fourteen // Anne's birthday surprise
"It seems that life surely ends after someone you love dies, but life marches on. You can choose to stay in that awful moment or you can march on too and live for them, for the life they lost."
The aftermath seemed like a dream.
An awful, sad dream that you'd wake from sweating and breathless, relieved you'd escaped into the dewy reality of morning. A dream that haunted you all day and hung onto your bones, reminding you to hug your loved ones and do good. But it wasn't a dream. It was all real.
Anne and Peggy were in shock, sobbing and clinging onto Kes as he got colder and the blood began to dry on his clothes. The officers had tried to help him apparently but aside from stemming the blood to give him some time they knew same as Gilbert there was no hope. They'd tried to remove the body but the girls couldn't let go, not yet. Gilbert sat there, blood on his hands and guilt weighing down his heavy heart.
January had felt like the carpet had been tugged from beneath her. It couldn't be real... she had been the one responsible for taking care of Kes and Peggy. She'd told them to stay back, to avoid the fight. They hadn't listened. Now he was gone, all because of her. She felt sick. January saw Peggy, so young and having lost so much. She should have been at Rosalie's farm. So should Kes. They both would have been safe there. She should never have brought them to Avonlea, not with a murderer and her gang on the loose. January thought about Scarlett and how she was going to jail. It didn't seem fair or right. She'd be alive, and Kes was dead. It made her angry.
Where was James? Where was he this whole time? She was angry at him too for leaving when she -- when they needed him. She knew he had fought with Scarlett and how he must have been shaken up but when their friend was dying where was he?
The Detective arranged transport for everyone and some people came to wrap up Kes for burial. Peggy didn't want to let go but Anne held her while she cried. Kes didn't deserve to stay lying there in the dirt. The persistent rain had finally stopped and the dark woods seemed ominously quiet. Almost like the silence had fallen for Kes, out of respect.
After Kes was taken, Peggy needed January and they held onto each other, almost afraid to let go. Diana held Anne while she cried and before she left she hugged January and Peggy goodbye. Friends of Anne were friends of hers and she'd heard of their selfless acts in the clearing. It broke her heart to know Kes had died for it, so young. Before she left, Diana pulled Jerry to one side.
"Jerry, please make sure Anne and Gil get home safely... I'm worried for them. They're both wrecks after tonight. I cannot stay any longer or my Father will surely send out search parties."
"Of course. You can count on me." Jerry nodded sincerely.
"I know. Thank you." Diana squeezed his hand.
As her Father's men drove her back to the estate and she dreaded what her parents would think of it all. Diana knew it would all be common news tomorrow morning. She'd face that when it came.
Jerry was watchful, scanning the trees with a paranoid expression until the carriages arrived. The group had been silent in mourning, growing stiff as they'd all been sat on the forest floor. As the carriages pulled up they stirred from their daze and rose to leave. Anne wanted to go home to Green Gables, but she didn't want to leave Gilbert or her friends alone. She didn't want to be alone either. Looking up at Gilbert he saw all this in her bloodshot eyes, reading them like a book.
"Stay with me." Anne begged in a whisper.
"I will." He said, knowing he'd be the one to explain it all to Marilla when they reached Green Gables.
They all bundled into two carts, January and Peggy in one with Jerry who had found them blankets in the carriage and took it upon himself to take care of them and Gilbert carried Anne into the other, setting her down carefully on the seat. She was still in a lot of pain but it all rolled into the heartache as they drove back. Gilbert had found a sharp rock on the forest floor and reached for Anne's hands as they rode, muttering, "Here," and cutting her bonds apart. Gasping in relief, Anne massaged her sore wrists.
Detective Ellwyn had sent the gang members and Scarlett to the local holding cells to await trial and Kes's body to the morgue to be conditioned for burial within the next few days.
