I am yours
A big thank you to all the lovely readers and my dear friends... You all really push me 😉 to write the chapters fast... Niyuniyu19 and Dallisha86
Your comments really encourage and let me know you are with me.... I am happy with all the love you all are giving my work....
Gulf kept behind mew till he reached his room. Mew went and crashed on his bed without closing the door. Gulf entered with slow steps and heard mew snoring softly. Mew had gone through a lot in a day. He kneeled beside his bed slightly removing strands of hair from his forehead. His eyes watered looking at mews face which held the discomfort. Mew meant world to gulf here he was all hurt because of him.
Gulf gently cleaned mew's wound and bandaged it. He made mew lie properly on bed putting pillows around his leg which was heavily swollen now. He could feel area around his knee red and warm. Gulf sighed covering him with a duet. As he was about to move he felt his wrist being caught. His heart skipped several beats thinking mew had caught him. He felt like a thief sneaking out after theft. Unknown how to defend what happened sometime back he just wished to hide Gaining courage he slowly turned just to feel a gush of relief. The star in his hand chain got stuck in mews bracelet. He sighed and removed the tangled star and left the space wiping the tears that rolled on his cheeks unknowingly.
Gulf didn't want to sleep anymore .So, he showered and got ready calling alex who was heading back to his dorm with lhong.
Gulf: hello phi alex,
Alex: Yes nong we are on the way back to dorm would be reaching in next 10 minutes.
Gulf: Please be with phi bear as soon as he reaches the dorm. Do not leave him alone keep him company till i come back. I have taken appointment, phi bear needs to have a thorough check up at the hospital. Also, keep me informed through messages as i might not be able to pick calls. Sending across details of appointment.
Alex: Okay buddy... They disconnected the call.
He got call from max who was beyond angry knowing whatever happened at University in the night but his anger went down the drain when gulf roared from the other end.
Max: (angrily shouting): What the hell is wrong with you? Kitten, you are not a local bystander any more to get into fist fights. You are Gulf Kanawut businessman who has prestige in society.
Gulf: (raised angry tone): I give a damn to prestige and pride. Nothing is important to me then phi bear. This empire i have is only because he stood by me when world didn't.
Max: (going calm): Kitten, still if this goes into media it would effect your status.
Gulf:(angry): Fuck off the media and society... Why did you hide phi's condition from me?
Max knew why gulf was angry and also that it is not going to be easy.
Max: Weren't you the one who got hospitalised due to over pressure and stress? Wasn't it you who didn't want to talk on the topic? If i am not mistaken it was you who drowned yourself in work to forget mew. Wasn't it you who time and again denied talking to him?
Gulf: Nothing about phi can over pressure me. I became workholic so i can stay away from phi. It was not a choice but need of the hour. Currently i feel i was so wrong he suffered so much alone when i promised him that i would not let him alone ever. You paid the investigators and guards i kept around phi to filter information.
Max: I just stopped them from informing you about mew's health.
Gulf: Didn't you know phi shifted to the dorm and his situation with mom, dad and thanya?
Max: Listen kitten i was just trying to protect you as mew expected me to do. You were killing yourself thinking about mew. The day i told him you were admitted as you collapsed being over stressed a day before your presentation. He told me he won't make move from his end but would wait for you. Mew wanted us to stop informing you about him. I spoke to mew many times and all he wanted was to keep you away from his issues. He did not want you to keep thinking about his miseries. He also spoke to pete and bright ensuring no one lead you to his pain. Even aunty and uncle were instructed the same he himself blocked all the ways from where you could reach his pain. Instead of making blank calls if you would have made one call and spoken to him you won't be here blaming me.
Gulf: You knew i made blank call to phi?
Max: Do you think I can't see your glistening eyes while holding phone silently till you fell asleep. Why only me Mew had also sensed it therefore he kept on holding phone and talking till you felt okay. He told me he was happy at least he can hear your breaths for those moments.
Gulf(sighing): You all were hiding so many things from me. I feel like a fool now, I trusted you phi max..
Max: kitten, i never did anything that could harm you. I was again and again telling you to talk to mew but you denied. At least now talk to him before it's too late
Gulf: No use phi everything is so damn fucked up in a day.
Max: What happened?
Gulf: Long story...
Max: cut it short....One sec let me take pete and bright also on conference call may be we all could help you clear the mess. He got all the lazy ones who sleepily said "hello'
Bright: Morning phi....
Pete: Mother mornings assholes... Max, are you drunk early in the morning.... It's just 4 am....
Gulf: Phi...
Listening to gulf's shivering tone everyone were kicked out of their sleeps.
