thirteen // the fall and the kingdom
Gilbert plummeted off the cliff into the dark abyss.
The churning river below growled below and rushed up to meet him. He let go of Scarlett and they plunged into the icy cold water, the initial shock hurting his body but not as bad as his heart hurt. The weight of the fall shot him under the water and the current dragged him along through the darkness. When he resurfaced, he looked all around, spluttering and coughing up water but Scarlett had vanished. It was only after gulping a lungful of air that his brain began to work again and he realised if he had survived the fall then it was possible that Anne would have..
This spark of hope was enough to propel his aching muscles through the water, following the current. The moon broke out from behind the clouds and shone a pale light across the water which was rushing and colliding in foamy waves. Gilbert blinked up through his wet curls and saw rocks up ahead. He pushed harder, fighting the current to reach the bank to the right which was formed of rocks and grassy earth. He needed to get there before he got dashed on the rocks up ahead. Dark thoughts intruded - What if that had happened to Anne? What if she hadn't been able to swim to the bank? She had her hands tied after all.
Don't think about that.
Gilbert reached the edge of the bank and clutched onto a slippery rock. Gasping in exhaustion and coughing up more water, he rested for a moment. Then the image of Anne falling flooded his mind again, her petrified expression and the regret in her eyes. It contracted his heart painfully.
He felt like screaming in frustration. Why could they never be happy? Why was there always something or somebody to keep them apart? It was never easy for them.
He had to find her, regardless of the state he found her in. Gilbert pulled himself up on the rocks, nearly losing his balance several times in his haste and grazing his palms on the jagged rocks. Once he was high enough onto the bank he looked around. The bank was cut deep onto the edge of the woods, with the looming pines crowding the hill. He looked up and saw the cliff, rising up to meet the cloud-strewn sky. The rain lashed down between the trees. Gilbert shivered. He was drenched even before he'd dived into the river. From a distance he could see now that the fall was not so high as he'd initially thought.
Scarlett could have survived too.
Where could Anne be? She couldn't have gotten far with her hands tied. It was hard to see in the dark but Gilbert saw between the rocks was a channel leading down a small waterfall into a gladed pool. Beyond that the river split into several deep streams... He'd follow every single one until he found Anne if he had to.
Gilbert pushed his wet hair back from his eyes and set off.
Anne had taken the fall worse than Gilbert, who'd mostly landed on Scarlett. Anne had hurt her leg quite badly as she'd hit the water, dragged under before surging to the surface again. The unrelenting river battered her along mercilessly, dragging her under and pushing her up without barely a moment to recover. With er hands tied there was no way of fighting the current and it pulled her easily like a rag doll. Anne couldn't swim very well anyway but with her hands bound all she could do was keep her mouth and eyes closed as much as she could as she was buffeted along, rolling with the water and dipping under regularly as the churning picked up. Rocks appeared up ahead, jagged and black. Anne felt fear alight in her veins. She'd be dashed on the rocks! There was no way she could swim out of the way.
Suddenly something caught around her arm. It was a branch overhanging the river. Desperately, Anne grabbed onto it. The branches snapped and twisted in her hands, grazing into her skin as she was tugged on with the current. She clutched on tighter, using all her strength to pull herself further up the branch to a stronger part. The tree had been blown over and had fallen half in the water, it's tops spraying out over the riverbank. Anne glanced over her shoulder and saw the water crash against the rocks. Thank God she had caught on in time.
Anne managed to move further up the tree top, the current pushing her against the spiky, broken branches causing many cuts on her arms. Her dress was torn in several places and Anne thought fondly that Marilla would chastise her for it. Anne felt tears in her eyes at the thought that she was alive to see Marilla again. Scarlett had failed. She just wish she knew if Gilbert had survived the knife. She hadn't seen him since she'd been dragged from the clearing. Her friends were still there as were plenty of police officers, Anne reminded herself. Surely one of them would know how to help him if the knife had reached its target.
Anne crawled slowly along the riverbank, pushing branches and wet plants away, the water washing over her every few minutes as the current surged on. She had to keep holding on, if she let go for a minute she'd be pulled back out again. Anne felt the drag of the water, luring her body to the rocks. Keep going. You're nearly there, she told herself. The trees clustered around the bank above her, promising some cover from the torrential rain and perhaps a path back to the clearing. With a final push Anne reached up, clutched onto the tree trunk and pulled herself up onto the bank. The earth was slippery beneath her knees, soft and wet from the rain and the reeds and grasses caught on her skirts, tearing them further. Anne didn't care about any of it. She just had to get to him.