As the moon travelled lower in the sky, the path back seemed painfully long. Anne leant against Gilbert, her eyes stinging with tiredness but her mind not letting her rest. She couldn't stop thinking about Kes. She stared up at the bright, sad moon the whole way back, tears falling down her face silently. Gilbert held her tightly, his clothes still damp but his touch a deep comfort to Anne. The only sound was the soft thud of horses hooves and the creak and trundle of carts on the gravel road.
Finally Green Gables rose from the scenery. Matthew and Marilla were on the porch, their worried faces clear a mile off. Anne had no energy to explain any of it. Marilla was too relieved and shocked to say a word for a while and Gilbert silently lifted Anne down and carried her indoors to the sitting room where she was laid down. Marilla ushered January, Peggy and Jerry indoors and fetched warm blankets while Matthew stoked the fires and brought hot tea.
Marilla and Matthew had been dreadfully concerned after Anne didn't come back for dinner but Matthew had searched the fields and their little woods at the bottom but couldn't find them. He'd come back to discuss this with Marilla when they'd heard the carts and spotted the party on the path home.
Marilla could see instantly that Anne was in a lot of pain. As January and Peggy huddled on the sofa and Anne curled up with a pillow to cry, Jerry went out with Matthew to fetch more wood. That left a very shell-shocked Gilbert to be stolen into the kitchen by Marilla for explanations. He stood there, with haunted eyes and exhaustion and trauma apparent on his face.
Marilla wanted to be angry with him, for the rumours, for corrupting Anne... she had built it up in her head but now she was face to face with him he just looked like what he was... A young boy, who'd gone through something awful and had no parents to comfort him. Marilla tried to be hard but she wasn't heartless. She softened as she gazed at the Blythe boy who looked more like is Father John every day.
"What happened, Gilbert?" Marilla asked gently.
"We should have told you... I'm sorry, Miss Cuthbert." Gilbert's voice was quiet in the clean kitchen.
Marilla didn't know what to expect. She listened patiently although her mind was whirring. How had Anne reached the condition she had? Why were her friends so upset? She needed answers.
"The trouble wasn't over after Joseph Bines died. We thought it was but..." Gilbert paused. "There's so much you don't know. I'm tired of lies... You deserve the truth."
"Sit down, boy." They both sat at the table, Gilbert tugging lightly on his hair as he took deep breaths. He couldn't get Kes out of his head.
Gilbert explained it all. Some of it Marilla knew but she listened silently. Gilbert explained about the Bines family, how Scarlett blamed Anne for Redmond's death and tried to drive Anne crazy and make her suffer like she had.
"I knew about Scarlett for a while, I knew she was here because she attacked me when I was in the woods one day." Gilbert told her. "I wanted Anne to be safe so me and some friends went to find where Scarlett was staying so we could send the police there. I fetched a Detective and everything -- we wanted things to be simple, we wanted everyone to be safe -- then I had to separate from the group to help somebody who was sick and when I returned to the woods I found -- I found that Scarlett had Anne. Scarlett had a whole gang and -- she nearly killed us both."
"Oh Gilbert." Marilla whispered, her face paling.
"But Anne's friends arrived and the Detective I brought had rounded up a storm of police officers. They arrested the gang and Scarlett eventually but not before she had-- she--" Gilbert's throat went dry as he pictured Anne falling. "Anne was thrown from the cliffs into the river and I think she broke her leg."
"Good Lord." Marilla's face was pure shock, her hand coming up to cover her open mouth.
"They were all taken away of course but-- not before one of our friends -- he got-- they ki--" Gilbert put his face in his hands. "Little Kes died."
"Kes? The sweet boy with hair as red as Anne's?" Marilla was completely horrified.
Gilbert nodded slightly. Marilla softened, reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. She wanted to comfort him like a Mother would. Her wall fell down when she saw how broken he was.
