales sharply and dies.
"[shaking him] Billy. Billy. Billy, wake up. Billy, get up. Please, Billy... [sobs] Billy! Billy... [sniffles] Billy..." Max begs. El pulls me and Max into a hug.
"I'm sorry." I manage. Max was sobbing into my neck.
"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." El tries. The sirens wailing as the mall goes up in flames. We were already outside.
"Hey, come on, let's go! Go, go!" The fireman yelled. Several firemen run inside to check for anyone inside and to put out the fire. There was indistinct radio chatter. Soldiers march Joyce and Murray outside. There was sirens wailing. Joyce looks around for the kids and sees Will sat in the back of an ambulance with the other kids. She sees Alex being treated by one of the people in the ambulance. Alex was having her wrist looked at and wrapped in a bandage. Joyce sobs as Will runs to her and hugs her. I look for dad.
"Thank God!" Joyce mumbles.
"Dad! (yells)Dad please don't mess with me." I yelled looking for dad. Joyce looks up and sees me and El looking for dad. There was helicopters flying overhead. Joyce sobbing Eleven looks at Joyce from Joyce's look, she realises that Hopper has gone. El nudges my arm and points to Joyce. I realised dad didn't make it. I brake down crying harder then before. El shakes her head and starts crying in my arms in the rain.
"(screams) noo." I screamed in pain. I lost my mom when Sara died now I lost dad. I didn't notice a pair of arms lifting me up and pulling me into his chest. I realised it was Lucas and I put my arms around him crying into his shirt.
It had been three months since losing dad. It had been the worst three months of my life. Joyce had take me and El in after his death but it still didn't help me trying to get over him. Me and El was in a room we shared for the past three months, El packs her clothes away I was hugging a teddy dad given me. I was wearing one of dad's shirt so was El. We both missed him. El reaches up to grab a teddy bear, strains and sighs. She tries using her power weak high frequency vibration vibration intensifies then stops El pants, no nosebleed. I use my powers which was back to get the teddy down. She smiled at me. I nodded at her smiling and went back to looking at the bear in my hands.
"They'll come back. I know they will." Mike said.
"Thanks." We answered he gave a sad smile my way.
"You packed your walkie, right?" Mike asked us.
"Hey I have my walkie if ever needed idiot." I answered.
"Yes." El answered.
"Because you know that I'm gonna steal Cerebro from Dustin and call you so much, you're gonna have to turn it off, right? Lucas might do the same." Mike carried on. We all chuckle.
"Did you talk to your mom? About Thanksgiving?" El asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got the okay. I'll be there. And then I was thinking maybe you could come up here for Christmas. And Will, too. You can come before or after Christmas, or whatever Mrs. Byers wants, but I was thinking Christmas Day could be super fun, because we'd all have cool new presents to play with and, uh... [chuckles] Sorry, that made me sound like a seven-year-old." Mike tries.
"I like presents, too." El says. Lucas walked in and sat next to me pulling me into his chest.
"Who don't like presents if you don't I despise you." I say making everyone laugh.
"Yeah, cool. Yeah. I like- I like presents, too." Mike tries making me laugh.
"Cool." El answers she starts walking out of the room and turns around, looking at what she sees, the need to say something in her face.
"Mike?" She asks I gave her a nod telling her to carry on.
"Yeah?" Mike asked.
"[sighs] Remember that day... at the cabin, you were talking to Max and Alex?" El asks.
"Um... I don't think I follow." Mike answers.
"You talked about your- your feelings, your heart." El answers I gave her a thumbs up.
"Oh. Oh, yeah, that. Man, that was so long ago. Um... That was really heat of the moment stuff, and we were arguing and... I don't really remember... What did I say, exactly?" Mike says I just looked at him.
"Mike..." El says. She walks over to him.
"I love you, too." El says.
"I love you Lucas." I pipe up.
"I love you too." Lucas answers. We kisses Mike and Lucas then walks off. I took her hand smiling at her. Joyce is sorting through dad's things. She finds the speech he wrote for El and Alex. Joyce clicks tongue, sighs. Me and El walks in.
"Donation box?" El asked showing her a teddy in her hands.
"[looks at the teddy] Uh, yeah, sure." Joyce answers. I keep mine not wanting to let it go. Joyce clears throat.
"What is that?" El asked pointing to the two pieces of papers in Joyce's hands.
"Uh... It- It's the speech Hop wrote for you two and Lucas Mike." Joyce answers.
"Speech?" I asked.
"Yeah. You know, the heart-to-heart." Joyce tries. El looks confused as I tilt my head to the side.
"He never talked to you two, did he?" She asked. El shakes her head.
"Nope." I answered. Joyce scoffs.
"Can we read them?" El askes. El takes them to an empty room, lies down hands me one that has my name on and reads hers. I sat on the floor not to far from her ad looked at mine.
