Chapter Six- More Pain
Courtney's POV
I woke up around seven, a strange, fearful feeling in my chest. I went out to make a cup of coffee, noticing that Luke wasn't there. Then, I saw the note on the coffee maker.
Sorry I had to leave, but I got a call from Joel. He didn't sound too good, so I headed over. Call me when you can, please, love. See you in a bit. Luke.
I pulled out my phone, dialing as quickly as I could, and sat at the island. He answered on the second ring.
"Hey beautiful." I could tell that he was shaken, and I heard the fear in his voice.
"Hey, I got your note. What's going on? Where are you, and is Joel okay?" His voice shook as he answered.
"I'm at the hospital. Moriah was taken a few hours ago. Joel....he's not dead, but he's comatose." I gasped, a couple tears escaping.
"Comatose? What happened to him?!" Luke sighed.
"From what they saw at the house, and what happened to him, they're guessing he was shot at the top of the stairs, fell, and then his head was slammed against the wall. He was shot in the side and shoulder. He also has a nasty concussion, skull slightly cracked, and his back was broken. They're also guessing his back hit the railing as well, because of that." I couldn't do it. I started crying, and I could tell Luke was as well.
"Do you want me to come over there? I can drop the boys off at your parents, and let them know to pray." He took a shaky breath.
"Yeah. Please do. Can you also bring me a mocha?" Despite what was happening, I chuckled.
"Will do. See you in twenty. Love you."
"Love you too." I hung up, heading to my room and changing. Then, I gently woke Jude, telling him that we were going to go in the car. Sleepily, he got his blanket and his stuffed superman/dog. It was a dog, but dressed like superman. Phoenix, I just put in his seat. As I drove, I called my in-laws, telling then that something had happened, and I was bringing the boys. As I got there, I could see Libby's car, but not David's. I got out, took the boys in, and Helen opened the door to the three of us.
"Courtney! Sorry, David isn't here. Libby came last night, and she wasn't doing too good, so he took her to the hospital. Where's Luke?" We went inside, and Jude promptly fell asleep in the bedroom for the grandkids.
"He's at the hospital.....With Joel." She looked at me, confused, and the tears streamed down as I related Luke's call to her.
"And since you're going, the boys can't go. That wouldn't be good for them to see." I nodded, and I saw she was also crying.
"Is Joel....he's going to be okay, isn't he? He's going to make it." I sighed.
"We don't know. I'm guessing the reason they did that is because he saw the kidnappers faces. He could identify them. Why else would they do it?" She nodded, wiping away a few tears.
"I guess you're right. You should get going. I'll call David and let him know you guys are there." I hugged her, and Phoenix just snored away on the couch. As I drove there, I prayed.
"God, please be with Joel right now. I pray that..." I choked down a sob, and kept going.
"I pray that if it is your will, that Joel would be healed. But if not, I pray that Luke, Moriah and Rachel especially, would be comforted. God, there are so many people who love him, myself included. I pray that each one would be comforted of he doesn't make it. Also be with Rachel, Lucy, and Moriah right now, and please bring them home to us. Amen."
Moriah's POV
I had no idea what was going on. I'd heard the gunshots, and the yelling and thumping, and I hoped it was the other man, but when he came out, his hand bloody, something in me snapped. As we drove, I could just barely see in the front door. I saw my husband, slumped against the wall, one side of him nearly covered in blood. I struggled to hold it together, but it was hard. Then, a pillowcase was put over my head, and the car finally slowed and stopped. Then, I was pulled out and led into....somewhere. I was led up stairs, and then just shoved into a room. I fell, smacking my face on the concrete floor. The pillowcase was pulled off and my wrists freed, and I saw Lucy and Rachel. I nearly sobbed, hugging the girls. Rachel's face had a couple bruises and was tear stained, and their has was knotted, but they were in one piece.
"Mom! Are you okay? Where's dad?" I took a deep breath.
"I'm okay. And he's not here. He....I'm positive he saw their faces. He's....I'm not sure if he's okay or not." She was ready to cry. The three of us huddled against the wall, and then one of the men came in. He was tall, and wearing a black ski mask, and tossed a bag at us.
"Food." Then, he left. We ate, agreeing to take turns sleeping. We just couldn't risk them coming in while we all were asleep. As the girls slept, I prayed.
"God, please take care of Joel. You know how Mich I love him. I....I can't lose him. And please, if I should tell the girls, let me know. I just don't know what to do anymore. Please help all of us be brave."
Author's note- Ta-da! Per request by jilnysoto, here is the next chapter. Also, gotta give a shout out to the following- heavenknowsyoumatter, forKingandcountry, forKINGANDCOUNTRY1, and jilnysoto, who make me smile with their sweet comments! I kinda fangirl when I see that they commented. Love ya! And, if you're like me and missed it, up top is the For King and Country Priceless on The View! It's a must-watch!! Love ya guys!! :) -Craver_Priceless
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