"I'm sorry, about the rumours. I know you're just concerned about Anne and I know it affects her badly when people say things like that." Gil looked up and met Marilla's eyes. Tears swelled in his hazel ones. "I know you've heard some things about me and Anne, I know there have been stories. They're not true, I swear... The only truth is that I love Anne. More than anything, but I respect her. The things you've heard... they're all lies."
"I know, boy." Marilla sighed. She understood now, more than before. It was all clear as Gilbert spoke the words allowed to her. She felt a fool to have believed it. "I was harsh to judge you after I heard the rumours... You're right, I was very worried for Anne. After everything she went through, to go through more judgement -- it struck a deep fear in me. I went too far. Of course it's not true. You're a good man, a fine man."
Marilla paused, deep in thought and shaken from the news of the night Anne had been through. "Anne is lucky to have you in this harsh world." She said.
Gilbert saw Marilla's eyes were glistening with tears too and he touched her hand, gripping it tightly. "I'm lucky to have her." He whispered.
"Oh, what did Avonlea do to deserve all this trouble?" Marilla's voice wavered and she wiped her eyes. "It doesn't bare thinking about. Oh, little Kes... sweet boy."
Gilbert let the tears fall. "I should have been there -- I should have stopped it. Saved him--"
"No. It's not your fault, boy." Marilla said sternly. "Sometimes things are simply meant to be, no matter what you do. People are taken from us. It seems cruel and unjust and their loss tears us apart... it rips holes in people's lives..."
Marilla's eyes flickered with dark memories.
"But you cannot blame yourself. It closes you off against the world and a world closed up is dark and lonely." Marilla told Gilbert from experience. "I did and my world was dark for too long... I wasted too many years blaming myself and I didn't allow myself to enjoy the life I was given. Until..."
Marilla remembered meeting Anne and that heartache when she'd driven Anne away after accusing her of stealing the broach. The realisation that she loved Anne and would do anything for her. Anne was the first true happiness she'd felt in years when she came. She woke her from her daze of sadness and opened her up to the world again.
"Some people fill that hole, make the pain lessen." Marilla said softly, squeezing Gilbert's hand.
"Thank you, Marilla." Gilbert murmured.
He was grateful for Marilla's comforting words and touch. Their interactions filled that lifelong ache for a Mother's guidance, love and wisdom. He respected Marilla a lot and for her to share these words with her meant a great deal. The pain and regret was still heavy in his heart but he didn't feel so alone nor guilty anymore.
Marilla stood and straightened her cardigan.
"Now, I need to call a Doctor for Anne. She can't suffer the night away, something must be done about her leg. You'll all stay the night of course... I'll find spare blankets and the poor lasses can share the spare room. God bless them. Jerry can sleep on the settee, I don't doubt he's not up to a ride home at this time of night. You'll have to bunk down in Anne's room, I don't suppose she'll mind."
Nobody could sleep well that night. January and Peggy lay curled up on the big spare bed, buried in a mountain of blankets as the wind blew outside. Marilla had tucked them in after hot cocoa and left them a candle on the night stand. They both clung to each other, there in the dark, staring up at the shadowy ceiling with their hands linked and heads leant against each other on the soft pillow. They were worn out from crying and their chests ached hollow from the pain. They felt numb from the shock of it all.
"I can't believe he's gone." Peggy whispered.
"I keep praying we'll wake up and it'll all be a dream." January breathed.
Peggy pinched herself. Wincing, she said, "It's real."
"It was what he wanted though... to fight them." January said, to try and comfort herself somehow. "He was so determined, he kept saying he wanted to fight them. He had such a sense of injustice... He wanted to bring some right in the world."
"He did... Scarlett is in jail with her gang." Peggy said, lip wobbling. "It wasn't in vain I suppose."
"You know I think James was afraid something like this might happen... he wanted to bring the police, remember? To do it all properly. He didn't want anyone to die--" January's voice caught.
"Where did he go?" Peggy asked.
"I don't know. He just disappeared." January said bitterly through her tears. "He left us when we needed him most..."
