† Chp. XXXVIII †
Chapter soundtrack: 'A Sky Full Of Stars' by Coldplay.
♪ = cue music
† Chp. XXXVIII †
"Tell the men to break cover! We ride for Minas Tirith!" Faramir orders, as his fellows soldiers fall to slaughter by the masses of orcs, who pile through the stone maze of Osgiliath.
Suddenly, an ear splitting shrill slices the air.
"Nazgul!" A guard shouts. The black beasts swoop overhead, their sharp tendrils clawing at the men, and releasing them to a plummeting death.
"Take cover! Fall back!" Faramir shouts, his voice desperate above the shrills of both his men and the fellbeasts. "Fall back to Minas Tirith!"
The soldiers of Gondor fall back as Faramir continues to order a retreat. They mount their steeds, however many men meet their fate as the orcs unleash ruthless hate.
With desperate cries, the men break from the city of Osgiliath, racing across the plains to seek shelter within Minas Tirith.
The nazgul continue to attack, swooping down and wreaking havoc upon the riders as they pierce their armour with razor talons, soaring high into the air and dropping the men to meet a relentless death.
Many civilians watch the horrid scene upon the battlements of Minas Tirith, their eyes full of fear as sons, husbands, brothers, and fathers come to be slaughtered upon the fields of Gondor.
Suddenly, two steeds can be seen riding from the City of Kings, one horse as white as the peek of Amon Anwar. His reflecting coat resembles the grace of snow, a symbol of hope.
"It's Mithrandir! The White Rider!" Soldiers can be heard calling from the top of Minas Tirith. Many hearts rise with anticipation.
Robin rides beside Gandalf on her dark steed, her jaw clenched with fear at the loud shrills which echo the valley. Never has she layed eyes upon the black beasts, and the mere sight of their fierce silhouettes is enough to wreak fear within the young girl.
"Whatever his plan is, I hope it's a damn good one." Robin mutters to the stiff hobbit who sits before her, referring to the white wizard. She hands the reins to a fearful Pippin, before grabbing her bow off her shoulder, and firing arrows towards the beasts. Her hits cause the fellbeasts to retract from the men, however none are able to endure any real damage, and the dark creatures are quick to swoop back down. One winged nazgul turns to fly towards Robin upon the hit of her arrow, and the outlaw's heart drops from her chest.
Suddenly, an immensely bright light erupts from Gandalf's staff, and the black beasts retreat towards Osgiliath.
Moving to ride beside the men, Gandalf and Robin guide them back to the safety of Minas Tirith. The gates guarding the city crank open, and the remaining soldiers pile into the court, still mounted a top their steeds.
"Mithrandir!" Faramir calls, moving his horse towards Gandalf. "They broke through our defences. They've taken the bridge and the West bank. Battalions of orcs are crossing the river."
"It is as Lord Denethor predicted! Long has he foreseen this doom!" One soldier shouts, his voice travelling throughout the court.
"Foreseen and done nothing!" Gandalf retorts with a loud bellow.
Robin's steed moves through the court, and she brings the horse to hault beside Shadowfax. Faramir looks towards Pippin with a great curiosity, and the halfing lowers his head in discomfort.
"What, never seen a hobbit before?" Robin inquisites, placing a reassuring hand on Pippin's soldier.
"Rather the opposite." Gandalf remarks, lowering his tone to a weary mutter. "This is not the first Halfling to have crossed your path."
"No." Faramir replies with laboured breaths.
"You've seen Frodo and Sam?" Pippin pipes up, hope gathering within his wide eyes.
Faramir gives a curt nod, and Robin feels her heart race with hope.
"Where? When?" Gandalf questions.
"In Ithilien, not two days ago." Faramir informs, and Pippin looks toward the wizard with a wide grin. "Gandalf, they're taking the road to the Morgul vale."
The wizard's gleeful expression shifts to one of concern.
"And then the pass of Cirith Ungol." He utters in a low tone.
"What does that mean? What's wrong?" Pippin questions with concern, before Gandalf speaks in a sudden urgency.
