𝟏𝟏 | until you brought the olsen twins into the mix
"until you brought the olsen twins in the mix."
( episode six ━━ parcel 9 )
WILLIAM HALL DIDN'T LIKE SECRETS, and well ironically, he was keeping the biggest one from his family. As much as he tried to ease Ward's mind yesterday, there were a few things about this situation that had him feeling... off.
Sure, he had been the one to tell Ward they had absolutely nothing to worry about, but that was before he had found out that his daughter was hanging around with John B, the kid whose father was notorious for chasing after gold.
After Ward had gotten a frantic call from Sarah last night, crying about how her boyfriend had fell and been in an accident trying to protect her, the theories in William's mind started to spiral out of control.
If you had asked him last night, he would have said that there is absolutely no way the girls wanting to look at a plat map had anything to do with his and Ward's shenanigans, but John B's involvement changed the entire perspective, and the man needed answers.
William had been standing outside of his child's room for the past five minutes, debating on if he should knock on the door and interrogate her as he planned, but he couldn't seem to work up the courage. I mean, what exactly was he supposed to say if Scarlett said that she knew about the gold, and was searching for it with her friends. What was William supposed to say? How was he going to answer when she asked, and she would, why he was so interested in getting the gold?
Too many things could go wrong... but William knocked at the door anyway, deciding that he needed answers, and that was more important right now.
The door swung open, and a very confused Scarlett looked up at her father, "Hi... Dad?" She had answered, though it was said more as a question.
"I just wanted to talk and see how you were feeling after last night. Must have been pretty scary having your friend almost die like that." William shrugged, trying his best to play the role of the concerned father.
Scarlett opened the door wider, inviting her father to come inside as she continued speaking. "Yeah it was. Sarah was really torn up about it, so I'm glad he's okay."
William sat down on the couch placed in front of her bed, deciding now was the right time to start his investigation. "I never heard you mention John B ever, didn't even realize that you two were friends."
"We aren't really. He and Sarah are... whatever they are. So I'm sorta just around him because of her, but I don't mind. He's pretty cool."
Scarlett hoped that her dad didn't notice as she winced and hesitated before attempting to answer his question with only the necessary information, but he noticed.
"So you two aren't very close then?" William narrowed his eyes while relaxing on the couch, watching his daughter closely to see if she would slip up.
Scarlett rolls her eyes, throwing her hands in the air. "Okay, Dad, what the hell is going on?"
"I'm just taking an interest in your life, your friends."
"Yeah well you've never really taken a deep interest in my life for the past 17 years I've been alive."
She had no idea why he was all of a sudden attempting to connect and bond with her, although this didn't really feel like he was trying to connect and bond, it felt more like a game of 20 questions and WIliam was the only one allowed to ask anything.
He shrugs his shoulders and leans forward, a fake apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry that's on me. Workaholic mode."
Scarlett wasn't buying it. "It's been workaholic mode for as long as I can remember. If I'm going to be brutally honest here, Lisa probably knows more about me than you."
"I guess I just feel like you're hiding things from me."
All of a sudden, she froze up, now understanding why her father had come into her room asking a million questions. It all made sense. "Oh. You know about that?"
"Yeah, and I want you to feel like you can tell me anything. How long has this been going on?"
William saw the look on her face after he last spoke, finally thinking he was making a breakthrough with Scarlett and that she was going to spill everything, letting him know what he wanted to.
Scarlett sat down on her bed, looking at her father and trying to find the words to explain how she felt. The two had never been close, not at all, but it really meant a lot to her that he had taken the time and made an effort to come talk to her about her sexuality. She had always been afraid of how her parents would react, but they both seemed to be taking it very well.
"I mean, I know with most people they say it's something they've always known, but for me I didn't even consider it until like ninth grade. That's when I really knew."
William raises an eyebrow, unsure of where this conversation was going. "Okay..."
"Why do you look more confused than ever? I thought you knew about me being a lesbian."
