twelve // a game of cat and mouse
"Although it may not be apparent at the time of actions, consequences will always follow. Be it next month, in two years, or even today."
Guardinia Cottage was a shell of history.
Some of the history was happy, dating back before the residence of the Redmond family... But the latest history, the latest to greet its abode were dark-hearted and full of resentment and anger. You could feel it as you approached, like a cloud hung over the building and shrouded every room, every beam and brick... The garden was overgrown and the path disguised with weeds and nettles. The yard was empty, save an unused pile of split logs and an axe wedged into a chopping block. The sky framing the cottage was grey and heavy with rain, held back only by the determined sunshine of day.
The night ahead promised to be grim and cold.
The Wolfsden gang arrived exhausted but determined. They looked up at the house, built in typical Avonlea style with the gable room and fence yet abandoned and washed in neglect. It symbolised the decay of the dream of a happy childhood for Kes and Peggy and the long forgotten hope of one for January. They gazed at the building, the reality sinking in that it was only a dream. The truth of their lives and childhoods crept in, the lives of crime and imprisonment and their determined search for justice in any form throughout life... Sticking together was their only constant, their only comfort.
"Well, no point in waiting around." Detective Ellwyn said gruffly after surveying the sight before them in silence for a few moments.
"If they're in there it's going to be a fight. You should be careful." James said hurriedly. He was anxious of what might happen.
"Thanks for the advice, kid." The Detective sniped sarcastically.
Detective Ellwyn led the way though the gate and up the path, clearing a passage through the plants to the front door. He found the door unlocked and there were signs of the lock being forced and breaking. It had been purposefully left open. He proceeded with caution, creeping over the threshold without a sound. James followed naturally as did Jerry. January turned to her younger friends.
"You two best stay out here. It won't be safe."
"What?" Kes exclaimed in horror. "They attacked me too, y'know! It's only fair I get to fight 'em."
"It's more a matter of being murdered by several violent fully-grown adults than fairness. They won't play fair." January said firmly.
Peggy was afraid. "They will hurt you."
"No. They won't get chance. I'll take 'em out first." January reassured her. "I'm careful."
"I don't like this." Kes said crossed his arms.
"Stay here. I'll be back."
Then January disappeared into the house after the others. Kes and Peggy exchanged knowing looks before following her silently. Deeper inside the house the others searched each room. It became rapidly apparent that they were alone there and it hadn't been lived in for several days. After finding one of the last rooms empty, James left, frustrated and stormed down the hall to the bedroom which was the final place to look. He heard the creak of a floorboard and span around, pinning the intruder to the wall.
"Get off me, Riley!" Exclaimed January, pushing the young man back with annoyance.
"Oh, it's you." James breathed in relief. Then it turned to surprise. "What are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be waiting outside?"
January scoffed. "Did you honestly think I would?"
James looked at her in poorly-disguised admiration. She never appeared to run out of bravery and determination. They looked at each other for a few moments, yet they seemed to drag into hours in the narrow hallway. They were stood so close that they could hear each other's heavy breathing and make out the flicker of each other's eyelashes. It was dark and yet somehow James thought January's eyes shone. January realised there was a peculiar feeling in her chest and she cleared her throat.
"Are we gonna find this girl or not?" She brushed past him and went to the last room. Whilst pausing to listen at the door, James caught her up. They nodded at each other before pushing the door open.
"There's nobody here." James huffed in disappointment. He'd let Gilbert down after promising to find Scarlett and end this. He turned to leave.
"Wait, look!" January said, moving into the room. There was a chest by the bed, with a note pinned to the lid.
The pair knelt down to read it.
A moonlit gathering in the woods where it all started. Don't be late or you'll miss the special guest who departs at midnight. She's a real celebrity in Avonlea, the martyr of Green Gables.
"They left this for us to find. It's a code." James said in a rush.
"It means Scarlett has Anne!" January gasped in horror.
"The place where it all started? Her plan for revenge, that must mean... The clearing where Redmond died."
"Departing after midnight?" January frowned. "What does that mean?"
"She's going to kill Anne after midnight." James realised.
*James Riley face reveal. I've thought about this cast for a long time and I just stan Robert Sheehan so hard so I chose him*
Gilbert worked hard all evening, crushing the yellow flowers into a poultice before stewing them with elderflowers and yarrow.