"Faramir, tell me everything. Tell me all you know."
Denethor sits upon the steward's throne, a look of pure disgruntlment adorning his grizzled features.
Robin shifts on her feet in discomfort, sending a look towards the wizard who stands by her side, then bringing her gaze back to Faramir. The young man stands before his father, awaiting the steward's reaction upon the news Faramir holds of the ring.
"This is how you would serve your city? You would risk it's utter ruin?" Denethor seethes in bitter resentment.
"I did what I judged to be right." Faramir responds, a steady tone masking his deep grief.
"What you judged to be right? You sent the Ring of power into Mordor in the hands of a witless Halfling!"
"That 'witless halfling' is going to save our asses, along with all of Middle Earth." Robin interrupts. Gandalf's staff hitting against her leg causes the outlaw to shut her jaw and fold her arms. "Sorry, continue."
The wizard sends Robin a disapproving glance, and she simply shrugs her shoulders.
"It should have been brought back to the citadel to be kept safe. Hidden. Dark and deep in the vaults, not to be used, unless at the uttermost end of need." Denethor continues, his voice calming to a low hiss.
"I would not use the Ring." Faramir exclaims, strength behind his words. "Not if Minas Tirith were falling in ruin, and I alone could save her."
"Ever you desire to appear lordly and gracious as a King of old. Boromir would have remembered his father's need." The steward seethes, and Robin feels anger begin to seep into her veins. She observes the scene with narrow eyes and a clenched jaw.
"He would have brought me a kingly gift." Denethor spits with venom laced words.
"Boromir would not have brought the ring." Faramir remarks. "He would have stretched out his hand to this thing, and taking it he would have fallen."
"You know nothing of this matter!" Denethor shouts, anger growing thick on his features.
"No, he's right. From someone who has experienced the power of the ring, and witnessed Boromir attempting to steal it for himself, your son does infact know very much of the matter." Robin retorts, unable to contain her irritation towards the steward, as she takes a step forward, speaking in a calm utter. "So how about you bite back that flapping tongue of yours and listen to what he has to say?"
Denethor's face remains to be distorted in anger, and Gandalf lightly shakes his head.
"Guards, get her out!" The steward orders, and once again, Robin is tossed from the hall.
Fuming, the young outlaw steps towards her two friends, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
"What's the matter, princess?" Koda questions, pushing himself off the wall and strolling towards an irritated Robin.
"That man is too mad to be ruling Gondor." She replies, rubbing circles on her temples.
"I told you going in again wouldn't be a good idea." Pippin chimes from the side, raising his curly head. The hobbit and harad had remained outside during the meeting, and the whole time Pippin had been inquisiting Koda on his past with Robin.
"I guess you were right." The outlaw retorts, gazing down at the halfling. "Now let's go do something fun so I can forget the man's stupidity.
And with that, the three head off to cause some trouble within the oblivious city.
↛Røbin's P.Ø.V↚
The sun sets past the mountains as the shades of evening deepen, however my gaze is drawn to the darkened skies which loom over Mordor. A flash of lightning cracks through the thick clouds, and I can feel my blood run cold in anticipation of what brews behind the black hills.
Although, even with fear admist my mind, Koda's presence seems to bring a comforting sense of reassurance. Together, we sit upon the deserted battlements of Minas Tirith, observing the storm which gathers across the plains.
"What's on your mind, princess?" Koda questions, noticing my tense appearence.
"Everything." I remark with an unfaltering expression.
And my answer holds true, as my mind ticks away with all sorts of wonders and worries.
Will Frodo and Sam be alright crossing this 'Morgul Vale'? Has Theoden responded to the beacons? Is Merry doing okay without Pippin? Will Koda come out of this war alive? Is the other half of the fellowship safe and out of danger's way?
Silence once again blankets the two of us, and stars begin to speck the night sky. I admire the dazzling lights, as observing the illuminous dots distracts my mind from the dawning reality of war.
