𝟎𝟓 | they hit us, we hit them
"they hit us, we hit them."
( episode three ━━ the forbidden zone )
HOME ALONE AGAIN, FOR PROBABLY the 15th time in the past year. Only this time seemed to be more boring, since she didn't have Sarah to hangout with in order to pass the time.
The Hall girl had been sitting alone in the living room since she woke that morning, attempting to pass the time by playing whatever game on her phone. All while dodging calls from the eldest Cameron.
Rafe had been attempting to contact Scarlett non stop all day, and she hadn't pick up once, (and was getting quite tempted to block him) just hoping he would take the hint. That never was something he was good at though.
Lisa enters the room, her somewhat good mood dropping after seeing the upset look on the small blonde girl's face. She didn't like to see her be anything but happy. "Miss Scarlett, why aren't you out with your friends today?"
"Sarah's busy, so in return I'm stuck inside for the day."
"Surely there's others you can spend your time with."
Scarlett sighs and sits up before sadly admitting, "I don't really have any other friends besides Sarah."
"I find that very hard to believe, you are a wonderful young lady."
"Thanks Lisa, I guess my charm just hasn't rubbed off on anyone else here."
The older woman felt stunned and was at a loss for words. She was surprised that someone as great as Scarlett didn't have a sea full of people knocking down the door wanting to be her friend. Lisa tried her best to rack her brain thinking of comforting words to say, but her mind was a complete blank.
Luckily, the doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation. "That should be the groceries I ordered."
"I'll grab them, don't worry about it." Scarlett was quick to jump up from her spot, already making her way to the door.
"No that's alri—"
"Please Lisa," She interrupts, "I need something to do today, even if it's just grabbing food from the door."
The woman gives her a smile and thanks her before walking back into the kitchen. Scarlett quickly rushes to the front door to grab what was needed, sort of surprised to see Pope on the other side.
"Hey. Pope, right?"
"Uh— yeah." He waves awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"
Scarlett chuckles slightly as she gestures around her. "This is my house, I live here."
"Oh." Pope hands her the bag of groceries in his hand. "Here you go."
"Thanks, I didn't know you did grocery delivery."
"Yeah, just one of the many jobs and perks of living on The Cut." He says sarcastically.
Scarlett looks over at all the bags he still has on the ground, thinking that looks like a lot for one person to carry. "Looks like you have quite a few bags there, do you need help with your next delivery?"
Pope waves off the girl's concerns, "No, I got it. Thanks though."
"You sure about that?"
"Why do you want to help me?" He questions. All his time grocery delivering and Pope and never gotten an offer from a Kook to help, thinking there had to be a catch.
Scarlett shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. I'm feeling nice today."
Pope gives her a look, so Scarlett sighs over dramatically and leans against the door frame. "Fine, My parents are gone. Sarah's busy and I have nothing to do and am unbelievably bored. So, why not help out a friend."
Her use of the word friend, further confused the boy. "We don't even really know each other."
Scarlett thinks over what he said for a moment before coming up with a solution. "Well let's change that, tell me something... embarrassing."
Pope shifts around awkwardly. "Yeah, I don't know about that."
"C'mon." She urges him. "I'll spill if you spill."
"Okay fine." Pope racks his brain trying his best to think of something worth saying, not really having many embarrassing secrets he was comfortable telling someone he didn't know very well. He continues thinking until he finds one that is just okay enough in case she decides to spread it around.
"I was on the math team."
Scarlett covers her mouth to hide her laughter. "Yeah, that's pretty bad. I can see why you don't flaunt that around."
Pope laughs along with her, surprised that he was starting to enjoy this conversation. "Your turn."
Scarlett takes a deep breath, pausing before letting someone else in on her second biggest secret. "I'm seventeen." She winces.
This secret may seem like the most ridiculous thing ever to anyone else, but it's something Scarlett was truly embarrassed of. Having to be older than pretty much everyone within her grade, the shame that came any time she celebrated her birthday at school and her true age was revealed... it really sucked.