Pete: Gulfie... What's wrong?
Bright: Chirpy are you okay?
Gulf: No I am not...
He told them story from start to end right from coach's plan to hurt mew to his conversation with alex to Clara's proposal. He didn't let out that coach molested mew he didn't want anyone to know about it till he knew mew was fine with people knowing about it. Finally how mew left his room in pain and despair. Frankly all were in pain knowing about mew's condition specially max.
Max: Kitten, you don't want to disclose mew about why you are there. Neither you want to talk to him then let him be with the thought that you are dating clara.
Gulf: Phi max are you out of your mind. Have you forgotten phi bear's anger?
Max: Nope, but may be you forgot his love kitten. He won't do anything to the Person you care for.
Max remembered how mew accepted his and gulf's relationship just because gulf trusted max. He smiled remembering how mew confessed he was insecure with max closeness to gulf.
Gulf: It would hurt him phi.
Max: Your silence is already killing him nothing can be more worst...
Pete: That's better then making him prey infront of your stalker. May be it would help him forget you.
Bright: Right, stalker would be confused who is actually precious to you and won't go behind phi mew even if he knew about it. Clara after coming back you tell her the truth.
Max: I am not telling you to accept clara but just behave like you are in a relationship with her.
Gulf felt all this idiotic but he had no more time for discussion he needed to go for meeting before that he once wanted to meet mew not meet just see that mew was fine.
Max: Kitten, When would you be returning back?
Gulf: After around 10 days... This complete week they have events also an excursion for 3 days. Final event after 2 days.
Max: You were about to be there only for a week.
Gulf: Yes, but i extended plan a bit also, have to check the paperwork for space we are taking in Bangkok for expansion. So, would complete that before heading back.
Bright: Are you going to the excursion?
Gulf: Not sure... May be i won't go... I think i hurt phi enough being infront of him. So, better i would avoid creating more chaos.
Pete: If that's what you want then do likewise we are with you.
Max: Take care of yourself. We are just a call away if you want to talk.
Bright: love you Chirpy...
"What" a loud voice was heard from brights end...
Bright: Nothing babe its chirpy, phi max and phi pete on other call.
"Tell them hi from my end" said a sweet voice before snuggling in to the blanket beside bright.
Bright: Win said
All three in unison "we heard it your wife wished us" bright was shy and blushing hearing them calling win his wife.
Gulf: I need to go will call you all later.
He disconnected the call.
Bright: Phi's why did you both agree with chirpy's decision to avoid phi mew?
Pete (sighed): There is no point in arguing he is as it is too hurt. He is literally broken we all know how much he loves mew.
Max: Me's feeling is not hidden at all just they need to accept and act instead of pushing each other away.
Bright: Is it a good option being with clara infront of phi mew.
Max: Being near mew i am sure he won't be able to avoid him for long. I am just worried about the stalker. Also yesterday's incident he literally took a big risk. Mew is really important to me but as gulf said earlier i am also feeling that stalker is on his hunt. As for clara i know exactly how mew is gonna react it will be fun. There safety should be our main priority.
Pete: Nothing would happen i would make sure my men are following them.
Max: Keep people behind cla too just incase if stalker tries to use her.
Pete: Yep, i would do it.
Bright: I hope they reconcile for good. I am hanging up first.
Pete: Max, are you okay?
Max: Yes I am, don't worry pete i am over my unrequited love.
Pete: Are you sure about it?
Max: Mew and kitten are both important to me. They have faith in me which i can't hurt. Just disconnecting have to attend college then there are back to back meetings. Its very tough handling work alone without Gulf.
Pete: Same here...college and then have to meet dad tonight.
Max: Are you planning to take over your dad's business?
Pete: Nope, i know gulf would never like it.
Max: You better not otherwise you would be killed by kitten.
Pete: I surely won't. It's just dad has been forcing me to do graduation in foreign college and I don't wish to go away....
Max: I think you must go it's good for your future.
Pete: Nope, i would prefer studying in Bangkok then going to far... hanging up talk to you later feeling super sleepy...
Max: Okay... Come to office whenever you are free...
Pete: Fine i would.
As the call got disconnected max kept his phone aside. He stood up and went towards wall in his room which was made by gulf it had all his important memories with his mom, dad, mew, bright, pete and gulf himself... A smile formed on his face looking at gulf's face in a pic. He was adorably pouting sadly looking at mango and meg. This one was clicked by bright. Gulf was sulking because mango and meg were bouncing around max avoiding him. His sulky face also looked cute with that pout.They all were connected with single emotion of love.
