“You’re sweet like honey,”
“But I don’t like honey,”
The older smiled and pulled the blond closer, “But I like honey and I like you, so my angel, you are sweet like honey,”
The blond hummed, “Would you still love me if I was a bee?”
“Mm, as long as you aren’t like the bee from that movie,”
Felix laughed softly and draped his leg over Hyunjin’s hip, “I should get up. I have work,”
Hyunjin looked at the clock, it was getting late and as much as he loved holding his beautiful Fiance, they had work.
“When will you be home?” Hyunjin asked.
“7:30-8ish this client is really… picky. What about you?” Felix asked, finally getting out of bed.
Hyunjin stood up and followed Felix into their closet, “Around 4 or 5, do you think that you’ll have time around 6:30 to grab dinner?”
Felix hummed and began to pick out an outfit out, “If you mean a quick seven-eleven dinner then yeah. Blue or pink?”
“Pink. How picky is the bride?” Hyunjin questioned.
“We’ve gone through four food vendors, she fired them all and we are looking at a new vendor. I am hoping this one sticks, but also scared it won’t so I lined up another vendor just in case,” Felix told him, pulling on his sweater.
“How about this, I will pick up some tacos and swing by for a quick dinner, then when you get home I will have a warm bath ready with a nice cup of tea and I will make sure all the wedding stuff is put away in it’s nice hidden spot,”
Felix smiled and gave Hyunjin a peck on the lips, “That sounds great, but it’s not so hidden when I see it when I grab a shirt from your drawer,”
Hyunjin laughed a little and rested his hands on Felix’s waist, “I will hide it in a better place. Do you have enough time for breakfast at least?” He asked.
“Not today, I have a meeting with Minho and Jisung about the photos and videos, and you don’t need to hide it, as soon as this wedding is done it will be less stressful and I will be able to help plan,” Felix said.
Hyunjin shook his head, “We made a deal, I plan the wedding and you relax. You plan enough weddings, I don’t want you to stress about ours too,”
“Fine, but if you need the names of any vendors or venues, tell me. I have all the nam-” Hyunjin kissed Felix, effectively cutting him off.
He pulled away a sweet smile on his lips, “I will call Minjeong if I need any names. Now, go finish getting ready,”
Felix nodded, “I will see you after work. I love you,”
“I love you. See you after work, my honey,” Hyunjin said.
Felix smiled and walked to the bathroom.
The younger was out the door first making sure to give Hyunjin a kiss goodbye as he left.
As soon as Hyunjin closed the door, he called Minjeong, “Hey, I am about to leave, are we still on to meet?”
“Yeah, I am on my way to the place now, they have everything set up for you to look at,” Minjeong said.
Hyunjin nodded, “I should be there in ten minutes,”
“Okay, see you there,”
The two hung up and Hyunjin collected his things to take to meet Minjeong.
Everything was going right.
“Hey!” Jisung beamed seeing his best friend.
Felix smiled, “Hey, how are you guys?”
“Tired, Melody has colic,” Minho muttered.
“Yup, the only reason I am up right is because I have had coffee,” Jisung stated.
Felix chuckled, “Well, I won’t keep you long. I just need to go over a few details for the wedding,”
Minho and Jisung nodded.
“So, the bride wants a video as she and the groom are getting married. She wants the usual family photos and bridal party and grooms party photos. She also wants a video of the groom first seeing her in the dress,” Felix told them.
“Seems too easy, what’s the catch?” MInho questioned.
“The bride wants absolutely no photos of the grooms daughter, but groom wants photos and a video especially since there is a dance between him and his daughter,”
Jisung nodded, “Who is paying for the photography?” he asked.
“Bride's father and he is livid, he has threatened to not pay if she keeps acting like this given all the circumstances,” The blond said.
“We go with what the father is saying, he is the one paying for our services and if the bride doesn’t like it, whatever. The groom deserves photos of his daughter at the wedding,” Minho stated firmly.
Felix nodded, “Sounds good to me,”
“Now that business is over, let’s talk about personal. How is your wedding planning going?” Jisung asked.
“Honestly? I have no clue. Hyunjin is planning everything. It is our deal, he plans, I relax,”
“So you have no clue how anything is going?” Minho questioned.
The younger shook his head, “He is planning everything from the food to the flowers. He knows what I like, I trust him,”
“Aw, that is so sweet. Why don’t you do that for me?” Jisung questioned Minho.
Minho narrowed his eyes at his husband, “We have been married for two years and have been dating for nearly ten. I take you on dates every friday, we have a kid together. What do you mean ‘why don’t I do that for you’?”
Jisung smiled and laughed a little, his cheeks bunching up, “Point taken,”
Felix chuckled and looked at his watch, he had to meet with the bride.
He really couldn’t wait to be back in Hyunjin’s arms.
“Wow, that is a lot of yellow,” Minjeong said looking at all the samples.
Hyunjin nodded and looked at all the different shades.
“Mustard yellow is a big no. Dandelion yellow, honey yellow, and the pastel baby yellow, are a yes though,” Hyunjin said.
