twenty one // promises and confessions
"For every new beginning, a chapter must be closed and all those tiny things special or comforting about the previous chapter sacrificed."
Anne was woken by the sound of birds singing.
Opening her eyes slowly, she was hit by the sunbeams streaming through her window like a spotlight, seeming especially bright for a very dishevelled Anne. Then came the pounding headache. Anne groaned and closed her eyes again, burying her face in her sheets.
She vaguely recalled the events of the previous night... Drinking, dancing, celebrating the exams being over. The memories became steadily more unfocused and lacking in details as the night progressed. She'd been drinking, it had tasted horrible but numbed everything in a way that felt good. Anne vaguely remembered Gilbert appearing and then she was dancing on the wall, and fell and... Gilbert caught her. But what happened afterwards? How did she get home? What must Marilla have thought seeing her so intoxicated?
Anne dreaded the thought. She didn't want to face that wrath...
Anne's mouth was dry and her limbs ached. She knew had to go downstairs no matter the foreboding consequences of her actions. After a very long internal conflict between staying in bed and suffering from being very dehydrated and hungry, or moving to go downstairs but having to endure her aching legs and headache, Anne decided she really had to go downstairs.
It felt like the most strenuous thing she'd ever had to do. Anne managed to sit up and discovered she was already in her nightgown, pulled on her dressing gown and padded barefoot to her door, yawning deeply before making her way slowly out and down the hallway. She heard Marilla and Matthew talking as she went downstairs, gripping the bannister tightly so as not to fall. Anne braced herself for a rant from Marilla about drinking. She knew she'd be very ashamed of her behaviour. Anne's head felt like an anvil being hammered repeatedly.
"There you are, I was about to call you down." Marilla greeted briskly as she entered the kitchen.
Matthew surveyed Anne's state from afar, caring but silent. The table was set for lunch and the smell of freshly baked bread made Anne's stomach growl loudly. Anne went straight to the tap for a drink and downed two glasses of water before she even attempted speech. Marilla surprisingly did not look cross, but merely expressionless as she stood looking at the hungover youth.
Anne looked at them both wide eyed, trying to scope their opinions on her state but she couldn't. Nerves spurred her into a stumbling speech, surging through her explanation and apology.
"I must confess that one of my classmates brought some alcohol to the ruins exam party last night and I drank rather a lot of it! I completely understand that drinking alcohol is bad and-- and shameful and I am sorry I have brought shame to you Marilla, on the Cuthberts-- by giving into my cursed impulses. Indeed I'm sure I am not worthy of the Cuthbert name, unfortunately we did swear to one another for better or worse. I'm sorry you are tied to my shame by this -- Whatever punishment you see fit I will receive with no fuss, that I promise - but heaven have mercy let me have a very large breakfast first--"
"Anne." Marilla stopped the poor girl midway.
Marilla's eyes flickered to Matthew and they exchanged meaningful looks before they both burst into laughter. Marilla seemed to have thought a lot about this and knew just what she wanted to say.
"Anne, don't apologise... we know you are unusually impulsive but at your age young men and women are typically want to explore and try new things and be... reckless with friends. Especially on such an exciting occasion as finishing school and completing your final exams." Marilla paused. She took a breath. "I am trying to open my mind a little so as not to limit your experiences in life... Lord knows you've had enough limitations in the past... I don't need to add any more. We are not ashamed."
Anne felt a rush of relief.
"Thank you. Oh how glad I am! You couldn't possibly fathom the depths of my gladness. Honestly, I didn't think I could handle your wrath in my fragile state." Anne sighed happily, and began to hastily laden out some porridge. "Don't worry, Marilla - I don't think I'll be drinking again anytime soon. I feel dreadful."
Matthew chuckled fondly, eyes twinkling when Anne joined him at the table. Marilla pulled Anne's hair off her shoulders and began to tie it back with a piece of string from her apron pocket, brushing every strand carefully into a plait as Anne ravenously devoured a piece of toast. The sun was lighting their breakfast table with a golden glow. Anne felt content, relaxed and excited. A chapter of her life had come to a close and a new one was unfurling. College life... But oh how she would miss Green Gables so deeply. She felt a sudden rush of emotions bloom in her chest and her eyes pricked with tears.
"I'm glad, Anne... you have people like Gilbert to take care of you while you're at college." Marilla said. "He brought you home last night."
"He did?" Anne smiled slightly. Of course he did. She wiped away her tears on her sleeve.
"He wanted to make sure you got home safely." Matthew nodded approvingly.
