† Chp. XXVI †
Chapter soundtrack: 'Loyalties Amongst Thieves' by New Politics.
♪ = que da music
Happy birthday to Lady_of_the_Light who didn't actually tell me the date, but wanted a birthday update. This chapter's dedicated to you sis (;
† Chp. XXVI †
I walk through the paths of Helms Deep which are littered with Uruk-hai carcass, a spring in my step as I admire our handy work. A wide grin remains engraved on my face as adrenaline continues to stream through my veins.
Never would I have even considered to fight in a battle, let alone win a war.
Actually, to toot my own horn, I've technically won two battles in less than a day. I think I have finally earned my master warrior title.
Okay Robin, time to strip the pride panties. The ring hasn't been destroyed yet.
Although, I'm sure there could be many alternatives to dumping the gold in Mordor's hot tub, ones which don't involve two Hobbit's travelling on their own. Heck, Legolas could have tied the ring to one of his arrows and shot it into the volcano all the way from the bloody shire. However, in the hobbits we trust, and I am certain they will accomplish their task. Either that or we all get barbecued.
I wonder how Sam and Frodo are going?
"Eretria?" A voice as smoothe as honey pulls me from my thoughts, and my grin returns as I spot the one and only Eowyn.
"How's it going, chook?" I reply, allowing my best friend to pull me into a hug.
"Considering I am able to now walk the grounds freely, I am doing rather well, little butterfly." She beams, leaning back as her thumb runs across my cheek and wipes across smeers of blood. Her brows knit together. "Did you fight?"
"You bet your ass I did." I smirk, however Eowyn continues to look confused, and I notice that she even seems to show a hint of irritation.
"You okay, chook?" I ask, rather confused by her expression.
"Oh- right, sorry. It was just- well I would have been worried about you had I known." She replies, lowering her gaze as she steps back, before looking over my shoulder with glazed eyes and a rather straight expression. "I am going to bid my thanks to more soldiers. I shall see you later, Eretria."
And without so much as a second glance, Eowyn walks away. I turn my head and watch her figure disappear around one of the stone corners, confusion still lingering as my eyebrows knit together.
Is she mad at me for fighting? Why would that be upsetting to her?
I shrug, and continue to stroll forward. Maybe she doesn't like the idea that I could have been hurt?
The looks in which I recieve from several passersby begins to grab my attention, as women and children in particular send second glances and baffled expressions in my direction.
What? Is it that odd to see a female with weapons and wounds?
If the fighting classes in Edoras had even considered training women to kick ass, then I am sure their army would be twice as large and twice as strong. However, equality doesn't seem to have meaning in Rohan. But alas, I am rather chuffed with my personal achievements, even if looks of question and disapproval continue to be shot in my direction.
I don't let them get to me. I am in an awesome mood, and nothing can dampen it.
My eyes light up as I spot a certain royally postured elf, and one particularly rowdy dwarf. Gimli sits a top the carcass of an Uruk-hai, and Legolas turns to face him whilst running a hand over his oh-so-fabulous bow.
"Final count, forty-two." The elf remarks, a smirk etching onto his pretty face.
"Forty-two?" Gimli replies, an edge of shock to his tone. "Oh, that's not bad for a pointy eared elvish princeling."
I raise my eyebrow as the dwarf continues.
"I myself am sitting pretty on forty-three." He rolls out, before taking another draw of his pipe.
"Forty-three? That's not bad for someone who needs a ladder in order to reach the orcs heads." I retort, grinning as I approach Legolas' side.
The elf tilts his head and sends a smirk down to the dwarf, and Gimli grumbles in dissaproval.
"Let alone someone who needs a box in order to view their enemy." Legolas adds on, and I raise my eyebrow as I turn to observe his cocky expression.
"And even with these disadvantages, he still managed to get more kills." I retort, smiling down at the dwarf. "No wonder Mirkwood is so easy to raid."
Legolas pouts, before swiftly loading his bow and sending an arrow flying between Gimli's legs, straight into the skull of his orcish butt-rest.
"Forty-three." The elf announces, grinning as he leans forward.
"He was already dead." Gimli argues.
"He was twitching!" Legolas states, and I snort.
"He was twitching, cause he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system!" The dwarf roars, and I chuckle to myself, rather humoured by the whole ordeal.
"Blokes, always needing to one up each other." I remark, striding towards the stone wall and sliding down. "The stench of testosterone is unbearable."
"Yet you decided to come back?" Legolas inquires, as he raises an eyebrow.
"Only to be blessed by your heavenly face." I reply, looking up at the elf with an innocent smile.
