"Jason stop!" Piper screamed running as Jason tackled her to the ground. "Never! You must kiss me!" Jason spoke laughing like a maniac. "NEVER!" Piper whailed sarcasticly as Jason kissed her cheek, and then her lips. The two were laughing in the woods, for once happy. That didn't last long. After moments of staring into each other's eyes a cold voice disrupted their peace. Jason swung around to see Khione holding a dagger to his throat. "Miss me." She spoke harshly swaying her dagger back and forth. Jason slowly got off of Piper to stand face to face with Khione. "Come with me Jason Grace, and forget about that sad excuse you call a girlfriend." Khione spoke her voice strangely powerful. "Yes. My queen." Jason replied in a monotone voice. He stood next to her, wrapping his arm against her waist. "Jason, stop! What's going on?" Piper spoke rising to her feet. "Oh, nothing. It's just your mother granted my wish!" Khione spoke meniacally. "What do you mean?!" Piper cried out. "I now posesse your powers." Khione smirked. Piper stumbled back, yelling her moms name. "Kill her." Khione whispered to Jason. He obliged. Slowly raising his sword, he slashed Piper.
"JASON!" Piper shouted in her dreams. She called for him, begged for him, and pleaded for her mom to come. All Piper's cabin mates uncomfortably watched her nightmare. Before they could get help, Jason burst through the cabin's door. He ran toward Piper and shook her awake. He picked her up in his arms and forced her to tell him what's wrong. "Y-you betrayed me." Piper spoke shaking from Jason's touch. She then explained her terrible dream. "Pipes, I would never leave you. I couldn't even if I tried. You make me happy, you're the reason I wake up every morning. Gods, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. No matter if Khione or anyone else had your powers, your voice is the only voice, I will listen too." With that, Jason kissed Piper and held her in his arms.
Hope you enjoy, will be making more!!!
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