"He was very concerned about your intoxication and that we might think it was his idea. He made sure we knew he had no part in it." Marilla barely concealed the laughter in her words as she sipped her tea and sat down at the table.
"It sure puts my mind at rest knowing you're not going to college alone... That there'll be someone dependable there." Matthew said slowly. "It's an awful long way..."
"I won't be going alone, my friends will be there. And Diana! She took the exam."
"Diana?" Marilla was shocked. "She's going to Finishing School, isn't she?"
"I suppose she wanted the option of higher education same as the rest of us. Seems fair to me. I for one am awful proud of her for striking a new path for herself in what promised to be a dreary set of options."
"Heavens, what does Mr and Mrs Barry have to say about this?"
"I don't know, I have a feeling that Diana didn't tell her." Anne said.
"Oh my! I don't wonder we'll be hearing all about this in a matter of hours. Mrs Barry has been known to throw up quite a fuss on the subject of her girls going to Paris..."
"Rachel will have a field day." Matthew chortled.
"I'm sure she will." Marilla rolled her eyes. "Well now, enough talk of that. It isn't good to gossip. I believe we should instead discuss what Anne would like to do with her final week in Avonlea before she goes to college..."
"Sleep." Anne said dreamily, staring into the distance.
"What about a trip to the seaside?" Marilla suggested. "I know you went not long ago with your friends but I reckon we ought to make the most of this fine weather."
"I reckon so." Matthew nodded.
"After sleep." Anne agreed.
"Where were you last night?" Mrs Barry demanded of Diana as soon as she came down for breakfast. "Mary-Joe said she let you in close to midnight, you went to bed with your clothes on and barely said a word apparently. I was worried sick, especially after all that's happened!"
"I was celebrating with my friends." Diana said quietly, sliding into her seat at the table. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd forbid me from going out."
"What were you celebrating exactly? And at that time of night?" Mrs Barry persisted.
Breakfast entirely forgotten, Minnie May leant in curiously, eyes flicking as she watched her Mother's storm brewing. Mr Barry who had hid his face behind the paper and said nothing, lowered it and glowering at Diana. He hadn't heard the news from Mary-Joe and retired early the previous night. This was the first he was hearing about it.
All eyes were on Diana, who sat proud and shameless, looking at her Mother with determination set in her expression.
"We were celebrating finishing the entrance exam for Queens Academy."
There was a wicked silence, so heavy you could hear a pin drop. Minnie May gripped her chair with excitement and imagined steam pouring out of Mrs Barry's ears. She was fuming. Mr Barry lowered his paper in shock and opened his mouth. Diana braced herself, chin tipped up stubbornly, pride glowing in her dark eyes.
By coincidence Rachel Lynde was passing the house as the screaming began. Every single one of Mr and Mrs Barry's words could be heard clear as the bright blue sky. Rachel hovered gleefully, drinking up the argument like a bee to a flower. It wasn't long before the front door slammed open and Diana ran out of the house, shot straight past Rachel and down the red road to Green Gables.
Gilbert was up early, despite his late night accompanying Anne home.
He hadn't slept well, as usual. He was too disgruntled by the news he had yet to tell Anne. He didn't know how to tell her, how to admit it all to himself.
As the sun rose, so did he. He set out and roamed the fields and meadows, passing slowly through the beautiful apple orchard, every petal and branch dripping with memories. He went down the hill and remembered Anne running down it, her hair streaming bright and her laughter echoed in his mind. The forest shimmered in the hazy sun and he could hear the water trickling from the stream which ran down to the swimming hole. He recalled picking up Anne and spinning her around, joking with her as they splashed each other.
Change was never easy, especially when things had finally settled down. Gilbert didn't have a lot of experience of a 'normal' life and now it had arrived he didn't know how to act. It wouldn't last though, soon he was off to college and everything would change again.
Reaching the waterhole, Gilbert gazed down at the shining water. There was a dull ache in his heart at the knowledge that the life in Avonlea which he was used to was ending, and things would never be the same again. He thought to all those days in the school house, the time working the farm with Bash and James, all the study sessions and walks with Anne... he thought further back to when his Father was alive, before they went away. He was so young, so naive. He had no idea what lay in store for him.
Gilbert thought of all his regrets, mistakes, fears... he thought what he would do if he could turn back time, how he would have done things differently. There was no use, he decided. He would kill for another day with his Father, his siblings, to meet his Mother, but it was no use... every event in his life had moulded him into the man he was now.
Gilbert remembered Diana's words last year, "Your Father would be proud of you."
Gilbert made up his mind. He couldn't put it off for any longer, he'd go and see Anne. He'd tell her the news, however much it saddened and worried him. He couldn't live with anymore regrets, and he knew he'd regret it if he didn't tell her and spent their last week together pretending like it wasn't.
