A girl who dared to love against the society that showed her limits. A boy who dared to raise his voice against them who laughed from behind the doors of caste and custom. A scared father who closed his eyes when his own flesh and blood stretched her flaming arm towards him. A mother who never found the courage to defy them who killed her own shadow. And... a society that wore the mask of idealism, yet burnt those stories that questioned their set norms of creed, and discrimination.
A/N: We have been taught about equality, acceptance, love, support everywhere. They said a society that promotes brotherhood and equality for all is bound to be progressive and happy. So, when a hopeful heart is crushed under the weight of society, when a budding love is set ablaze in the name of defending honor, did we not fail? Failed as a society. Failed as a parent. Failed as a propagator of progress. Above all, did we not fail as a human?
Dedicated to all who stood for betterment.
Some research [virtual]: The concept of 'honor' in its traditional meaning is closely related to the reputation vested in male control over female sexual behavior and gender roles: typically female virginity and chastity. When a woman transgresses these gender expectations (e.g. the girl eloping), the honor of her male family members is perceived as being threatened, so the family resort to killing her in order to restore their honor-reputation and confirm male supremacy.
The limited and scarce information on honor killings shows that nearly 5,000 women and girls are annually killed for honor worldwide and almost one-third of them are from India and Pakistan. Furthermore, it is important to consider here that these numbers are highly under-reported; as a result, some even estimate that the number of honor killings that happen worldwide annually is actually around 20,000. Honor-based crimes are often committed to deter those who dare to transgress the gendered social boundaries set by the society.
According to Legal Service India e-journal, honor killing is done to "eradicate the dishonor and shame brought by family members" – especially a woman – by marrying or seeking a life partner belonging to other caste, which they feel does not "match" their social status. It is based on a fear of being 'out-casted' if such relationships are allowed. Honor killing is nothing but a ''planned murder'' to safeguard the honor and prestige of a family to prevent it from "falling in the eyes" of members of the social segment they belong to.
There is no honor in honor killing.
On different castes: The four varnas, or social divisions [castes], referred to by the Purusha-sukta hymn of the Rig-veda are the brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaishyas, and shudras. The brahmanas were the priests and scholars who were able to perform rituals and give scriptural guidance to the wider community. The kshatriyas were the rulers and warriors who governed and protected the community, usually acting under the guidance of the brahmanas. The vaishyas were the merchants and landholders responsible for agricultural production. The shudras were the artisans, labourers, craftsmen, and performing artists.
If the designated qualities of a shudra are not found in a shudra then he is not a shudra. And if the designated qualities of a brahmana are not found in a brahmana then he is not a brahmana.
O serpent, a person is to be known as a brahmana when the appropriate mode of life is witnessed. When that way of living is absent then a person should be accepted as a shudra. (Mahabharata, 3.177.20–1)
But when a shudra displays restraint, truthfulness and dharma, I consider him to be a brahmana. (Mahabharata, 12.182.8)
Both Hinduism and the caste system cannot co-exist since Vedas refute the birth-based caste system. Therefore, if one identifies themselves with a specific caste discriminating against others, they shouldn't consider themselves a Hindu and vice versa. As opposed to the popular belief that the caste system is innate to Sanatana dharma, the Varna system is inherent. Varna system is present in any civilized society. There are multiple interpretations of the word 'Varna.' Varna's literal meaning is 'color,' which refers to the character's color and not the physical color of an individual. According to Hindu scriptures, a character comprises three qualities (gunas), namely Sathva, Rajasic, and Tamo, which are depicted with different colors: White, Red, and Neelam (dark blue or black. Physical color of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna as described in scriptures). Varna comes from the word 'Vrinja,' which means 'choice,' i.e., which Varna an individual belongs to is his choice and not based on birth.
As Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, [4:13]
chātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛiṣhṭaṁ guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśhaḥ
tasya kartāram api māṁ viddhyakartāram avyayam
I created four Varnas based upon people's qualities and activities. Even though I am the creator of these Varnas, know me to be the non-doer and eternal.
