Chapter 5 Season 3: The Flayed
El is blindfolded and is watching dad in the Void to find out where he is – the other kids sit around her.
"I found him." El pipes up.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"Woods." El answered. There was TV static hissing around us.
"Woods?" Lucas asked.
"He's with... Will's mom." El pointed out.
"My- My mom?" Will asked.
"What are they doing?" Max asked.
"Ill... annoy. They're going to Ill-annoy." El answered. There was a knocking on door.
"Mike Alex! Breakfast!" Karen yells.
"Not now, Mom! Illinois? Illinois, like the state? The state of Illinois?" Mike asked. Eleven takes off her blindfold and looks confused she shrugs.
"No the Country yes the state." I answered.
"[stammers] Ill-annoy." El tries. I was with the boys in the basement.
"Something's not right. We can't get Hopper off our backs all summer, now all of a sudden, he's hiking with Will's mom to Illinois? And Dustin's MIA, too? I mean, this can't be a coincidence." Mike tries.
"What does it matter? The bottom line is, they're not here. It's up to us." Lucas points out.
"Up to us to do what exactly?" Mike asked.
"Find Billy and stop him." I answered in a duh tone.
"Okay, yeah, that's a really nice sentiment, but even if you and El could find him again, and that's a pretty big if, then what?" Mike asked.
"We burn the shit out of him and make sure he doesn't escape this time." Lucas points out.
"Okay, then what?" Mike asked.
"Then we win." Lucas answered.
"No, see, that's the problem. We don't. We don't win. We got the Mind Flayer out of Will before and he just came right back. We don't just have to stop Billy, we have to stop the Mind Flayer." Mike says.
"How in the hell do we do that?" Lucas asked.
"I don't know." Mike answered.
"Maybe the girls do." Will suggested. The boys look towards the bathroom. I was just sat there.
"Girl right here that can help." I pointed out.
"What are they still doing in there?" Mike asked. Lucas eats a handful of cocoa puffs. I put my hand in the box and take some.
"I don't know. Girls just like hanging out in bathrooms." Lucas answered. He offers some to Mike who quite rudely rejects them.
"Why?" Mike asked.
"I mean, I don't know and I'm a girl." I answer.
"They're conspiring against me." Mike carried on.
"That's what you're concerned about now?" Will asked.
"It's not my main concern. It's just a sub-concern." Mike answered.
"I thought it was already over." Will stated.
"It's not over, okay? We're just taking a break." Mike answered.
"(looks at Mike) She literally said dump your ass doesn't sound like a brake to me." I stated.
"She said she dumped your ass. That doesn't sound like a break." Will agreed. Max yells from the bathroom)
"It wasn't! You guys do realize we can still hear everything you're saying, right?" Max asked. El and Max both laugh I just take the box of coco puffs from Lucas and starts eating them.
"[whispers] Conspiring. I told you, they're conspiring." Mike whispered to us. There was a knock at the door.
"Not now, Mom!" Mike yelled.
"Mike Alex, open the door." Nancy yelled. Mike looks confused but opens the door Nancy and Jonathan stand there.
"It was the same thing, the exact same thing that happened to Will last year. And look at this. Look at the body temperatures." Nancy explained.
"He likes it cold." Will states.
"Okay, so this crazy old woman who was eating fertilizer-" Mike says.
"Mrs. Driscoll." Nancy butts in.
"Right, yeah, Mrs. Driscoll. What time was this attack?" Mike asked.
"Last night." Nancy answered.
"Right, but what time last night?" I asked.
"Around 9:00." Nancy answered.
"You waited all night to call?" Jonathan asked.
"I was waiting for the doctors to run some tests." Nancy answered.
"You weren't there?" Will asked him.
"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" Jonathan answered.
"Hallelujah!" I butt in Lucas cringes.
"Ooh." Lucas pipes up.
"Um, so, wha- what time was your... sauna test?" Nancy asked.
"[in unison] Around 9:00." The party answered.
"Well, that proves it. That proves my theory." Nancy says.
"She's flayed, just like Billy." Mike piped up.
"Flayed?" Jonathan asked.
"The Mind Flayer. He flays people. Takes over their mind. Once they do that, they basically become him." I explained.
"If there are two flayed-" Lucas piped up.
"We have to assume there are more." Will finished.
"Heather. Billy was doing something to her." El piped up. "She was scared. She was screaming."
"Bad screams." El finished.
"What's a good scream?" Lucas asked.
"Max said-" El tries I knew where she was going.
"She means with the birds and the bees." I carried on everyone looked grossed out.
"Doesn't matter." Max says.
"I'm sorry, I'm lost. Who is Heather?" Nancy asked.