"It's okay, we have each other at least." Peggy hugged January tightly.
"I'm so sorry, Peggy. I should have kept you both safe." January cried.
"It's not your responsibility, Jan. I know you think you have to take care of us but you can't blame yourself." Peggy said firmly.
"It is though, you're like family." January sniffled. "That must sound crazy to you."
"We've barely known each other for longer than a year but since we spent every day together and endured so much you are just as much my family as Rosalie." Peggy replied simply.
"You're my only family." January said sadly.
"Maybe he really will find them in his kingdom..." Peggy whispered. "His family."
"I hope so. I hope he finally gets to be a child." January said.
Doctor Grayson had been called in to come see Anne as Doctor Rooke was out of town dealing with the fever that was still spreading.
Anne's leg was inspected, deemed broken and bound up. Doctor Grayson told her she had been lucky it was a clean break and wouldn't take any further treatment other than rest and binding. Whilst he was there Doctor Grayson also took a look at Gilbert's shoulder. It wasn't a deep cut but he cleaned it, put ointment on it and a covering plaster.
Anne had been silent ever since the clearing, not speaking a word. It was uncharacteristic and worried the Cuthberts and Gilbert more than if she'd spoken all her troubles. Matthew had carried her upstairs to bed and Marilla came in to tuck her in.
"I'm deeply sorry for everything you've endured, Anne." Marilla said, emotionally. She hugged Anne and Anne held on tight, the young girl's eyes raw from crying.
Matthew hugged Anne too and then she lay down and pulled the covers up as though to swallow her whole, escaping down a rabbit hole and never to be seen again. Matthew and Marilla went downstairs and talked quietly in the kitchen, Marilla filling Matthew in on everything. They talked long into the night and evenually fell asleep at the kitchen table.
As they'd made their way downstairs, they'd passed Gilbert on his way up. He remembered the way to Anne's room and that day he'd brought her home with her stitched up wound and waited outside her door for her... He remembered speaking to her for the first time in months and how they'd argued, of course. The memories felt like yesterday, yet so much had happened since then... It was an age.
Gilbert's feet creaked the floorboards as he approached her door. He knocked softly, and listened for an answer but there was none. Opening the door slightly he could just make out the outline of Anne lying in bed under the covers. There was a candle flickering long shadows across the walls and ceiling and the moon trickled in through the lace curtains. Gilbert saw the beautiful blossom tree outside, dressed in full white summer petals. The wind sighed outside calmly.
"Anne?" He spoke in a whisper. "Are you awake?"
He moved to the bed but her eyes were closed. Gilbert put his roll-out mattress, blankets and the throw on the floor and lay down. He gazed up at the ceiling and thought about everything that had happened that day. He felt awful for Anne, to have gone through the Winter only to be attacked and targeted again... he was sure it had affected her worse than she let on. He knew she handled trauma badly, she bottled it up inside. He could tell now when she was having flashbacks, he always noticed her eyes would go wide and glassy and she'd tense up. If you asked her what was wrong she'd say nothing.
Gilbert was worried about her.
"I can't sleep, Gil." Anne's voice came as a whisper across the room.
Gilbert thought he'd imagined it at first, then came...
"Can you come up here?"
Gilbert rose and went to the bed, looking at Anne peering out from under the blankets. She looked fragile, which was rare. Gilbert wished there was a way to protect her from all the horrible things and people in the world. She deserved only the best and she'd endured far too much of the worst.
Anne pushed back the covers and Gilbert got in. Anne melted against him, her head against his chest in the nook of his shoulder and her hand across his stomach. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled the blankets over them. It felt natural to be like that, it felt safe and right. Anne closed her eyes and breathed slowly, listening to Gilbert's steady heartbeat.
"I'm here, Anne. My sweet girl." Gilbert hushed her, stroking her hair to calm her.
"I'm so glad you're here. I couldn't get a moment's peace of mind if you were out there somewhere... not after losing--" Anne spoke in frantic whispers.