Cole assisted by sponging down his family with cold cloths as directed and fetching Gilbert plants and tools he needed. When the remedy was finally ready Gilbert siphoned it into the children's mouths while Cole fed some to his unconscious Mother. Time had run against them and the children had turned pale and clammy, growing weaker while Cole's Mother had been tormented with restless sleep, writhing and muttering with fever dreams.
After giving them the medicine the boys finally sat down on the floor to rest. Sweating and exhausted, Gilbert leant against the door and Cole sat by his little sister on the floor, stroking her damp hair with a concerned expression.
"Will they make it through?" Cole whispered in a hoarse voice.
Gilbert didn't know, he only hoped. "We'll know in an hour." He said.
After a while Cole gave into his exhaustion and slept but Gilbert couldn't relax knowing Scarlett was out there somewhere and Anne was in danger. He thought of his friends and wished he could be there to help them. He wondered where they were and what they were doing. He prayed Anne was safe and sound in Green Gables with the Cuthberts.
Soon the clock chimed eleven which woke Cole. Stumbling to his feet and rubbing his eyes, he urgently checked his Mother and siblings. His face lit up and Gilbert came to feel their skin too. It was cool and their breathing was even.
"They broke through the fever." Gilbert breathed in relief. "The worst is over."
"Thank you, thank you so much!" Cole hugged Gilbert tightly.
Gilbert smiled. If he hadn't studied and gained experience helping Doctor Rooke he wouldn't have known how to save them and they'd be lost... Cole would have become an orphan like himself, like Anne. It reiterated to Gilbert the importance of his studies and going to Medical school, just like James encouraged.
"They should recover well enough now, just ensure they drink plenty of water and eat well, as well as lots of sleep." Gilbert looked at Cole, noticing the bags beneath his eyes and how gaunt he looked. "Make sure you eat and sleep too, Cole. You need to look after yourself. Nursing your family isn't easy."
"I will. I can rest easy now." Cole said happily.
"I will stop by this week to see how they're getting on. Just keep them cool and use the medicine if they slip into fever again but they're through the worst of it." Gilbert told Cole. "I have to go now."
"Is that to see the man I saw with you on the hill?" Cole asked curiously. "Who was he?"
"An -- old acquaintance. He's helping me with something." Gilbert said awkwardly. "It's very important."
"Is it to do with the trouble you and Anne Shirley-Cuthbert had in the Winter?" Cole asked slowly.
Gilbert stiffened, uncomfortable. "I-- How do you know about that?"
"I don't really know anything. I've just heard things." Cole admitted. "I do know is you saved my family and Anne was welcoming and kind to me when I started in Avonlea. You're both good people with a good hearts. I hope you two aren't in any bad trouble is all... Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Just don't believe everything you hear." Gilbert said thoughtfully. "Friends are important, loyalty and trust. It's even more precious than before now."
"Oh I don't believe in judging people before you know their story," Cole said and patted Gilbert on the shoulder as they walked to the front door. "Well good luck with whatever it is. And thank you, again. I owe you."
Gilbert smiled slightly. "Friends don't owe."
In the clearing where Redmond had died, midnight broke and the moon shone down into the woods. The sky was black, swimming with silver clouds. The forest was silent and still yet the air was buzzing with energy, as though everything was holding its breath and waiting. The trees reached up into the sky like spears, the pines dragging long, moonlit shadows through the clearing.
The clearing was ringed with hidden figures. Tall, cloaked and hooded in black. Motionless, disguised in the trees waiting silently for their order. The bait, grim-faced and stubborn was tied to a tree stump that jutted out in the centre of the clearing. Her red hair had escaped it's plaits and tumbled over her shoulders, some tangled tendrils hanging in her grey eyes. It didn't bother her, nor did the tight ropes digging into her wrists or the cramp in her legs from kneeling on the pine needles so long. She was determined and tight-lipped. All of her remaining bravery was painted across her features.
Anne knew her friends were coming for her. That's what she was afraid of. That's what was bothering her. It was a trap and her friends didn't know - they were heading straight into it. They'd be here soon and then they'd all be snatched away right before her eyes... Those she loved and cared about, those who fought for her and stood by her.
It twisted a knot of dread into her chest, making it hard to swallow, hard to breathe, hard to think.
