Chapter 8 season 1: The Upside Down
"Nancy? Jonathan?" Mike asked. The door closes as he comes back inside.
"They're gone." Mike tried.
"What?" Lucas asked.
"Nancy and Jonathan. His car's gone." Mike carried on.
"They're probably just sucking face somewhere." Dustin piped up.
"Gross." Lucas answers.
"No. No way!" Mike yells.
"Did they go with the chief?" Dustin asked.
"I don't know." Mike answered.
"No." I answered.
"What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike asked.
"Yes." El answered.
"Where? Where did they go?" Mike asked.
"Demogorgon." Me and El answered.
"Guys, guys! This is crazy. We can't just wait around." Mike yelled.
"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us." Lucas tried.
"Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is." Dustin points out.
"El and Alex can find them.." Mike tries.
"Mike, look at them. I still think we should stick to the chief's plan." Dustin reasoned.
"Exactly. We stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan." Lucas carries on.
"Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." Dustin says. He walks off Alex follows him.
"Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Mike yells to us.
"I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding! I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit." Me and Dustin answer.
"Are you serious?" Mike yelled.
"Me and El need to be recharged!" I yelled back and flipped him off. We all walking into the school kitchens.
"Found it! I knew she was hoarding it. I knew it." Dustin said.
"Yeah." Lucas answered.
"Always lying, saying she's out. Bald-faced liar. [Me Dustin and Lucas grab as much as we could] Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" I yelled We were all in the cafeteria.
"Okay! [to Alex and Eleven] Are you feeling any better?" Mike asked she shrugs and Mikes sighs.
"I think if I eat pudding I will be." I answer Mike's question laughing.
"What's 'putting?'" El asked.
"[chuckles] Pudding, it's... it's this chocolate goo you eat with a spoon. Don't worry, when all this is over, you won't have to keep eating junk food and leftovers like a dog anymore. My mom, she's a pretty awesome cook. She can make you whatever you like." Mike explained.
"Eggos?" El asked.
"Well, yeah, Eggos, but real food, too. [sighs] See, I was thinking, once all this is over and Will's back and you're not a secret anymore, my parents can get you an actual bed for the basement. Or you can take my room if you want, since I'm down there all the time anyways. My point is, they'll take care of you. They'll be like your new parents, and Nancy, she'll be like your new sister." Mike explains.
"Will you be like my brother?" El asked.
"What? No, no." Mike answered then he scoffs.
"Ha Mike you've just been rejected." I answered laughing.
"Why 'no?'" El asked.
"Because... [sighs] 'cause it's different." Mike answered.
"Why?" El asked.
"[sighs] I mean, I don't know, I guess it's not. It's stupid." Mike carried on.
"Mike?" I asked.
"Yeah?" Mike asked.
"Friends don't lie." El answers giving me a high five I taught her about.
"[sighing] Well... I was thinking... I don't know... maybe we can go to the Snow Ball together." Mike tried.
"'Snow Ball?'" El asked.
"It's this cheesy school dance, where you go in the gym and dance to music and stuff. I've never been, but I know you're not supposed to go with your sister." Mike tries.
"No?" El answered looking at me and we both started laughing.
"I mean... you can, but it'd be really weird. You go to school dances with someone that, you know... someone that you like." Mike carried on.
"A friend?" El asked.
"Not a friend. [sighs] Uh... uh.. Uh, someone like a..." Mike tried he clearly doesn't know how to explain it and quickly kisses her. I just stand there smiling. I could hear a car approaching.
"Nancy. Hold on, I'll be right back. Stay here." Mike answers and he walks outside. I look over at the other two boys.
"This will charge your battery right up, I'm telling you." Dustin starts. Him and Lucas dump the pudding they got on the table.
"Guys! Guys!" Mile started yelling. Mike runs back into the cafeteria.
"What is it?" Lucas asked.
"[panting] They found us." Mike explains. The kids start running through the halls. We were all panting.
"How did they find us?" Lucas asked.
"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym." Mike explained.
"Lando." Dustin pipes up. Agents burst through the door in front of us and we turn to run the opposite direction.
"Got 'em!" An agent says.
"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.
"Come on!" Lucas asked agents yelling indistinctly – some appear around the corner in front of them and they attempt turning back.
"There they are. Freeze!" An agent yells to us.