"There's something I've been wanting to talk to you both about. I know this is a difficult conversation, but I care about you both very much. And I know that you care about each other very much. And that's why it's important that we set these boundaries moving forward, so we can build an environment... where we all feel... comfortable... trusted... and open... to sharing our feelings. You are my first daughter meaning you are my everything I never talk to you about this because it would hurt us both. I never liked you being around Lucas that much because you were his everything. You probaly still are. But I hate you being... being his everything because you are my everything after Sara died. Lucas you took care of my daughter when she came out of the lab and I am thankful for that you took her in even after she left for a certain time but you took her in again. I love you and El, Alex so much and I can't imagine my life without it." It read but that wasn't all. I cried slightly. Joyce, Eleven and Will say goodbye to everyone I was walking out to say goodbye. There are many tears from Will as well as hugs from everyone.
I cried hard when it came to say goodbye to Lucas and Max. I kissed Lucas one last time.
"The truth is, for so long, I'd forgotten what those even were. I've been stuck in one place, in a cave, you might say. A deep, dark cave. And then, I left some Eggos out in the woods, and you came into my life both of you and... for the first time in a long time, I started to feel things again. It's not like I wasn't happy with just you Alex but when El came into our lives I started to appreciate you more like I should of done years ago." It read. It was a long thing but wasn't the whole thing. Mike, Max, Dustin, Nancy and Lucas watch the truck and Jonathan's car drive away. I was with El in the van. I leaned against her in comfort she didn't mind.
"But, lately, I guess I've been feeling... distant from you. Like you're... you're pulling away from me or something. I miss playing board games every night, making triple-decker Eggo extravaganzas at sunrise, watching westerns together before we doze off. Watching you grow up into this girl you are today. You welcomed El into our family without asking any questions. You taught her things I couldn't teach her because I was at work. You were everything when people needed you the most. You were there when Sara died me and your mom got a divorce you were my everything you still are both of you girls are." It carried on. El cries in the truck, looking out the window her hand in mine never letting go. I was braking down inside and out and you could tell I was hurting the most.
"But I know you're getting older. Growing. Which makes me so proud that your turning into a person I didn't ask you to be. You don't take shit from no one and nothing. You always stuck up for you're friends even if they didn't ask you to. You were the thing most people were scared of. And I am so proud of that even if I don't like it but I was taught with you dating Lucas you were your own person and I am so fucking proud of that girl the girl you are." It carried on. Mike and Lucas stays for a second as Max, Nancy and Dustin head off.
"Changing. And I guess... if I'm being really honest, that's what scares me. It scares me you won't be my little girl forever. It hurts me to know that even through everything we have been through you will never be my little girl." It carries on.
"I don't want things to change. Because I want you to be my little girl no matter what even when I'm old." It continues. Mike arrives home, crying Karen hugs him.
"So, I think maybe that's why I came in here, to try to maybe... stop that change. To turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were. You and El my little girls fighting whatever problems together. You teased Mike for spending time with El and El did the same for Lucas it worked like that for the two years you two were sisters." It read. Joyce drives the truck out of Hawkins.
"But I know that's naive. It's just... not how life works. It's moving. Always moving, whether you like it or not. But I don't want to lose the only two girls I have left." It continued. Max sits in Billy's room, nothing has moved.
"And, yeah, sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's sad." It continued. Erica opens her door to see Dustin and Lucas with the donations box Erica notices one of Alex's shirts she noticed Lucas had one and he nodded to her to tell her she can have one. She smiled hugged him and grabbed the shirt putting it on over her shirt. It made Lucas happy knowing the effect his girlfriend had on his sister.
"And sometimes... it's surprising. Happy." The letter didn't end there. Erica opens the box more and finds Will's Dungeons and Dragons things.
"So, you know what? Keep on growing up, kid. Because I want you to be the amazing woman I know you will be. Don't stop being my little girl in the process." It continued.
"Don't let me stop you. Make mistakes, learn from 'em, and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt." Dad writes. El cries as she reads hers and I broke down half way through mine.
"The hurt is good. It means you're out of that cave. The cave we walked through together." It read.
"But, please, if you don't mind, for the sake of your poor old dad..." It read. El cries and crawls into my arms she got to the last part like I did. I finished it off for her.
"Keep the door open three inches." I read the last bit to El. We both laugh sniffles sob. El cries in my arms as I'm trying to stop crying. Joyce knocks on door and smiles slightly to how close the two girls are.
"Are you okay?" She asked us. I nodded.
"Yeah. [sniffles] Time to go?" El asked.
"Yeah." Joyce answered.
"We'll be out in a minute." El answered for me.
"Okay." Joyce said. El puts the speech in her pocket as I put mine in the top pocket of dad's shirt. The Byers and the Hoppers, meaning Alex and El, walk out of the house and pack the last few things on the lorry. Jonathan closes and locks the lorry. Joyce looks back at her house and closes the door. I held El's hand for comfort knowing we both needed it.
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