i. never again!
TOTAL DARKNESS ENGULFED the area around the young girl who sat cowering in fear against one of the back wall. She had become accustomed to this cold feeling of being trapped inside the metal cell for days on end, and it had slowly become welcoming to her.
The constant rumbling of her stomach had also become routine, but only because the troopers barely gave her a small meal a day. Cora Orion was grateful for whatever morsel she got at any given time.
Suddenly, loud pounding on the door startled the young woman. "Get up, 26678! Your trial is almost starting." Then the door swung open and a bright light filled the small room. Cora had to shut her eyes from the sudden brightness, and the trooper did not appreciate that. "I said, get up." He snarled while stomping to her, and forcefully pulling her to her feet.
The trooper yanked her towards him, and he clamped a pair of handcuffs around her wrists. Cora sneered at the sting that ran up her arm. The officer then began to push the prisoner down the twisted halls of the base.
While the two were walking, Cora tried to strategize a way to somehow break free from the handcuffs around her wrists, and escape from the hands of the trooper.
Her thoughts quickly ceased when the officer behind her pulled Cora to a halt. She glanced up, only to see a different trooper standing only a few feet in front of them. This guard's suit was painted black from head to toe. Cora furrowed her eyebrows for she had never seen these types of ensembles in person before.
"Which prisoner is this?" The mysterious trooper demanded. His voice sounded different from the others she's heard around the base. It even sounded slightly familiar to her.
The officer from behind Cora hesitated for a moment. "Her trial is in less than ten minutes at the other end of the base."
"What name does this prisoner go by?"
"26678, sir."
The shadow trooper let out a laugh and shook his head. "The trial date of this prisoner has been pushed back a week for a more important one has emerged. I will take her back to her cell, and you will continue with your duties." He commanded.
The white colored officer hesitantly took a step away from Cora. She furrowed her eyebrows as her eyes watched the shadow trooper take the other's spot behind her. He then began to lead her back down the twisted hallways of where she had just come from.
However, as they went to turn down an empty corridor, Cora used this time to strike. She had noticed that this trooper failed to keep a weapon ready in their arms, so she used that against him. Cora quickly turned around, and drove the side of her right fist against his head. The officer immediately stumbled back, and Cora now used this time to snatch the the remote arm band around the man's wrist.
She then positioned it underneath her cuffs while holding the device up with her knees. By now, the trooper was stumbling back onto his feet, but Cora had her restraints off. "Wait, Cor—" He tried to get out as the woman jumped onto him, and threw a small punch at his mask. "I-It's me!" He cried out while blocking his face from further attacks.
Confused, Cora reached down to remove the mask covering the man's face. Upon seeing her younger brother, Paris, she immediately gasped. "Oh my god, Paris! I am so sorry." She cried out as she scurried off of him, and pulled him to his feet. "I knew you weren't an actual trooper."
"Yeah, so why'd you viciously attack me?" He asked while cautiously touching his now bleeding nose.
Cora pursed her lips. "I'm so sorry." She apologized as she approached him to inspect his wound. "That was my first chance at an escape in the whole year I've been here." She let out a nervous chuckle before stepping away from him. "Please tell me you have a plan."
"As a matter of fact, I do. We don't have much time. Hold out your arms so I can put the cuffs back on." He instructed while putting the remote device back on his wrist. He then reached down to pick up the metal restraints Cora had thrown onto the floor. As she reached her hands out, he clamped them back down on her wrist. She shuddered slightly at the stinging sensation in her arm.
After putting his helmet back on, Paris took the spot behind Cora, and began to lead her down the corridors of the base. The landing bay was fairly close to their location, so it didn't take too long for them to reach it. Once they did, the male rebel scanned the area to locate the ship he had flown in on. "Other rebels are in the Eagle all the way in the back left. Look as calm as possible." He instructed while whispering in her ear.
Cora gave him a single nod before he began to lead her to their desired ship. Nobody had spared them a second look as they passed through the loading dock. However, an imperial officer had been watching them ever since they stepped foot onto the bay. "Halt!" He commanded as he approached the two. Cora's heart dropped as she glanced up towards her brother, hopefully. Nevertheless, she kept her tired and heartless look on her face. "What exactly are you doing with this prisoner?"
Paris's face went blank. He cleared everything in his mind, and focused solely on the general's. He quietly said, "You do not care what I am doing with this prisoner." Cora furrowed her eyebrows, for she highly doubted the mind trick to be successful.
However, the general all of a sudden became extremely relaxed and he breathed out, "I do not care what you are doing with this prisoner."
"You will make sure the shadow trooper, and the prisoner make it out of this base safely."
"I will make sure the shadow trooper and prisoner make it out of this base safely."
A proud smirk fell onto Paris's face before he brushed past the general with Cora at his side. "Nice going." She smiled as the two approached the ship.
The doors slowly opened, and both siblings walked up the metal ramp. A few rebels were seated in the small seating area, and each person had a smile on their face. Cora returned the favor, and greeted each person warmly. "Thank you for coming and rescuing me. It means the world." She spoke fondly. They all spoke replied in unison
Shortly after, she turned and faced her brother as he removed the helmet from his head. "Get me out of these cuffs." Cora demanded.
He nodded his head, and obliged. Grabbing the remote from his wrist, he pressed the small green button in the corner, and watched the restraints fall to the floor with a clang. Cora was left with two small, almost vampire-like, dots on her wrist.
A few moments after, Paris turned on his heels and climbed the ladder into the control room. "Let's get this baby out of here." He smiled as his sister followed, and took the seat next to him.
"How did you manage to get an Eagle?"
"Are you seriously questioning my skills when you just watched my do the mind trick?"
"Right. Forget I asked." She laughed before turning the ship on, and helping her brother fly out of there. "I never want to see this place again."
authors note.
catch the man cassian
making an appearance
next chap!
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