"Shh... it's okay, Anne. Try to sleep. You're safe now."
"I don't think I can sleep." Anne whispered, her hands trembling slightly.
"Then just close your eyes and imagine something nice... something from one of your books. Or from your head. Just imagine a dream until you fall into it..." Gilbert's voice soothed Anne. He talked gently until she drifted off, lulled by his comforting tones.
The next day was Anne's birthday.
It had slipped almost everyone's mind except Gilbert. The day before Marilla had baked a special cake and Matthew had ridden to Carmody for a present, but everyone had forgotten it in the wake of that terrible night. Even Anne. The sun was bright and cheerful, blistering through the curtains and rousing Gilbert and Anne who lay entangled together beneath the blankets. Despite their trauma they'd fallen into deep sleep, dragged down by exhaustion.
Gil woke first and saw Anne's sleeping face on his chest, her hands tangled in his shirt. He pushed her long hair behind her ear and sighed. That moment of blissful ignorance when he woke had faded and he remembered the night before and who they'd lost. It was a kick in the stomach, leaving you feeling winded and sick.
Anne stirred slowly, yawning and rubbing her eyes before opening them and seeing herself on top of Gilbert. She blushed slightly and moved off of him. The more things change, thought Gilbert. No matter how close we get Anne will still sometimes have her guard up for familiarity and affection. The affect of being an orphan and being abandoned so much... Perhaps even the lasting doubt of my lies? Gilbert brushed aside that thought.
Anne's face suddenly fell as she remembered the events of the previous night.
"For a moment I forgot..." Anne said hoarsely, gazing at Gilbert with big, grey eyes.
"Me too." Gilbert sighed.
"Do you think everyone will find out? At school... about what we went through." Anne asked quietly. "I don't think I could face any more judgement..."
"If they do, we'll face it together." Gil said.
"I suppose that's a silly thing to think about... it's hardly important in comparison to--" Anne's voice dropped. "Other things in life."
"Life goes on, Anne. Unfortunately every day difficulties still exist. Even if it hurts for a long time, you have to live your life. Kes wouldn't want your life to end just because his did."
"I know... I do know that deep down, it's just hard... he was so young, he never--" Anne couldn't go on. Swallowing the lump in her throat she changed her tact. "I feel so awful for January and Peggy. I'm lucky, I have a family and a home but they're lost in this world... I'd hate to be all alone in the world again."
"You know I met them at Peggy's sister's farm?"Gilbert told her. "Rosalie... She will take good care of them, I'm sure. She seemed tough and kind. Besides, they're not alone. They have each other."
"Oh, well that is a peace to my mind to know that they have somewhere safe to go." Anne was glad for them. "They deserve a fresh start after all they've been through... As much as I love them being here and seeing them, I know Avonlea will hold bad memories for them now and they'd be better off somewhere happy that's untarnished by grievous experiences..."
"It holds bad memories for us too." Gilbert said, thinking of the past few years. "Do you ever think of leaving?"
"I suppose I do. It's not long before we can escape to college, anyway..." Anne said. "But it will always be my home, even after everything. The good memories outweigh the bad. I couldn't ever let the bad memories ruin it like that, despite the Bines' best efforts. Marilla and Matthew made sure it was the best home I could ever dream of and I thank my lucky stars they chose to keep me. Because of them, Green Gables will always be home."
"You're terribly optimistic, you know." Gilbert smiled. "It's inspiring to a rather morbid-inclined boy like me.."
"Well, you were right. Kes would want me to keep living my life. I can't let the past drag me down anymore, it has for too long." Anne shrugged slightly, brushing away old feelings. "I shall never forget him, dear Kes... just bring him with me in my heart."
"Well... On the note of living your life and not being dragged down despite the sadness... Let me remind you of something happy which you did forget."
"What? I may be able to live my life but it seems awful difficult to be happy today."
