Chapter 53
She did not want to make a big deal about her birthday, yet, here she was, in the middle of a party, her parents threw for their going away, on her birthday. Not many of her friends were there, but plenty of her father and mother's friends, all her "play aunts and "play uncles." All her mother's sorority sisters hounded her about pledging one day. She was a legacy, after all, why not?
Not for her.
Though her mother was in a Black sorority, most of her good friends were white. All of them wanted to introduce her to their sons. The same boys that when she was growing up wanted nothing to do with her. And the few that would ask her out, she never had any interest in them.
It was all too much for her. She needed to find a corner of the house to try and be by herself. Her mother was entertaining in the dining room and living room area, her father in his man-cave.
"Hey birthday girl," her sister said, coming over to her with a big, wrapped box. She was with Elmer, Dahlia, and EJ.
"I told you not to get me anything."
"And when do I listen to you," Shay said, pushing the box toward her.
"TeeTee, I helped pick it out," Dahlia said, hugging her. "My favorite TeeTee."
"How many does she have?" Angel said, asking Elmer.
"Just my sister who lives in Chicago and she rarely sees."
"Oh, okay, I'll take that," Angel said. "Then you're my favorite little niece."
"TeeTee, you don't have any other!"
"I know, which makes you my automatic favorite," she said. "Help me open this gift you helped pick out. If it's not the latest Louis V bag, take it back."
Angel and Dahlia ripped the paper off then opened the box. Indeed, it was the latest Louis Vuitton bag both she and her sister were drooling over.
"And that's why you're my favorite sister," she said to Shay, rubbing all over the bag. "I love it!"
"Can I have it when you're done with it," Dahlia asked.
"I'm never going to be done with this bag."
"Dahl, mommy bought one for herself, so when you're older, you can borrow mine."
"And maybe we'll be in the poorhouse by then if you spend that amount of money on a purse," Elmer said. "But long as you're happy, we'll be in the poorhouse together."
"And see, that's why he's my favorite husband," Shay said, then laughed. "Just kidding! You're my only husband...for now. Kidding again!"
She had fun with her niece and nephew and talked a bit with Shay, but they had to leave the party early. Now she was bored again and ready to leave. If she snuck off to her bedroom and locked the door, maybe no one would notice her missing. She was halfway upstairs when she heard a familiar voice call her name.
She rolled her eyes and turned to Jared.
"Happy birthday girl!" He grabbed her arms and pulled her back down the stairs "I know you were trying to sneak off, but I'm not letting you. And I know you think you still mad at me, but we've been friends too damn long and I'm just not here for it."
"I'm not mad."
"Well good! Now come have some fun at your parents' party. I know Queen Bee didn't cook a thing so the food should be good."
She was glad Jared was there, at least there was someone she liked and could talk to. There was a long buffet set up with servers to help them make their plates. Angel wanted some of everything she saw, while Jared was being a picky eater. They took their plates and went outside on the gazebo to eat and talk.
"We haven't hung out in a while," Jared said, digging into his plate of baked chicken and grilled asparagus.
"Why are you eating just that?" She looked down at her plate loaded with brisket, smoked turkey, macaroni salad, and broccoli salad. It wasn't fried and fatty food like she would have had at Hook's aunt, but it wasn't super health-conscious like what Jared was eating. "Are you on a diet?"
"Mmm-hmm," he said, rubbing his stomach. "I need to get my six-pack back."
Angel laughed. "Since when did you have a six-pack? When you bought one back in college?"
"Since I got a man with a great body and I can't be all flabby!"
Angel squinted her eyes at him. "Since when did you meet a guy? And why didn't you tell me? And what's his name? And tell me something!"
"I don't know if I should tell you," he said, spearing an asparagus. "Did you know that asparagus works as a detoxing agent and cleanses the body? And your pee stinks, but you can lose weight eating a lot of it."
"Bitch, don't tell me about any asparagus and stinky pee! Tell me about this new guy."
Jared just shrugged, busy eating more asparagus. "He's nice."
"Good. And what else?"
"He's gorgeous!" Jared was a pretty boy himself, with those gray eyes and "good hair." He could catch better looking men than she could.
"Of course, you love those pretty boy types. And what else?"
"He's young! He's only twenty-three and girllllll...I think that's hot."
Angel laughed. She felt old. Today she turned thirty-three and Jared was thirty-three as well. He was dating someone ten years younger than him, but she never thought age mattered. Matthew was eight years older than her. The professor...well, that was a different situation.
"What's his name?"
"Where'd you meet him?"
"Girl, this chicken is delish! I'm going to get some more," Jared said standing up to leave.
"Why are you acting weird about it? Just tell me how you met him, what's the big deal?"
Jared chuckled. "No big deal girl. You want some more wine?"
"No, I'm good. Soooo, you're going to tell me?"
Jared sat back down. "So you remember when I went to get your things from Hook? I met him there."
"At Hook's place?"
"I went to his shop. There. Marvin works there."
"Oh," was all she could say. Why would she care that Jared was dating one of Hook's employees? That had nothing to do with her. Even though she preferred her best friend not to hang with her ex-boyfriend, she could not stop him from being friends with whoever he wanted.
She grabbed her wineglass and took a sip.
"That's nice."
"He's new there. And when I saw him, I just knew. He said he saw me when I first came in and hoped I was gay. Like, for real? He thought I was straight because he ain't as keen with his gaydar as I am."
"There is no such thing as a gaydar, but okay. So, what else about him? How many dates have you gone out with him?"
"Two, but he is so cool."
"So you already...bow chicka wow wow?"
"Bitch! That's a little personal."
"Stop acting brand new, we tell each other everything."
Jared laughed, sipped his water. "Yes."
She knew her friend well. Never on the first date would he have sex, but the second, all bets were off. He said he would feel like he was easy if he gave it up on the first date. As if the second date sent a different message? She liked sex, and if she wanted it, she was going to get it.
Speaking of sex, it had been weeks since she had some. That made her think of Hook and all the great sex they had.
"How's Hook?"
"Why are you asking me? Call him."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because...I think the two of you should talk. I'm not saying get back with him, but just talk. A lot of misunderstanding that night."
"It's over and done. Hook's right, we kept hurting each other."
"You still love him?"
"Why does that even matter? He's not in love with me anymore. He probably has moved on and found someone else. Look at him, he's hot. I'm sure he has no problem meeting women. I'm fixing me. Back to therapy, focused on my work, this house, and I'm going to be a better aunt to my niece and nephew. I did learn that from Hook. I like kids."
Jared chuckled. "So you want one now?"
"Boy!" They both laughed.
Later that night, after everyone was gone, she made another big decision about her life. It was time to grow up and make grown-up decisions. Her parents were going to be gone. She would be all alone. She had to think about her future.
A/N: Seems like Angel is doing fine and not missing Hook too much. She's working on herself which is good, but she basically admitted she still was in love with Hook.
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