Exhausted but victorious, Anne lay on the bank, gasping for air and coughing up a worrying amount of water and soaked to her skin, Anne was bruised and bleeding. Devoid of energy she stayed there, panting and looking up at the pointed canopy. The rain fell from the sky in torrents but Anne didn't mind the feel of it on her face. Delirious and half-drowned, she closed her eyes and let her senses soak in the feeling of the wind, the rain, even the pain. It meant she was alive. It was precious.
Times like this when real life was too dreadful Anne's imagination distracted her. She pictured herself lying in bed at home in Green Gables, clean and dry after a long, warm bath. Her hair was tied back out of her face and she was reading. Downstairs Matthew and Marilla were chatting happily after a filling home-cooked meal. A soft knock on the window brought Gilbert to Anne, who let him in and they embraced. Anne thought of his arms, his smell, resting her head against his chest, burying her face in his shoulder, the comfort of his gentle voice.
'I didn't mean any of it. I love you.' He'd said. Anne clung to the memory of those words and they ran around her head on repeat. They kept her hope blazing. It had all been a lie to protect her. The worst, most painful lie Anne had ever been told... But a lie. The truth was golden, shining and it warmed Anne's heart. Gilbert really did love her.
The pain was too much at this point and Anne gave out. She fell unconscious, her face wet with tears. She couldn't go on, no matter how determined or hopeful she was. Her body had had enough. Anne last thought was a prayer that Scarlett wouldn't find her before she regained her strength to move on.
Gilbert ran through the trees, heart thumping.
He stayed close to the riverbank, hoping to spot her in the water or by the edge of the river. Just before the rocks there was a tree that had fallen in the river. It's branches reached out into the water, perfect for pulling yourself onto the bank. Gilbert moved closer and spotted a piece of torn fabric caught on it. Urgently he snatched it up, just making out it was a scrap of pale-brown cotton with tiny blue flowers on. It was Anne's, he remembered her wearing this dress. Either she was alive and had made it into the woods or she'd been dragged from the water by Scarlett...
Gilbert searched all around for more clues but he couldn't see anything in the dark. Frustrated, he ran on. He didn't want to risk calling for Anne in case Scarlett heard and followed him. Unless the rocks had got her Scarlett was still alive, still out there somewhere. The danger was still present and it hung over Gilbert.
It was then that he caught his foot on something and tripped. Sprawling onto the floor he groaned and looked down to see what it was. His heart nearly dropped out of his chest. It was Anne. Scrambling to his knees he leant over her and pulled her long red-hair over her shoulder, pressing two fingers to her neck to check a pulse. He couldn't find a pulse. There was nothing.
Always calm and practical in a crisis, Gilbert fell apart when it came to Anne. Shaking with shock, he lay Anne down, her head rolling to the side and her bound hands falling into her lap. He tipped up her chin and took a deep breath, before leaning down and pressing her mouth to hers to give oxygen. He felt her chest rise and he leant back, linking his hands and starting compressions on her chest.
Gilbert felt oddly numb and dizzy as he pushed, a world without Anne rushing into he is mind not for the first time. It was dark and cold. He didn't want to live in it. He pictured her face when she fell and his heart broke again as he remembered how he'd felt. The blind agony that drove him to fall from the cliff too... He couldn't bare it. He thought of all the times he'd almost lost her, from the first time he saw her lying by the side of the road in a pool of blood, when she'd been giving out to a fever on the Tilderly's kitchen table, to when he'd found her in the barn and stitched her back together and when she'd been sent to prison and he was convinced he'd never see her again.
"Please, Anne." He panted.
Giving more breaths, he felt anxiety crawl up his skin as nothing changed in her condition. She was still lifeless, getting colder despite his exhaustive efforts. Gilbert counted to himself as he pushed, using his fear to drive him through the rhythm.
"19, 20, no-- Anne, wake up! Gilbert was getting hysterical, is voice raising. "21, 22, 23. I need you, come on."
Reality was sinking in as he got into the third round of compressions and breaths and nothing had happened. Anne was still not breathing, her heart not beating. She was dead. Gilbert couldn't give up, despite the medical knowledge pointing him to the fact that hope was lost at this point. He pushed on, unrelenting despite the burn in his arms and shoulders and the rush to his head from giving too much oxygen and not taking in enough. Eventually he couldn't do anymore, he felt dizzy and his energy was drained.
"Please, please. Don't leave me. I can't do this without you." Gilbert began to cry. He leant down against her with his head on chest, listening desperately. His fingers curled into her hair and he held her, clinging on.
Then suddenly, slow and steady, there it was, leaping against her throat and chest. A heartbeat. Anne inhaled a sharp intake of breath and began coughing and wheezing. Gilbert felt overcome with relief.