"I know. But it is your birthday, Anne. Kes would want you to enjoy it."
"Oh... I did forget."
Anne felt a wash of sadness that even her birthday, a day she'd anticipated with some excitement had been tarnished by Scarlett's wicked plans. She knew Gilbert was right, Kes wouldn't want her to dwell in sadness.
"I suppose... celebrating my birthday is a way to celebrate life and -- being lucky enough to still have one."
"Exactly. You deserve to be happy, Anne. You've suffered long enough and if Kes was here he would agree."
"You're probably right." Anne admitted thoughtfully.
"I got you something." Gilbert told Anne.
"What? You didn't have to--"
"Yes, I did." Gilbert interrupted. "Anyway, it's redundant now -- what with your leg..."
"What sort of present requires working legs?" Anne propped herself up, intrigued in spite of herself.
"A bicycle, like Miss Stacey's!" Gilbert said, smiling slightly.
He had been awfully excited to give it to her, and for a while he didn't think he'd be able to celebrate her birthday with her as he had to pretend he didn't care, so it sat in his barn beneath a sheet as a reminder of their separation. It felt good to finally be able to tell her.
Anne's mouth fell agape. "You got me a bicycle?" She couldn't believe it.
Gilbert hesitated. "Are you -- pleased?"
"Oh Gil, that's just -- wonderful." Anne was brimming with excitement. "I could never have dreamt of owning one... how scrumptiously exciting to think of riding it when my leg is fully healed... it will be a wonderful motivator to rest and look after myself every time I feel reckless to push myself... Cycling to school every day... oh how delightful to feel the wind in my hair as I ride down the road. I could discuss with Miss Stacey how to care for it, as I'm sure there will be a lot to do... I've never had to care for a machine before but I expect I'll pick it up quickly if I set my mind to it."
She laughed with happiness and hugged Gilbert tightly.
Gil hugged her back, glad to provide her some relief from the inevitable sadness that the day promised to hold. Smiling at her happiness, he moved her away slightly and leant down onto the floor to retrieve his jacket. It still smelt damp from the night before. He unbuttoned the pocket and rummaged inside before finding the object of his search.
"Seeing as you can't enjoy your bicycle today, I'm glad I got you something else too." Gilbert held out his closed fist to Anne.
"Two gifts? Oh Gilbert-- it's too much, I can't possibly--" Anne exclaimed.
"Don't say a word. You have plenty of catching up to do from what I'm sure were rather inadequate childhood birthdays before you came to Avonlea, so I intend to spoil you for every one from now until your last." Gilbert said firmly.
Anne noticed he was doing that special look he saved only for her, with his soft eyes narrowed, shining.
"Besides, this one is only small... I couldn't leave it behind though, not after I saw it in the shop. I rather think it was made for you. I'm so glad it didn't fall out my pocket in the river..."
"Made for me? Oh I could never guess what it is..." Anne's eyes lit with that spark that Gilbert had sorely missed. Her spark passion, her imagination, her love of life and every joy it held.
"Just open it." Gilbert grinned, holding his closed hand out to her.
Anne couldn't quite sit up yet with her leg so she stayed propped up on her elbows. He lowered his hand to help her reach. She reached out her hand and he saw her wrists in the light of day. Raw and red from her binds... Gilbert tried not to let it make him angry. At least she was safe now.
Anne tried to pull apart his fist with her smaller hands but he held them tightly closed to torment her. She looked at him in amusement and frustration as she tried to pries apart his fingers with difficulty.
"Come on, Gil! Let up!" She giggled in annoyance.
Gilbert laughed fondly. She was adorable to him. He let her struggle for a few more moments before finally he could no longer resist her pleading and big doe-eyes. He opened his fingers and revealing the small gift. Anne's mouth dropped open in shock.
"Oh Gil..." She breathed. He could tell instantly she loved it.
