Chapter 37
She waited outside of Hook's apartment building sitting on the steps hoping Jared would hurry up. She wanted this to be a nightmare she would wake up from. Why was this happening?
Of course, Hook was still sleeping with his baby momma. Sounded about right.
Wait till her sister heard about this. The amount of "Told you so's" would be record-breaking. She was not going to tell her. She did not need to feel any worse than she already did.
Jared finally pulled up and she got in.
"You and Hook have another fight and over what this time?"
"His baby momma is pregnant. It might be his."
"Shut the front door!"
"Yeah, I saw her with my own two eyes. She's very pregnant. She said they were still sleeping together. Hook said it was one time...when we had broken up. How am I supposed to believe that?"
"Look, this ain't even my business to get into, but...I know you. You're quick to find an excuse and bail out on him. Let him explain."
"He tried. What's to explain? He had sex with her, no condom. Yes, we were broken up! But the next day he's fucking someone else? You didn't see me run off and have sex in the measly week we were broken up."
She rubbed her temple feeling a nerve pinging. What was she supposed to do in this situation?
"Going back to your parents?"
"No! They will ask a hundred questions why. Can I crash at your place or will Braxton be there?"
"We broke up."
"Wait a minute! When? Why? You two looked so cute together."
"Just last night."
"Jared! Why didn't you say anything? And I'm just going on and on about my shit storm problems. Good that we can talk about it tonight."
They stopped and picked up Chinese in the city before they made it back to his house in Creve Coeur, then they both changed in pajamas and got two bottles of wine, and sat in the middle of the living room floor discussing their sorrows.
"So details on you and Braxton?"
"I think I was feeling him more than he was feeling me," Jared said, jabbing at his rice but not eating any. "He met my friends, my family, never even talked much about his."
"That could mean anything. Maybe he's not close to his family? Maybe he doesn't have many close friends."
"He was at the Better Family Life Gala with a friend. A woman."
"Wait? Like dating her type of woman?"
"Well, he said they were just friends. And you're my bestie and were my date...except you stood me up, so hey..."
"So they were more than friends?"
He shrugged. "He hardly ever talked about her again. You know I talk about you all the damn time."
"That's still no reason-"
"I told him I loved him and he said he didn't feel the same," Jared said rather quickly. "I'm not going to be in a one-sided relationship. I told him to go."
Why was falling in love and staying in love with a person so hard? She wanted her friend to be happy. She wanted to be happy.
"Well, I told Hook I love him...even with this bomb dropped, I still love him."
"So tell me, is it that he slept with her while you were on a break, or that this lil stank bitch got pregnant that you can't deal?"
She slurped up some noodles.
"I don't know. I guess because he could be having a whole ass baby with someone else. Where does that leave me?"
"I don't think it changes your relationship."
"Yes, it does! I'm just now getting used to a twelve-year-old and a nine-year-old. A baby? I don't do babies!"
"You would be fine with a baby."
"Me? The chick that would not pick up my niece or nephew till they were at least one year old?"
After they finished eating and drank one bottle of wine, they started on another and then went into his bedroom. She slept in bed with him because it was just like sleeping in bed with any other friend.
"So what are you going to do with Hook? Try and work it out?"
"I don't know. I mean, I want to. He's put up with my shit. Matthew, that whole professor situation-"
"Eh! If he only knew the half of it, because I'm sure your ass did not get down to the nitty-gritty of it."
"I told him. And I told him if he had any questions to ask. I would be honest about it if he asked, he didn't, sooo..."
"Bull crap. That shit wasn't just any affair. He has some power-trippy control thing over you."
"Had! Had, because that's all over."
"Tell yourself that."
"Oh man, I told Hook I would call him tonight," she said, staring at her phone, seeing a text from him.
miss u baby. luv u
"Well call him!"
"Maybe I'll just text him back," she said, starting to text.
"No! Call, stop being a scaredy-cat."
She rolled her eyes at him, then pressed Hook's number.
"Hey, it's me."
"I know it's you, babe. You okay?"
"You sure?"
"Wanta talk about it?"
She did not know what to say. She missed him. She even actually missed the girls. Was this how her life was going to be now? With this man, his kids, two with a possible on the way.
"It's just weird Hook, that's all."
"You know if it's mine, I would do the right thing."
That brought a tear to her eye. She did not want to hear this. She did not want to hear that Hook would love and be there for this kid by another woman. She knew he was that type of guy, but still, she did not like the feeling she was having. Jealous.
Not of the baby. Of the baby mother.
"I gotta go. Bye," she said, hanging up on him, as more tears fell.
"What's wrong?" Jared said putting his arms around her.
"I don't know what to do."
A/N: Tough times. Trying not to make Hook the bad guy here. Trying to keep Angel on her best behavior. She still has her issues, but this is a lot to deal with. Next chapter they talk about it and get deep.
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