Anne prayed her friends had a plan because she didn't. There was no way she was being let go, goodness knows she'd tried bargaining, tried reasoning, even tried threatening and nothing worked. Scarlett was determined to get revenge and her grief blinded her beyond reason.
Anne thought about Gilbert and how he'd lied to protect her. How he'd put them both through the turmoil and heartache of the break up just for her to be captured so easily, so simply... everything he'd been afraid of happening. Now she'd never get to tell him she forgave him. He'd never know... Anne would die before he got back to Avonlea and he'd be left alone thinking she died hating him for what he did. He'd always believe that she thought he never loved her. That she'd died believing that... it would break him, she just knew it.
Anne felt a lump in her throat and she bit her lip to keep herself grounded. Handle it and come out stronger.
But how would she handle it?
"I hope you've all realised that it's a trap." Peggy said simply.
"We know." James and January said in unison.
"We have to go, even if it's a trap." Jerry demanded.
The exhausted, distressed group was huddled in the road outside Guardinia Cottage. After Peggy and Kes had found January and James they'd all rushed out to spread the news and make a plan. The sky was churning with a storm like a violet painting being smeared all over with black ink, the clouds hanging low with rain. The Spring had promised a Summer that was bright and warm yet the weather had other plans. The days were hot and sunny and the nights were often bitter and riddled with storms.
"You have to get back-up from the police. There's a new chief, there's forces in town." James suggested eagerly to Detective Ellwyn, who'd been silent in thought.
"It's a bad idea. They won't listen to me." Ellwyn shook his head calmly. "I'm not even supposed to work a case in this town. It was a crazy scheme of Blythe's that got me back here and now it's getting out of hand."
"Out of hand? You think this was the plan all along? Are you mad?" January's temper flared. "We didn't want this to happen. Don't say that as though we are naughty children just messing around. Our friend is in danger, imminent danger!"
"Scarlett could kill her right now!" Jerry cried angrily.
"Don't you see? Scarlett wants you to rush in so you'll be in the palm of her hand... at her mercy. We need to think carefully about this." The Detective said firmly, not reacting to their hysteria.
"Rush in? But she's in danger! Do you not understand?" Jerry was exasperated.
"Yes, I understand." Ellwyn sighed impatiently and gave him a withering look. "The thing is, she is not the kind of person to kill Anne for the sake of killing. She's shown that already. She wants it to be a show... this revenge is very meaningful to her so it has to be special."
"She wants to put on a show." Peggy muttered, her brain whirring.
"The kid gets it." Detective Ellwyn nodded and scratched his beard, thinking.
"So what do we do?" James asked, who'd been listening carefully and letting it sink in. He was afraid that with everybody's heightened emotions something would happen that they'd all regret. He needed it to be handled right. If somebody died again he'd never forgive himself, no matter who it was...
January looked at James. She trusted him. If he was taking note of Detective Ellwyn's opinion, it was worth taking note of.
"Let her think that we're playing into her trap and that she has the upper hand." Detective Ellwyn said as though it was obvious. "If you want police reinforcements it can't be me asking, I'll need somebody to come with me. Somebody they trust or respect."
"Well James is the 'hero' of Avonlea." Jerry pointed out, sarcasm evident in his tone. It was true though.
"We need to play her." James nodded.
"She's playing cat and mouse. So we become the cat." Peggy said quietly.
"Alright, let's catch this rat." James said, cracking his knuckles.
Gilbert was riding through the woods, searching all around for his friends. They'd told him they'd be there yet he had been looking ever since he left Cole's house and he couldn't find them. The day was giving way to evening and the weather had darkened so the bitter wind whipped against Gil's face and knuckles as he travelled. Gilbert couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Scarlett could either have been caught by now and it would all be over or something terrible could have happened while he was out of town.
As the rain began to fall so did Gilbert's spirits. The relief from saving Cole's family had deserted him in exchange for dread for what was ahead of him. After a while he was beginning to consider heading back to his farm to check if his friends had possibly gone back there. Gilbert decided he'd head home at the crossroads and hope they'd be there.
But to reach the crossroads he had to go along the road near the clearing where Redmond died. He remembered finding the body of Redmond in a pool of blood, finding Joseph's grave. It usually seemed like so long ago and yet on this dark night with the storm above him and the biting wind creeping up the back of his neck in shivers it felt like merely moments ago. It seemed like reliving it all.