"Back! Go back!" Mike yelled. We run into the hall.
"Go, go! Go left!" I yelled. There was indistinct yelling. The Female agent appears in front of them and agents surround them – Alex uses her powers to turn their brains to mush and kill them Alex thuds – using her powers causes her to keel over Lucas was panting.
"Alex, are you okay? Alex! Something's wrong." Lucas tried.
"She's just drained." El tried.
"No, no, no, she won't wake up. Tess! Tess! Tess!" Lucas carried on.
"She's barely breathing." Mike yelled as El helped Alex out with the Agents.
"We gotta go." Lucas yelled.
"Leave them. Step away from the children." Brenner said.
"No! You want them, you have to kill us first." Mike yelled.
"That's right!" Dustin yelled.
"Eat shit!" Lucas yelled. Agents approach them from behind and grab them.
"Oh, no! No, no!" Mike yelled.
"No! No! Get off me!" Dustin yelled trying to get free.
"[screaming] You idiot!" Mike kept yelling.
"No!" Lucas yelled.
"Get off me!" Dustin yelled still trying to get free.
"Ow! Let go!" Mike yelled.
"Eleven? Ten? Eleven, Ten, can you hear me? Eleven Ten?" Brenner asked.
"Papa?" Me and El asked.
"Yes, yes, it's your papa." Brenner answered.
"Get off of me." Mike answers and starts to grunt.
"I'm here now." Brenner carried on.
"Let them go! Let them go, you bastard!" Mike yelled. Eleven and Alex start whimpering.
"Shh, shh, you're sick. You're sick, but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home, where I can make you well again. Where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt." Brenner said.
"Bad. Bad. Mike. Mike. [grunts] Mike." El yells.
"Lucas please." I yelled trying to get free. The electricity was spiking.
"Blood." Mike states.
"What?" Lucas asked. I saw the blood as well.
"Blood." I yelled to him. There was thudding – the monster is breaking through the wall there was some screeching.
"Demogorgon." Dustin yelled. The boys escape the grips of the agents as the agents are distracted with shooting at the Demogorgon – Dustin picks Eleven up and Lucas picks Alex up.
"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled. There was some guns firing there was indistinct shouting.
"Go, go!" I tried to yell. The monster starts screeching. Brenner is attacked by the monster.
"Come on, come on!" Mike yelled.
"Oh, my God!" Dustin screams. Agents yelling indistinctly they enter a classroom to take cover.
"Sorry. Hold on, we're almost there. We're almost there. Come on. [panting] Come on. [he lifts Eleven up higher to lay her on a table] Help, help. [Lucas helps him and lays Alex next to El] Come on, get her on the table." Dustin says. Eleven groans while I start whimpering again.
"[sighs] Just hold on a little longer, okay? [sniffles] He's gone. The bad man's gone. We'll be home soon, and my mom... she'll get you your own bed. You can eat as many Eggos as you want. [sniffles] And we can go to the Snow Ball." Mike tries.
"[softly] Promise?" El asks.
"[sniffles] Promise." Mike promise.
"I love you Lucas." I yelled to Lucas.
"I love you too Alex." He answers. The monster starts screeching, Mike screams and I stand up ready. There was some gunfire I could hear thudding. The gunfire continues. The gunfire stops.
"[stutters] Is... Is it dead?" Dustin tries. The monster bursts through the door of the classroom we're in.
"Go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.
"Get the wrist rocket! Get the wrist rocket now!" Dustin yells.
"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled. The monster starts roaring.
"Go, go, go." I yelled.
"Take it out now!" Dustin yelled.
"Get the rocks, get the rocks, get the rocks!" Mike yelled.
"Getting the rocks!" Dustin replied.
"Give me one." Dustin shouts.
"Come on!" Lucas shouts.
"Go! Go! Kill it! Kill it!" Mike yells.
"Fire! Fire!" Dustin yells. Lucas fires and it does nothing more than annoy the monster the monster starts roaring.
"Give me another one." Lucas yelled.
"Kill it! Bastard!" Dustin screams.
"Kill it! Go, go, go, go!" Mike keeps shouting.
"Kill it now!" Dustin yelled. Lucas shoots again and it does nothing.
"Get, get, get... Come on, kill the bastard!" Dustin yells.