It was a necklace, a tiny silver charm of the letter 'A' studded with tiny amethysts all set on a pretty delicate chain. Anne held it up and watched the chain trickle over Gilbert's scarred hand and sparkle in the trickling morning sunbeams. She looked closely at the charm and her heart swelled.
"Amethysts are my favourite." Anne whispered.
"'Diamonds pale in comparison'." Gilbert nodded, squinting slightly as he appreciated how nice it was to see Anne happy finally.
"How did you know?" Anne asked, breathless as she cradled the beautiful necklace.
"I pay attention, Anne. I heard you talking with Diana one day in school." Gilbert shrugged bashfully. He was desperately pleased that Anne liked it and most importantly that she was happy on her special day.
"Thank you, Gil. You are such a darling boy." Anne felt a surge of adoration and gratitude and held out her hands for him. He took them and she pulled herself onto his lap and hugged him around the neck. "You're the sweetest boy. I'm so lucky to have you. I'm don't know what I did to deserve you. Thank you, thank you."
She kissed him on the cheek over and over. Then she couldn't resist his soft skin, the light scruff on his jaw, the familiar smell... she kissed down his cheek to his jaw, into the dip of his neck as her fingers wound into the dark curls at the nape of his neck. As it escalated so did their heart rates and their breathing shallowed.
Gilbert grasped onto her waist, her fiery hair cascading around them like curtains. His heart was beating fast as she kissed his neck. This was different to any kiss they'd had before, it was new, it was thrilling. Anne noticed how sensitive he was there and kissed him again, long and slow. He seemed to dissolve under the influence of it, and Anne loved making him feel that way.
"Anne." Gilbert muttered deep in his throat as she cupped his face and finally brought her lips to his, seeming to draw all of his breath from him as she kissed him.
Gilbert felt overwhelmed, with her delicate hands all over and her soft lips against his, the feel of her waist in his hands, her sweet-smelling hair all around. The world didn't exist anymore it had fallen away... there was only Anne. It consumed him, filling his heart and mind. Pumping through his veins like blood.
"Gilbert." Anne sighed as he ran his hands up her back, his fingers bunching in the fabric of her nightdress. She pressed her hands against his chest, to ground herself. She felt like she was flying in the sky, soaring like a bird. That sensation was common when she was with Gilbert.
"My God, Anne you make me crazy." Gilbert gasped against her lips, breaking off suddenly. He blinked slow, his eyes heavy as he gazed at her mouth. Panting they stayed close, noses brushing.
Anne felt slightly dizzy, her skin hot and her veins buzzing. "I can scarcely breathe. I feel quite dilerious..." She muttered and fell against him, her face on his chest. Giggling, her fingers toying with his hair. "Isn't it wonderful that another person can make you feel like this?"
Gil tugged her hand from his hair and cupped her face to stare into her eyes. "Hey trouble, look at me. You gotta stop that -- or those rumours won't stay rumours for long." Gilbert spoke low in a husky voice.
"Gil." Anne scolded weakly.
"You're making me lose my mind." Gilbert said, a smile loose on his lips. "You can't kiss me like that, I swear -- you make me absolutely crazy, Anne girl. I don't know what I'll do."
Anne smiled too, dazed from his touch. "I wanna be with you forever." She said suddenly, and trailed her fingers across his cheek.
Gilbert's heart skipped a beat. "I-- what?"
"I don't want to live another moment of uncertainty. We love each other, right? I need to tell you then... because life is unpredictable and things change every day. You have to make the most of the time that is given to you. So I want you to know... whatever our futures bring, I want you to be in my story... even if we go to different colleges or have to work in different towns for a time... it doesn't matter. It changes nothing, for my heart is gone, my chest is empty... my heart deserted me and you're the new aquisitor, Gilbert. It belongs to you. So you're my story, you're my last chapter."
"You were always my story. I think my story only began when I met you." Gilbert said, starry-eyed. "I love you."
"I love you too." Anne whispered.
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