Diana was running down the road to Green Gables when she saw somebody at the white double gates. It was Jerry, closing the latch as Gilbert rode his horse up into the yard. Jerry was whistling, and Diana smiled and stopped at the gate, calling to him as he walked across the yard. Turning back, Jerry grinned as he saw her.
"Diana. How are you?" He jogged over.
Diana leant over the fence, her long dark curls blowing in the wind. "Not the best, if I'm honest," She admitted. "Is Anne in?"
"Yes, but she is soon to be busy with lovebird." Jerry rolled his eyes.
Diana laughed, feeling her heart lift as she did so. She was glad to see Jerry. She took a deep breath, enjoying the warm breeze. Despite the argument that morning it was a beautiful day, she didn't want that to ruin her enjoyment of one of her last days in Avonlea.
"Perhaps I could help?" Jerry asked, looking at her tear-streaked face. "Did you choose? Did you take the test?"
Diana bit her lip. "I did... My parents are furious."
Jerry sighed and put his hands on the fence, looking up at the sky. He shrugged and said,
"It's your life. If you are happy and they love you, they will accept it one day."
Diana scoffed. "I doubt that... they don't seem to care a wit about my happiness. Only their reputation. They will not support this decision, they will not support me."
Jerry inhaled deeply, thoughtful. He pushed his hair back from the breeze, considering everything she'd said.
"Well, I should not worry about that. Maybe they don't support you - someone else will. Anne, or another friend... or - support yourself. I do. I support me and my family. You can get a job to pay for food, a room... anything you need."
Diana hadn't thought of that. Without her family to fall back on she'd felt helpless, powerless. But he was right. She had her own power - friendship. She wasn't helpless, she knew a lot about a lot, including people. She was good with people, she could find a job even if it was something like helping in a corner shop or looking after children. She could find something, she was sure. That is, if her parents didn't accept her choice after time like Jerry said.
"I'd never considered that. All my life I've been taught I'm nothing without my reputation, without a husband... None of that is true. I'm not nothing, I'm more than I ever dreamed I'd be."
Diana was passionate, filled with a new excitement and relief, her hair billowing around her and her cheeks flushed from the sun. The birds were singing and the sky was blue. It was a moment that printed itself in golden ink in Diana's memory.
"You are," Jerry gazed at her fondly. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and you can do anything."
"Jerry! You're bold."
"I mean it. I don't care if I'm bold."
Diana beamed, feeling an uncontrollable stirring in her heart. The idea of it all being within her grasp - college, independence, freedom... it was enough to make her want to scream out loud with happiness. Jerry seemed so especially kind and handsome in that moment. Diana stepped onto the fence, pulled herself higher up to lean fully over and she boldly took his sweet, tanned face in her hands, and kissed him softly on the lips.
He was surprised, lips not moving for a moment and then - Jerry's hands covered Diana's and he leant in, kissing her back. Their lips moved together, soft and exploring. Diana felt a rush in her chest, smelt the earth and woodsmoke scent of Jerry, the taste of sun and freshly baked bread with the undeniable sweetness of lips so long-awaited for a kiss. Diana had thought of this before and now it was happening she couldn't process it.
Breaking off, she smiled slightly at the dazed Jerry.
"I change my mind" Jerry breathed. "You are bold, Diana!"
They burst into laughter.
Anne was helping Marilla bake some scones for their picnic when Gilbert opened the front door.
"Gilbert!" She beamed, wiping a strand of hair from her eyes and smearing flour onto her cheek by mistake.
"Sorry to intrude," He took off his hat and nodded politely to Marilla.
"Not at all, Gilbert. How are you?"
"Fine thank you, I hope you're all well." Gilbert's eyes flickered to Anne and he analysed her state. She was standing, functioning, humming... she was hungover but she was sober. He smirked, thinking of her state the night before.
"We are right as rain, just enjoying Anne's last week. I bet you're excited for college?" Marilla asked him.
Gilbert felt that uncomfortable drop in his chest. He hesitated, but nodded. "Yes, I am. Anne, I... I wondered if I could speak with you?"
Anne stopped licking the stirring spoon and saw his serious expression, upturned eyebrows, concern in his deep brown eyes. Something was wrong. She felt a sinking sensation in her heart. What could it be? She thought everything had settled down, everything was finally good... Anne put down the spoon and nodded, taking a deep breath before following him outside onto the porch.
