† Chp. XLVIII †
† Chp. XLVIII †
She was 19 years old when her training had been completed.
"You sure you're going to be okay out there, princess? Travelling alone in the harsh landscape known as Middle Earth."
Eretria snorted, raising a brow at the jokester of a harad.
"No, because I never explored as a little girl." She retorted in a sarcastic mock. "Nor have I gone on little solo trips to rob far kingdoms whilst staying with you."
"Don't want me to hold your hand?" Koda questioned, raising his brows as a slight smirk etched onto his dark features.
"Not after you've kicked my ass by training me so hard." Eretria replied, crossing her arms at the man.
"Well, make sure you don't get locked in any more cells, because I won't be there to save you this time." The harad warned, stepping towards her. "That is unless fate decides to tie us together once again."
Eretria snorted, pushing against Koda's broad chest.
"Fate is a bitch for making me stay with you for a full year." She retorted.
"Oh, princess, you're the one who chose to stay, not fate." Koda backfired, raising both brows. "Besides, now you know how to kick ass. I've toughened you up."
"You're right." Eretria mumbled, smirking up at the harad. "Putting up with you for so long has indeed toughened me up."
Koda rolled his eyes, lightly punching Eretria's shoulder.
It was the day after her birthday, marking exactly one year since her training with Koda had began. Yesterday, the harad treated her with a day full of intense sparring, weaponry practice, and one very hardcore obstacle course in order to show Eretria just how much strength and skill she had gained since her first lesson.
And that night, as both a farewell and a birthday gift, he took the young girl out to experience his village's exquisite night markets. Eretria was simply awestruck by the sandstone, lantern lit streets, and the civilians draped in bright cloth of many colours. They filled their stomachs with all sorts of harad delicacies, such as roasted kebabs, fatera pie, and many unique fruits. The outlaw was simply amazed at the vibrant atmosphere of the desert village, for even after spending a year upon its borders, she had never experienced the wealthier side of Harad.
When the night grew old and the stars shone their brightest, Koda revealed to Eretria his favourite place to admire the night sky. He had been saving the experience to share for her last night in his company.
Upon the roof of an abandoned watch tower, they observed the countless stars kindled within the dark of night. To Eretria, they were strange, yet seemed to shine with greater charm than those of the Western sky, like jewels sunk in the deep.
With the cool night breeze against her skin, and Koda lying by her side, the young girl had never felt so at peace. For once in her mayhemic, lightning storm of a life, she felt small and tranquil, as if she was a fallen leaf drifting upon the calm waters of a smooth river, allowing nature to decide her path.
After Koda had broken Eretria out from her prison cell, he brought her to his home hidden away in the mountains bordering the deserts of Harad, where the grass was still green and the trees tall. The young outlaw was happy to oblige, since Edoras was no longer a place to dwell after Eomer's betrayal. Besides, the thought of proper training by a harad, known for their skill in battle and fierce tactics, excited her.
And she didn't regret her decision, for Koda's hideaway was a training ground in itself. With his help and guidance, Eretria became a master at her chosen weapons. Her skills in fighting became outstanding, even to the point where she would win matches against the harad every once and awhile. Eretria learnt how to escape hard situations, and how to fend for herself when both outnumbered and weaponless. When it came to her robberies, Koda taught the outlaw tips on how to break into even the mightiest of cities. By the end of her training, Eretria had become one of the most skilled fighters and thieves of the West.
During the period of her stay, the young outlaw would take a couple of weeks away from her training as she raided several kingdoms across Middle Earth, her favourite being the Woodland Realm. This made sure that her status remained known, for she would not allow her brother's legacy to fade so fast. Besides, the rewards of her robberies brought Eretria much joy. On her trips back, she would stop by several places known for poor residents and share her treasure. The rest Eretria would save for the poverty-stricken villages of Harad.
However, everything must come to an end some day or another, and upon her year of intense training, Eretria felt ready to conquer all Middle Earth had to offer.
"My little bird is finally leaving the nest." Koda remarked, as the two stood upon the harad's doorstep, tall trees surrounding their figures as the chirping of birds sounded throughout the air.
"That'll be little bear to you." Eretria corrected, looking up at him with a raised brow.
Koda sighed, rummaging a hand through a pocket in his clothing. From the crimson cloth, he pulled out a silver chain, and upon the thin metal hung a pendant in the shape of a crown.
"It will always be princess." He proclaimed, stepping behind Eretria and softly brushing the outlaw's hair over her shoulder in order to clasp the necklace.
"What is this?" She questioned, placing her fingers upon the metal pendant.
"A gift. I had it specially crafted from pure silver." Koda informed, returning to stand in front with a soft smirk. "It is to remind you that Eretria Hood is a powerful young woman who owns everything she does, and is a leader of her own life. It is also to remind you that you're a princes, specifically my princess."
Eretria couldn't hold back the wide grin that cracked onto her face. Stepping forward, she encased Koda in a firm embrace, and the two remained within each other's arms for several long moments.
"We will see each other again, right?" The outlaw questioned, her brows knitting together as she stepped away from Koda.
"Is that even a question?" The harad responded, before bringing his forehead to meet Eretria's and uttering a heartfelt farewell.
And with that, Eretria Hood set out to face the challenges of Middle Earth, leaving her beloved harad behind as the yearn for adventure once again kindled within her heart.
She was 19 years old when she said goodbye to her beloved companion.
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