It was also the first time Scarlett can remember truly being scared of her father, the way he yelled and screamed at his five year old daughter for getting into a fights, thus eventually resulting in her expulsion, made his blood boil.
Of course, William Hall always had a solution, bribing the school to take her back for the following year and coming up with some excuse to tell everyone they knew why she'd be out of school for the year. No one ever thought to question him.
Especially now.
Pope's eyes go wide. "Wait, how? You—"
"I got held back." She explains. "In kindergarten."
Now it's Pope's turn to try and hide the fact that he was chuckling at her secret. "How is that even possible?"
Scarlett throws her hands dramatically. "I was an angry child, started a lot of fights so I eventually got suspended too many times, that resulted in an explicit so I had to repeat the year."
"Out of all the years to fail, kindergarten?"
"Only a select few people know that, so be careful where you go spreading that information." She warns him, with a playful stern look on her face. "May I accompany you on your journey now?"
Pretending to think it over for a moment, Pope shrugs his shoulders and gestures for her to follow him. "Yeah, why not."
"What the fuck is she doing with him?"
Rafe watches and is disgusted at the sight of seeing Scarlett walk side by side with Pope. She was holding a bag of groceries as Pope was carrying a case of beer. Rafe's hand twitches and his mind must have ran a million different theories just at the thought of them doing something as simple as walking together.
"So what man, let it go." Topper begs him to drop it, not wanting to cause drama today.
Rafe scoffs. "She's been ignoring me all day so she can lug shit around with him? Are you kidding me?"
While Rafe continued to sulk, Scarlett was actually having fun helping Pope with his work. Not that actual work was fun... cause ew, but it was something to do, so who is she to complain?
She'd been getting along with Pope a lot easier than she had originally thought she would. While seeming shy and reserved at first, it only took a few moments for the boy to open up to her, and pretty soon the two were laughing and exchanging jokes.
It felt so good to have another friend, of course Sarah was usually enough, but on days like this where Sarah was busy or MIA, it was nice knowing there were other people she could turn to rather than sit home alone."Hey." Pope starts, interrupting Scarlett's thoughts. "Earlier you said a select few people knew about you being 17."
Scarlett eyes him suspiciously before replying. "Correct."
"Is Kie one of them?"
She tenses at the mention of Kiara, feeling sadness, guilt and nervous all at once. It was true, Kiara did know (the only other person being Sarah) but this reminded her of a time when they were friends. When she and the curly haired girl actually spoke.
That day will never be lost in her memory, ever. Scarlett recalled as she spilled everything to Kiara, including how harsh her father was with her after finding out. Kiara was appalled that a man could talk to his small child like that, and she only replied that she was used to never receiving affection from the man.
Something happened that surprised her, Kiara had grabbed her arm and pulled her close. She stroked her hair and told her it still wasn't right.
And that night, the two girls shared almost any secret they had, laughing at the ridiculous ones and comforting each other for the difficult ones. Scarlett stayed in Kiara's arms the entire time.
That day will never be lost in her memory, ever.
She was hoping Pope didn't notice the sad smile on her face as she thought back to that night, before she went and became a huge asshole to Kiara. She desperately tries to think of a subject change. "Uh—"
"Hey, what's up?" Rafe stands in front of the two of them, blocking their way. "How much for one of those beers?"
Well... speaking of huge assholes.
"They're not for sale." Pope tries walking around him, wanting this conversation to be done with.
Rafe sticks his golf club out at Pope, stopping him from going anywhere. "Oh, wait, wait, wait. You can just give us one, then, right?"
"Rafe, fuck off." Scarlett says sharply, annoyed with his bullshit. "You can order one yourself, like everybody else. Pope keep walking."
Rafe rolls his eyes and gently shoves her away. "Oh c'mon Scar, don't be a bitch."
"Excuse me?"
Scarlett places the bags in the ground and gives the spoiled boy a death glare. Pope sticks his arm out in front of her, giving her a look begging not to start anything. She sighs and picks the groceries back up and continues trying to walk, only to get harassed by Rafe and Topper again.