Back at University:
Gulf walked in his attitude towards mew's room. His head high, back straight wearing a smart business suit while his hand chain was neatly wrapped between in his finger. He pushed the door slowly afraid if mew was awake what would he tell him. His expression changed when he
found door was open. He frowned looking at mew still sleeping. He stood conflicted at the door but then decided to go inside. Being a light sleeper mew never exceeded his sleep timing.
Mew still slept in same position as he had left him. Gulf gently placed his hand on mew's forehead but he withdrew it immediately when he found his temperature too high. He immediately called alex who sleepily greeted gulf.
Alex: Hello good morning buddy.
Gulf: Are you back?
Alex: Yes reached the room sometime back.
Gulf: Come to phi bear's room immediately.
Alex pulled his t shirt wearing shorts he rushed limping towards the door. He turned and saw lhong who was sleeping. Scribbling on a sticky note he left it in the room so not to worry his roommate.
Alex: What's the matter gulf?
He said entering mew's room looking at gulf who appeared tensed sitting near mew. His one had was in mew's hold while with other he was putting cold strips on his head.
Gulf: Need to take phi to hospital immediately. Also, inform love so she can be there to help you around.
Alex: Why love?
Gulf: Because lhong needs rest and you alone can't manage with that leg of yours.
Alex: Why, are you leaving somewhere?
Gulf: I have a meeting with a client so would drop you to hospital and then go.
It was still early in the morning even after repeated calls love didn't pick up the phone. Then gulf remembered Clara's state yesterday also the time she came.
Gulf: Hmmm, let's go to hospital we will call love there directly.
He was getting impatient with mew's condition. Alex took passenger seat beside drivee while gulf sat inside while guards made mew sit in car. He hissed in pain when his leg bent. Gulf gently allowed his body to lean on his while putting his legs straight.
Gulf had tears rolling down his eyes remembering how mew cared for him. He was always the weak one he remembered all the time mew spent sleepless nights taking care of him. Guilt was forming knowing he has given lot of pain to the person who just thought for his happiness. Caressing mew's forehead gently he laid a chaste kiss on his cheek. Placing his cheeks on it.
With help of guards gulf got mew to hospital. As mew was taken in Opd gulf allowed his body to lean on the wall outside.
Alex: Nong gulf, you have a meeting right. Please go ahead i would be here would keep you updated.
Gulf: I just... I just don't want to leave now. Let check up finish i will talk to doctor and then leave. There is still lot of time left.
Alex nodded and sat quietly. They both waited for doctor to check up and inform them in the meantime gulf's phone rang. It was from clara who had sobered up and called as they needed to go for meeting.
Cla: Good morning boss
Gulf: Good morning clara
He was being too professional clara didn't remember her drunken confession. She as usual spoke to him without guessing anything. Gulf was angry and clara was making it worse but then he had to keep his composure.
Cla: I am outside your room. Where are you? We have a schedule.
Gulf: Cla i am at hospital...
Cla: Why are you at the hospital?.. hello helllo... Boss...
Call was disconnected.... She got concerned and kept calling only to hear ringtone from other end.
As Gulf was to say more he heard mew's scream he rushed inside. He saw mew sitting and trying to guard himself pushing everyone away. He was not allowing anyone to touch he was shouting asking to leave him and not to touch him..Not to say all the cuss he was hurling on top of his voice. Gulf frowned and stood stunned at the door while alex went near mew and tried to pacify him.
He didn't push alex but his mood took a 360 degree turn he was all emotional and started saying softly.
Mew: No please don't touch me... Go away... Don't touch me..... He started hiccuping.
Gulf went near with long strides and gently pushed alex out of his way. He held mew's hand gently in his palm making him feel his touch.
Gulf: Phi bear, your honey is here. Look at me phi I am there with you.
Mew was trying to remove his hands from gulf's hold. Mew was not in his senses all he remembered was what happened yesterday night and when he felt doctors unfamiliar touch he thought it was the coach. His mind was in trauma, his senses kept repeating whatever happened previous night.
Gulf's touch was calming him therefore he didn't push him but he wanted to get away from everything. When his mind felt gulf near, he thought gulf should not touch him as he is dirty...
Mew: (soft wisper) Don't touch me i am dirty.... I have been...
His voice was just whisper but it reached gulf's ear as he was the closest. Those words hit gulf he just couldn't stop himself. He immediately hugged mew allowing mew's head to rest on his chest hearing his heartbeat which was running a full speed marathon. Gulf's hand as habit went behind mew's head gently cupping it closer while slowly caressing mew's hair. His other hand moved up and down on mew's back calming.