Oh... oh. Out of all the things William was expecting to hear from her, this possibility didn't even cross his mind. "Yes. You like girls, that's what I was talking about."
"Didn't mom tell you?" Scarlett says slowly, not understanding how the conversation turned to awkward so quickly.
"Yes, yes she did." William lies.
While majority of the time, William Hall was a good actor and liar, his performance was not convincing anyone right now. Scarlett could see right through his act, now understanding that he didn't come in here to talk about her sexuality or comfort her. At this point, she didn't care why he really came to speak with her, he had already pissed her off now.
"Dad, are you okay? You're acting weird." She asks with fake concern, her father wasn't the only Hall that could lie.
"I'm good. I just I have to—"
A knock at the door startled them both. They turn to see Lisa standing in the doorway with her eyes on Scarlett. "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but Sarah Cameron is here to see you, Miss Scarlett."
Scarlett gives the lady a small smile. "Thank you Lisa, can you tell her I'll be right down?"
The Hall's housekeeper nods her head and walks away. William felt irritated, but didn't let it show on his face. He had been making progress, and soon she was going to tell him about what she and Sarah were really up to when they took the plat map.
Then again, thinking over how ridiculous this sounded, he couldn't have imagined his daughter going gold hunting, not at all. Maybe he was starting to get as paranoid as Ward was, thinking every little thing was connected and had to do with Big John and their secret.
Scarlett turns to her father, shrugging her shoulders and looking over to her dresser for a headband. "Sorry, I promised Sarah I'd hangout with her today."
No she didn't, but she desperately needed to leave her house. Her mother was out shopping and her father was acting way too weird for her to even want to be around him at the moment.
"Oh, what are you girls up to?"
"I don't know, probably just girl stuff." At this point, Scarlett was getting very, very annoyed with her father's many questions. "I think I liked it better when you weren't in my business."
"I said I like that you're in my business, almost like an actual father. I'll see you later."
Maybe, Scarlett adds in her head as she leaves her room, marching down the stairs with William watching her as she left, more determined than ever to find out what else she was hiding.
"Alright Cameron! Where are we off to—"
Scarlett pauses, not expecting to see John B standing there along with her best friend. Her shock quickly turns into worry as she begins signalling for them to leave the house.
"Yo, we gotta go, like now. My dad can't see me with you."
"Who, me?" John B points to himself, not understanding what the big deal was.
"Yes, we have to leave immediately."
The small blonde walked over to her front door, flinging it open and turning back, finding John B and Sarah in the same spots they were in before, looking even more confused.
"Now!" Scarlett adds, in a more aggressive tone, and this seemed to get the two moving quickly.
Everyone rapidly exits the house, and Scarlett let out a sigh of relief, happy her father didn't catch John B downstairs in their living room waiting for her, or else she was in for another round of 20 questions. What she was unaware of was William watching them from Scarlett's bedroom window, which by luck had a perfect few of the front of the house.
He stood and watched them all rush out of his front door together. His hands curling up into fits at his side at the sight.
"Okay, so what's your dad's vendetta against me?" John B asked, after a few minutes of silence.
"Nothing, he was just asking me a million things about you, how I knew you, if we were close friends, blah, blah." Scarlett explains. "I have no idea why but after I told him I barely knew you, I'd rather him not see you in our house."
John B takes in all the information, thinking over and wondering why William Hall would care so much about him hanging around Scarlett. Before he could ask, Scarlett jumped in.
"Don't ask me why, he was being so weird about it and I have zero idea what it means." She says, almost as if she read his thoughts.
Sarah jumps into the conversation, changing the subject. "So John B found the gold—"
"Gold? What gold?" Scarlett lies, acting like she knew nothing about their little treasure hunt. She wasn't exactly sure if John B was okay with her knowing the secret.
The Cameron girl laughed at her friend's antics, finding it amusing but also the fact that Scarlett had tried to cover for her warmed her heart. "It's okay Scar, you don't have to act like you don't know. I told John B that I told you."
Scarlett turns to face John B with a cautious look on her face. "You okay with that?"