"It's not working!" Lucas screamed.
"Hit him again." Mike kept yelling.
"Kill him!" Dustin yells. Lucas shoots again but the monster still approaches.
"Keep going! Come on!" Mike yelled.
"Get, get, get... Come on, kill it!" Dustin screams.
"Come on! Go, go, go!" Mike yelled. The monster starts growling. Lucas shoots again and the monster goes flying back into the board. The boys were panting Eleven and Alex walks towards it and uses their powers to keep it pinned to the board.
"Eleven Alex, stop!" Mike yells he gets tossed back by Eleven's powers, screams. The monster starts squealing the squealing continues.
"[standing in front of the monster – looks back at the boys] Goodbye, Mike." El yells.
"(stands next to El and looks back to the boys with tears in her eyes) Goodbye Lucas. I love you." I yell. The monster starts squealing.
"No more." Me and El yell. I could hear some screeching. There was some groaning. Me and El starts yelling. Alex and El uses their powers to destroy the monster but disappears with it.
"El? Tess? El? Tess? El! Tess!" Mike yells.
"Eleven! Alex!" Lucas yells.
"Eleven! Alex!" Dustin yelled.
"El! Tess! El Tess, where are you? Eleven! Tess! El? Tess?" Mike yelled. Ted and Karen Wheeler drive up to the school and Karen hurriedly gets out.
"Michael? Michael! Michael? [sobs] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [she finds him sitting in the back of an ambulance and they embrace] You're okay. You're okay. Where's Alex? Mike where's Alex?" Karen yelled.
"Son tell us please where is Alex?" Ted asked. Mike teared up and Karen hugged him tighter.
"Gone she's gone." Mike whispered. Hopper and Joyce, who had just saw Will go to the hospital, ran up to the middle school to hopefully find Alex.
"Who's gonna tell Hopper and Joyce." Ted mumbled to his wife.
"I should dad." Mike answered and walked up to Hopper and Joyce.
"Mike where's my daughter?" Hopper asked.
"This is what I came over to you about." Mike answered.
"Kid tell me now or I swear to god." Hopper threatened.
"Mike can you please tell us where Alex is." Joyce answered looking at Mike. Lucas and Dustin both walked up to Mike.
"I'm sorry (Lucas starts crying) We tried saving her from the Demogorgan." Lucas explained.
"No no. Boys tell me this is a stupid joke." Hopper begged.
"I am so sorry Hopper this isn't a joke she did it to save us." Dustin carried on.
"(lets a few tears fall) I better find a way to tell Jonathan that his best friend in the whole world died." Joyce pipes up.
"Well you should better do it now Joyce." Mike said pointing behind her when Jonathan and Nancy pull up with Steve.
"Hey mom." Jonathan starts.
"So this is Steve." Mike says looking at Steve.
"Yep I'm Steve." Steve answers.
"Sorry about my brother my oldest sister who isn't really my sister should be better." Nancy points out.
"So is this the Alex you were talking to me about." Steve questions.
"My sister who isn't really my sister is Alex yes." Nancy states.
"Everyone must love my daughter huh." Hopper points out wiping a few fresh tears.
"So where is Alex mom?" Jonathan asks. Joyce looks at Hopper and nods Hopper then looks at the three boys and nods at them.
"Mike where is Alex?" Nancy asked.
"Eh... here's the problem she is not here..." Mike tries.
"We know she isn't here Mike." Nancy speaks.
"No not what he was talking about she isn't here meaning she's more then likely dead." Hopper explains Jonathan falls to the floor not caring who saw and broke down. Nancy stood there in shock.
"H-How a-are w-we g-gonna t-tell b-baby H-Holly?" Nancy asks sobbing.
"Haven't thought of that yet Nance." Ted answers walking up to the group with his wife.
"What about Will what are we gonna tell him how are we supposed to tell him his best friend is dead?" Joyce asked hugging Jonathan.
"We will figure it out when it gets to it." Hopper says trying to not look weak in front of everyone. EKG monitor beeping Will wakes up an hour later.
"Hey. Hi, sweetheart." Joyce speaks up.
"Hey." Jonathan mumbles loud enough.
"Where... where am I?" Will asks. Joyce sighs.
"You're home. You're home now. You're safe." Jonathan answers.