"Listen. Wait, you're not listening to me. Um..." Rafe pretends to think for a moment. "You've got so many, bro, and we've got nothing."
Topper shakes his head, mimicking Rafe. "Nothin."
"They're not mine." Pope tries explaining. "They're already paid for."
The Cameron boy scoffs. "Already paid for?"
"Rafe, back off." Scarlett sasses.
He ignores her, sticking his golf club in the bag Pope was carrying. "You probably stole 'em, right?"
He rips the bag open, all four of them watching as the contents spill all over the ground. Pope all of a sudden getting filled with rage.
"What the hell! You owe me for that!"
He sticks out his hand, pointing to Rafe but the boy uses his gold club to knock the other bag out of his hang, watching as it goes flying.
"Dude, I don't owe you shit, Pogue."
Pope shoves Rafe away from him. "Buy your own shit!"
"Hey. Come on, man!" Topper tries grabbing the drinks out of his hand, but Pope wasn't budging. "We just want one of these beers! Just give us one of these..."
"You two are actually insane." Scarlett intervenes, pushing Topper down to the ground and getting him away from Pope.
Unfortunately, Topper was quick to jump back on his feet, continuing to wrestle with the boy for the alcohol. "Give us a beer, man!"
Pope yells as he gets flung to the ground by Topper, groaning in pain.
"Shit!' Topper says as he watches him groan in pain. "Shit, my bad man."
No longer in the mood for letting things go, Pope slowly stands up, angrier than ever and launches himself at Rafe. Scarlett didn't like his chances, especially seeing how Rafe had a weapon. "Pope don't!"
The Kook was quicker with his reflexes, dodging Pope's punch and using the golf club to whack him in the gut, then over his back and when he hunched over.
The blonde girl covers her mouth in shock, watching her new friend clench his stomach and moan in pain. "Rafe! What is wrong with you!"
"Hey! Rafe." Topper yells at him. "Rafe! Come on, man!"
Rafe ignores him, going over to Pope and screaming in his face. "Stay down, bitch!"
"Rafe, leave him alone."
Scarlett goes to pull Rafe away from Pope, but gets held back by Topper.
"Stop!" She tries to fight against Topper. "Let me go! He's gonna hurt him again!"
"Yeah?" Topper scoffs, still holding her back. "And what happens when he swings at you next?"
She ignores him, part of her knowing that Topper was right, but continuing to to fight against his grip. She wasn't able to stand by and do nothing while Pope got hurt.
"Hey, let's go! Let's go, man!" Topper shouts at him, hoping this time he would listen.
Rafe swings the golf club again, acting like he was going to strike Pope one more time, but it lands on the ground next to him, only a few inches away from his face. He cackles watching how Pope flinched.
"Time to..."
"Knock it off!" Topper attempts to stop his friend. "Rafe, listen. Come on, man."
"Okay..." Rafe leans down, tapping Pope's face to make sure he was awake and listening to what he was about to say. "We don't want you here. Got that?"
Scarlett had enough, elbowing Topper in the gut since he wasn't paying as close attention to her anymore. She runs up to Rafe, pushing him harshly away from Pope. "Just let him go! You've done enough."
Topper was quick to intervene and move the boy away before he did something to hurt Scarlett next.
"Stay off Figure Eight, Pogue." Rafe continues shouting as Topper pulls him away. "See ya!"
Pope groans and rolls onto his side, coughing up blood. Scarlett kneels down next to him, trying to hold back her tears. "You're gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine."
"Scarlett, let's go!" Rafe calls out to her.
Her eyes went wide, she couldn't even believe the audacity of that boy right now. Muttering to Pope about how she will be right back, Scarlett quickly got up on her feet and rushed over to Rafe, slapping him harshly the second she saw him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She spits. "You are a literal psychopath."
Rafe grabs his cheek and scoffs "What do you care? He's a Pogue."
"You are unbelievable." Scarlett says in a monotone voice, shaking her head. "Grow up Rafe. You're eighteen, so start acting like it. While you're at it though, stay the hell away from me, I don't ever wanna see you again."
"You're bluffing." Rafe whispers, not wanting to believe anything she was saying.