"Yeah of course, why do you think we came to get you? We are having a meeting at mine."
"Aw, I feel included." The small blonde places her hand under her eye, pretending to whipe away a tear.
John B laughs, throwing his arms around his (girlfriend's?) shoulders as they continue walking. "Well, if it makes Sarah happy having you along with us, it makes me happy."
"Ew okay, easy you two. I don't feel like being a third wheel." Scarlett grimaces at the sight, pretending to be disgusted when really, she couldn't be happier. It was about time Sarah finally got a decent boyfriend.
"But seriously, the more the merrier. There are worse Kooks I could be going on treasure hunts with."
"Dare I say it, I think we may be becoming friends right now, Baby John."
"Baby John?"
"It's technically the more appropriate nickname, if your dad was Big John, you should be Baby John... or Little John!"
"Yeah, now I feel like the third wheel." Sarah interrupts their banter, bringing the attention back to her.
The three were all walking towards John B's house, getting ready to meet up with the others. Scarlett tried her best to act like she wasn't nervous by talking a bunch of nonsense, but it was obvious to anyone with eyes how much she was shaking, but thankfully neither John B or Sarah pointed it out. Scarlett just didn't know it she had a place here. All the other Pogues had been there since day one, Sarah got them the map, but what had Scarlett done? Nothing.
"But the gold, it's under an axe murderer's house." John B continues, getting them all back on track. "I mean, it's not that bad, the only thing is the well is super sketchy deep."
"Kinda wish I was with you guys." Sarah comments, thinking over how much fun yet dangerous it all sounded.
"Well, Vlad and Val gotta be together, so you'll be there for real tonight." He turns over to the other blonde walking with them, making sure not to leave her out. "Both of you."
As nice as John B was being about all of this, it didn't change how awkward Scarlett felt. "Are you sure it's okay I'm tagging along? I don't have to, I haven't really done much to prove my place here."
"Yeah, of course."
Scarlett stops in her tracks, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks up at John B. "No, no... with everyone else. Don't you think they'll care?"
"I mean, you're already kinda friends with Pope and JJ, I don't think that matters."
"What about me?" Sarah chimes in.
"Yes, everything's fine." John B says, slightly stretching the truth but it was clear either girl didn't believe him. "What?"
"Kiara said something, didn't she?" Sarah asked, even though she already knew the answer.
"You're the worst liar I've ever met."
"I'm not lying."
"Look, if she's gonna get territorial..."
John B interrupts her, not liking where this was going and felt the need to reassure her. "Hey, hey, hey, just listen. All right?" "You're a part of this too. You got us the Tannyhill map." He turns to face the other blonde. "And Scarlett, you..."
Scarlett perks up. "I'm listening."
John B stammers for a moment, trying to come up with something in his head before giving up. "We are going to figure out what it is that you will contribute, but the point is, once we get with everybody, they're gonna be excited."
"You sure?"
"Absolutely. I promise."
"Hey, I'm not as worried as I would be." Scarlett tells the couple. I'm like 90% sure that Kiara and I are good now."
"No effing way!"
Okay... maybe Scarlett was wrong when she said her and Kiara were good now. It had taken the Carrera girl less than a minute to disapprove of the new additions to their group.
Scarlett sat back in her seat, watching as Kiara began to rant. "Dramatic much?" She muttered.
"You brought them here? So what? They're both in on this now?"
John B knew Kiara would maybe disapprove (he was hoping for a more positive reaction) but he didn't think she would blow up like this.
"I dunno." The boy shrugged his shoulders, unsure of how to respond.
"Look, all I care about is both their cuts coming out of your share." JJ shares his thoughts.
"To be honest, I don't really care about the money. I'm just in this for the shenanigans." Scarlett admits with a smile on her face, hoping this would help everyone else accept her involvement.
"You know, I don't remember taking a vote." Kiara continues.
Yeah, Scarlett was getting beyond annoyed now. She gets it, they weren't friends anymore, but c'mon... this felt like a bit much. She tried her best not to show her annoyance on her face, but couldn't help but roll her eyes. She hoped Kiara see.
