Chapter 4 season 1: The body
Dad dragged me to where Joyce was.
Joyce was explaining something about Will talking.
"Talking?" Dad asked.
She explained how it worked and I had a flash back to when I was in the lab.
"Mom, come on, please. You've gotta stop this." Johnathan tried.
"No, maybe he's...It's after him! He's in danger. We have to find him! We-" Joyce tried.
"What exactly was this thing? It was some kind of animal, you said." Dad tried.
"Uh, no, it was...It was almost...human, but it wasn't. It...It had these long arms." Joyce tried. I knew what she was going on about.
"And it didn't have a face did it?" I asked not turning around.
"Yes it didn't have a face." Joyce answered when I turned around. Everyone looked confused.
"I saw it in the lab when I was in there someone wanted me to do something and I took a wrong turn and I saw it." I explained. Dad sat both me and Joyce down on the couch.
"Joyce, Alex, listen to me. Listen to me. After Sarah... I saw her, too. And I heard her. I didn't know what was real. And then I figured out that it was in my mind. And I had to pack all that away. Otherwise, I was gonna fall down a hole... that I couldn't get out of." Dad tried.
"No, you're... you're talking about grief. This is different." I answered.
"I'm just saying that you-" Dad tried.
"No, I know what you're saying, Hop. (hoarsely) I swear to you, I know what I saw. (sniffles) And I'm not crazy." Joyce carried on.
"I'm not saying that you're crazy." Dad answered.
"No... (stammers) You are. (stammers) And I understand, but... God, I... I need you to believe me. Believe us." Joyce tried pointing to us at the last bit.
"Please. (whispers) Please. Listen... I think you should go to the morgue tomorrow and see him for yourself. It'll give you the answers that you need. -But tonight..." Dad tried.
"Oh, God." I answered.
"I want you to try to get some sleep, if you can." Dad tried. Me and dad had left. I stayed with dad in his room because I didn't want to be alone. He also knew that I wasn't up for going to school. That morning I jumped into mikes room through his window when he was asleep because I knew he wanted someone. I layed on the floor next to his bed and thought. A few hours later Karen knocked on the door. She knew I was here.
"Michael Alexander? Hi, honey. How are you two feeling?" She asked.
"I, uh... I don't think I can go to school today." Mike answered.
"Terrible mom." I answered.
" Oh, that's fine, sweetie. I need to drop off Nance, then I'm gonna check in on Barb's parents. Why don't you grab a book or something and come with me? We can stop by the video store on the way back, pick out whatever you want. Even R-rated." Karen explained.
"We think we just want to stay home today. I mean, if that's okay?" I asked.
"Well, are you two sure you're gonna be all right here by yourself?" She asked.
"We think so." Mike answered.
"Okay. But if you need anything, call dad at work. Okay." Karen continues.
"Okay." I answered. She kisses our heads.
"Bye." Mike piped up.
"Bye, sweeties." She answered. Mike grabs his radio and tries to radio Lucas once Karen left.
"Lucas do you copy? Lucas, come on, I know you're there! This is urgent. I'm serious. I'm not gonna stop until you answer. Lucas. Lucas! Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas... Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas-" Mike tried.
"(on the radio) Go away, Mike. I'm not in the mood, all right? Over and out." Lucas answered.
"No, not "out." I'm not messing around, okay? This is about Will. Over." Mike answered.
"What about Will? You mean about his funeral? Over." Lucas answered. I grabbed the radio.
"No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral!" I answered into the radio.
"What?" Lucas asked.
"Just get over here stat. And bring Dustin. Over and out." I answered. We all walked into the basement and El was showing us something over the radio.
"We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?" Mike asked.
"Yeah, I heard a baby." Lucas answered.
"What?" I asked.
"Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburns' next door." Lucas answered.
"Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will." I stated.
"Alex..." Lucas tried.
"Lucas you don't understand. He spoke last night. Words! He was signing that weird song he loves. Even El heard him!" Mike answered.
"Oh, well, if the weirdo heard him, then I guess-" Lucas tried.
"Are you sure you're on the right channel?" Dustin asked. I sat next to El and started using my powers on the radio.
"Alex, baby what you doing." Lucas said.