Alex had a big smile on his face looking at gulf hugging mew with all his might. He clicked there pic without anyone's notice. Mew who was stunned first, later slowly raised his hands towards gulf's back and hugged pulling him closer to sniff his scent.
Gulf: (softly) Phi, you are not dirty but the person who did it is. Your honey won't allow anyone to harm you....No one here is touching you with bad intention. It's just doctors around they are here to help.
Gulf said as he separated himself from mew. Making him lie down as he tried to move mew clutched his hands.
Gulf: Is it fine if i stay here? Doctor just gave a positive nod.
Phi bear, I am not going anywhere.
He gave mew some medicine and induced sleep medicine so he can rest. As mew started drifting in sleep gulf could finally release his hand. He gently leaned on mew's ear and spoke just like mew used to do for him.
Gulf: Phi bear, your honey is right here waiting for you.
Allowing the staff to take mew for x ray and further check ups.
Alex went out as his phone rang showing Love calling. He told her about mew being in hospital. He didn't divulge any further information.
On the other side clara also knew from guards that gulf had got some student to the hospital. She knew how gulf was concerned for the person and kept with the Person for whole night. Clara moved from the room on the way she met love. On knowing she was going to see her boyfriend in hospital clara also tagged along.
In hospital:
Gulf sat with doctor in his cabin.
Dr: His knee is infected may be he gave undue pressure on it.
Gulf remembered mew walking out of his room.
Dr: Also the injury on hand is a deep cut. He looks traumatized the bite mark on body are severe.
Gulf told the doctor everything that happened previous night. Making sure he would keep it confidential. He didn't disclose their personal stuff but told doctor about how mew left his ro walking in the morning. In the meantime nurse came and gave mew's report to the doctor.
Doctor: There is no fracture but there is muscle tear and a slight ligament twist so he would need to be in knee brace for a month. I will prescribe some painkillers which would help. As per his current health i would also prescribe some calcium and multivitamin tablets. Make sure he takes ample rest also keep him stress free. May be changing environment would help him to come out of the trauma. Try not to leave him alone for some days. I would like to monitor him today for infection would discharge him by tommorrow.
Gulf: Thank you doctor. Just a request keep him in special room with one more bed so someone can stay with him at night. Also, keep dedicated staff around don't worry about the charges.
Dr: You are too concerned for him. We will take care.
He arranged everything around for his comfort. As he came in he saw mew was lying with his eyes closed. He stepped in slowly so not to startle him. Gulf can't even explain the relief he felt on hugging his phi. He wished to keep him close to his heart just as he always kept hin when he was ill. His heart tugged seeing mew in pain. Before he goes near and touches him love entered hurriedly behind her came clara.
Love (panicked): Oh my God what happened to mewwie...... Mewwie
Gulf stepped back and stood with clara who was looking at him with questioning look. Gulf was constantly staring at mew which pissed clara so she spoke to break gulf's stares.
Clara(softly): What are you doing between this melodrama? Don't you feel ashamed disturbing their moment?
Gulf: Huh
Cla: Yes, love told me he is her boyfriend.. look at the poor girl how worried she is let them hug and kiss...
Gulf: "......."
He looked at mew who had opened his eyes and was staring at nothing. Love kept on talking but mew didn't react. Gulf could see a streak of tear that dropped from the corner of his eyes.
Love was intently gazing at the bite mark that animal left on mews collar bone which was hiding behind his shirts collar. Love raised her hand and held mew's shirts collar but before she pulls it to see. Gulf came behind and held her wrist in his grip. As love loosened her grasp on mew's shirt gulf released her hand.
He couldn't control and taking out his handkerchief he at once leaned and wiped the tears that had dropped from corner of mew's eyes.
Gulf: It's not your mistake. I don't allow you to blame yourself. He was very soft and just whispered in mew's ears.
Love was looking at gulf seeking for answer why he held her hand. Gulf saw her eyes giving him the questioning look. He gently leaned towards her ears and said in a husky tone.
Gulf: Madam this is hospital no gentleman would like anybody peeping on his body infront of so many people. Kindly don't embarass him you can check once you have him alone in room.
Love didn't knew what to answer but his last line made her blush profusely. She was angry but flushed at the same time. Mew observed but didn't say a single word. Gulf straightened himself.
Gulf: You take rest i would see you later. Just don't worry i am here with you.
Love and clara both looked at him suspiciously.. while mew's eyes could see the pain that dripped from Gulf's eyes.
Gulf: I mean we all are there with you.