"Oh, you're gonna roll your eyes at me now?"
She saw.
"Yeah, cause what's your problem? I thought we were good now."
"Well, you thought wrong. This isn't your thing." Kiara yells, gesturing around to herself and the guys. "This is our thing. A Pogue thing."
A Pogue thing? Scarlett almost laughed at that. "Please, do you forget that you live on Figure Eight? You wanna be a Pogue so badly, but forget you live like a Kook."
The curly haired girl throws her hands up, refusing to push things along anymore. "You know what, I'm not arguing with a girl so dumb, she failed a grade."
"Kiara don't even, I got held back for fighting and you know that."
"Yeah, I'm sure you did."
"Wanna test that theory cause—"
Pope was quick to stand up, grabbing Scarlett's shoulders and guiding her away from his friend. "Okay! I'm just gonna break this up right now before it gets ugly. Kie, you stay right there and Scarlett you come here."
Sarah had been quiet since they arrived, unsure of what to say. I mean, sure, she could attempt to defend herself like Scarlett, but all Kiara would do is argue back. So she chose to stay silent.
"I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." Pope says, after everything had calmed down.
Kiara gestures to the Pogue, grateful to have someone on her side at the moment. "Thank you!"
"When are you not?" John B challenged.
"I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably."
"It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him."
"You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought the Olsen twins into the mix."
Honestly, Scarlett thought her eyes were going to fall out of her head the amount of times she had rolled them the past few minutes. "Oh, a blonde joke, really?"
Kiara holds her hand up, not even entertaining the idea of another argument with her. "I'm not talking to you."
"Fine, ignore me. Maybe you'll repeat this conversation to mommy and daddy when you get home, since you love talking about me to them so much."
Kiara tenses up, and Scarlett mentally pats herself on the back at the sight. Maybe it wasn't right to use that information against the girl, but Scarlett didn't care at the moment. She loved having the upper hand.
Then again, she really didn't even know too much about it. Kiara had talked to her parents about her, but what about? About how much she annoyed her? How much she hated her and never wanted to see her again? That's what Scarlett had thought at first, but after seeing Kiara's reaction, she got a slight spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, it had been positive.
"What is she talking about?" Pope questions, glancing at Kiara for answers.
"That— that doesn't matter." Kiara stammers, trying to collect her thoughts. "My point is, no one asked for the Kook princess—"
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!"
Sarah had enough and finally snapped. She was tired. Tired of everyone fighting and arguing, tired of Kiara rambling on about her.
"Then leave."
Sarah turns to John B with an irritated look on her face after Kiara's comment. "I told you." She says, reminding him of the conversation they had on the way over here.
"Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?"
"No, that you're a shit-talking bitch, Kiara."
"Oh, shit!" JJ giggles along with Pope and Scarlett. The blonde boy takes a few dollar bills out of his pocket and hands them to Pope. "My money's on Kie."
"No way," Scarlett voices from next to Pope. "Sarah can seriously kick someone's ass if needed."
"Everybody shut up!"
All of the talking, arguing and side conversations had stopped, and now all eyes were on John B. This was going way, way worse than he ever expected. He didn't think they would all instantly link arms and become best friends again, but damm... couldn't they at least work together?
"Kie, you are my best friend, right? And Sarah, you're..." He pauses, unsure if she should say the word he was thinking in his head. "You're my..."
"Say it."
"You're my girlfriend."
"Ohh... that's new." Pope mutters, looking at Kiara and waiting for her to explode again.
"Damn you two move fast." Scarlett jokes, she knew it was only a matter of time before they put a label on their relationship, literally anyone could see how into each other they were. Yet, what she said still stands... damn they do move fast.
"She's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose." Kiara mocks, not letting John B forget the same words he told her and the other Pogues literally hours before... and multiple times.
Sarah turns to John B, looking hurt but not wanting to believe Kiara's words. "You said you were using me?" She asks with a soft voice.