Minjeong pursed her lips, “How about we do white tablecloths with the pastel blue trims. Honey yellow tapers with gold holders. As for flowers we can go with white roses, light blue hydrangeas, and sunflowers. It keeps to the theme you were talking about but is not as yellow,”
Hyunjin thought about it for a moment. It did and it was not as overwhelming.
“That is much better than what I was thinking, it isn’t as overwhelming,”
Minjeong chuckled, “How about drinks? I know you guys want to keep it alcohol-free,”
The taller nodded, “We want to do mocktails with other options like coffee, tea, juice, soda,” he told her.
“Since the drinks and food are literally the last part and we have the vendors lined up, do you have a list I can give them as soon as we hire them?” She asked.
Hyunjin pulled out a paper and gave it to her.
She looked over it and smiled. It was cute.
“And no honey in the honey-comb shaped cakes?” she confirmed.
“No honey, Felix isn’t too big of a fan of it,” Hyunjin said.
Minjeong nodded, “I will get this to the vendors,”
“Thank you Minjeong for all the help, really,”
The woman smiled, “Felix has been planning weddings for years and to be honest I am just glad he is finally getting his happy ending and that I get to take part in making it happen,” she said.
“All the weddings he’s planned, he finally gets to have his own wedding, I can’t wait to be honest,” Hyunjin said
“Three months,”
Three months and they’d be married.
Felix huffed as he walked through the threshold of his and Hyunjin’s place. It was a very long day and all he wanted was Hyunjin.
“Jinnie,” He called out.
Hyunjin came out of their bedroom, a smile on his face, “Hey, angel,”
Felix practically threw himself at Hyunjin, “Tired,” He mumbled
“Bath is ready, go relax, I am going to finish cooking dinner,” Hyunjin said.
“Ah, I am sorry for cancelling our dinner thing, had to go over table sample again only to land back on the one we had before,”
“It is okay, I got to cook which I don’t get to do often. Now, go enjoy that nice warm bubble bath, I will get you once dinner is done,”
Felix hummed and leaned up and kissed Hyunjin softly. Once he pulled away, he didn’t want to let go.
He liked Hyunjin’s warm embrace.
“We can cuddle more later, honey,” Hyunjin whispered.
The blond whined a little, but he let go. He would enjoy his bath and wait for dinner. To be honest, he could skip over all these things and just go straight to cuddling, but Hyunjin would protest and say he should relax after the day he has had.
Three hours later he was in Hyunjin’s arms, his head laying on the older’s bare chest as the older played with his hair.
“So you know about my day, how was yours?”
“Wedding invitations are sent, and everything is ready for us to get married on our desired date at our venue in three months,” Hyunjin said.
Felix lifted his head and looked at Hyunjin confused, “You’re already done?”
“To be fair, Minjeong helped a lot especially with the table settings and the vendors, but yeah, everything is ready,”
“You truly are the perfect man,” Felix said.
Hyunjin laughed a little, “I just know you really well and know what you will like. So this was easy, From the mocktails to the colours,”
“So, you were able to get yellow in without it looking odd?”
“It took a minute, but Minjeong helped a lot,” Hyunjin told him.
Felix hummed, “Can I see a picture?”
The older kissed the blond softly.
“Not until our wedding,” He said softly.
The blond pouted, but he was excited.
All he had to do was wait three months.
“You’re getting married tomorrow are you excited?” Jisung asked, bouncing Melody on his hip.
Felix took a shaky breath, “If you mean absolutely terrified, totally,” he said.
Jisung’s eyes widened seeing the panic on Felix's face.
“Lix, don’t panic, you love Hyunjin and have wanted to marry him since like sixth grade,”
“Yeah, but I never thought that I would actually do so, I mean he was like popular in school and got asked out like crazy, the fact that he accepted my date was surprising til this day,” Felix rambled.
This was not good. Why couldn’t this have happened two weeks ago not the night before.
Jisung placed Melody in her playpen and sat with Felix.
“If I remember correctly, you had guys and girls stumbling after you too. You were also quite popular and if I am not mistaken one of those guys was completely enamoured with you was him. He was just too chicken to ask you out,”
“Does this seem crazy?”
Jisung held Felix’s hands, “No, I have seen you two together and it is like a bee and honey. It is just right,”
“You do know that bees eat the honey,” Felix said.
“Well you’re his honey and he’s the bee,” Jisung stated, squeezing Felix's hands with a chuckle.
Felix laughed softly.
“In all seriousness though, he loves you and you love him. Nothing about this is crazy,”
Felix hugged JIsung tightly, “Thank you, for being here with me and calming me down,”
“I’m your best friend, that is what we do. That is what you did for me, so that is what I’ll do for you because you are getting married tomorrow and you should have support,”
The blond pulled away, “I am getting married tomorrow,” he whispered.
“You’re getting married tomorrow, how do you feel?” Minho questioned.
“Excited, I get to marry the love of my life,” Hyunjin said with a smile.
Minho nodded, “I will be holding the barf bag tomorrow along with toothpaste and a toothbrush,”
The younger laughed.
“I’m serious. I barfed like five times when Jisung and I got married,”
“I don’t know about barfing, but crying will definitely happen,” Hyunjin said.