Mew's heart felt at ease knowing Gulf was there just near him. He confessed he was there with him that's enough for mew.
Love knew mew and gulf shared a good bonding but she was also not aware of the depth of their relationship. She heard about Gulf from mew and mel but today seeing him she could feel the intensity if care that he held for mew. Whenever he spoke to her she was concerned how she can be get mew for herself but looking at gulf she knew mew held a feeling for a selfless person.
Clara remembered mew looked very much similar to the person whose photos were all over gulf's cabin. His laptop to phone also in his wallet he had that person's pic. She wasn't sure who he was or what he meant for gulf. Also, if this was the same person but curiosity made space in her mind. She was going to find out everything before they left from here.
Clara was looking at love whose face looked sad. She might be feeling left out just like her because mew was intently looking into gulfs eyes as he softly spoke to him. She had to get gulf out of the room.
A fear crept in Clara's heart as she saw a different gulf today a person she never saw in the past years. A considerate man who was since yesterday night taking care of a person as the guards told her. He was handling someone else's mess which is so not like her boss.
Cla: Boss, we are late for the meeting. Shall we make a move?
Gulf broke the eyes lock with mew. He just nodded and was about to get up when mew held his hand.
Love: Mew, he has a meeting to attend.
She just wished thag gulf left so she could have her time with mew alone.
Mew: Thank you for everything Mr Kanawut.
Gulf felt as if mew slapped him. There relation never had formality. Mew calling him with his last name was so painful. Mew was just holding back his words looking at clara.
Gulf and clara left for the meeting. Gulf was least interested in the meeting. He just wished to finish and go back to the hospital he didn't feel like doing anything. He wanted to be with his phi bear this work which he loved all this years felt like crap. All the words of doctor and mew's condition in the morning got his heart at unrest. At once he felt all the power had left his body. The facade that he built in two years collapsed in 2 mins. He was physically there but mentally he was roaming around his phi.
He received alex's call between the meeting he excused himself. Cla didn't understand as this is the first time gulf had picked a call between the meeting. She also observed in car he was continuously swiping his phone looking at some old photos.
Gulf: Alex, What's the matter? Is phi bear fine? Do you need anything? Should i come there?
Mew: It's me honey..
Gulf sucked in a breath of relief went silent for few seconds. While mew's heart did a happy dance knowing gulf was concerned for him.
Mew: I am fine just wanted to know would you mind joining us for dinner tonight.
Gulf didn't knew how to react.
Alex: Hey buddy we just wanted to say thank you.
Gulf was internally feeling very happy but then his thoughts and reason came over he wanted to say no. So, he got up with a reason unknown mew Suppasit was in action like earlier getting his honey. Alex held phone on speaker so both mew and alex could hear the conversation.
Gulf: Phi, would be discharged tommorrow morning.
Alex: He is pretty okay so we took permission from doctor. So, we would have dinner here at a nearby restaurant and then get mew back to hospital.
Doctors words rang in Gulf's ear he decided everything can wait. Mew's health was his priority so he decided to go with the flow.
Gulf: I would be there just sms me the address. Do call love to join in?
Mew didn't knew but he felt strange gulf asking for love to join. Then the mew Suppasit in him arouse.
Mew: We would send address once we decide on the place. Do ask your girlfriend also to join in?
Gulf wanted to scream "no she is not my girlfriend" but then he remembered what max and pete told him....
Gulf: Okay, i will tell her.
They both disconnected the call. When gulf said to himself "Stupid"
Finally meeting was over clara and gulf sat in the car. Gulf looked drained totally exhausted he didn't knew but at that moment mew was the only person on his mind. A message came on his mobile he thought alex must have sent the address but then his face turned pale looking at the number.
"Nights are for dream what if it turns into nightmare for your loved one. Imagine if every night becomes a nightmare."
Gulf felt puzzled but then mew's condition came crashing. He wasn't having any strength left now all he knew was he had to reach mew. His phone beeped with another message it was address sent by alex. Gulf gave the address to his driver
Gulf: Just drop me at this restaurant .
(To cla) You must be tired if you want you can go and rest in the room
Cla: Boss, you look more tired i think you should rest.
Gulf: No, i am just fine going to have dinner.
Cla: If you don't mind can i join in even i am hungry.
She said casually as she wanted to be with gulf knowing he wasn't looking good. Gulf didn't say anything he just closed his eyes as his head was very heavy. Cla took it as a yes.
As soon as the car stopped infront of restaurant gulf stepped out and walked towards the restaurant. Mew smiled like a 1000 watt shining bulb but then it got dim looking at super tired gulf. Finally it fused looking at a chirping cla behind gulf.
