THE TRIP TO JAKKU wasn't all that bad. Lila and Poe were cracking jokes the whole way but once they arrived in Jakku, Lila had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach.
It took her a few minutes to realise once they had got off the ship that this was the village in her dream and this caused her to immediately feel on edge. Poe was walking slightly in front of her cautiously, looking around.
Lila caught up to him, "Poe, this is the same village from my dream—"
He widened his eyes, "What?"
"You don't think—"
Poe shook his head quickly, "Dreams are just dreams, it was probably a coincidence." He reassured as they entered the small hut-like house where Lor San Tekka lived.
Poe quickly knocked and Lor San Tekka answered the door and ushered the two inside.
"Hello, hello." He greeted, sitting down, "Would you two like anything? Tea? A snack?"
Lila just smiled, "No thank you."
Lor San Tekka placed a small leather satchel onto the small table that sat next to him.
"This will begin to make things right. I've traveled too far, and seen to much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the force."
Poe slowly nodded, "Well, because of you now we have a chance. The General's been after this for a long time."
"'The General' To me, she is royalty. Well, she certainly is that."
Lila smiled.
"Ah, Lila Solo. I thought I recognised your face." Lor San Tekka handed the small satchel to Poe, "I hope you find your Uncle, Lila."
"Thank you." She replied gratefully.
They were interrupted when BB-8, Poe's trusted droid, entered frantically, beeping. Poe looked at BB-8 then turned to face Lila and Lor San Tekka.
"We've got company."
Lila instantly shot up from her seat and exited the small hut, looking up in the sky to see bright lights and enemy ships.
Poe followed just behind her and gulped silently when he saw the approaching ship. He whipped his head around and warned Lor San Tekka, "You have to hide."
"You two have to leave, go!"
Conflicted, Lila glances at Poe, who eventually just nods, and her, Poe and BB-8 run off.
Lila watched as many villagers began to arm there selves for defence against the First Order and Lila was getting more and more frightened, realising her dream might just be coming true.
The transporter ship from the First Order landed and Stormtroopers began piling out, firing shots at the civilians. At the sight of this, Poe turned around to face Lila as he was running and she just shrugged quickly, confused as to what was going on.
They returned to the X-Wing and Poe was gesturing to BB-8 who was a little behind, "C'mon BB-8!" Poe sent BB-8 into the droid socket and helped Lila up into the co-pilot seat.
He flicks a few switches, but as he does, Lila felt a thud as she watched the X-Wing get hit by two Stormtroopers who were running towards them.
Poe grabbed the controls and began blasting at them. He successfully hit them, then tried to start up the X-Wing. The engine let out a pathetic splutter and Lila let out a groan, "You've got to be kidding me!"
Lila sighed and got out of the X-Wing, Poe dragging along behind her as he watched the events that were drawing out in front of them.
Poe kneeled down to get to BB-8's level, "You take this." He gestured to the satchel, "It's safer with you than it is with me. You get that map and Lila as far away from here as you can. Do you hear me?"
"Poe! No way, I'm staying with you."
Poe just shook his head, "No. Your not. Go, while you still have the chance to."
"If you think I'm just deserting you— your wrong."
Poe let out an aggravated huff, "Your so stubborn sometimes, you know that?"
Lila shrugged.
"BB-8, go. We'll come back for you, don't worry." Lila smiled at the droid, who beeped in agreement.
BB-8 beeped once more, slightly hesitating, but then heads off as Poe and Lila run the opposite way.
They both duck behind something and watch as Kylo Ren exits the ship. He strides towards Lor San Tekka.
"Look how old you've become." Kylo Ren spat.
Lor San Tekka looked Kylo Ren up and down, "Something far worse has happened to you."
"You know what I've come for."
"I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."
"The map to Luke Skywalker. We know you've found it and now your going to give it to the First Order."
"The First Order rose from the dark side...you did not."
"I'll show you the dark side."
"You can try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your family."
Suddenly, Kylo Ren ignites his lightsaber, the bright red illuminating under the dark sky. "Your so right." He said finally, before raising his lightsaber and and rips it down across Lor San Tekka, killing him.
Poe, in the heat of the moment, rose from his crouched spot and yelled out, firing his blaster towards Kylo Ren. But as the bullet is flying through the air, with a flick of his hand, Poe's bullet is stopped and Kylo Ren turned around.
"Oh shit." Lila muttered.
Kylo Ren had caught site of Poe and held him in a force hold. You could see Poe straining under Kylo's strong grip and that's when Lila rose to her feet.
Nodding towards a few Stormtroopers, Kylo Ren ordered them to search the two. Two Stormtroopers approached Lila and patted her down, roughly. They took away her blaster, which was the only weapon she had on her.
If she knew there would've been a run in with the First Order, she would've most definitely bought her lightsaber, but another part of her was still to afraid to use it.
After the pat down, the Stormtroopers dragged them in front of Kylo Ren and kicked the back of their knees, forcing them to kneel down.
Lila looked up and met Kylo Ren's mask. She could tell he had just registered who she was. All Lila did was look him up and down, then gave him a harsh glare.
Poe seemed smug, "So who talks first? You talk first?"
This was the exact cockiness Lila had warned him against doing.
"The old man gave it to one of you."
Poe let out a sigh as he gestured to the mask Kylo was wearing, "It's very hard to understand you with all the..."
A silver Stormtrooper, Captain Phasma, came beside Kylo, "They have nothing on them sir."
"Put then on board."
"Sir, the villagers." Phasma pointed out.
He looked out at the village, "Kill them all."
Lila widened her eyes, "What! No! Ben, no!" She pleaded.
On the command of Captain Phasma, the Stormtroopers start firing as Poe and Lila are dragged on board.
They were roughly pulled on board and led to holding cells.
"Great." Poe mumbled under his breath.
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