† Chp. XXX †
† Chp. XXX †
She was 13 years old when she discovered the city of Edoras.
Every child yearns for adventure. However, the desire never quite faded for this particular girl. The stories in which the white wizard would tell the young girl ignited her sense for exploration, and one particular day, she set out on her own personal journey.
Treebeard was aware of her desire to explore, so he assisted the youngling in packing food and water. Bedding was unnecessary, for the young girl had grown used to sleeping amongst the earth.
With the touch of two foreheads and a bright wave, she set out for a short journey. Treebeard was indeed worried for her wellbeing, however he believed she had reached the age of independence.
Days drifted by, and the young girl explored vast plains and low valleys. For the first time she experienced the silence of grass fields, the only sound being that of the seed pods rattling against the breeze. It was unknown where her feet would take her, but although she wandered, she was not lost. She had made sure to remember the path in which she came, carving a marking into trees and stones which seemed to stand out. Eventually, a sight which filled the young girl with complete awe blessed her vision.
A large mountain rose from the plains like a sea dragon breaching it's head above still water. Speckled along it's rolling features appeared to be rigid scales, which upon further inspection, proved to be wooden houses.
The young girl's heart lept as she recognised the city to be of human design. It had been years since she interacted with her own kind. She barrelled towards the entrance, excitement flooding her veins.
The sweet sound of upbeat music and hustling crowds welcomed her presence as she wandered through the large doors, a stroke of familiarity caressing her heart. With a furrowed brow, the guards let her pass through, confused but not alarmed.
Her eyes widened as the smell of roast mutton spread through the light air, filling her nose and causing her dry mouth to slightly water. The hearty strumming of a banjo lightened the already bright atmosphere, and a wide beam spread across the young girl's face as she continued down the dirt street, the humble structures bringing a sense of home.
"Ew, why is she so dirty?"
Her heart skipped a beat, and her feet came to a hault as the young girl snapped her head in the direction of four young girls. A grimace contorted upon the speaker's face, as she observed her torn attire.
"Is it even human?" A girl with blonde, wavy locks questioned, the group looking to be in their early years of adolescence. This remark caused the teenagers to release bitter snickers.
The young girl tensed at their stares, unable to gather her surprise from the show of mock, as she didn't quite expect her first human interaction to be quite so snarky.
"It's Eretria, Eretria Hood." She stated with a strong voice. Although she displayed confidence, her stomach writhed with anxiety as the brunette took a step forward, her grey eyes seething with distaste.
"Eretria? Pretty name." She retorted, placing her hands upon her hips and slowly dragging her eyes down Eretria's stained attire. "Too bad it's the only pretty thing about you."
With devilish cackles, the group of girls leant against the wall, a bitter smirk creeping onto their ringmaster's face. The young girl clenched her jaw, her stomach twisting even further. Her throat began to sting, and her toes shrivelled as she wished she could sink into her shoes and hide away from humanity.
"I think she's pretty." A soft voice spoke from behind. The young girl turned her head to view a light skinned teenager with two long braids, her features suggesting she was not much older.
"Dirty, but no less pretty." The braided girl continued, her eyes glinting as she stepped to the child of Fangorn's side. "I like the way her hair falls naturally straight, and how her eyes glow golden in the sunlight. I also like how strong she looks with that bow slung over her shoulder."
The young girl felt a wave of reassurance from the individual's presence, as the braided teenager seemed to radiate kindness.
"Good afternoon, princess." The snarky brunette greeted, her tone turning bitter sweet as a soft, yet forced smile carved into her olive features. "We were just about to go fruit picking, feel like joining?"
The young girl shifted on her feet, feeling rather isolated as the brunette seemed to ignore her presence. Her demeanour had changed so quickly, it was rather shocking.
"No, thank you. I would rather show this new comer around Edoras." The braided girl politely declined, placing her hand on Eretria's back. With a shrug of the shoulders, and a few exchanged whispers, the group of rather nasty teenagers turned the corner and left.
"Come on, I'll show you around."
The young girl followed behind her braided friend, as Eretria felt as though she could trust the fair teenager. They made their way down the bustling alley, weaving between bodies until they reached a higher, quieter area.
"Do not worry about those girls, they are full of envy and pride." The kind girl remarked. "The only reason they act nice to me is because my uncle is king. Oh, and they also have their eyes on my brother."
A grin etched onto her features as she came to a halt. She peeked over her shoulder.
"I'm Eowyn." A soft smile spread across her lips, and she turned to face her new friend.
"Eretria." The young girl introduced, extending her hand. Eowyn beamed widely as she accepted the gesture with a firm grip and a strong shake.
"Where are you from, Eretria?" The braided girl questioned, as the two slowly paced forward.
"Fangorn forest, it's directly north from here." Eretria responded, walking beside the fair skinned teenager.
"You live in a forest?" Eowyn questioned, her brows furrowing together, before her pale face lit up in wonder. "That is remarkable! But wait, where are your parents?"
Eretria's gaze lowered as she had been hoping to avoid the question.
"Oh, I am deeply sorry." Eowyn uttered, her eyes reflecting sorrow. "I aswell have lost both my parents."
Eretria lifted her gaze in suprise.
"However my uncle has taken responsibilty of my brother and I. There is plenty of room if you ever need a place to reside." The braided girl offered, and the sound of merry laughter sounded from a far.
"There is also plenty of room in Fangorn, if you ever feel like going on an adventure." Eretria replied with a wide smirk.
"Why, I do like the sound of that." Eowyn remarked, her eyes landing on two young males who appeared to be sparring. "Eomer! Theodred! Come over and allow me to introduce this fine young lady."
The two boys halted, lifting their helmets as they strode over. Eretria couldn't help but avoid their gaze.
"Gentleman, this is Eretria."
The young girl extended her hand, growing rather nervous at the introduction.
"Pleasure to meet you." Theodred greeted, taking a firm hold.
Eretria shook and released her grip, only for her hand to be met by Eomer's.
"My lady." The young boy remarked, bending forward to place a soft kiss on her knuckle.
Eretria felt heat creeping into her cheeks as she lifted an eyebrow, both amused and confused. Although, even with the cheeky guesture, she felt comfort towards the three individuals who now stood by her side. It had been a long time since the young girl had interacted with her own kind, and she already felt as though she was home.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Eowyn ordered, linking her arm with Eretria's. The young girl happily obliged, thrilled to experience childhood friendship as it should be, innocent and natural.
She was 13 years old when she discovered a life long friendship.
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