Cla was very happy looking at love they both sat beside each other while mew sat on single seat as he had to keep his leg straight due to brace. Alex made gulf to sit beside him. Technically gulf was sitting next to mew.
There was cold war between the girls and boys in silence through menu card. As girls wanted to order for their respected partner's as per them. Alex ordered for himself and sat back relaxing watching a super drama series "who is the best?"
Cla: One thai spicy basil pork belly stir fry, beef with broccoli for boss...
Mew: Honey i mean Mr Kanawut, cannot eat these..
Cla looked at mew raising an eyebrow.
Cla: Why so?
Mew: It's not good for his health. (To the waiter) You get a pad thai with shrimps avoid beans, leafy veg , broccoli.. only hand rolled pad thai...
Cla: Is boss allergic to all these but in office usually these are ordered during lunch.
Mew glared at gulf while he gulped hard knowing mew's anger. He needed to speak before mew gives him earful before everyone.
Gulf: Cla, those are phi max's favourite therefore he orders it from cafeteria. While my lunch is cooked specifically by the chef. It's just I can't eat those.
Love: It's okay cla i would eat those i like it.
She tried to make the tense environment calm. Mew held a smirk looking at clara's confidence crumble.
Mew: Also, get warm coconut cream soup for him. Make sure not much of salt is added in it.
Cla had a sullen face knowing mew had better idea about gulf then her. Love decided the dishes very confidently.
Love: sauted shrimp, spinach roll with thai sauce for mew and...
Gulf jumped in and alex was controlling his laughter with lot of effort.
Gulf: Phi, doesn't like spinach and he is allergic to shrimps. Get him chicken fried rice and thai chicken noodle soup.
Love: Won't it be too much.
Gulf shrugged his shoulder.
Gulf: We can share and eat as we do always.
Cla'a ears perked up hearing always she sat throwing daggers at mew... Love was looking at gulf with cold stares. While love also felt bad about not knowing mew even after being with him.
Alex: Hot spot...
Cla: What????
Alex (in mind): climate on the table has turned super hot.... (To waiter) hot pot
Mew and gulf didn't mind anything there was utter silence. Then to avoid the uncomfortable feeling Love started talking with cla while alex spoke to gulf about his work life and success. Mew kept his eyes on gulf tracing his features in his eyes. He was able to see gulf after such a longtime. Gulf could feel mews gaze on him but his headache was giving him tough time. Mew was internally scared to talk with gulf that he might not be comfortable or feel offended. He just wanted this time to lengthen.
Food arrived and as a habit mew picked first bite towards Gulf's mouth. Everyone was stunned looking with wide eyes. Mew later realised what he did as he was about to pull his hand back. Gulf leaned forward a bit and ate the bite. Mew smiled when gulf raised first bite from his plate towards mew he just ate it.
Cla and love didn't knew how to react. Love knew mew won't like her asking about it and cla had no right to ask her boss about it. Mew kept on filling gulf's plate and passing a glare if he denied to eat. He fed him till he was full rather till mew was satisfied he ate properly. It seemed there were only two people on the table. Mew was actually feeding gulf from his plate. Look on mew and gulf's face was priceless for the people who knew them closely.
Gulf: Phi, i ate a lot...
Mew: Eat look how pale and skinny you have turned. Just growing tall won't help you need strength also.
Gulf had no option but to eat till mew was satisfied he ate contently. While mew finished his own food.
Love and cla were offended they both always wished to have this moment with their man but these two were openly doing a public display of their emotions breaking girls heart.
Alex was very happy seeing mew and gulf together again like before. The girls were angry, anxious, curious, burning in jeslousy.. Food got over they went in for ice cream.
Alex: Gulf, what flavour should i order for you?
Mew: dark Chocolate cookie and cream 2 scoop with extra topping for honey i mean mr Kanawut.
Cla was loosing her temper slowly she was in competition mode and was all set to make mew loose the round of dessert.
Cla: Boss, doesn't eat ice cream.
Mew: Gulf, loves ice cream
Cla: (huffed): He never ate ice cream during official parties or meet ups.
Gulf: I love ice creams but had left it because i fall ill after consuming. I can't fall ill without someone to take care off. Also, that happiness of hiding from someone and eating. That person got ice cream for me even after denying being ready to take care of me after that was pricely. I ate ice cream when i felt happy when reason for happiness left then how can i eat.
Cla: So, you won't eat it right.
Gulf: I would eat today because i have someone to take care of and also reason for happiness.
Mew's heart did a pivotal jump knowing his honey was speaking about him. Love found things going ackward.