“I’ll carry tissues too,” Minho said.
Hyunjin took a breath, “To be honest, while I am excited, I am also a little nervous. I’ve loved him for years, it feels surreal that we are getting married,”
Minho smiled, “You two are great together, like bees and honey,” he said.
“You do realise that bees eat honey?” Hyunjin questioned.
The older shrugged, “You’re the bee, he is the honey,”
Hyunjin chuckled.
“Seriously though, you guys love each other and everything will be perfect tomorrow,”
The ravenet nodded.
Tomorrow would be perfect. Their wedding would be perfect.
It was perfect.
All of it.
Chan walked both Hyunjin and Felix down the aisle.
They didn’t write their own vows, but that was fine because the speeches were coming up. Seungmin and Jeongin sung a song. Jisung and Minho gave embarrassing speeches. Chan and Changbin gave very dad-like speeches.
Now, it was Hyunjin and Felix’s turn for speeches.
Felix stood on stage looking at his now husband with a smile, “First, I would like to thank all of you beautiful people for coming and second, I love you, Hyunjin.
When we are young we tend to dream of our perfect wedding and most of the time it is completely different. I can definitely say that my perfect wedding when I was younger had a lot more cookies,” Felix said with a chuckle.
Hyunjin laughed softly, he does remember that coming up one or twice.
“But to be honest, I am pretty sure the cake could fall and it wouldn't matter to me, because I got to marry the love of my life. Something that if you knew me back in high school, I wished on dandelions for.
I plan weddings day in and day out and I see so many different couples and sometimes they work other times they don't, but there is a love that only comes once in a lifetime and I am so glad that it is you for me, Hyunjin.
When I look at you, I see forever and truly cannot wait for our next adventure. I love you, Hyunjinnie,”
Hyunjin wiped his tears and stood up. He quickly embraced his husband.
“Ah, this is why I didn't want speeches, I knew I was going to cry,” Hyunjin said.
Felix laughed softly and kissed Hyunjin softly.
Hyunjin pulled away and took a deep breath, “My turn for a speech,”
The younger nodded and sat down at their table as Hyunjin went on stage to do his speech.
It was nerve-wracking.
“I would first like to thank you all for coming and I would like to say I hope you enjoy yourselves. Now, I would like to move on to my beautiful husband. We met very young.
We grew up together and we watched each other get into different relationships, now while everyone said you and Hongjoong were the perfect couple. I beg to differ, but that is because I got the last laugh and married you, sorry Hongjoong,”
“Not forgiven, I challenge you to a duel!” That man called out warning a light hit from his own husband, causing everyone to laugh.
Hyunjin took a breath and just looked at Felix, “Now to be a bit more serious, Felix you are my soulmate. You are my everything. If the world was ending it is you I would run to, it is you who I would be with and hold.
I love you, my angel. You are my kryptonite. You are my honey even if you don't like honey. I am so happy that we are finally married and I cannot wait to embark on our next journey,”
Hyunjin quickly got off stage to go to Felix. He wiped the younger's tears and kissed him soft and gentle.
“I love you, Hyunjinnie,”
“I love you, angel,”
~several years later~
“Honey, dinner!” Hyunjin called out.
Giggles reached Hyunjin’s ears as footsteps approached.
He turned around and smiled seeing his four year old daughter, “There is my Honey. Where is your papa, hm?” He asked, picking the girl up.
She hid her face in Hyunjin's neck as she laughed some more, her curly hair tickling Hyunjin’s nose.
Felix came in baby powder all over his clothes.
“I come out of the bathroom after giving her a bath and she has the baby powder, you can only guess what happened,” Felix said.
Hyunjin pursed his lips trying not to burst out laughing.
“Honey, you aren't supposed to do that to papa,” Hyunjin said, bouncing the girl a little.
She looked up pouting then pointed an accusatory finger at Hyunjin, “You did first,”
“You did it first?” Felix questioned, a brow raised.
“Honey! You weren't supposed to tell papa,”
Felix narrowed his eyes at his husband, “Honey, who did daddy do that to?”
“Kitty!” Honey said.
The younger laughed a little.
“That definitely didn't end well,” he said.
“He poured his coffee on me after,” Hyunjin said.
Felix sighed, “Okay, well no more playing with baby powder,”
The girl pouted, but quickly lit up when she saw her dinner.
Hyunjin sat her in her chair to let her eat.
Felix and Hyunjin stood off to the side and watched her for a moment.
“How much work do you have tomorrow?” Hyunjin questioned.
“Just gotta send some emails, you?” Felix said.
“Meeting for a consultation then I am free,”
Felix nodded, “Honey, is in pre-k until one so we have some time for ourselves,”
“Wanna go on a date?”
The blond smiled, “Sounds fun,”
“Daddy!” Honey called out.
“Yes, my Honey?” He asked.
“I thought I was your Honey? Felix questioned.
“You are my angel,” Hyunjin said.
Felix smiled, “Okay, I'll take it,”
Hyunjin chuckled and walked over to Honey.
Felix watched the two.
This was perfect in every way possible.
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