Chapter 1
Hopelessly In Love~
Chapter 1
Trigger warnings: Abuse, insults, heartbreak, incest mentions, sexual thingy's, dressing up, cursing, unedited.
Enjoy my little demons~
Useless! Can't fucking clean the dishes correctly!" Logan yelled at his boyfriend, he smashed the hardly dirty plate on the ground making the poor boyfriend jump in fear, "Clean this up and do the damn dishes correctly!" He snarled and stomp on his boyfriend's foot before leaving for work.
His boyfriend stayed silent, letting a few tears fall. He love his boyfriend, depsite his abusive behavior. Loved him ever since highschool, Patton was crazy and tortured him, he would have been dead if Logan didn't save him. He fell in love all over again. He told his brother, who did end up telling him that he liked him since 8th grade.
The boyfriend sighed at the memory, it was hard telling his brother he didn't feel the same but he understood. Wonder what would happen if he said yes.
He picked up the glass peices, accidentally cutting his finger. He cleaned his finger before sweeping the plate and putting it in the trash, "Oh Logan.." He smiled fondly, pretending that everything is happy. Because it is happy.
"Roman please, we haven't seen you in days! Why won't you come hangout with us?" Damien pleaded. He was one of the few people to call often and beg Roman to get out of the house.
"I'm sorry Damien, I've been really busy and I don't have time for such things like hanging out." Roman sighed softly, he really did want to go but he was forbidden from going outside without Logan with him. God did he love that man.
"Oh really? Are you sure its not because your boyfriend is a possessive asshole and wants you for himself?"
"Damien! Watch your language! My boyfriend is none of your concern, now if you will excuse me. I have business to tend to."
"Roman wait-!" Roman hung up and threw his phone on the bed as he heard the door open, "Logie!" He perk up from his frustrated mood turning into a happy mood. He was easily won over and hearing Logan coming home made him feel special and giddy.
Logan huffed and smiled at his little pet, "Hey Ro." Roman tackled him and kissed him softly, Logan held him up and pull away from the kiss, "The house is looking better then this morning. I think you deserve to eat tonight." Roman grin, "Oh thank you sir!" Logan smiled upon his little servant boy.
"Go get ready and put on the cute little maid outfit on~" Roman nodded and ran upstairs to change while Logan sat down on the chair, "Such a slut." He mumbled as he text Patton nudes and such.
Roman came down with a maid dress on, his hair messy on purpose. He didn't mind dressing up for his boyfriend, he was just glad to please him, "Oh you look like a little slut~ come over here and sit on Master's lap~" Roman blushed and sat down on his lap, facing Logan, " friend called me earlier and he was asking if I could go to his birthday tomorrow..c-can I?" Logan growled and grip Roman's hips harshly making him wince.
"What did I say about having friends Roman?" He said sternly, "I-I'm not a-allow to have them- but Lo they wanted me to go-" he stopped speaking when Logan slapped him harshly across the cheek, "Don't speak back like that peasant. You just want to go because you think you can just get fucked by another man." Roman frantically waved his hands, "N-No! Sir, please let me see my friends.."
Logan heavily and loosen his grip on Roman's hips, sliding them down to his bare thighs, "Fine. Only if I go with you. I don't want other men getting to you, do you hear me?" Roman nodded in agreement. "Yes sir.." Logan smirked as he grip Roman's thighs, "Good boy~ only I get to see you like this got it bitch?" Roman whimpered and nodded.
~later that day~
"Remus! Chill out dude! God can you be nervous somewhere else?!" Damien growled in frustration, after finding out his boyfriend, Patton, been cheating on him with some fuck head; so he wasn't in the greatest moods.
"How can I fucking chill out when I'm going on a date with Virgil!! I haven't liked anybody since Roman!" Remus yelled, stressing out in immensely. It wad true, he hasn't been a date and he still very much love Roman but he needed to move on.
Damien groan and plopped on the couch, he got a text from Roman, "Hey! Ro says he and his boyfriend will be coming tomorrow for my birthday-" Remus jumped and rushed over to Damien, "Really?! What else did he say?!" Damien pushed Remus' face from his phone, "Look! I know you hate his boyfriend and so do I but let's not worry about your brother alright?"
Virgil knocked on the door, anxiously running a hand through his hair, why was he so nervous? Oh yeah because he's going out with a guy he doesn't even like and he doubt Remus likes him.
"Virgil is here?! What do I do?! Do I show him dick?!" Remus freaked out, pulling down his zipper but was stop by Damien, "Remus! Shut the fuck up!" He slapped him, "You got this okay? Just be yourself and everything will be fine." Remus nodded, taking deep breathes and zipping his pants back up and opened the front door.
Virgil jumped but stood straight up and waved nervously, "Uh Hi? I heard you yelling.." He blushed softly, he had to admit that Remus did look good looking but not his cup coffee.
"U-Uhhh...Hello! I'm Remus would you like to see my dick?!" Remus annouced, covering his mouth, "S-Sorry!" Virgil blushed and laughed, "No thank you. Let's go?" Remus nodded and waved bye to Damien.
Damien sighed as he shut the door, he went to his room and broke down crying. He had kept up a tough guy persona but he crawled on his bed and cried as he hugged the pillow imagining it was Patton, "Why did you have to leave me puppy.." He whispered, as he looked at pictures of him and Patton.
Like a slice of life kinda?? Eeeh-
Bye~ 💔
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