Then the sound to make his blood run cold.
Anne's voice, tortured into pained screams ringing through the looming trees. It washed over Gilbert like a wave of ice, a shock in the silent forest. Then more sounded -- cries and sobs and pleads. The screams were choked. Somebody was hurting her. She was afraid, in pain. She was in the woods.
Mindlessly, Gilbert dismounted his horse and ran through the trees, not a care or thought crossing his mind but Anne... He had to reach her. A force drove him blindly, stumbling and charging onwards. The trees sped past as he followed her voice. Reaching the clearing, the moon came out from the clouds and split the clearing with light. There she was, hunched by a tree stump in the middle of the clearing, with a tall woman standing over her, one fist grasping Anne's hair and the other hand twisting her arm. The moon flashed on a silver blade in her belt and Gilbert's heart leapt into his throat.
"Ahh!" Anne screamed, her voice shaking. "Let go. Please, stop. Let g-- ahhhh--" Her words slipped from coherent to disjointed screams as Scarlett twisted her fist, pulling Anne up by her hair. Anne struggled furiously but Gilbert saw that her wrists were tied.
"Stop!" Gilbert yelled.
The woman looked up and Gilbert saw her face, a twisted wolf's smile. It was Scarlett. Anne's wide, tearful eyes flickered through the clearing at the sound of his voice, finding him standing there with an expression of absoloute fear. Her heart lit with a mixture of hope and dread. He was here, her dear Gilbert. It really was all a lie, he did love her. Yet he was here in the trap, surrounded by dozens of gang members.
"No. Oh no." Anne whimpered desperately, holding out her hands to him. "You have to go. Please go--"
Scarlett yanked the girl back against her, causing Anne to gasp in pain as her hair was tugged. Scarlett's fingers danced on her blade handle, drawing it out and waving it dangerously close to Anne's pale throat. Gilbert moved forward instinctively and Scarlett pressed the knife to Anne's neck.
"Don't come any closer, or your little princess will get very friendly with my knife." Scarlett hissed with a grin.
"Don't-- Please-- fine," Gilbert froze and held up his hands. "Just please don't hurt her--"
Scarlett smirked victoriously. "This is nice, to finally meet you both. I've been a big fan for a long time."
Gilbert couldn't speak, his fear was strangling him. Anne was breathing heavily, her bound hands reaching up clutching her head which was obviously pained from having her hair pulled so hard. Her face was a smudge of pain and fear between the drapes of tangled crimson hair. Her big grey eyes were unmoving on his face, conveying so many emotions that Gilbert couldn't begin to decipher them.
"I'm so glad you're here, Blythe. I've been waiting for you with great anticipation." Scarlett began to laugh. It was a sinister sound. Anne knew the gang members would rush in at the slightest signal from Scarlett.
"Gilbert, go!" Anne cried again, pushing Scarlett's hand away from her throat suddenly.
"I'm not leaving you!" Gilbert shouted. "Don't even think there's any chance I'd leave you."
"Please, you have to go she's going to ki--" Anne's voice shrilled but she was cut off as Scarlett trapped her in a headlock, her strong arms practically choking the younger girl.
"No--" Gilbert's heart was pounding hard in his chest, going ever faster, his mind rushing like a speeding train.
"Don't ruin the surprise, girly." Scarlett growled at Anne.
"She's going to kill you--" Anne choked out, scratching at Scarlett's arms which pressured her throat.
"Well now you've let the cat out the bag!" Scarlett said with irritation and looked up, signaling with one hand.
Suddenly Gilbert felt hands grabbing his arms. He pushed them off, but there were too many. Gilbert fought them but soon enough he was on his knees, his hands held behind his back by two strong men in hooded cloaks as well as another man holding a knife up as a warning. The rain lashed down now, muddying the ground and falling into Gilbert's eyes. He struggled against them until he felt a knife point press into his coat.
"Don't push your luck, boy." Said a gruff voice from beneath one of the hoods.
"What did we ever do to you?" Gilbert cried out angrily. "Why are you doing this?"
"It's all for Anne, you're just unlucky that she likes you. It's her fault you're here and it's her fault you're going to die." Scarlett's voice dripped with venom. She was angry now. "This little witch drove my family apart until Joseph killed my father!"