"Anne! Anne, oh my God! Oh my g-- you're alright --" He stammered, rolling her onto her side to cough.
Anne dug her fingers into the ground and heaved, coughing up water. She felt her heart beating fast, working hard to recover after the ordeal. Her head hurt and her arms trembled before giving out and she fell onto her elbows. Her wet hair was hanging in her eyes and her knees were sunk into the mud. She realised her lips were tingling and tasted of somebody familiar. She suddenly remembered where she was and looked up.
"Gil--" Anne gasped and reached for him.
Gilbert caught her in his arms and bundled her onto his lap, wrapping her in the tightest hug. Anne buried her face in his shirt, not caring about how wet it was. She closed her eyes and reveled in the relief to be with him after everything. To have him embrace her and show her this affection and love after believing he didn't feel anything...
"You're alive. You came back to me." Gilbert whispered hoarsely into her hair, hardly believing it.
Anne lifted her head up and focused her eyes on his face in the dark. Anne's words got caught in her throat as she blinked up at him she felt she was in a dream. She reached a trembling hand and touched his face, gently tracing the curve of his cheek with her finger.
"I thought she'd--"
"She didn't." Gilbert cupped her face with trembling hands. "Anne, I'm here. I've got you." Gilbert pressed his forehead against hers, his hands still cupping her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks.
"Is this real?" Anne murmured weakly.
"I'm really here." Gilbert breathed, before rushing, "I'm sorry, my God. I'm so sorry. About all of it. I can't tell you how I hated myself for every second of pain I put you through. I didn't mean it, not a word. I swear. I had to lie or she said she'd kill you -- then I got afraid, I didn't think she'd keep her word. I had a feeling she had a plan to hurt you somehow-- I was right and I wasn't even there to stop her -- oh God, Anne I'm so terribly sorry I wasn't there. I should have been. I should have protected you like I promised. I always appear to let you down and you come back to me, I cannot fathom why, I don't deserve--"
Anne reached up and pushed her trembling fingers into shirt collar that was plastered against his neck. She pulled him down and kissed him hard and breathless, silencing his fretting and remorseful words. It didn't matter, any of it. All that mattered was that he was alive. She was alive. He was there and they were together.
"I saw you fall." Gilbert said quietly. "I thought that was it... I thought I'd lost you."
"So did I, I thought I was done for. I fell hard, but somehow I survived. Luck, maybe... Or fate." Anne murmured. "Where is Scarlett? What happened to her?"
"I pulled her off the cliff." Gilbert admitted quietly.
"Pulled her? How do you mean?" Anne frowned.
"I -- fell too." Gilbert's voice was a whisper.
"What? You jumped off? You-- Why would you do that?" Anne gaped. "You could have died!"
"I didn't care." Gilbert insisted, stammering as he tried to explain himself. "All I could think about was-- was living without you. I didn't want to. Not even for a moment..."
Anne was stunned into silence for a few minutes and they stared at each other, Gilbert starry-eyed while she was incredulous and struggling to process his words... then she said, "You're a complete fool, Gilbert Blythe." Though her words were devoid of any venom and she gazed at him, caught up in his hypnotic eyes and that flying sensation in her chest.
"Whatever I am, I have enough sense to know we have to get you out of here!" Gilbert said briskly. "If we survived the fall--"
"So did Scarlett." Anne completed his sentence. Her grey eyes widened as reality sunk in of their location, the weather, the danger of being found by Scarlett, as well as her injured leg...
"Come on, we have to hurry." Gilbert said, standing up and looking around. The sky was even darker and the rain-washed trees creaked in the wind ominously. There was no path, no light, no shelter.
Turning to Anne he saw her trying to stand up but she was struggling. Gilbert saw her leg waver. It was so sensitive that she couldn't put any weight on it. Wincing in deep pain, Anne nearly fell but Gilbert caught her arms just in time. His face was grim and painted in concern. Anne looked up at him through her hair and panted, determination poorly masking her pain.
"What happened to your leg?" Gilbert demanded.
"Nothing. It's fine -- I'll walk it off--" Anne stammered.
"Did Scarlett do this?"
"I'll be alright. Really, Gil we have to go. She'll be here soon and she'll hurt you or worse and I can't--"
"You can't walk it off. Anne you can't even walk!" Gilbert exclaimed.
"Please, I'll just try. I'm sure it's nothing."
"Don't lie. You don't have to lie to me. Anne, I know you're hurting. Let me help you."