Scarlett's voice, on the other hand, was not soft. At all. "Baby John, you're gonna wanna explain, like now."
"No." The boy denies.
Pope wasn't letting him off the hook so easily. "Yeah, you did. You said those things."
"Look, love just walked in, okay?" John B defends himself, looking from his friends to his girlfriend. "I didn't expect it. It just... it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it."
Scarlett leans over to Pope. "They've known each other for like 3 days." She whispers.
"Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out." Kiara continues, then points over to her other blonde nemesis before continuing. "And if she's in, I'm sure as hell out."
"I'm not doing this. I can't!"
"You are gonna decide. I'm very interested, actually. Me or them?"
"All of you."
"Ooh." Pope cringes.
JJ whistles, attempting to dissolve the tension with comedy. "Went for the Hail Mary."
Kiara shakes her head, not believing what she just heard. John B was her best friend, not theirs. These were her friends and this was their thing. Attempting to cover up how hurt she was, and tired of arguing back and forth, she was the first to leave the porch, hoping no one saw her tears fall.
It was quiet for a moment, no one really knowing what to say until Sarah broke the silence. "It'll be cool, right?" She crosses her arms over her chest, looking to John B and repeating his promise from minutes ago. "I'm gonna leave."
She gets up, following in Kiara's footsteps, but obviously making sure to take a different exit than she did.
"Sarah, don't."
"Gonna let y'all chat. Let me know."
More awkward silence, only this time Scarlett was the first one to speak. "Have you ever noticed that if I said your name really fast, it would sound like Jombie?"
"And then that kinda sounds like I'm saying zombie... so."
"I did not know that."
"Well, now ya do."
John B shrugs, unsure of how to reply to Scarlett's weird observation. "Thanks for that."
Scarlett was sitting alone, swinging back and forth in the hammock at John B's place. She didn't quite know where to go, Sarah had left before she could even catch up, and there was no way she wanted to go home right now with how weird her father was acting.
Besides, she needed time to think. What exactly was William's problem? Why was he so interested in her new friendship with John B? Whatever, it couldn't have been that big of a deal anyways, and she had more important matters to deal with at the moment... like Kiara.
She had no idea where she suddenly got this idea that she and Kiara were good now. The way they talked at Midsummers and their conversation at the van during the time Sarah went to go meet John B, both of those had seemed civil. I guess Scarlett was a fool for ever thinking Kiara Carrera would ever want anything to do with her again.
The blonde girl was so deep in thought, she didn't even notice JJ approach her with a grin on his face.
"Well, that was a shit show." He comments, leaning against the tree.
Scarlett scoffs. What an understatement. "You can say that again."
"That was a shit show."
"Is this why you had a gun at the movie thingy? It had something to do with all this?"
Ever since she found out about the gold, everything seemed to be falling right into place. Things that didn't add up were making sense. Like their behaviour at the movie screening.
"Sure, let's say that."
Deciding this was as much of an answer she was going to get, Scarlett drops the subject. Besides, she didn't care that much, there was something more pressing on her mind right now.
"She really hates me." Scarlett says, looking down at her hands.
"She doesn't hate you."
"Oh yes, she does. She totally hates me. It's fine, it's how things have to be."
JJ moves from leaning on the tree, moving over towards the other hammock to relax. "Are you ever gonna tell her?"
"Tell her what?"
"You know. Tell her?"
Scarlett felt her heart stop. Yes, she was out and proud now, but that didn't mean she wanted people knowing about her little crush. Was it that obvious? She could have sworn that she did her best to make sure no one would ever find out, and yet, here was JJ Maybank, who clearly knew exactly that.
"How did you—"
"I mean, I kinda guessed. It wasn't that hard, I could tell by the way you were looking at her." JJ admits, hoping that he didn't freak the girl out too much. "How you acted when Pope and I left you two alone during the movie. Kie sounded angry, but you were nervous, slightly terrified."
Scarlett shrugs, trying to act like this was no big deal. "It doesn't matter, it's not like she'd ever feel the same." She says while looking down at the ground, refusing to make eye contact with JJ.