"I didn't! I promise I didn't -- Please don't hurt Gil--" Anne began to cry at the sight of Gilbert with a knife to his back. Her nightmare was coming true. He was going to die because of her.
"Your Father was abusive, he used to beat Joseph. That's why he killed him. It has nothing to do with Anne!" Gilbert shouted, pulling against his captors.
"Liar!" Scarlett screamed furiously.
"We all saw the bruises. He was black and blue." Gilbert implored. "Your Father was no saint, Scarlett."
"It was Anne! She led Joseph into madness. It was her fault." Scarlett repeated, brandishing her knife.
"You don't have to do this. Please, let us help you." Gilbert said, trying to calm his voice. Scarlett's knife was getting closer and closer to Anne and her temper was unravelling.
"Help me? I'm past that, boy and I'd never trust you if my life depended on it." Scarlett spat. "You're a liar, you proved that to me in the woods."
"You said you'd kill Anne if I didn't lie! I mean it, I can help you. Killing us won't take away your pain, it won't help you." Gilbert was getting desperate now.
"Maybe it won't take away the pain, but it will feel good." Scarlett snapped.
That's when the realisation hit that they were both going to die. There was no way out. Anne's heart plummeted and it all came out.
"I'm sorry, Gilbert -- I'm so sorry." Anne sobbed.
"No, Anne, I'm sorry -- I didn't mean it. Any of it. I love you--" Gilbert could barely breathe. This was it.
"I know it was a lie-- I forgive you." Anne cried, trembling with fear. "I love you so much."
"You make me sick." Scarlett swiped her knife high into the air. "Times up, lovebirds."
"NO--!" Anne screamed, struggling wildly.
"ANNE--!" Gilbert yelled, pulling desperately against the men who held him.
This was the end.
"STOP!" Came a voice.
The gang members span to look at the newcomer. Gilbert and Anne blinked up through the rain and tears. It was a tall boy with dark hair. As he came closer Anne recognised him. What was Jerry doing here?
"Jerry no--" Anne couldn't believe her eyes. It got worse and worse.
Suddenly there were even more figures emerging from the tracks. There was January, Peggy and Kes. They came into the clearing, unaware of the gang members ready to ambush at any moments, hidden in the trees. All of her friends were here, they were walking blindly into the trap.
"It's a trap!" Anne yelled at them. "You have to run--"
"Take them all." Scarlett signalled.
The gang members descended upon the group, apprehending them easily until they were all on their knees in a semi-circle around Anne with knives to their throats. As they were forced down into the mud, they seemed calm. Anne didn't understand it. Why had they come? Why didn't they resist and fight? It didn't make any sense.
"You make it so easy." Scarlett laughed gleefully, her eyes wide and shining like a child in a sweet shop. It was her plan, laid out before her. It was a success. "This is just too good. All I had to do was mention Anne and you all come running, right where I want you. It's perfect."
"She's going to kill you all." Anne sobbed.
"I'm not afraid." January said, holding her head up high. Her dark eyes held Anne's for a moment too long, meaning hidden in her gaze.
A flicker of hope ran through Anne. They couldn't be that ignorant to walk into a trap, could they? They just couldn't.
"You should be afraid, sweetheart." Scarlett laughed. "Kill the Blythe boy first."
She pointed a wicked finger at Gilbert.
Before Anne could utter even a gasp, there was a loud shout from in the trees and then several things happened very quickly. The first thing was Scarlett heard the shout and reacted instantly, throwing her knife across the clearing towards Gilbert. The second, January reached up, gripped her captor's arm and swung him over her shoulder onto the ground before snatching up his dagger. Kes and Peggy made use of their captor's distraction and rolled forwards, turning to kick them in the shins. Third, a flurry of uniformed men entered the clearing in a circle, trapping everyone inside including the gang members and Scarlett.
It took Anne a second to realise that the uniformed men were police officers, led by a man wearing a long blue coat and none other than Detective Ellwyn. The initial reaction of the gang members was aggressive resistance. Gilbert was let go during the commotion that raged around him. He felt down and winced at the blood dripping down his chest. The knife had skimmed his shoulder but sliced into the skin in passing. It was deep and stung painfully but he could move at least. He looked up, desperately searching for Anne. She had gone.