Anne was stubborn and forced herself to stand up straight on both legs but instantly fell heavily on Gilbert. She gasped in pain and dug her fingers into his arm unconsciously. Her leg was stinging with pain that brought tears to her eyes but she swallowed them and drew a deep breath.
Gilbert held onto her arms tightly and looked at her deep in the eyes. He could see the agony in them, held back by pride and fear. "Lean on me. I've got you."
Pushing her tangled hair from her face, Anne slowly began to walk. Wincing with every step, she put the bare minimum of weight onto her injured leg but still it was hard. Gilbert lead, taking weight as she leant against him. They slowly built to a rhythm so she wouldn't trip, their steps in synchronisation. They made her way deeper into the woods, hoping for some sign to guide them to a path.
The walk was a struggle, it took all of their strength and patience.
The rain didn't let up and the ground got more slippery as they went. Anne was crying silently, leaning against Gilbert's shoulder, grateful of the dark to hide her pain. They had made it far into the woods, hoping for a path but instead they only found more trees. Judging by the cliff, the river and the direction Scarlett had dragged her from the clearing they knew they were going in roughly the right direction. It was only when they heard some shouts through the woods that they knew they were getting close.
"It's not far." Gilbert whispered but Anne was afraid. She clutched Gilbert's arm tighter, almost wishing to turn back. "What's wrong?" He asked, sensing her doubt.
"What if -- what if Scarlett had s-survived and gone ahead to a-ambush us? Or her men could be -- they could be anywhere, they can hide s-so you c-can't possibly see them-- or even the p-police? They could mistake us f-for the--"
"Hey. Nothing will happen to you. Understand?" Gilbert said firmly, looking down at her.
The moon flooded the woods at that moment as the clouds dispersed and he saw the tears on her cheeks and her red eyes.
"Woah... Is your leg worse?" He asked.
Anne bit her lip, before slowly nodding. "I t-think it's -- b-broken."
Gilbert's brow was furrowed in concern and he looked ahead, spotting movement through the trees and the flicker of lamps. They were close... Only a few more yards, if they could make it that far the police will have carriages. Anne could get to Dr Rooke, he could fix her leg. Gilbert had no experience with broken bones he couldn't help her.
"Come on, I'll carry you." He said stoically.
"What? No, Gil -- you're exhausted too. You don't have--"
Before Anne could say another word Gilbert had scooped her up in his arms bridal style with her injured leg supported by his hand. She protested the whole journey but she was helpless as she couldn't climb down with her hands tied and her leg wouldn't support her all the way back. Gilbert mostly ignored her, focusing on reaching safety but this only infuriated her more. It was only when their path was blocked by an unfriendly newcomer that he finally spoke.
"Goddamn." He cursed under his breath.
The gang member was tall, broad and his cape had fallen down to reveal a bald head and a ragged beard. When he spoke Gilbert recognised his gruff voice from when he'd restrained and threatened him in the clearing. He leered at the pair, drawing out a large dagger.
"I was waiting for you two." He grinned eagerly.
"How thoughtful." Gilbert quipped sarkily, sick of them all at this point.
"Just drop me and run. You could still escape." Anne hissed, attempting to push herself from Gilbert's arms.
"What? Don't be stupid, Anne." Gilbert scoffed.
"Two for the price of one." The man chuckled, getting closer and holding out his knife ready to attack. "Scarlett will be so happy."
"Scarlett won't be anything, I'm afraid." Came a voice from behind him.
The man froze and Anne and Gilbert slowly smiled, recognising the voice. As the man turned, his face fell at the site of a young woman with raven hair and a confident smile flanked by several grown men with guns and lamps.
"Scarlett is going to jail, as are you." With that, Diana swung a massive stick as thick as a bat and knocked the lights from him.
He fell to the ground, unconscious.
"Di!" Anne cried.
"Anne!" Diana rushed to her friends as her Father's men handcuffed the sleeping brute.
Diana hugged them both, Gilbert and Anne each using one arm to embrace their best-friend.
"I can scarcely believe you knocked him out! That was awfully brave." Anne gasped.
"I can't believe it either." Diana looked a mixture of proud and embarrassed. "But more importantly -- whatever as happened to you?"
"We fell off the cliff and got washed down river." Anne said. "I hurt my leg when I fell. I think it's broken."
Diana gasped. "Oh dear Anne. I was afraid something like this would happen -- I saw Scarlett in the clearing and ran to get help. Gilbert was out so I brought my Father and some of his men. They're not exactly the officers that are in the woods, but they had arms and knew how to use them. I was so afraid for you."
"Thank you, Di. I prayed you were safe and had the sense to run. I couldn't stand it if they got you too! I was a fool to walk into her trap. I never dreamed you'd come back for me." Anne was tearful and relieved.