Legolas sends back an inquisitive expression, and I send him a wink, before we both turn our heads to Gimli, who looks as if he has just walked in on two hobbits canoodling.
"You fought well, lass. You've made us old folk quite proud." The dwarf praises, breaking from the rather awkward atmosphere.
"I wouldn't say old." Legolas retorts.
"Yeah, because two-thousand, or whatever age you pointy ears reach is definitely not old." I remark, before turning to Gimli with a soft, appreciative smile. "Thank you, short stuff. It feels good to have fought by your side."
I lower my head, running my hand over my bow as I observe the golden pattern of a bear which adorns it's aging wood. Many scratches have found their way passed the weapons protective coat, no doubt due to it's age, however I view these lines as symbols of progress, each graze having it's own story.
Retrieving my daggers from my belt, I grab a rock which sits to my side and begin to sharpen the blades. My head continues to flash with not necessarily bad images of my eventful night, however not necessarily great ones either. A smile engraves my features as Gimli's words play through my mind, but as I lift my head, the expression is suddenly wiped completely.
I feel my heart begin to race as both despair and resentment drills my senses. Never once did I consider the idea that I would lay my eyes on him again, and due to this fact, I am unable to decipher how interaction with the certain individual will fold out.
As our eyes meet from across the court, I stand to my feet and turn my back, storming away from the situation and allowing anger to take over as I aim to leave the bastard in my past.
↚third persøn↛
Eomer enters the yard with his sister by his side, and several riders of Rohan following behind the young leader. The atmosphere becomes rather rowdy as the men walk through the archway, their loud remarks and hollers capturing the attention of Robin.
Eowyn turns to view her brother. However, her eyebrows furrow when the man comes to a hault, his breath hitching as he spots the young outlaw from across the court.
You know that feeling when your mother walks through the door, and you come to realise that you haven't done your chores? Or maybe that sense of your stomach twisting when you feel your pocket, and realise you are missing a valuable item?
That is the exact feeling in which grasps Eomer as his eyes come into contact with Robin's. A scowl crosses her features, and the man feels his heart drop, as the guilt is too much to bare.
"Eomer?" Eowyn questions, following his gaze to view Robin. Her shoulders drop as the outlaw stands to her feet, before disappearing down the pathway.
"I will talk to her." Eowyn offers, stepping forward. However, Eomer holds her back.
"Whatever happened in your past has clearly upset her, Eomer!" She protests, worming her shoulder away from her brother's grip.
"And that is why I need to speak to her." The man states, before racing forward to pursue a rather pissed-off Robin.
"Eretria!" He calls out, dodging between people as he feels his heart sink even further. A mossy cloak comes into view, and the man recognises the bow which has been slung over the figure's shoulder.
"Eretria!" Eomer once again shouts, however the girl fails to hault as she continues to stride forward, before disappearing around another stone corner.
Eomer finds himself racing up a staircase in order to gain the attention of Robin. As he reaches the top, the man can't help but notice the height of this new found area, let alone the cloaked figure who stands in the centre of the abandoned court, her back facing the rider.
"Please, Eretria, just let me speak to y-"
"It's okay, I understand." The outlaw utters, as she turns to face her lost friend. The slight drift of the morning breeze catching her locks as her soft expression sends a hint of reassurance to the man. However, at the same pace in which an arrow can be shot, Robin's eyes harden, and her face contorts into a snarl.
"I understand that you are a coward." She hisses in a low voice, the eery calmness to her tone making the man feel all the more uneasy.
"In fact, I am suprised you didn't cower away from battle." Robin remarks, slightly tilting her head as she takes slow steps forward, her accusing stare drilling into Eomer. "But then again, having an army behind your back brings more confidence over a trusting young girl, right?"
Eomer drops his gaze, unable to keep eye-contact under Robin's harsh glare. He takes a step forward, the pit in his stomach filling with guilt.
"It's Robin. Out of everyone, I thought atleast you would have made the connection." She growls, taking a step back as she eyes the man with caution.
"Robin, I have changed. I have matured and grown on my values. Please, forgive me for what happened in the past. My actions were terrible, and every day I resent myself for it. Please, gift me the chance to earn your forgiveness." Eomer pleads, his eyes alone conveying the emotion in which consumes his senses, and Robin almost feels pity for the man.
"You want to earn my forgiveness?" She questions, crossing her arms as she raises an eyebrow. "Fight me."
Eomer furrows his brows, as both confusion and anxiety swirl within his stomach.
"Fight you? Eretria-"
Robin narrows her eyes, and the man corrects himself.
"Robin, I am not going to do that." He replies, desperately searching for any form of compassion in her resentful glare.
