For Someone Special
Dedicated to -Jibasmita_creates
Dearest Love of my Life,
I don’t care what anyone else thinks, but I really think you’re the best.
Your amazing set of qualities set you apart from everyone else.
It’s even more adorable seeing that you’re so unaware of how much of a beautiful soul you are.
That’s why I’m writing this letter – a simple heartfelt letter to my best friend, the love of my life, you.
You are there even when you don’t have to be.
You are there when no one else is.
You know all my faults which could overwhelm anyone yet you choose to love me daily, by the minute, by the second, assertively, jealously, proudly.
I often catch myself wondering what it is I have done to deserve you but I’m learning to stop wondering. I’m learning to accept the fact that you’re a gift I don’t deserve.
You’ve been there through the good and the bad times. You’ve been a constant throughout the ups and downs of life.
We’ve been through it all, navigating life together and every blessed day, when I count my blessings, you’re always number one.
With you in my life, I know I don’t have to look over my shoulders because you’re there watching my back.
You light up the room the moment you enter it, the atmosphere changes for better because you’re light, a touch bearer, yet you’re oblivious of the fact.
How could one not love a person like you? So magnificent yet self-effacing.
Since your coming into my life, I’ve been better than I ever was. I keep getting better with each passing day and it’s all because of the example in loving you’ve shown me.
You face life and its attendant ups and downs with such dignity and grace, it’s no wonder people are drawn to you. It’s no wonder many want to be in your inner circle. It’s no wonder many want to be like you but can they really? Can anyone acquire what comes so naturally to you? Perhaps!
Can I talk about your energy? Boundless! Awesome! Admirable! It’s like there’s an ever-flowing spring of energy flowing from your soul. You tirelessly go about doing all that you believe in. Nothing discourages you, nothing stops you. Once you set your mind on it, you go for it. It’s so amazing to watch you when you’re this way.
Your life inspires us all. You’re a bundle of positivity, a beacon of possibility giving us all the strength to move on.
There’s no dull moment around you. You’re the type of person everyone loves to love.
You’re always the first to give without asking for anything in return.
I’m glad I get to be around you and have your kindness warm my heart too.
If I could go back in time, if I had to choose again, I’d still choose you to be my best friend.
You’re more than a friend, you’ve become a sister, my blood and I’m certain I couldn’t live without you.
Your life, your laughter, your presence, your positive energy, gives me so much joy. I am addicted to your tender loving care. I am addicted to your love, who wouldn’t?
People need you because you genuinely care. You are many people’s shoulder to lean on.
You lend them an helping hand in their times of need. You enrich lives more than anyone else I know. Sometimes I think you’re an angel in disguise.
You’re the first to forgive. You never begrudge anyone.
You believe so much in people, always seeing only the good sides of them.
You let people know there is more to them beyond their mistakes.
No wonder, everyone that comes around you always strive to be better.
You’ve got an awesome aura, an aura of peace, an aura of love. I want to be around you all the time.
I’m jealous already, when you’ll have to get married and you become exclusively someone else’s. I know you’re going to be an awesome spouse, for whoever finds you would have found the best thing in his lifetime.
I know you’re going to make an awesome parent too. You’ve had more than enough practice caring for us all. I have no doubt your family will be the luckiest on earth.
You love fully without holding back. Your expression of love is the most awesome ever and I need you more than you can wrap your mind around.
You’re way stronger than you know. You are incredibly powerful. You are mindlessly beautiful. You are kind. You are grounded.You are awesome and I totally, absolutely love you.
You are all of this and more, an incredibly awesome package.
If you think I’m writing all of this to make you feel good, you’re right, because you deserve to know the truth about yourself and you deserve the feeling of goodness that comes with that knowledge.
I have never met anyone as incredible as you are. Please don’t ever change. Don’t ever let bad people get to you. Keep being the bundle of awesomeness that you are.
Thank you for being there when I was at my lowest. You helped me navigate those difficult times. You helped me pick myself up and start all over again.
You were the voice of reason that kept drumming into my head that everything will be fine. And you were right, everything turned out all right.
You are empathetic, always watching out for other’s well beings
If the world had more people like you, it would definitely be a better place.
I want you to know I will always be there for you, just as you’ve always been here for me.
I want you to know that you deserve the very best in life, so don’t ever settle for less.
I want you to know that one someday, one day soon, you will achieve all of your dreams and I will be here to celebrate with you.
I want you to know that I’ve got your back always.
I celebrate you, Love, today and always. Thank you for every time.
Love, always!
P.s Written by someone who always wants to see you smile..
Your well wisher
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