"Says who?"
"Says me." Scarlett finally looks up. She really didn't want JJ to see the tears beginning to form in her eyes, but he did.
"I never told her anything because crushing on a close friend is terrible. The rejection hits harder because you'd lose that bond, and everything gets all awkward. It's easier to get rejected by a total stranger, or some fling, but when it's your best friend, it hurts. The one person you tell everything to, cry with, laugh with, just gone."
Everything immediately made sense to him. Why Scarlett stopped talking to Kiara, but why she was always checking in to see how she was doing. He felt bad for her, he couldn't imagine what this felt like... being so terrified of how someone would react to feelings you had that you'd just ice them out before ever finding out the answer.
"So that's why you cut her out, before she could reject you."
"Yup. Funny, I barely know you—"
"Barely know me?" JJ places a hand on his heart dramatically, faking feeling hurt. "Do you not remember the time we literally committed a crime together?"
Scarlett playfully rolls her eyes, laughing at his actions. "You know what I mean. I don't know much about you, yet you are the first and only person I've ever really talked to about this."
"Thanks for trusting me."
"No problem." Scarlett smiles at him, and as quickly as it appeared on her face, it drops. "I don't think there is even really any point in saying anything anyways, I'm moving away at the end of summer so we could never be together."
This made the Maybank boy feel even worse for her, and he didn't think that was possible.
"You'd have the rest of the summer together." He attempts to reassure her. "Besides, you're moving, not dropping off the face of the earth. Plus, technology exists."
"Can you stop being right all the time? Damn."
"My bad."
A comfortable silence passes over the two of them for a moment, both looking out at the ocean. It's then when Scarlett realizes it's time to offer her friend the same advice he had given her.
"Same goes for you by the way, if you ever want to talk about the best friend you're in love with but refuse to say anything about it."
Now it was JJ's turn to freeze up, feeling his own heart stop. "Uh—"
Scarlett cuts him off before he could say anything. "Before you speak, let me guess what you're about to say. You have no idea what I'm talking about then you'll proceed to swiftly change the subject."
"Wow." He replies, astounded that she knew exactly what he was going to do.
"It's okay. I'm sort of an expert on this topic by now, but I am here. If you ever wanna unpack that." She offers, turning her head to look at him with a smile. "Blondes gotta stick together."
"You mean cousins gotta stick together." JJ jokes.
Since she was dishing out all her Kiara related secrets right now, she figured to let JJ in on one more. "Can I tell you something? Kinda embarrassing?"
"Go for it."
Scarlett opens up her phone case, and shows him a polaroid of Kiara she kept hidden inside. The Carrera girl had the biggest smile on her face that JJ had ever seen. She looked so happy, so carefree. He looks up from the photo, expecting to meet Scarlett's eyes, but she was mesmerized by the picture.
"I took that the first day we hung out." She begins to explain. "She and Sarah had gone on some turtle rescue mission, I pretended to be interested so Kiara would like me."
JJ leans forward, handing the photo back to her and watching as she places it back in it's hiding spot. "And you've kept that all this time?"
"It's my favourite memory of the best day of my life." She pauses then asks, "Do you think I'm a creep now?"
"No, I just think you are ridiculously in love with somebody, and too afraid to say anything about it. Even though there is a pretty good chance that person loves you back."
"Well, if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black right now?" Scarlett holds her hands up in defense after seeing the playful look JJ gave her for that comment. "Sorry, last joke I make, promise."
"If you want my opinion," JJ starts, "It doesn't matter if you think she hates you, or if you are moving away soon. You've been holding this in for so long, I think you need to say something before you explode."
"Thanks J."
author's note.
i'm so sorry for the long long wait for this chapter!! i had an eye infection, then got sick, then had writer's block and couldn't write but uhhh i'm back now lol
i kinda hate this chapter but i also kinda love it?? yeah idk
and yes in this story jj is canonically gay and in love w pope <33 if that's a problem sucks 4 you i guess
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