Such a tough thought.
It's a pity,
We wish fantasy was real
When it's not.
Such a tough thought,
Knowing the real world is hard.
We wish fantasy was real when it's not,
We brush off reality with disregard.
Knowing the real world
Is hard.
Dreams get smashed and shattered,
Brushed off with disregard.
Nobody notices you're left in tatters.
Dreams get smashed and shattered
As you realize
What you want,
What you need,
The real world can't give you.
Nobody notices you're left in tatters,
Left alone like an old shoe.
What you want and need, the real world can't give you.
So, you live in books.
Isolated, left alone like an old shoe
As nobody even looks.
You live in books.
Nobody cares.
Nobody even looks.
Who would dare?
Nobody cares
That you've finally come to this realization,
That you finally want to flourish.
Would you dare?
No. You sit alone. When you speak it sounds like gibberish.
You finally want to flourish,
To be noticed,
To be heard.
But everything you say sounds like gibberish.
You and your weird obsession, go away you nerd.
I want to be notice, to be heard.
But I'm too quiet.
After all, I'm just a nerd.
God, it just makes me want to riot!
I'm too quiet.
Too serious and reserved, follow the rules, do what I'm told.
God, it just makes me want to riot!
To throw chairs, scream, scream until I'm dying and old!
Too serious and reserved, follow the rules, do what I'm told.
But that's not me. That's just how I act in public. In my mind,
I'm throwing chairs and screaming until I'm dying and old.
But it's okay, I keep it all confined.
In my mind,
I have a whole new world.
I keep it all confined,
Secure, so it will never come unfurled.
I have a whole new world
Where I'm not afraid to speak.
It will never come unfurled
Because I never let it leak.
Where I'm not afraid to speak,
I'm happy. In my fictional life.
I never let it leak,
Or that will be like stabbing it with a knife.
In my fictional life
I have to keep it to myself.
Or else it'll be stabbed with a knife.
I like life on the bookshelf.
I have to keep it to myself
Because others will think I'm not normal.
I like life on the bookshelf
With all the paranormal.
Others will think I'm not normal,
Pretending to be with
All the paranormal.
But it's all a myth.
Pretending to be
In a life
Outside of reality.
But it's all a myth,
Made by irrationality.
In a life,
Outside of reality,
It's a pity,
That it was made by irrationality.
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