"Leave the Pogues alone. If I find out you hurt or were messing around with them again, I'll make sure to tell daddy about your little sniffing habit." Scarlett makes a gesture, moving her middle finger under her nose then flashing it to Rafe. "Still think I'm bluffing?"
Rafe stands there in silence, shocked. Scarlett takes that as all the answer she needs and runs back over to Pope. Making sure he was okay was her main priority right now.
"Hey, you gotta get up." She tells him. "We should take you to the hospital or something, make sure you don't have a concussion."
Pope shakes his head, knowing that he couldn't deal with his dad or anyone knowing what just happened "No hospital. I'm good."
"No you're not, but okay." Scarlett could tell he was trying to be strong and push through. She grabs his arm, throws it over her shoulder and helps the boy find his balance. "Lean on me, I'll help you to the boat."
The walk back to the boat was mostly silent. Scarlett not knowing what to say and Pope being too stunned and embarrassed to speak.
She had tried apologizing multiple times, feeling guilty and like somehow this was her fault. All Pope did was reassure her that she did nothing wrong, and how grateful he was that she was actually there.
Scarlett didn't even walk to think of what could have possibly happened if she wasn't there. The look in Rafe's eyes... he almost looked like he could have killed him.
But... no. That was impossible, as much of a dick he was, Scarlett didn't think he was capable of actually killing anyone.
"Pope!" JJ calls out as he runs to the boat. "Dude, you are not going to believe what just happened to me, man!"
"Shit." Pope mutters. "Don't tell JJ anything."
Scarlett raises her eyebrows in confusion. "What? Why not?"
"He's just... he's pretty protective over me. I don't know why, but I don't wanna see him get upset if he finds out what happened."
Scarlett could see what he meant, she hadn't been around Pope and JJ much, but she could see just how much the blonde boy really cared for him. It almost reminded her of how she used to be with Kiara...
"That was the best 100 bucks I've ever made!" JJ continues, almost on the boat by now.
"Please." Pope begs. "You can't tell him. He's going to wanna get revenge."
"So? That's a good thing. Those idiots deserve it."
"When I say count me in on all these grocery deliveries, Pope, I mean it." JJ entering the boat stops the conversation between Pope and Scarlett. JJ points over to the girl, her being the last person he expected to run into here. "Whoa, what are you doing here?"
Scarlett looks at Pope, him still silently hoping she would't say anything to his friend. "I was helping Pope deliver groceries, and then there was an incident."
"What happened?" JJ places his hand on Pope's shoulder, the boy not even acknowledging it. "Bro, you good?"
"Pope, tell him." Scarlett urges.
JJ leans over and sees blood at the side of Pope's face, standing up and instantly getting worried. "Yo, what happened to your face, dude?"
Pope continues to ignore him, so JJ grabs his hat and pulls it off, seeing how bad the wound was. "Jesus!"
"It's nothing." Pope was quick to grab his hat and place it back on his head, not wanting to discuss what just happened.
"What happened?" JJ questions.
Pope stays silent, continuing to drive the boat. JJ looks back at Scarlett, waiting for her to respond to him since Pope was being quiet about it. She sighs, knowing that Pope didn't want to tell JJ but knew that he needed to know anyway.
"Rafe and Topper jumped him."
After Scarlett speaks, JJ looks over to Pope for confirmation, who slowly nods his head as a tear falls down his face. He was quick to wipe it away, hoping no one noticed, but JJ did.
"They said no Pogues on their side of the island."
JJ tries his best to keep calm. He hated the idea of someone hurting Pope, feeling more guilty that he wasn't there to help him when it happened. "What are you gonna do?"
"Hit 'em where it hurts." Scarlett suggests. The two boys glance back at her, the blondes locking eyes and share a smirk while Pope looks between the two, feeling confused.
"2020 Malibu, 24-MXC." Pope starts. "The world's finest wakesetter."
Scarlett crosses her arms, looking ahead. "Topper's pride and joy."
The three stood together, looking out at Topper's new boat that must have cost him a good amount of money.