It says that Varna is not based on birth, contrary to popular belief; instead, it is based on one's character or deeds. Let's assume that these Varnas were not present in nature. Does that void the fact that every civilized society has classes of Intellectuals, administrators (or kings, rulers, military men), entrepreneurs, and workers?
Skanda Purana Book 6, Chapter 239, verse 31 says:
janmanā jāyate śūdraḥ saṃskārāddvija ucyate |
śāpānugrahasāmarthyaṃ tathā krodhaḥ prasannatā
Everyone is born a Shudra (ignorant of the path to spiritual knowledge), until the travails of samsara motivates the person to seek it. Only someone who seeks the path to spiritual knowledge is called a Brahmin. You cannot become a Brahmin by birth.
Neither Vedas nor Bhagavad Gita, a concise version of Vedas, supports the view that the Brahmins (priestly class) are of higher caste, while the Shudras (labor class) are of lower caste. The caste system doesn't have any basis in Vedas as not even one mantra has justified the current birth-based caste system. The knowledge perspective is that even though the Brahmins conduct worship ceremonies, conduct research in various fields, the Kṣhatriyas administer society, the Vaiśhyas conduct business, and the Shudras engage in labor, they are all eternal souls who are tiny parts of God and hence alike.
A verse from the 2nd chapter of Garuda Purana says that among the Brahmins (based on intellect and not based on birth), the ones involved in the studies of Vedas and understanding of the Puranas lead a better life than one's leading mundane lives getting embroiled in day to day living and squabbles. Much better lives are led by those who live steady lives along the path taught by scriptures come under the category of 'mahamanya,' and the most exalted lives are led by persons who have attained Brahma Gyan by leading dharmic life. Therefore, it is evident that only Brahma gnana, intellect, and practice with wisdom have been given paramount place rather than birth.
A story from the scripture: This story is taken from the Ashvamedhika Parva of Mahabharatha.
When Uttanka Maharshi meets Lord Krishna after the Kurukshetra war in a desert, he is furious. He starts blaming Lord Krishna that he could not stop the war by bringing a compromise between Pandavas and Kauravas and was about to curse Lord Krishna. It is then that Lord Krishna explained the efforts he had put in to make a compromise between both sides and explained the necessity of war to restore Dharma. Convinced with Lord Krishna's explanation, Uttanka bowed down to Krishna and asked him to show his Vishwa Roopa. Krishna then displayed his vishawaroopa and granted a boon to Uttanka Maharshi. Uttanka Maharshi asked Krishna to provide a water facility in the desert. Krishna agreed to Uttanka Maharshi's request and vanished. When Krishna disappeared, Uttanka was waiting for a water facility to be created. From nowhere, a chandala (chandala is someone who deals with corpses) appears in the vicinity with a few dogs, dirt on his body, blood, and flesh oozing out of his body. When the chandala approached Uttanka, he opened his mouth, and water started flowing out. Out of disgust, Uttanka backed away without accepting that water. Now that the chandala vanishes, Sri Krishna appears and asks Uttanka if he has found water.
Lord Krishna then says that he appeared as chandala, and he says that he is present in everyone irrespective of their Varna. He wanted to give him water with elixir (elixir called amrutam in Sanskrit makes a mortal an immortal) had he accepted it from his chandala avatar (form). However, he grants him a boon that rainclouds would appear and bring rain showers whenever he wishes for water in the desert. This instance depicts that discrimination was not acceptable in any Sanatana dharmic scriptures.
Like any other religion, Hinduism also had a section of people who misused the system. They used the Varna system to assert their dominance and superiority over others. They had done it by propagating social evils like discrimination and untouchability based on either jaatis or fifth artificial Varna (which is nowhere to be found in any scriptures) in the olden days and caste currently for their benefit.
Let's join hands, educate ourselves, and create a better, accepting society, where a person's happiness is much precious than someone's momentary honor.
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