The sun was blazing, as mid afternoon beams dappled through the trees casting pretty, dancing patterns across Anne and Gilbert. Anne closed the door and the boards creaked as they sat down on the porch step, looking down at the yard. Jerry was nowhere in sight, they were alone except for the birds singing happily in the meadow. It was a perfect Summers day.
Anne waited, anxious of what Gilbert would say. He didn't speak, merely chewed his bottom lip and frowned down at his hands which anxiously fiddled with a loose thread on his shirt.
Eventually she could bare it no longer, "Is everything okay?"
"I didn't mean to worry you... I just, I have something to tell you. I knew you were in no state to understand or remember it last night so I waited until today..." Gilbert paused for a few moments again.
"Please tell me, Gil, I beg you. I can't bare guessing." Anne whispered, limpid eyes transfixed upon him, hanging onto his words.
He turned and met her gaze, looking at her dear face with all its freckles and the messy red curls framing her soft grey eyes, even the smudge of flour on her cheek... it was all so dear to Gilbert. He knew he'd remember this moment when everything was bright and golden, with the birds singing and they were finally safe. This moment before Anne knew the truth and everything changed.
"Anne, I'm not going to college. At least, I'm not going with you to Queens."
There was a moment of shocked silence that seemed to last a hundred years to Gilbert.
"Why, I don't understand?" Anne sounded choked, the carpet pulled from under her.
"Yesterday I went to Charlottetown to take a different exam, last minute. I'm going to Medical School, Anne. I'm going to be a Doctor."
"But how did you take the exam? We studied for Queens."
"Well, I've been studying medicine for years in my spare time, reading every book I could get my hands on. I've learnt a lot with the Doctor too, in the Practice. I decided last minute to try and -- I think it went really well! Anne, I really want this."
"That's your dream, Gil. I'm happy for you!" Anne said, and she really meant it but somehow she still felt lost.
Gilbert examined her expression, trying to figure her out. "You truly mean it?"
"Yes, I do. I'm so proud of you. I know how hard you work and you deserve this."
"James gave me the idea really... I wasn't considering it as I knew I couldn't afford it. I intended to go to Queens, teach for a few years to save money and attend Medical School when I had the funds..." Gilbert was afraid to speak it out loud. "Anne - I'm truly sorry, I didn't tell you sooner. I feel wicked - I found gold, in Guardinia Cottage... I didn't feel right taking it-- I-- something in me just longed for it. A-- a safety net, an option..."
Anne said nothing. She was thinking, taking it all in. Gilbert waited for a while but she didn't speak. He wasn't used to silent Anne. He scratched the back of his head, the spot where she had so often trailed her fingers through his hair, cradled him. He wished she would speak, tell him what she thought. He cared so much about her opinion, if she thought it wrong he couldn't bare to use the gold. She was everything good in his world.
Gilbert went on, eager to explain himself.
"I've never had money - never had anyone to rely on but myself. My family were poor and there was so many of us that my Father was always working until -- until he... then I had to fend for myself. All my life I've had no options... I wasn't proud of taking it, I felt so guilty. Some part of me I didn't know existed took it. A part of me that wanted choices, a different future... I didn't want to tell you, I was ashamed."
Gilbert stared at her, big doe eyes imploring for her opinion. Finally, she said,
"Oh Gilbert... there's no reason to be ashamed. I understand how it feels to want more than your lot and feel that your dreams will not come true because of the family you were born into or the place you grew up. I never dreamt I'd go to college..."
Anne reached over and grasped his hand tightly, interlinking her fingers. Gilbert exhaled a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in.
"Besides, after everything they did to us, took from us, why shouldn't we take something back? We deserve to be happy, don't we? To be able to move on and live our lives as we always dreamt."
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything before." Gilbert leant his head onto her shoulder, feeling a weight lift from his heart. "I should have known you'd understand, of all people. I was a fool."
"It's okay, Gil." Anne stroked his hair with her free hand and breathed slowly, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. "I'm only sad you won't be coming with me because I'll miss you dreadfully."
It was a rare moment for Anne to be open about her feelings towards him and Gil always caught them and saved them up in his mind like precious jewels.
"I know, I'm going to miss you too. It's going to be hard too, to be so far away from you -- after everything it's frightening to think if something happened I wouldn't be able to help you. To look out for you..."
"Matthew worries too. But I won't be alone. My friends will look out for me. Besides, I'm tired of being afraid." Anne set her jaw stubbornly, and gazed up into the sky at the birds and swirling clouds.
"You're the bravest person I ever met." Gilbert whispered softly, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of Anne stroking his hair and holding his hand. To be close and peaceful with her was enough, it was all he needed to make the world stop and fall away.