"Number one in quality, luxury, and performance." Pope continues.
"This is war, y'all." JJ voices. "They hit us, we hit them." Nodding over to Pope, giving the signal that they were ready. "Do it."
Pope was seconds away from jumping in the water until Scarlett stopped him, feeling worried. "Are you sure you want to do this? Rafe hit your back pretty hard. I can go if you need me to."
"It's okay." Pope reassures her, glancing back over at the boat with a determined look. "It has to be me."
Without another word, Pope jumps in the water and swiftly swims over to the target. Scarlett bends down, watching intensely and occasionally glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching them.
Pope sinks the boat and quickly jumps back into the water, swimming back over to his friends, eagerly holding up the piece in his hand as proof.
"Wow." Scarlett laughs. "You really did it."
"I'm so proud of you right now." JJ smiles over at Pope, looking at him in awe. "Holy crap."
"Guys, you can't tell anybody." Pope says, slightly out of breath as he climbs back onto their boat.
"Oh, no, yeah. Totally, dude." JJ reassures him.
"No, I'm serious, dude." Pope emphasizes how serious he was, how serious the situation was. "Not Kie, not John B, nobody."
Pope glances over to Scarlett, hoping that she would do the same and keep this a secret. He was slightly worried that she wouldn't and starting to regret doing something so dangerous with a girl he barely knew around.
Scarlett jokingly throws her hands up in defence. "I'm technically an accessory, so I'm not saying a word."
"My lips are sealed."
Pope's mind is put at ease hearing the two of them agree they would keep this a secret between them only. JJ grabs the piece Pope took from the boat to make it go under and throws it into the water, not wanting any evidence on them.
"Okay!" JJ runs inside the boat, urging Pope to start driving away. "Let's get outta here."
Pope continues moving them away from the area, Scarlett and JJ stand next to each other at the back, both feeling a little awkward and don't know what to say.
"That was pretty cool of you. To help Pope, I mean." He tells her.
"No big deal." Scarlett shrugs it off. "I hate the way those idiots act and the way they treat you guys irritates me."
"You got any plans for the rest of the day?"
To say Scarlett was surprised was an understatement. Sure, they had just committed a crime together, but she wasn't expecting invites to their parties in exchange. "Nope, just probably sitting at home, bored."
"Come surfing with us." He offers. "John B and Kie have already been out there for a while waiting."
There it was. The confirmation that the one girl she couldn't handle to be around would be there. She almost scolds herself for thinking that she wouldn't be, after all, these were Kiara's friends, not her's.
"Oh, uh. I actually can't." She lies, trying desperately to think of an excuse. "I forgot there's this thing I have to do, and it has to be done tonight, so, but thank you for the offer though. I hope you all have fun."
It didn't take a genius to see that she was lying. The way Scarlett was fumbling over her words, JJ could see through her right away.
"Right, I forgot. If you and Kie get within 6 feet of each other it would probably turn into World War 3."
"Yeah, exactly." She looks down at her hands sadly before looking back up with a fake smile on her face, trying to bring the excitement back. "Well, thank you for letting me participate in a crime with you guys. It was thrilling."
"We'll keep you in mind next time we destroy someone's property." JJ jokes.
"I appreciate that." Scarlett laughs and hits his shoulder, turning serious and staring over at JJ. "Do me a favor. Tell Kiara I say hey."
JJ gives her a weird look, wondering why Scarlett would have asked for that favour at all if she hated the girl. Hearing how sad she got after he brought up Kiara, plus the conversation Pope told him about at the beach party, JJ slowly starts putting the pieces together.
She didn't hate Kiara at all, not even close. As much as the blonde boy wanted to question her about it, he decided to let it go for now. Knowing that she probably wouldn't have said much to him anyways.
"Sure. Yeah I will."
author's note.
scar being done with rafe FINALLY
also scarjjpope team up <33 my favourite trio
and yes the scarlett being 17 and ashamed of it was lowkey inspired by allison from teen wolf since i was rewatching s1 and loved the idea of including it here
lastly i know in obx rafe was 19 but here he's 18 here!
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