"So I'm guessing-" Mike tried before I got a better signal.
"Should I stay or should I go." Will said from the radio.
"Holy shit that is amazing." Dustin said looking at me.
"So come on and let me know." Will carried on. I had to keep my powers going or the boys will be upset.
"Alex how did you do that?" Mike asked.
"The same way-" I said before passing out. I woke up probably ten minutes later and the boys were trying to figure something out.
"Are you actually believing this crap?" I heard Lucas ask. None of the boys knew I woke up clearly. El noticed me and I told her to keep quite till the right moment. I picked up the radio and started again not being noticed by the boys.
"I don't know. I mean...Do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded like that." Dustin answered.
"Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's body out of the water. He's dead!" Lucas yelled.
"Well, maybe it's his ghost. Maybe he's haunting us." Dustin tried.
"It's not his ghost." I piped up not looking up from the radio.
"So how do you know that?" Lucas asked not realising it's me.
"I just do!" I exclaimed standing up.
"Then what was in the water?" He asked.
"I don't know! All I know is Will is alive. Will is alive! He's put there somewhere. All we have to do is find him." I answered. There was static crackling on the radio.
"This isn't going to work. We need to get Alex and El to a stronger radio." Mike said looking at me. Lucas rushed over to me after noticing I was awake and he hugged me.
"Mr. Clarke's Heathkit ham shack." Dustin answered.
"Yeah." Mike continued.
"The Heathkit's at school. There is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing. I mean... look at her" Lucas stated.
"Hello the only girl in the room that know how to do makeup and has style." I said rising my hand.
"Okay it's sorted Alex will help El in that way." Dustin answered high fiving me.
"Baby you sure about this?" Lucas asked putting his hands on my hips.
"I wouldn't of said anything if I wasn't sure would I. And someone has to help find Will." I answered. I gave him a kiss before walking into my room.
"Thanks Alex this means a lot." Mike yells through the door. I walked into my wardrobe and handed her a pink dress.
"I don't really wear dresses so keep it." I answered. I grabbed a blond wig from when I was in a school play and needed a blond wig and sorted it out on her head.
"Thanks." El said to me.
"It is no problem sisters from the lab stick together." I answered walking with El out the room.
"Wow. She looks-" Dustin started.
"Pretty." Mike answered "Good. You look pretty good." He covered up his tracks pretty good. El looked at herself in the mirror that was in the hallway.
"(whispers) Pretty. Good." El said. I stood next to her and nodded. We all arrived at school and I led the the four to through the school.
"Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad." Mike pointed out.
"(sarcastically) No shit Mike I was gonna look happy." I answered looking over my shoulder.
"Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not go to fourth period." The PA said over the intercom. We all ran to the AV room.
"It's locked." Mike stated. I lifted my hand up to try open the door.
"What?" Lucas asked not noticing me.
"Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers?" Dustin asked.
"I'm trying." I answered.
"Boys Alex?" Mr. Clarke said making me loose focus.
"Hey." Lucas answered.
"Assembly's about to start." Mr Clarke said staking the clear.
"We know. We're just you know..." Mike tried.
"Upset." Lucas carried on. I just stood against the wall looking sad.
"Yeah, definitely upset." Dustin carried on.
"We need some alone time." Mike carried on.
"To cry." Dustin continued.
"Yeah, listen... I get it. I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then... (Mr. Clarke tosses the keys to Alex) The Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?" Mr Clarke stated. He sees Eleven and stammers. "I don't believe we've met. What's your name?"
"El-" El started.
"Eleanor! She's my, uh-" I tried.
"Cousin-" Lucas continued.
"Second cousin." Dustin carried on.
"She's here for Will's funeral." I lied.
"Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances." Mr Clarke carried on.
"Thank you." El answered.
"Uh, where are you from exactly?" Mr Clarke asked.
"Bad place-" El started.
"Sweden!" Dustin answered.
"I have a lot of Swedish family." I answered shrugging.
"She hates it there." Dustin stated.
"Cold!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Subzero." Dustin carried on.
"Shall we?" Mr Clarke asked.
"Yep!" I answered. They head to the gym.
