Chapter 12: Do or Die
Time seemed to have completely frozen in that moment as Alex didn't make a single move or utter a single word.
After all, how could he? He was pratically mortified at the sight.
As for Owl, he stared at the ice shard that had pierced him through the chest before he slowly looked back, blood dripping and falling from his mouth as well as standing behind him he saw Ana with an ominous pink/purple-ish glow and aura on her.
"A-Ana......?" Was all Owl could muster out as the girl would pull the shard out of Owl's chest, resulting in the boy falling down to the ground as Ana began to let out a monster-like wail yet again, signifying that the Herrscher persona was quickly coming back into control.
"O-Owl!" Yelled Alex as he quickly ran to his side. 'Crap. That wound is really bad!'
As Alex tried his best to drag Owl away, the boy just looked up at Ana.
"W-Why........? How......?" Weakly said Owl as Alex heard this.
"Hm? H-Hey don't talk. I gotta get you back to help. The Herrscher's becoming extremely unstable." He said.
"Damn that all...."
Ana once fully exposed face and had been completed covered once again as Owl seemed to have finally accepted the hard truth upon seeing that.
'Ugh.....I guess this is the truth....that nothing has ever changed.....since then........why? Why do you keep avoiding me? Why suppress your own feelings? I only wanted to stay with you.....why deny this simple wish....? What did.......I do wrong...?' He thought to himself as he'd finally fall unconscious.
Truth be told Alex was struggling to drag Owl away as obviously taking all that dead weight anymore was gonna be a hassle.
Suddenly however, Alex felt Owl began to convulse and twitch severely as he let him go.
"H-Hey what's wron-!?"
Before Alex could finish speaking, Owl's suddenly let out a loud yell.
He began to thrash around forcing Alex to back away as suddenly, Owl's chest ruptured as a ton of glowing tendrils began to emerge from his body.
'What the...........wait that shard from Ana. Is the Honkai taking over Owl!?' Thought Alex as he saw Owl continued to thrash around as he got onto his kneels and bent down in immense pain as he continued to yell.
The tendrils would then wrap around Owl completely, sealing him off from the outside world as that would be the last he was ever seen.
Alex could've even begin to fathom what he was seeing as the Herrscher of Ice began to slowly approach where the now trapped Owl was as she placed a hand on it.
The boy swore he could've saw one singe tear fall from her cheek, the last showing of Ana's will as the trap began to glow pink.
At that moment, an extreme blizzard began to storm through the area completely blocking Alex's vision as he was unable to see what was opening.
In fact it was so bad that he had to close his eyes due to how bad the visibility was.
All he could heard was the sounds of the storm around him, the ground rumbling beneath him, and the Herrscher of Ice's loud, blood-curling screams.
This lasted what felt like an eternity until he began to feel and hear the blizzard storm die down a bit.
When he opened his eyes, he saw that instead of the storm being where he was, it now circled around him on the outside as if he was in the epicenter of it.
He also noticed that now instead of the flower field, he now stood on a completely different floor.
When Alex looked forward however, what caught his eye shook him to his core.
Hovering in front of him was seemingly the Ice Herrscher, however she looked far different than before, aa the Honkai Energy radiating off of her was immense.
"She gained a new form?" Alex asked to himself as he knew he was far out of his league to battle her on his own, but after ditching Mei and Durandal he wondered if they'd even help him at this time.
Before he could begin to ponder on his decision, he saw this new Herrscher float up into the air and away from the platform.
Alex was intrigued on what she was planning as the Herrscher then snapped her fingers, leading to the ground shaking once again.
"The hell is it now!?"
It didn't take long until Alex, to his horror saw something rise from beneath the platform.
A massive, ice titan would slowly reveal itself in front of the platform Alex stood on as the titan stood over it, the platform being at its waist.
The boy looked up at the beast's head, clearly intimidated by it as the titan would then raise its arms towards its head.
BGM: Forza Finale from Kingdom Hearts III
The Titan let out a monstrous roar, a shockwave pushing Alex back as he struggled to stay on the platform.
The roar would then cease as Alex looked up and saw one of the titan's hands about to slam down as the boy jumped out of the way.
When he did, he saw the massive hand slam down onto the ground as a wave of ice encircled around it for a few seconds.
It'd lift its hand away as Alex immediately had to duck under a swipe from the titan's other hand as it had tried to strike him from behind.
"Damn this thing is surprisingly fast!" He shouted.
Alex saw the titan slightly open its mouth as it formed and began to launch a ton of icicles towards the boy extremely fast.
The boy danced and moved around the platform, trying his absolute best to avoid getting struck by the ice shards as there were a ton of close calls.
That was until Alex decided to change things up as he stopped running and tried to block and send of the shards back at the titan.
While a few just broke apart or completely missed the mark, Alex was able to get a decent amount to bounce back at the titan as they all collided into its face.
The titan stumbled back a bit, seemingly roaring in pain.
The beast then quickly responded by slamming both of its hands down on the ground, surrounding Alex was as waves of ice approached him from all sides.
The boy simply kept his cool as he brought forth the flames again, swinging around him in a circular motion as he was able to block and destroy all the ice that had come at him.
He looked up and saw the beast open its mouth, conjuring up a ball of ice as it launched it at Alex.
He knew that trying to block this back at the titan was well out of his strength capacity as he moved out of the way and avoided the attack.
The titan then summoned one giant icicle and stabbed it into the platform as the surface immediately became iced over which caused Alex's legs to become frozen over.
"C-Crap!" He said as he began to stab away at the ice with his sword as it was surprisingly tough.
As he did this, the titan would clasp its two hands together and started to bring them down right ontop of the boy.
Alex would manage to get his legs free however it was far too late as he looked up and saw the two hands headed straight for him, with there being zero time to jump away.
He would coat the sword in flames again as he blocked the initial smash from both hands however now was trying desperately to prevent the titan from completely squishing him as it began to push down with a ton of force.
BGM Ends Here
This would force Alex onto a knee as he kept trying to hold it back.
'D-Dammit. I can't die here. I refuse to die here.' He thought to himself.
At that moment, his mind went back to something that had happened back in Arc City with Kiana.
This memory would spark a second wind.
"I refuse to die! I promised her I'd stay by her side!"
Chapter 12: Complete
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