† Chp. XLII †
† Chp. XLII †
She was 17 years old when she endured the pain of betrayal.
"Eretria, let's go." Eomer ordered, shuffling upon his feet as he stood by the large wooden doors, a fat sack of treasure hanging over his shoulder.
"Just one moment." The young girl replied, filling her hessian bag to the brim.
"The guards will soon be here." Eomer protested, growing rather impatient. Though, he could never budge the stubborn young woman.
"Every coin counts, especially when feeding the poor." Eretria remarked, patting the Rohirrim's shoulder as she stepped past and outside the treasure hold.
Eomer raised his brows and followed his confident friend, sending a quick glance towards the two unconscious guards. Placing her bag beneath her cloak, the young girl hid her robbery beneath the disguise of a round stomach.
"Boy or girl?" Eomer questioned with a sly grin.
"Well my husband is hoping for a boy to do all his labour, however I'm hoping for a girl to do all the housework." Eretria responded with a rather exaggerated tone, rubbing her stomach as she mocked stereotypes.
Eomer chuckled at the impression, and the young girl snorted at her own humour, however they both suddenly froze in fright.
A thick mob of armed soldiers came dashing down the street, their sights set on the two thieves.
"Shit. Run!" Eretria ordered, spinning on her heel and sprinting down the stone path.
For this particular raid, they had travelled far from home, into the region of Arthedain. There stood a large city, inhabited by the descendants of Dúnedain, and therefore people of many riches. However, this strong bloodline also presented strength in defence, and this the young girl was soon to discover.
Rushing down the street, Eretria and Eomer sped around many sharp corners and structures in an attempt to lose the chase, however the guards proved too clever to fool.
A dead end came into sight, sealed by a tall stone wall.
Halting, Eomer tossed his sack over the top, before taking quick steps back. He then proceeded to run forward and launch off the ground, gripping the edge and heaving himself atop the wall. Eretria copied his actions, removing her bag and chucking it over, before running up to scale the wall. However, her jump proved to lack in force, and she was unable to grab a hold of the top stones.
"Eomer!" She breathed out in desperation, furiously attempting to find a grip as she slid back down. The young man raised his brows, looking down upon his friend with wide eyes, before lifting his gaze to view the rapidly approaching guards.
They were too close. In his mind, there was nothing he could do.
"I'm sorry." He uttered, before disappearing from view.
Eretria drew in a sharp breath, her heart leaping to her throat as she spun around to view the guards only several metres away. They continued to charge forward, weapons drawn and dark scowls upon their rough faces.
The young girl raised her hands, however no heed was taken upon her gesture of surrender, and with a forceful hit to the head, she was knocked out cold against the hard stone ground.
Eomer sauntered back to his sister who sat mounted upon her steed, awaiting her two companions outside the borders of the kingdom. Even with victoriously stuffed sacks of treasure adorning his broad shoulders, the young man walked with a defeated slouch. His head hung low in shame, and his usual stride of confidence shrunk to an empty drift. His eyes glazed over in sorrow, and his heart sunk with a dawning heaviness.
The man of Rohan abandoned his friend. He left her vulnerable within the reach of Arthedain's relentless guards, condemning her to a cell in which she would rot for her crimes.
If only he bore the skill and wisdom to walk back into the city of stone and free his friend from persecution.
However, instead of acting, Eomer convinced his mind that nothing could be done.
"Where is Eretria?" Eowyn questioned with evident concern, her brows coming to furrow as Eomer appeared with in view, no goofy outlaw adorning his side.
Eomer slowly shook his head, lowering his saddened eyes to the dry grass below.
Eowyn gasped, swinging her legs to the side of her steed, before dismounting in a quick leap and rushing forward.
"What happened? Did she get caught?!" The young girl questioned with a raised tone, her bright eyes widened in worry. "We have to go help her!"
Eomer gripped his sister's arm, preventing her from stepping anymore towards the city. Her golden waves whipped to the side as she snapped her gaze upon her brother, concern painting her features. Although it broke the young man's heart, he had to uphold the safety of his sibling, and protect his sister from ending up in the same situation as Eretria.
"She left." He remarked in a steady tone, and Eowyn's shoulders slouched within her brother's grip.
"What do you mean she left?" Eowyn questioned, a feeling of sudden sickness brewing within her stomach.
"Eretria stored some of the treasure for herself and bid me farewell. Her reasoning; she wants to explore Middle Earth on her own. She felt as though she was a burden to us and our position in Edoras." Eomer explained, his confident words masking the bitter truth. "She had not the heart to farewell you personally, she knew you would attempt to prevent her leave. Eretria claims it had to be done."
Eowyn dropped her gaze, tears brimming her pale blue eyes. Eomer pulled her into a steady embrace.
"I'm going to miss her." She whispered. Eomer felt his heart twist in sorrow.
"There was nothing I could have done to keep her from leaving." He uttered, his own eyes beginning to grow rather misty. "Though her intentions mean well. She wishes for us to work on fulfilling our roles as leaders of Rohan."
And with that, Eowyn gave a curt yet sorrowful nod. The two siblings mounted their steeds, proceeding to begin their journey back to Edoras, a riderless horse trotting by their sides.
She was 17 years old when her world seemed to fall apart, again.
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