Name: Alexandrite
Surname: Error! Error! File not found!
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Weapon of Choice: A sword
Element: Wind
Personality: upbeat, outgoing, loyal, sneaky, street smart, good at getting information and keeping secrets, not very fond of people who don't pay their debts
Appearance: purple hair with a sparkling white fade, pale skin, light blue eyes. Alternate Appearance File found! Do you wish to view? Y/N File closed.
Occupation: IPC Employee under Jade's supervision
-Alexandrite is a Wind character on the Path of Erudition. His Basic Attack allows him to slash opponents dealing Blast Wind DMG. Alexandrite's Skill allows him to toss a chunk of crystal at enemies causing it to explode and deal Blast Wind DMG. Alexandrite's Ultimate causes him to jump into the air and sprout crystal wings from his back then he slashes his opponents dealing AOE Wind DMG. While in combat Alexandrite can gain stacks of Debtor's Finale and when he has 8 or more stacks he unleashes a follow up attack dealing AOE Wind DMG. Alexandrite's Technique allows him to throw a chunk of crystal a an enemy to enter combat and deal Wind DMG.
Lore: Alexandrite was raised by the IPC when Jade found him after being abandoned on the planet [Redacted] which was about to destroy itself. Jade taught him everything he knows and even named him when Diamond had another precious stone he wanted to use as Alexandrite's name. Alexandrite started working as a debt collector for Jade. His assignments usually needed him to use less than legal methods to enter a debtors home but that never stopped him from collecting the collateral that people owed Jade. He also sometimes helps Jade with her pawn shop front by giving customers examples of Lady Bonajade's work with other customers. And he stays loyal to Jade no matter what happens. Jade's even said and I quote 'He's loyal. Like a cute little puppy who does whatever his master says for a treat. It makes me happy that I was the one who found him and not some slave trader or he would be miserable. And some of my work would probably go unfinished as well'.
Trivia: -Alexandrite wears a choker with a Jade stone charm to signal that he works for Jade but other people see as a sign that Jade owns him
-His collecting of debts that are owed to Jade are just one of his jobs. He does other things too
-He also has a strong bond with Diamond
-Jade and Diamond often fight over who's a better parent/employer to Alexandrite. Which gives Alexandrite some anxiety
-Him and Lapis kinda bond over the fact that they were both raised by the IPC specifically one of the Ten Stonehearts
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