Chapter 38
How was he going to make this right?
He was in a foul mood, but he still had to be there for his girls. They weren't dumb, they heard everything. It should not have been something they were in the middle of, but he could not change that now. They both were quiet at dinner and after Symone went off to their room to play with her toys, Ravyn went to watch TV. He sat on the couch beside her, waiting on her to say something.
"Dad, I'm sorry Angel dumped you again."
"She didn't...Rave, you don't have to worry about my relationship, okay."
She scooted closer to him on the couch and pulled his arm so it was around her and she lay her head on his chest.
"Angel's cool...but now you can be with my mom."
"Rave, that's not how it works."
"Why not? You and my mom...did it, right? That means you still like her, right?"
He felt a pain in his gut as he had to explain this to his teenage daughter.
"Ravyn, what happened with me and your mom...just happened. Was a mistake...I mean, the baby...if it's mine, is not a mistake, but what happened with me and Shareefa, should not have happened."
"Why not?"
He pulled her off him so she could sit up and he could look eye to eye with her.
"Ravyn, you should only be with someone, that way, if you really care for them."
"But you care about my mom, right?"
"Not that way. I mean, I care because she's your mother, but, I don't love her like I did back when you were born. When we had you, yes, I cared a lot about her. And you know it was my fault that it didn't work out, I told you about that. But I just...I don't have those same feelings anymore."
His little girl's heart was so broken, he could tell. She was trying to be a big girl and not cry. He pulled her to him and hugged her.
"I love you. I got you out of it."
"I hope it's yours," she said against his chest.
"Why do you-"
"Because you're the best daddy ever," she said, squeezing him.
In the morning after breakfast, he took the girls over to his aunt's house. They loved it over there because his aunt would make a fuss over them and let them run all over the house, things she never let him do when he was little. And she was making a cake, if for no reason, so the girls could help her, which they liked.
He sat with his uncle and watched sports, drank beer, and talked about the game.
"You ain't bring that fine honey with you this time?" his uncle asked him.
"Nah," he simply said.
"How you get a girl like that?"
"Unc, look, I ain't a scrub, what you mean a girl like that? Why can't I have a girl like that?"
"I know what it is. You putting it down, huh?"
He was not having his conversation with his uncle. By the time his uncle married his aunt, he was sixteen and already had a kid, so his uncle never gave him the birds and the bees lecture. He told him how to be a good man and father, but they didn't talk sex and he was not here for it right now.
"You watching the game or we talking bullshit right now?"
"You wrapping it up? How many more babies you need?"
Hook stood up. He was not having this conversation with his uncle.
"Man, watch the game. Imma check on my girls," he said and walked off toward the kitchen. His aunt was there, standing at the back door, cigarette in hand and watching the girls play in the yard.
"What the girls up to," he said, looking out at them. Three other lil girls were out in the yard with them. Since Ravyn lived around the corner, she had lots of friends around here.
"So when you was gonna tell me about this other baby?"
Fuck! He should have known his aunt would know something. She lived right around the corner from Shareefa and was friends with her mother.
"Ma, I would tell you if I thought it was mine."
She blew out some cigarette smoke then, put out the cigarette on the top of a beer can and put it inside.
"It could be."
"You know me and Reefa don't get down like that no more. It was one time we smashed. One time."
"Boy, you know it only takes one time."
"Reefa sleep around, I can't believe that it's mine till-"
"How you know what that lil girl doing? She doesn't sleep around, you got some nerve trying to call the mother of your child a hoe while you hoeing with that lil uppity chick you brought over here."
He let out a sign and rubbed a hand over his face.
"You can get mad if you want to. Truth is, you don't fucking think. You never think unless it's with your dick in your hand, and that keeps popping out kids."
"Ma, I only have two-"
"Boy, please! I know about the others you almost had. That's why Shareefa didn't want to tell you about this one till now because she knew you would try and make her have an abortion."
"But ma-"
"Man the fuck up! You man enough to nut in her, take care of your responsibilities."
"I am," he said, "If it's mine."
"If it's mine? Phuh! Okay, Antoine, I'll play that game with you. If it's not, then what? Go on with your life till this lil rich bitch get pregnant? Think she going to get any money out of you?"
His aunt was all in the business and didn't know what she was talking about. He was trying to be respectful because that's how she raised him, but he really wanted to go off. He was twenty-eight years old but still wanted his aunt's respect.
"Angel doesn't need my money."
"Exactly! She don't need yo money. She don't need you. You know, you're always trying to save a girl from something. That's the good and bad thing about you. That girl don't need you saving her, but I bet you still trying."
His aunt was not wrong. He was ready to leave Angel after she told him she was a cheater. Then he learned of her being molested. Then she got hurt killing her ex-husband. Now she needed him...but did she really?
A/N: Short chapter but packed with a lot of emotions. Hook and his daughter, I felt that. How hard for a man to raise his daughter to respect women if they're not living right? Getting Shareefa pregnant but not in a relationship with a kid, to his daughter, does not look good.
Talking about tough issues here many don't discuss in romance novels. The aunt trying to school him on exactly how Hook thinks. With his D in his hand! I know readers love Hook, but he's wrong on this.
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