Scrambling to his feet, Gilbert ran towards where she'd been, searching all around. There were people everywhere fighting. It was dark and the rain poured from the black sky. It was difficult to see but Gilbert made out a flash of red hair between the trees. Scarlett had taken Anne into the woods. Gilbert ran after them, pushing past everyone in his way. He had to reach her.
I forgive you.
Her words rung in his head like an echo in a cave, endlessly. She knew it was a lie, that he didn't mean what he'd said. Gil cursed himself for not getting back to Avonlea sooner, he could have stopped this all from happening. He'd have kept her safe like he promised.
Now Scarlett had her again.
James saw Gilbert running into the woods after Scarlett and Anne and his heart dropped. If Scarlett did anything to Anne then Gilbert would lose his mind just like James did when it had come to Joseph. James didn't want Gilbert to be saddled with that lifelong trauma and guilt that ate you away inside. He wanted to avoid that, that's why he'd gone with the Detective to get official reinforcements to keep things under control. He didn't want things to escalate again like they had when it was just him and Joseph.
James had to stop it.
Scarlett dragged Anne onwards through the forest, higher and higher as the land sloped upwards. They were heading for the rocky heathland on the other side of the forest. Rivers split the land there and mapped off in streams into the forest. Great rivers carved cliffs out of the hills. They broke through the forest and the wind and rain hit them even harder without shelter. Scarlett was fuelled by pure determination and anger at this point, pulling Anne on. Anne struggled the whole time, desperate to get away and get back to the clearing. She'd seen Scarlett throw the knife and she'd not seen Gilbert since... She had to know if he was alive.
The wind swept them across the hills as the ground turned rocky and long grasses grew all around. Gilbert came from the woods second, spotting them up ahead making their way to where the ground dipped down into a cliff. Gilbert knew it dropped far down into a churning river. Scarlett dragged Anne closer and Gilbert forced his exhausted legs to move faster and he sprinted up the hill after them.
He caught their words on the fierce wind.
"I'm not afraid of the police or your friends," Scarlett was screaming at Anne. "I don't care if all of my gang are thrown in jail or killed where they stood. I'm alone, don't you see? I'm always alone. It doesn't matter what happens next because I'm alone."
"Please don't do this, we can help you. You're never alone." Anne pleaded.
"Stop saying that. You can't help me! Nobody can." Scarlett yelled. "You took him away from me -- my only family!"
"I'm sorry about your father, I know how it feels, believe me. I know. I was alone too but I found a new family -- you can too! Just let us help you." Anne's voice was shaking now as she was forced closer to the cliff edge. "You don't have to do this--"
Gilbert was catching them up. James had broken through the woods and saw them moving up ahead on top of the hill, the long grasses up to their waists. The sky was a mass of black clouds back-dropping the rain-sleeted cliff. Two red-heads were stumbling towards the edge of a deep ravine. James could see it all playing out like a nightmare. It was exactly what he was so afraid of happening.
"This is where you die. It doesn't matter anymore if you didn't lose someone before you died-- I'll just kill them all afterwards!" Scarlett's eyes were fire, flaming with resentment and fury.
Anne's wet hair whipped around her face, the rain pouring down as she sobbed and pulled on her hands but Scarlett was stronger. Anne felt a rush behind her and glanced back, seeing that she'd reached the edge. Anne realised all at once that it was hopeless. The cliff fell away behind her, her feet scrambling onto the crumbling cliff edge. The drop was impossibly deep. It was dark, the sky was black and you couldn't make out the churning river at the bottom, only hear the rushing water.
"I didn't get to say goodbye." Anne whispered, thinking of her Cuthberts, her friends, Gilbert.
"I didn't either." Scarlett hissed, her words full of grief and hatred.
Gilbert was yards away, desperately running as fast as he could up the hill when suddenly before anyone could say or do anything more, Scarlett pushed Anne over the cliff edge.
Gilbert froze, watching the scene as though time had slowed down. Anne's face was pure shock and regret as she lost her balance and reached out, her hands searching for something to hold onto. But there was nothing and nobody close enough. Then she disappeared backwards into the ravine. Scarlett had finally done it. Anne was surely dead. Gilbert felt a wave of inexplicable emotion come over him. He couldn't see, he couldn't think, all he could do was feel and it hurt. It hurt so badly.
James watched hopelessly as Gilbert rushed at Scarlett and he saw them both fall off the cliff edge.
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