Love: Yes, cla would surely take care of you.
Cla blushed profusely when gulf didn't say anything. Gulf was out of the dreamy bubble into reality. Mew's back stiffened and expression changed at love's sentence. Dead silence prevailed on the table gulf could see anger pass on mew's eyes. Mew closed his eyes so not to burst.
Cla: Get me American nuts with jelly topping.
Love: Alex, one butterscotch for me and vanilla for mew.
Gulf: phi, doesn't like vanilla his favourite is spicy chilli or strawberry roll ice cream with fresh strawberry and chocolate topping.
Alex ran away before a world war begins between the girls and boys. He came back with ice cream seeing girls giving angry stare at boys while boys were busy in love stares at each other avoiding girls. They finished their ice cream again gulf and mew shared feeding each other obvious of girls stares. Currently nothing mattered this small gestures were making them happy. They all started walking out. Alex allowed mew to take his support.
Gulf: I will ask my driver to get the car here.
Love: My car is parked at the opposite side we would walk first then.
Gulf wanted to stop mew but he didn't want to build hope in mew's heart so he stopped. Gulf was calling his driver cla stood beside looking at her phone. Love and alex crossed the road fast but mew was left behind as the road was quite big and mew walked slowly due to injury. Gulf was looking at mew's back he was controlling his urge to go and lift mew.
Alex(shouting from other end): Mew, stay there we will get the car on that side.
Mew stopped in his track listening to alex. Being night the traffic was not there at all hardly any vehicle passed.
Gulf's driver came with the car. Clara sat on the passenger seat next to driver. No one was allowed to sit beside gulf except max. Gulf was about to sit in car when he connected his eyes closed and he saw a speeding grey sedan. His eyes opened while cold sweat broke on his forehead. He looked at mew who did not realise he was in the mid of the road.
His eyes darted around when he saw a car coming in full speed towards mew. Gulf ran as fast as he could
Gulf:(shouting): phi bear move back... Fast....
Mew turned around to see gulf running but he didn't move he turned back but didn't check on his side.. Hearing to move back mew looked towards his side and he saw a car coming towards him in full speed. It was just few inches away but mew's mind went blank as the cars flashlight hit his eyes. Gulf was on time pulling mew away from the road. As the grey sedan passed them in full speed. Gulf hugged mew with all his might. Gulf was equally tall with lean athletic bulit. His head was on mew's shoulder from where he could see behind mew. The car slow down little ahead a hand wearing black gloves came out of driver's side there was something shining on it but gulf couldn't see it clearly. The person raising his hand from drivers side window showed a middle finger as he drived away.
Gulf closed his eyes knowing it was a close encounter. Mew saw clara looking at everything standing near the car with shocked expression.
Mew: (softly): Its okay honey nothing happened i am fine.
He said trying to separate gulf but he held him tight..
Gulf: Please let me be..
Mew didn't say anything and allowed gulf to keep hugging him. Alex and love came there with the car and halted just infront of them. Love's expression sunk looking at the scene in front. She honked louder getting them to reality. Gulf softly left mew who just took deep breath knowing his safe heaven was snatched.
Love: Mewwie hop in... Alex let him sit infront... She said looking at alex who sat next to her.
Gulf: If you don't mind i would take him in my car.
Alex: Yes yes of course why would we mind... Love was passing angry glares to alex.
Gulf didn't wait for love to speak he took mew's hand around his shoulder and walked towards his car which was just close by. Cla was out of the car so she opened the passenger seat for mew but gulf asked her to sit there. He himself opened the back door adjusted the car seat pushing it behind making leg space and then allowed mew inside. He then went on otherside to get into the car. Everything was silent in the car gulf dropped his head behind to catch his heartbeat which was beating arhytmically.
Mew had sensed gulf's uneasiness he gently held his palm in his grip..They didn't need word to express or make other person feel relaxed these gestures were enough. Being tired gulf slumped a bit letting his head on mew's shoulder.
Cla: We would drop you to the hospital and go back to University boss seems very tired.
Mew smiled like an idiot watching gulf sleeping calmly resting on his shoulder: 'Yes, he is tired".
Cla was super angry looking at gulf calmly sleeping resting his head on mew's shoulder.
As the car halted at hospital entrance mew with heavy heart softly moved gulf letting his head to lean behind and came out of the car closing the door behind him. He turned around and gave a final glance at gulf who seemed to be in deep sleep. The car went away and love's car came infront of him.
Mew: Love, they won't allow two people to stay i think you should go and rest. I would meet you in the dorm by morning. Alex would stay with me tonight so you have nothing to worry.