"At times like these... it is important that we come together as a community. We come-" I heard the Principal state. Dustin throws open the doors.
"Abort." I state. They try to escape but Mr. Clarke herds us inside.
"We come together to heal... we come together to grieve..." The Principal carried on.
"Will Byers' death is an unimaginable tragedy. Will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us. It's impossible to express the hole his loss will leave in our community. I'd like to introduce you to Sandy Sloane. She's a local grief counselor from the church over in Jonesboro. But before she comes up here, I just want those of you who are having trouble dealing with this tragic loss..." The principal drained on.
"Look at these fakers." Mike said from beside me.
"They probably didn't even know his name till today." I piped up. I could hear Troy chuckling and James laughs.
"What?" James asked. I listened into their conversation.
"Who is interested in this? This is so stupid. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... Oh, he was such a great student." Troy states. James mock crying.
"Oh, he's going to leave a hole in the community." Troy carried on.
"Mouth breather." El pipes up I just smiled. Indistinct mocking continues. The assembly ends and the students start to leave. Alex heads over to Troy and James.
"Hey! Hey! Hey, Troy! Hey, Troy! You... you think this is funny?" I asked.
"What'd you say, Hopper?" Troy asks.
"I saw you guys laughing over there. And I think that's a real messed up thing to do." I answered looking at them.
"Didn't you listen to the counselor, Hopper? Grief shows itself in funny ways." James carries on.
"Besides, what's there to be sad about, anyway? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay!" Troy said. Troy starts imitating a fairy. Alex pushes Troy over as he walks away Troy grunts all exclaiming.
"You're dead, Hopper! Dead!" Troy exclaimed I focused on his bladder but didn't make it very clear. Indistinct murmuring as Troy stops.
"Dude, Troy peed himself." A random kid yelled. We all start laughing. Troy panting, frozen.
"Holy shit!" Dustin said.
"Hey! What's going on here?" The principal asked just before we ran out the hall. I chucked Mike the keys on the way.
"Oh. Mike! Let's go!" I exclaimed. Mike locks the door.
"Come on." Mike yelled.
"Now what?" Lucas asked.
"She'll find him. Right, Alex?" Mike asked. Radio frequencies tuning. Alex remembers her time in the lab. Water pouring.
"Ten? Are you listening? That man before you... I need you to find him." Brenner said to me.
"(softly) Hurt him?" I asked.
"No. No, I don't want you to hurt him. I want you to listen to him." Brenner continues.
"Listen?" I asked again.
"Yes. I want you to listen to what he say and repeat his words back to me. Just like we used to with those old nursery rhymes. Do you remember? Hmm? Do you think you can do that for me?" Brenner asked.
"Mmm-hmm." I answered.
"Good." Brenner continued.
"Begin." A random man said.
"Amulet. Frigid. Evolve. Airplane." The man said.
"Ten? Repeat the words." Brenner said.
"Apricot. Peninsula. Game. Enchantment. Mouse. Balloon." The guy said as I repeat the words. Cuts back to the AV club room.
"She's doing it. She's finding him!" I hear Mike say.
"This is crazy." Dustin continues.
"Calm down. She just closed her eyes." Lucas says. The boys gasp as the light goes out.
"Holy..." Dustin tries to get out. Clanging clanging intensifies.
"What is that?" Dustin asked again. The radio starts tuning clanging continues Will on radio.
"Mom?" Will asked.
"No way!" Lucas yelled. I could tell El put a hand over his mouth to help me concentrate.
"Mom..." Will said from the radio.
"Will!" Mike yelled.
"Will, it's us! Are you there?" Lucas asked.
"Can you hear us? We're here!" Dustin yelled.
"Hello? Mom?" Will asked over the radio.
"Why can't he hear us?" Lucas asked.
"I don't know!" Mike exclaims. The fuse blowing the boys yelp the boys start exclaiming the fire alarm tarts ringing Dustin grabs the fire extinguisher as Alex almost faints the alarm starts ringing.
"Babe, are you okay?" Lucas asked.
"Oh!" Mike answers.
"Can you move? Here, help her up." Lucas said putting an arm around Alex. The alarm is still ringing.
"This way!" Lucas yelled.
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