"What a suprise, the coward won't accept a challenge." She retorts.
"Eretria, this isn't you!" Eomer proclaims, stepping forward as he reaches out his hand, but Robin backs away in disgust, ignoring any form of sympathy that creeps into her gut.
"No, it isn't. You know why? Because Eretria is still locked in that cell where you left her to die!" Robin raises her voice, and Eomer steps back at her sudden burst of aggravation. "You were always the stronger one when it came to dueling, let's see if that still stands."
Robin steps back, a sadistic smirk lining her face as she slings her bow and quiver off her shoulders, before removing both her daggers and dropping them by her side.
"I am not doing this." Eomer protests.
"Do you want to earn my forgiveness or not?" Robin questions, raising her brows as she strides forward. "Beat me in a fight, and I'll forget how much of a coward you are."
"Yes, I want your forgivness, but I do not want to hur-"
Eomer is cut off by Robin's leather clad fist connecting with his jaw, and the man stumbles back from the hard impact. In shock, Eomer grabs his bleeding mouth, his eyes wide as he no longer recognises the girl who stands before him.
"Eretria, ple-"
He is once again cut off by a forceful kick to the stomach which knocks him to the ground. Lifting his body, Eomer spits out blood, realisation dawning upon the man of what must be done.
"If this is what you want, then so be it." He utters in remorse, lifting himself to his feet.
Eomer unsheathes his sword and chucks the weapon across the court. He was always the better fighter between the two, this mostly being due to the elite training in which his uncle had brought upon him. But if a fight is what Robin wants, then a fight is what she will get.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to kick your ass." Robin seethes, a smirk etching onto her face.
Eomer takes a cautionary step forward, raising his clenched fists in order to protect his face. Robin takes another swing, and the man dodges, sending a hit towards her ribs in one single movement. However, he does not expect the outlaw to retract his punch, leaving the man's face vulnerable as she sends a hard uppercut to his chin.
Stepping back, Eomer spits more blood onto the stone floor before lifting his shocked gaze. The man positions his feet into a fighting stance, and Robin dashes forward, attempting to send a forward kick into his stomach.
Eomer dodges the blow and turns to make a hit towards Robin's unguarded side, however the outlaw is too quick, and she spins on her heel, her forearm blocking the mans punch. The two send fast paced hits towards each other, but each blow is swatted by the recipient, causing Robin to grow rather impatient. She sends a hook to the side of Eomer's head, but he quickly deflects her blow and nails her nose with a solid punch.
Robin steps back, her teeth gritting as she wipes at the trail of blood which trickles down her face.
The enraged outlaw sends a sidekick which Eomer narrowly avoids, but as he attempts to advance while her back is momentarily turned, Robin forcefully kicks back her leg. This action sends Eomer plummeting backwards, and a loud thud echoes around the empty stone walls as he hits the ground with a hard impact.
Robin lifts the mans sword off the ground and strides over, pressing her boot firmly a top his chest as she positions the blade against his neck.
"Give me a good reason not to castrate your marbles." She growls, wiping the blood from her nose. But before the man can reply, a concerned voice pulls Robin from her anger infused daze.
The outlaw turns her head to spot Aragorn standing by the top of the staircase, his eyebrows furrowed as he observes the two with a rather confused demeanour.
"The fellowship is leaving for Isengard, we are waiting on you." He continues, before lowering his eyes to view a flustered Eomer. "Theoden is also awaiting your presence, Eomer."
Robin nods, before looking down at the man beneath her boot.
"Once a coward, always a coward." She hisses in a voice dim enough for only Eomer to hear. The outlaw then retracts her foot, dropping the blade as she walks over to retrieve her weapons.
Aragorn raises an eyebrow as Robin strides towards the staircase, and she returns his gesture with a sloppy grin accompanied by a wink, barging his shoulder as she passes the man and descends down the steps. The heir to Gondor then turns his head to observe Eomer who slowly lifts to his feet, bewildered from the intense reunion. Aragorn shakes his head in confusion, before turning to follow the troublesome outlaw.
One thing is for certain, the mind of that girl is far more complex than he could have ever imagined.
And that, my merry men and women, brings us to the end of movie two!
What are your thoughts so far? Do you have any predictions for the future chapters?
I just want to let you guys know, I will be having a break from updating for a couple of weeks, (yes, only a couple of weeks this time) as I am about to do my HSC exams.
And let me tell you, there is going to be some major developments in Robin's character for the final movie. You will see sides of our beloved outlaw in which you never knew existed (;
P.s 20k! Thank you all for sticking by this book, even though I'm an inconsistent asshole.
Much love <3
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