Name: Pandora
Surname: Vasha
Age: It's complicated
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Claws
Element: Fire
Personality: He's a very antisocial and anxious guy. Pandora has a tendency to get lost in big places and end up where he shouldn't be. Like in the middle of a gang. He's also constantly confused about his past because he doesn't remember it. So if he feels he has a lead to his past he'll try to follow it. Even if it doesn't want him to.
Though there is something darker about Pandora Vasha. When he's wielding his claws in battle his personality seems to change. He becomes more insane than his usual self. More insane and bloodthirsty. But when he's back to his normal sword he's his more timid side.
Appearance: he's essentially just a copy of Aventurine except his hair is longer and goes down his back and has a small red fade
Occupation: Resident of Penacony
-Pandora is on the Path of Destruction so he's a massive DPS. His Normal Attack deals Fire DMG equal to 80% of his ATK. His Skill allows him to change the color of his sword's blade from silver to scarlet and deal Blast Fire DMG with a wave of Red Reaper Butterflies. When using his Skill if he has a teammate of the Imaginary element on his team he gains an ATK buff. His Ultimate allows him to gain his claws signaling the entering of the Pandora's Box state. While using his Ultimate in Pandora's Box state he deals three instances of AOE Fire DMG and leaves behind nothing but Red Reaper Butterflies. In an Imaginary character is on the team when using his Ultimate he gains a Crit Rate and DMG buff.
Lore: Pandora isn't actually from Penacony. He was an experiment created in a lab of the IPC by Lapis. Combining the power of Red Reaper Butterflies, the power of Destruction, and Aventurine's DNA Lapis created Pandora Vasha. Or as the serial number on his neck dictates: Number 62. After being created he was deemed as a failed experiment before he woke up and was dumped in a galactic slave-trading system. It took him all of two...........minutes to dawn his insane persona and kill his master. All he remembered about himself when becoming his normal self for the first time after that incident was the name Pandora Vasha being said to him many times by many voices. At least nine last he counted. So he assumed it was his name and rolled with him. Pandora eventually found his way to Penacony somehow and took up residence there under special treatment given to him by the IPC after they found him and after Lapis found out what Pandora did. Pandora then took residence in Penacony looking for whatever his past may be. Then, one day before the Charmony Festival he met a man. A man who oddly looked exactly like him.
Trivia: -The experiment Pandora was created for is to make an AE as Lapis calls it. What is stands for is Artificial Emanator
-He was supposed to be an AE of the Path of Preservation but SOMEONE *cough cough* Carl *cough cough* accidentally infused the machine Pandora was made in with the power of the Destruction instead of the Preservation. A quote from Lapis: THIS IS WHY OVERSEERS FROM SCIENTIFIC ACCOUNTING STATIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN MY LAB!!!!!!
-He got his sword after killing his master while in that galactic slave trading system........for one sale and two minutes of being owned
-Likes to view his Red Reaper Butterflies as his allies and friends in both combat and life
-Has a tendency to follow Aventurine around Penacony like a stray dog hoping for a chance just to talk to him
-Despite being on of Lapis's projects he's not the project that Lapis has been watching or wanting to experiment with
-Has a tendency to glitch in and out of his normal self and insane self. Lapis would call it his physical makeup in and out of existence due to the power of the Destruction in his body being extremely unstable and in need of official IPC scientific attention. Despite this he refuses to give such attention due to not wanting him to know what he is
-Goes absolutely feral for Penaconian cakes. He has a bit of a sweet tooth.
-His only outfit is a white short-sleeved shirt, black shorts, and a lack of shoes
-Aventurine had no idea Pandora existed until they met on Penacony
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