† Chp. LI †
† Chp. LI †
She was 20 years old when she received her first tattoo.
Upon leaving the dwellings of Koda where she had learnt so much in training and combat, Eretria celebrated by raiding her favourite kingdom, Mirkwood. This lead her to Bree where she decided to gift the treasure. However, the low class town had a small surprise awaiting her in the form of four young hobbits.
Upon the crest of Weathertop, she aided the halflings in a battle against dark beings which Eretria had never witnessed in her years of living. Just when she thought the odd events had reached an ending, the young thief found herself in Rivendell, raising her hand to accompany the hobbits to the fires of Mordor, along with five over companions.
Eretria had wound herself into one great adventure, to say the least.
And who would have known that the shifty, devious, yet renowned Robin Hood would make one of ten who held the fate of Middle Earth?
She survived the angered summits of Caradhras, fought through the bowels of Moria, witnessed the woods of Lothlorien with her very own eyes, watched as the life faded from Boromir's, and pursued a swarm of orcs to the forest of Fangorn in the hopes of saving two cheeky hobbits; until there she stood, her eyes drifting across the familiar plains of Rohan as she dwelled upon the heights of Edoras.
Like most in their laboured journey, the past two days had been rather eventful. Gandalf had saved King Theoden from Saruman's cursed hold, and Eretria reunited with Eowyn. The next morning was Theodred's funeral, and this particular day she spent roaming the city of horses with her old best friend.
Many thoughts drifted through her mind as she stood on the porch upon the top of the high terrace. Beyond the stream, she observed the fields of Rohan fading into a distant grey. With a mind clouded by the fate of the ents, Saruman's corruption, and upon losing track of time, Eretria failed to realise it was her birthday.
"Deep in thought are we, little butterfly?" Eowyn's soft voice remarked, as she approached Eretria with a subtle smirk.
"Just thinking of your sweet face, chook." The outlaw replied with a lazy grin. Eowyn stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her neck in mockery of the height difference.
"I have a surprise for you." She stated, leading Eretria forward as her arm still firmly encased the young outlaw's neck.
"Should I be worried?" Eretria questioned with a raised brow.
"Only a little bit."
Eowyn lead her to the golden hall, a wide grin on her face as she wrenched the door open and pushed Eretria inside.
"Surprise!" A chorus of shouts boomed from within the great structure.
Eretria's eyes widened, and she sent Eowyn a questioning glance.
"Happy birthday, little butterfly." The lady of Rohan wished, rather chuffed with her organised celebration.
The young outlaw couldn't help but smile, stepping forward as she observed the beaming faces which filled the golden hall. A band kicked in, and soon upbeat music bounced around the wooden walls.
A kind yet stern face caught her attention, and Eretria grinned widely as Theoden extended his hand, gesturing to dance with the young outlaw. She gladly accepted, and before she knew it, the king was whirling her around the dance floor.
Eretria informed Theoden of all her doings since their last meeting, shouting above the loud music as she danced, not so elegantly, with Rohan's king. Theoden's eyes held a spark of pride at how far the young outlaw had matured, well in some aspects, and next thing she knew, Eretria had been passed to another partner.
Legolas smirked as he gripped her hand, twirling the outlaw around before pulling her close. Eretria stumbled, for she never really learnt how to dance, and smacked into his chest. The two of them laughed at her clumsiness, and Eretria steadied herself, raising a brow at the close proximity.
"And the great Robin Hood turns twenty." Legolas uttered, emphasising her title with a dramatic tone. "Twenty times have the red leaves fallen in Mirkwood since your birth."
"And yet she is still awesome as ever." Eretria added on, grinning up at the amused elf.
"That is indeed true." Legolas remarked, though their little conversation was interrupted as the outlaw once again got spun down the line.
She steadied herself, holding a hand against her head in dizziness at all whirling which seemed to be happening, though a small hand grabbed at hers, and she looked down to view her new dance partner.
"My lady." Merry greeted, a smile accompanying his rosy cheeks.
"My half-man." Eretria beamed, lowering her hand to grip the halfing's as they stepped along to the fast paced music.
And so the night went on, filled with much dancing and laughter with many faces she hadn't seen in years, until Eowyn pulled her aside, another surprise hidden beneath the lady's sleeve.
"Come with me." She ordered with a cheeky grin, gripping Eretria's arm and basically dragging her from the golden hall. Through the quiet streets they roamed, cloaked by the dark of night, until Eowyn led the outlaw into a small building.
The wooden structure was well lit by many kindled torches, and in the corner sat a man with his feet propped upon a cluttered table, a wafting pipe between his fingers.
"Eretria, this is Wulfstan." Eowyn introduced, rocking on her heels to compress her excitement.
"Ah yeah, nice to meet you Wulfstan. Care to explain why I'm awkwardly standing in the middle of your hut?" Eretria questioned with a raised brow.
"You are getting inked." Eowyn piped up, unable to restrict herself for any longer. "You always told me you wanted a tattoo, so I thought what better way to surprise my little butterfly?"
Eretria's eyes widened, before a sloppy grin spread across her face.
And so her birthday ended in the hut off Rohan's tattoo artist, Eretria's teeth gritted as a needle pressed into her skin. One particular design had been on her mind for awhile; the head of a bear with claws above to form a paw print. And so that's what she got, the black design patterned just beneath her neck and between her shoulders blades.
It was a birthday to remember, to say the least.
She was 20 years old when she found her family, and she would sure need them in the time to come.
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