"Of course I would. You're my best-friend and I love you." Diana said, words thick with emotion.
"Sorry to interrupt but -- you said Scarlett is going to jail--" Gilbert prompted.
"Yes. January told me that after the police raided the clearing you both disappeared and so some officers went after you and searched the woods but all they could find was James." Anne noticed Diana's eyes lit up when she spoke about him. "He said he'd see Scarlett fall off the cliff so he went down to the river and saw her pull herself out. Apparently they had a fight! The police had to stop it and bring her back to the clearing. James was so worried for you both."
Anne and Gilbert looked at each other, their gaze lingering meaningfully. Scarlett was apprehended. They were safe.
"Is everyone alright?" Gilbert asked next.
Diana's face fell. "No... not everyone... You'd better see."
Anne's heart fell. Please, nobody have died. She couldn't take it if she lost someone to this.
The clearing was lit dimly by several officers standing around the edge of the trees while others loaded barred carriages with cuffed gang members, some of which were injured and putting up a fight. But with all the officers plus several more of Mr Barry's men they were outnumbered. Anne scanned the clearing, heart pounding in fear of what she might find. Eventually despite the commotion and darkness, her eyes picked out people she recognised. James was nowhere to be seen. Detective Ellwyn was standing by a carriage, speaking quietly with a prisoner who was out of site inside the vehicle. Then huddled together was Jerry, January and Peggy. They were crowded around a hunched figure on the floor. It had to be Kes.
"No. No, please." Anne breathed, gripping Gilbert's shoulder tightly.
Gil hurried over, setting Anne down on a log. Jerry saw Anne and instantly hugged her tightly, whispering, "Thank God you're alive."
"W-what's happened--?" Anne's voice wobbled, faint with fear as tears flooded her eyes at the site of Kes.
He appeared even younger than usual, his torn clothes soaked in blood. His pale, freckled face was washed white, lip lips tinged blue. Kes' red curls circled his head like a cherub. He was slumped against a tree, his hands clutching his side where a wad of cloth was soaking up blood. He blinked weakly up at her, bravery still evident in his bright eyes.
"What-- I don't -- how did this-- is he--" Anne was shaking, unable to speak.
Gilbert leant down by Kes, holding his hand and quickly lifting the cloth to see what he was dealing with. His heart dropped. It was too deep, too wide, the cloth too soaked in blood. Kes had lost too much. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as the world crashed in his ears. He couldn't help Anne, he couldn't help Kes. When it mattered he was useless.
"He was fighting." January's voice was hoarse, her knuckles white as she held Peggy's small hand. "One of them-- they got h--"
Her voice broke and she couldn't go on.
"No -- we can stop the bleeding. There's still h-hope. There has to be." Anne shook her head in denial.
She looked at Gilbert desperately, holding faith in his skills. He merely shook his head, his eyes swimming. Anne felt a lump choking up her throat. She couldn't breathe. This couldn't be real. Not caring about her leg she pushed herself down onto the ground beside Kes and held onto his hand which was slick with blood. He slowly turned his head to look at her and Anne saw his eyes were full of tears. He was just a child. This was so unfair.
"I'm frightened." Kes whispered. "I'm afraid to die. I'll miss you all. It's gonna be lonely."
Anne fought the tears to speak, to comfort him. His words broke her heart. "I know. It's okay, Kes. It's okay to be afraid."
"Where will I go?" Kes asked.
Anne bit her lip. She didn't really know, but she could imagine. "A beautiful kingdom is waiting for you. My Kes, I know there's a wonderful place built especially for you. With blue skies, golden sunsets and the lushest fields and forests."
January joined in, softly. "There's a house too. With a gable room and a white picket fence, even a sweet garden. You have a family there, Kes. A Mum and Dad who love you and care for you. You have a puppy, and lots of friends. You won't be alone. You won't be ever lonely."
Peggy was sobbing into January's arm but at this moment she leant down and hugged Kes tightly around the waist. "I love you." She whispered.
"I'd like all that. But you're my family." Kes murmured, his eyes doubtful.
"I know, Kes." January spoke through her tears. "But you'll have so much fun there you won't miss us for a moment. Before you know it we'll be there too and we will be together again. I promise."
"I'm still afraid... Wish I was brave. Like you, Red." Kes said, clinging to Anne's hand.
"I'm not half as brave as you." Anne cried. "Besides, the only time you can be brave is when you're afraid."
Kes smiled slightly, his face settling to peace. "My kingdom sounds quite nice, you know..." Then his words faded and he went limp, his hands slack in their grip.
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