Name: Marc
Surname: Estrel
Age: 215
Gender: Male
Weapon of Choice: A flute he uses as a wand type weapon
Element: Quantum
Personality: Marc tends to act emotionless with a tough exterior. Though underneath he's a big ball of depression, sadness, and grief. Stress and pressure are mixed in there too. You can't catch him crying or feeling anything unless you're extremely close to him.
Appearance: Hair as violet as an amethyst. Skin so pale it's compared to the stars. Alexandrite violet eyes. In his fashion sense he weighs more towards purple and black with a bit of white in there.
Occupation: Cloud Knights' Spy (current), The Divine Astral (also current)
-Marc is a Quantum character on the Path of Erudition. His Skill lets him play his flute and summon a star that descends of enemies dealing AoE Quantum DMG. Marc's Ultimate lets him play a complex melody on his flute that summons a black hole that deals AoE Quantum DMG. His Technique boosts the teams SPD as he plays a note on his flute.
Lore: Marc was 15 at least 2 centuries ago and was on a supply ship team with his dads from a planet called Subterra-0. One day they were delivering to a planet on the other side of the galaxy when a large wave of Quantum energy hit the ship knocking out its systems and everyone around the ship killing everyone except Marc. Marc found the source of the pulse and saw a star outside the ship. Which merged with him. That was a sign that the universe had chosen him to be the new Divine Astral. The protector of the universe. He fell asleep with grief but the powers he gained from the star he merged with preserved him for at least 200 years. He woke up on Xianzhou Luofu after his ship's wreck was discovered by Jing Yuan who basically adopted him. He started working as a spy for the Cloud Knights and kept his distance from people.
Love Interest: Dan Heng
Backup Love Interest: None
Likes: playing the flute
Trivia: -Marc's powers are quite strong due to him basically being half-star
-To be specific he can fly, turn invisible, blast stars, create black holes, etc.
-Wants to connect to Jing Yuan but just can't bring himself to after what happened to his dads
-Marc blames himself for what happened with to his dads and the crew on their supply
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