Love didn't knew what to say so she just agreed. Alex came out and helped mew to his room.
Mew was just sitting on bed thinking about gulf. Alex sat on the couch he was feeling tired attending patients since yesterday. The door opened making a squeaky sound and gulf stood infront of them all sleepy, tired, drained. Mew felt concerned for him but looking at cla who came running catching her breath behind him he didn't move.
Cla: Boss, what's wrong? why did you come back as if something terrible was going to happen.
Mew narrowed his eyes on the sentence.
Mew: What happened?
Cla looked between both the males looking at each other. As gulf didn't say anything she spoke.
Cla: Don't know as we reached a little ahead boss jolted awake due to jerk. When he didn't find you beside he demanded to come back to hospital. Then he starred running as soon as he got down from the car.
Mew rose from his bed looking at gulf standing at one place. He looked pale, scared as if he would pass out any time.
Mew: (softly): Mr Kanawut
No response while gulf just raised his eyes and looked into mews. It was glistening with tears... With all love he gently caressed gulf's cheek.
Mew: Honey baby what's the matter?
Cla went bersk hearing all the sugar coated word.(in mind) Is this man some kind of pervert? May be he has hypnotised boss.... How can he call bossy honey, baby.... He is touching boss's face...eehhharghhh... I can't take this... Idiot
She wanted to reprimand but gulped her words down her throat when a soft voice whispered beside her.
Gulf: Phi bear, i am... Scared...
Mew could see his little gulf who late in the night stood by his door shivering when he had Nightmares. His honey who could sleep peacefully only in his arms. Gulf had surely grown up showing the world how strong he was but inside he still had that little gulf hiding who would run in his phi's arm when scared.
Gulf: i am just so tired hold me please.
Alex went in shock looking at clara's expression. Mew cared for none right now he put his arms around gulf taking him in a hug. Who just left his body in his arms. Without wasting a second he lifted gulf to the bed making him lie down. He gently patted his face but he was unconcious.
Mew: Honey open your eyes you are scaring phi...
Mew went on to check gulf's pulse, then heart beat. He pulled his eye lids checking. He was doing everything calmly without panicking.
Clara stood beside alex in panic mode she wanted to raise a alarm but didn't watching mew.
Cla: Is he a doctor?
Alex: No, but he is trained under para medics as his both parents are reknowned doctor. No one knows nong gulf's condition better then him.
Cla couldn't keep things to herself so she spoke up.
Cla: May be he is just too tired didn't have food also properly in the afternoon. Upon that unwanted fight and stress might have taken toll on his health.
Mew looking at alex.
Mew: Go and get the doctor ask them to prepare for blood transfusion. I will let them know about his blood group and other allergies.
Alex dashed out to get doctor.
Cla: Are you out of your mind?
She spoke a little louder....
Mew: Speak softly you might startle him. He doesn't like anyone raising their voice on me.
Cla: You appear like some fake magician right now. He has just fainted due to tiredness probably an IV would work why blood transfusion.
Mew: Lady, i would request you not to speak in matter you don't know about.
Cla: You speak as if you are an expert in medical field.
Mew: I may not be expert in medical field but i surely know what's wrong with him.
Mew said holding Gulfs hand proudly.
Cla: over confident self... I know him better then you..
Mew: I don't argue with stupid people. Right now he needs me and i have to keep myself calm.
Doctor came inside in the meantime. Kindly people who are not related go out so i can check him. Cla had to go out with alex but at the door she turned back again.
Cla: Aren't you coming out?
Mew(proudly): doctor sir said outsiders and I am his family.
There was no comparison of anger that cla felt on her insult. Alex had laughter session whole day today due the girl v/s boys but right now he felt overwhelmed with emotions hearing mew.
Mew: Doctor he is suffering from beta thalassemia. He has two transfusions in a month every 15 days may be he was slotted and missed the day. His blood group is rare if it's not available you can take mine we have same blood group. He is allergic to heavy anti pyretics and he is weak currently.
Doctor listened patiently while checking gulf.
Dr: Take a deep breath and calm down. We are not delayed everything is fine i will make arrangement for the transfusion. You both are too much concerned about each other.
Doctor left while mew sat next to gulf looking at his sleeping figure.
Mew: You have done enough self harm I am not letting you away from myself anymore.....
Mew sat throughout till transfusion was done. Once it was done he saw alex had already slept on the opposite bed. He gently took place beside gulf who inadvertently turned and snuggled into mew gaining his warmth. Mew smiled and slept keeping him close to himself.
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