They sat in silence for a while, before Anne spoke.
"I'm sorry about last night..." She looked down at him and he opened his eyes, smirking at her. "I'm utterly humiliated. I don't even remember most of what happened! The last thing I remember is falling off a wall... Apparently you brought me home?"
Gilbert sat up and wrapped his arm around her waist, grinning at the amusing memory. "I did - just about. I carried you the entire way home. You could barely walk."
Anne tried to put her head in her hands but Gilbert grabbed her hand and held it, laughing at the blush creeping into her cheeks.
"Don't tell me the awful details! I don't want to know any of it. Luckily Marilla was not angry with me - It is punishment enough for my dreadful behaviour to know I embarrassed myself in front of everyone..."
"So what? You seemed to be having a lot of fun."
Anne groaned and hid her face in his shoulder. "I swear, Gilbert! You mustn't tease me."
"I'll admit I wasn't having much fun myself... I was hoping you'd be sober enough to talk about college but I arrived and you were hanging off of Edward. Not quite the image I'd expected..." Gilbert raised his eyebrows and scoffed.
"You still have a thing against him?" Anne groaned. "He's not interested in me, I promise you! If he was he'd have to be mad. What are the chances of two good looking men being interested in me? I still find it hard to believe you are!"
"So he's good looking now?" Gilbert pretended to gasp in horror, teasing her further.
"I didn't mean-- ugh! You're the worst." Anne rolled her eyes, realising he was messing around.
Gilbert grinned. "I'm going to have to get used to other men showing interest in you. I expect there will be no end of suitors at Queens. A smart, unattainable, beautiful redhead who will make you work hard for her attention? I'm going to have some competition, I know it."
"No you're not! Not only will there be no one even remotely interested in me, I will not be even remotely interested in anyone else." Anne exclaimed defiantly.
"Hmm. I find it hard to believe... just picture him - handsome, smart and rich, ready to sweep you off your feet just like in all those books you like. Oh and he'd have to be aloof, emotionless... apart from when it came to his undying love and passion for you. That seems pretty ideal, no?"
"Have you read these books? You seem to know an awful lot about them." Anne rolled her eyes, flushing.
"I may have, a while ago... When a certain girl with the most striking braids appeared in school. Maybe I wanted to do some research into what did interest you, as none of my efforts to get your attention had been working."
"So you acted like these characters so I'd be interested?" Anne gasped.
"Not at all, I decided they were all unbearable self-indulgent, upper-class cacks and I'd rather be myself... Even if you never glanced my way."
"Well, being yourself worked after all." Anne smirked. "You got my attention. So don't worry about me being interested in any of those upper-class cacks you speak of. I can assure you, it won't happen."
Gilbert looked at her and saw the passionate determination in her eyes. He knew she was right, he knew she was loyal. It was his own insecurity and idea that she was too good for him that lead him to these ideas, not anything she'd ever done. The image of her hanging off of Edward still haunted him though, giggling and vulnerable with her dress torn. What if it had been somebody else? Someone other than Edward, the perfect gentleman? Not everyone had good intentions.
"I'm afraid of what could happen to you when I'm not there." Gilbert whispered, cupping Anne's cheek, wiping the smudge of flour away with his thumb. "Promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise." Anne placed her hands on his shoulders and their faces were close, their foreheads touching. "Hey, don't get like this on me. It's not forever, we'll see each other at Christmas break. And we still have a week together."
"I know. I love you, Anne." Gilbert leant in and kissed her gently.
The kiss soon deepened but it remained slow, longing and meaningful as either one savoured the taste and feel of one another, memorising every line of their partners lips, every breath and movement. Every habit that was so familiar and would become so precious when it wasn't regularly enjoyed. Anne didn't think she'd ever tire of that feeling - the simultaneous adoration of one another. The comfort that you were loved and someone cared about you very deeply.
Oh how she'd miss Gilbert.
Gilbert broke the kiss and cupped her face, his brown eyes half open as though he was fatigued from the kiss. He spoke under his breath.
"I want to take you somewhere... tomorrow. Ride down to the crossroads in the morning. Meet me at nine and I'll take you somewhere."
"Where?" Anne laughed.
"The lake... we can have a picnic."
"Alright. You can be awfully romantic when you want to be, you know that? I think you've taken notes from those books." Anne teased. Gilbert flushed and laughed. "I better get inside. Marilla has lots to do."
Anne kissed him on the cheek and stood up, using his shoulder to lean on. His hand went to hers and their fingers brushed. "Have a good night, Anne girl." He murmured.
"See you at nine tomorrow."
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