"She's a lifeguard at the pool." Max answered.
"Heather Holloway?" Nancy asked. Nancy and Jonathan look at each other.
"Tom." Nancy and Jonathan both say. Everyone rushing to Nancy's car, everyone gets in leaving Will and Mike standing by the car. I was behind them. The car doors shut.
"Seriously?" Mike asked.
"Welcome to my world." Will answered. They get inside the trunk I follow behind. Mike scoffs slightly as Nancy ties up her hair and looks back at us.
"Seat belts." Nancy says. The seat belts were clicking. Nancy backs into their bikes and knocks them over before driving off quickly. I just looked at her. Nancy pulls up outside everyone by the door. Nancy rings the doorbell. The doorbell chimes. She tries again the doorbell chimes. Nancy and Jonathan look back at me and El. El uses her powers to unlock the door. There was low frequency vibration we all walk inside.
"Tom? Heather?" Nancy yells.
"Jesus, it's freezing." Max points out.
"[sniffs] Do you guys smell that?" Nancy asks. We all started sniffing. We walk through to the kitchen where there is a cocktail of chemicals.
"Oh." Jonathan answers.
"Oh, God. More chemicals." Nancy points out.
"You think they're guzzling this shit?" Jonathan asks us.
"Yeah, either that or they just went on a hell of a cleaning spree." Nancy answers.
"But last year, Will didn't eat chemicals. Did you?" Max asked.
"No. This is something new." Will answered looking around.
"Mr. Clarke, fifth grade. Posit. What happens when you mix chemicals together?" Mike asked.
"You create a new substance." Me Lucas and Will answer.
"What if they're making something?" Mike asked.
"In themselves? I mean, come on, if you drink this crap, it'll kill you." Max answered.
"Yeah, if you're human." Lucas points out. I could hear distant, faint pulsing. Nancy walks through to the dining room, she notices the blood on the carpet where Tom was hit over the head I almost throw up.
"Blood. Yesterday, Tom had a bandage on his forehead." Nancy points out. She picks up the wine bottle and sees the blood on it. "He was attacked." Nancy follows to clues which lead her to the garage everyone follows her. The door hinge creaks as it was opened. There's discarded rope on the floor. I walked to it and bent down to look at it.
"They must have tied them. They must have taken them somewhere." Jonathan says.
"Mrs. Driscoll. She kept saying... "I have to go back." What if the flaying, it's taking place somewhere else? There must be a place where all this started, right? A source." Nancy says.
"Somewhere he didn't want us to see." El said looking at me.
"If we can find the source, then maybe we can stop him." Nancy points out. "Or at least stop it from spreading or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals."
"How do we find it?" El asked.
"Mrs. Driscoll. If she wants to go back so badly, why don't we let her?" Will asked. Nancy tries to lead Jonathan and all the kids to Mrs Driscoll's room.
"[on the phone] No, that is not mean. That is honest. She won't find out. See, you're the only one who gon' tell- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me!" The woman said. She notices Nancy and the 6 other people with her.
"Where do you think you're going?" The woman asked.
"Oh, um... I was just going to visit my grandma again. And- And this... this is my family." Nancy says.
"Extended." Lucas says.
"I'm not family (everyone looks at her) I'm adopted parents couldn't have kids." I said.
"I don't care who they are. You know the rules. Two visitors at a time." The woman said.
"Yeah, but-" Nancy tries.
"Two! [on the phone] Girl, this child has lost her mind. She brought a whole zoo in here." The woman said. Mike and Lucas are at the vending machine that takes their money and refuses to cough up the goods. The vending machine whirring.
"Oh, come on, you piece of shit!" Mike yells. They both hit it a few times. I was standing next to El trying not to laugh. There was low frequency vibration as El uses her powers to push out a whole bunch of stuff.
"(whispers to El) Could of went to a store before arriving but no." I whispered to El.
"Thanks." Mike said nodding our way. She wipes the blood from her nose and nods. Mike and Lucas grab the candy making me give them an eye roll.
"Dude, I think that was it." I heard Lucas say.
"That was what?" Mike answered I was listening to their conversation.
"The olive branch." Lucas answered.
"The what?" Mike asked again.
"Oh, my God. You're hopeless. Okay, [whispers] I'll distract Alex, get you an opening. And then talk to her. All right? And I will talk to Alex." Lucas says. There candy wrappers crinkling Lucas throws a skittle to me and I catch it in my mouth.
"Yeah!" Lucas said before giving a laugh.
"Got it, two in a row." I answered.
"That was good, that was good." Lucas admitted. Me and Lucas start cheering.
"Best three in a row now." I cheer.
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