"The wizard interrogated me today." Koda states with a slight chuckle, bringing my attention back towards our two earthly figures. "He had suspicions that I was a spy of Sauron."
"It wouldn't be Gandalf if he didn't do so." I retort with a light grin, before furrowing my brows and turning my body to face the dark man.
"I just don't understand how someone can speak to his own son as if he is nothing." My breath becomes heavy as I continue to rant. "After all Faramir has done for the sake of Gondor, Denethor treats him as though he is inferior."
Koda lets out a deep sigh, his eyes lowering in saddness.
"Some only come to realise the importance of others after time ticks too late."
Pondering his statement, I come to realise the truth of his words. All those I held close, and have come to meet death, shaped a great importance to the meaning of my life. Yet, this value was never fully acknowledged until they took their final breathes.
"Faramir will ride back out to Osgiliath, I am sure of it. All in order to gain the acceptance of his father." I proclaim, a rush of fire flaming throughout my body. "I want to go with him. After the sacrifice of Boromir, I feel as though I am in debt to Gondor."
Koda lightly smiles, his dark eyes dazzling within the light of the moon.
"If that's what you wish, only your own mind can hold you back." He utters, moving a strand of hair away from my face. "You never cease to amaze me, Eretria. So much courage within so little a body, you truely are one of a kind."
I lower my gaze, a subtle smile playing at my lips. I fiddle with my leather clad fists.
"I'm glad you're here." I announce, turning my head to view the man. He grins, bringing his gaze to meet mine.
"Never would I imagine you admitting to have missed me." Koda responds with a slight tease.
"What can I say? War has affected me." I retort, feeling my cheeks begin to grow warm.
"Hardly." The harad remarks, diverting his eyes to the plains. "You're still the highly obnoxious outlaw I have grown to admire."
I grin at his statement, lightly punching his shoulder.
"And you're still the pain-in-the-ass I grew to tolerate."
Koda lightly chuckles, and I lower my tone, as I begin to express my gratitude for the compassionate man.
"In all seriousness, I truly am glad you're here." I continue, looking out upon the vast fields. "Ever since the day you saved this obnoxious damsel from that ruthless dungeon, I have always felt protected when you're around."
Heat continues to rush to my cheeks, as I am unfamiliar with announcing my feelings. Lowering my gaze, I observe the quiet street which lays a distance beneath my feet, the height seeping a small dosage of adrenaline into my veins.
Suddenly, two warm fingers are placed beneath my chin, and Koda lifts my head to meet his gaze. My heart begins to race as his eyes trail to my lips, and before I know it, he leans in.
My body freezes as his lips meet mine, and my heart feels as though it twists within my chest. Taking in a steady breath, I relax into his kiss, my eyes closing as I feel my muscles begin to ease.
All sorts of thoughts race through my busy mind. Never has anyone kissed me before, and let's just say, I wasn't expecting to experience the sensation until a very long time.
The kiss only lasts a few short seconds, even as the moment imitates that of a century, and Koda pulls away, an expression adorning his face in which I am unknown to.
Slightly furrowing my brows, I examine his features, a wave of worry washing upon me.
"Koda, you mean a lot to me, b-but everything is so crazy at the moment, and-"
"Shhhhh." The man hushes, carassing my cheek and placing his thumb against my bottom lip. "You know I would never rush you into this. We have an endless amount of time, Eretria."
I nod, and Koda brings my forehead to meet his.
"One day that mind of yours will clear, princess." He utters in a low whisper.
"And one day you will touch the moon with your little brown butt." I reply, straightening my back as a grin spreads across my face. Koda responds with a playful glare.
Shifting my body to once again face the plains, I lean against the harad, resting my head upon his wide shoulder as we silently observe the hue of fire which reflects upon the dark clouds.
Both exhilaration and hesitance stir within the pit of my stomach.
Guys, I got a boyfriend while in Vegas:
I hope ya'll are proud of me.
P.s Yes, in that picture my nan and I have twinning princess hats. It's fashion.
P.p.s It's a joke guys, ya girls still single and waiting for a rockstar (;
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