"Jonathan." Will says.
"Yeah, it's me, buddy. [sighs] We missed you. We really missed you." Jonathan answers.
"Are you okay? Where's Alex?" Will asked. Joyce and Jonathan looked at each other.
"What, this? It's just a cut. It's nothing. You're worried about my hand." Jonathan answers avoiding the question about Alex. They both chuckle softly.
"Where's Alex, Jonathan?" Will asked again.
"Well... she is dead..." Jonathan answered.
"What?" Will asked.
"She died saving you honey." Joyce explained
"Oh, hey, uh... We, uh... We brought you some stuff... so you don't get bored in here. So... [sniffles] Uh, I made you a new mix tape. There's some stuff on there I think you really might like." Jonathan answers trying to make Will feel better. Cut to hospital waiting room – Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Karen Wheeler, Ted Wheeler, Hopper, Steve and Nancy are all there. Lucas and Dustin are sleeping the two boys were snoring Jonathan comes in and Mike wakes them up.
"Guys. Guys, he's up. Will is up. Guys, Will's up." Mike tries. Lucas and Dustin grunt.
"Guys, come on." Mike smiles. They run to see Will.
"Byers!" Mike exclaimed. They all hug him. Dustin laughs hard.
"Be careful. Be careful with him." Joyce pipes up.
"Move." Dustin says to the two boys.
"Guys, guys." Jonathan says laughing slightly. Mike laughs.
"Go easy on him." Jonathan continues.
"You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man." Lucas yells slightly.
"It was mental." Dustin says smiling.
"You had a funeral." Lucas mentions.
"Jennifer Hayes was crying." Dustin decided to mention.
"And Troy peed himself." Lucas says laughing.
"What?" Will asked.
"In front of the whole school!" Dustin says making Joyce and Jonathan smile weakly at the boys.
"Yes!" Lucas exclaimed. Will starts coughing.
"You okay?" Mike asked.
"It got me. The Demogorgon." Will repeats his words from a few days before.
"We know. It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it with Alex. They saved us. But they are gone now." Mike says with a frown.
"Her name's Eleven. Like Alex's." Dustin mentions.
"Like the number? And wasn't Alex's ten?" Will asked.
"Well, we call her "El" for short. And we called her Tess or Tessa." Lucas answered with a slight smile at the memories.
"She's basically a wizard." Dustin smiled not forgetting what the girls had done over the past few days.
"[whispers] She has superpowers. Like Alex." Lucas whispered.
Mike: More like a Yoda." Mike states.
"She flipped a van with her mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us and Alex made Troy piss himself." Dustin said laughing at the memories.
"Yeah, it flipped over us and everyone was laughing when Troy pissed himself." Mike answers.
"Then she squeezed the brains out, Troy was so embarrassed..." Lucas stated.
"And blood was pouring out of their faces. Alex looked so proud doing it as well." Dustin continued.
"It was pouring out of their eyes. And for once Alex looked like she did something that made us proud." Mike carries on.
"Agents just started grabbing us and stuff Alex looked like she was gonna do it a million times again..." Lucas carried on.
"...shot out of the wall..." Dustin states. There was continues indistinctly. Nancy is happy to see them reunited but misses Barb and Alex. She smiled at the memory the three boys shared with Will whishing Alex was here to tell him as well.
The boys continued playing DND but didn't dare do the impressions like Alex did when one of them was sad. Mike kept telling baby Holly stories of Alex as bedtime story's. Well story's that was perfect for little ears to hear. Nancy joined in telling story's to Holly with Mike. Nancy's favourite was when Alex was having a sleepover with Nancy and it was raining and they both were dancing in the rain. Karen managed to find photos of Alex over the years and showed everyone them to keep them smiling. Ted brought out the books Alex read to Holly through the years of being Mike's friend. All of the stuff Alex had left over like some school books from pre school she didn't need. Hopper kept watching Alex's favourite movies even if he didn't see a point in them. He did it because he wanted to feel closer to her. He re read the story's he used to read to her and Sara growing up. He did everything Alex loved to feel closer to her now she was gone.
A/N Writing this made me cry a bit because I write this story about this young middle schooler trying to get through life without her mom or sister with her and trying to have this close relationship with her dad while trying to save her friend from something that you wouldn't of thought was real and only existed in a game.
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