Chapter 4
Tonight seemed to have Louis on edge. He was restless, uncomfortable and overall annoyed. He had attempted to sit down and watch some television but of fucking course there was nothing to watch. Louis switched the television off before throwing the remote to the other side of the couch, huffing to himself. He made his way upstairs to get changed out of his work clothes. Today was a bit different than other days, it's not every day he sees a student getting beaten to a pulp. It pretty much traumatised him to be honest, he hadn't seen that much blood in a really long time. However, he had made some improvement on the new kid in his class, "Harry Styles". He didn't hate the kid, but he didn't like him either. He couldn't put his finger on what he didn't like about the boy. It was his personality, his face, or his presence, perhaps the whole entire 3. He didn't mind Harry until he had found out he had a boyfriend. Louis wasn't homophobic, or at least he didn't think so. He'd taught gay students in classes before, but Harry was different. Why was Louis thinking about his student after school anyway?
Louis pushed the thought of Harry out of his mind, and slid his shirt off, before looking in the mirror. His reflection showed his sun kissed skin, and his perfectly carved muscles and his hard stomach. He began to unzip his jeans before grabbing a fresh pair of jocks, and having a quick shower. He had so many stupid pieces of assessment to mark, before a certain date but he needed a distraction for a while. He'd start it once he came home from the movies. He had organised this night with his long term girlfriend Eleanor Calder.
They had met roughly 3 years ago, when he first attended university. It's funny because they were two totally different people, studying 2 different degrees but somehow it had worked, this after anyway. Eleanor was studying in Law and Criminal Justice but also worked part-time as a model. She was strikingly beautiful with her long chestnut hair, and bright almond shaped hazel eyes. She had a thin, heart shaped face, and was only a little short than Louis. She modelled on a Thursday night, and usually Louis would go watch her, but today was Tuesday, and Tuesday was their movie night.
Once Louis had quickly had a shower, he send Eleanor a quick text.
Louis: What movie are we seeing?
Eleanor: I'm not entirely sure. I saw Perks of Being a Wallflower was on, that seems alright.
Louis: Seems perfect!
Eleanor: Just finished reading the book actually aha
Louis: Any good?
Eleanor: Amazing. I'll be over in 15. See you then x
Louis had to make this quick, he didn't want to keep Eleanor waiting. He dried his hair with the towel, and changed into a pair of dark denim jeans and a navy blue shirt, with white converse. He didn't bother with styling his hair, he didn't have enough time, and wasn't dressing to impress to be honest. He jogged downstairs, and decided to make himself a small glass of orange juice, to help him while he half-assed looked at some of the assignments. The first name he did notice however, was Harry Styles. He brought it closer to him. He was slightly astounded at how smooth Harry's writing was, and so easy to read. The first chapter was by far an A+. He quickly shoved it back in the pile when he heard the front door open. He spun around and stood up, smiling as Eleanor walked in. He walked towards her, and hugging her gently, kissing her gently.
"Hey babe," Louis smiles
"Hey, how's your night been?"
"It's been pretty boring actually, you ready to go?" He asks, and she nods
Louis stuffed his phone and wallet into his pocket before nodding and leading her out the door, closing it behind him. Eleanor looked extraordinary tonight. She wore a plain white t-shirt, and short denim shorts and white canvas shoes. Her hair had been dip dyed blonde and it was curled into little ringlets. She wore a light pink bracelet and had diamond studded earrings. She looked simple yet breathtakingly beautiful. He unlocks Eleanor's car and jumps in, waiting for Eleanor to close the door. He drives off fast, and doesn't really speak. He's not in the mood to speak, which is odd.
"How's the school going?" Eleanor looks at Louis, placing a hand gently on Louis' leg
Louis let out a long deep breath, clenching his jaw.
So fucked up.
"Just like every school," Louis shrugs, after a long pause
"Really? Last time I checked, you really loved it there, is a student bothering you?" She begins to slowly rub his leg.
Louis wanted to swat her hand away, he wasn't in the mood for any of this shit tonight. He just wanted to sleep but here he was talking about school. He wasn't going to come out and tell her that he hated the new gay kid, because he didn't HATE the poor kid, he took an unliking to him. But that was not really something he was going to admit out loud, especially to Eleanor. She'd think he was insane.
"No! of course not, the kids there are as amazing as ever. I just haven't been sleeping lately, so many assignments to do," He takes her hand so she doesn't keep rubbing his leg
"We could of done movie night another night, I would have let you work!"
"No trust me, I need this," Louis sighs
The cinemas aren't too far away, which is convenient. It took roughly 5 minutes to pull into a parking space. As they parked outside the cinemas, the pair walked inside hand in hand. On a Tuesday night, you'd expect hardly anyone to be there, but since it was the opening of "Perks of being a wallflower" there were heaps of people. Eleanor and Louis walked over to the line and that's when Louis heard a familiar chuckle; His heart starting beating erratically as he froze on the spot. He didn't want to turn around and see who it was, because he was almost positive it was who he thought it was. He looked over his shoulder, and noticed the curly haired, green eyed boy with an older boy. Harry and his boyfriend Nick.
Louis literally loses sense of his surroundings and has to look away before he vomits. There is no way this is happening. Louis looks back quickly, he sees the bruised eye of Harry, and clenches his jaw. It's happening.
"You okay Louis?" Eleanor places a hand on Louis' back and eyes his face carefully.
"Yeah, yeah, just zoned out for a second," Louis blinks a few times
The line took a while but eventually Eleanor and Louis got their tickets and when he heard Harry ask for 2 tickets to see the same movie, his heart faltered. This was supposed to be a night between him and his girlfriend. He didn't want Harry and Nick ruining it. But He shrugged it off, Harry was just a student, and Harry hadn't even noticed Louis so Louis may as well pretend that Harry wasn't even there. When they walked into the cinema, Louis and Eleanor took their seats and Louis noticed that Harry and Nick were sitting a row in front to the side. If Harry turned his head, he'd see Louis and Eleanor straight on. Louis switched off his phone, along with Eleanor and the ads for the beginning of the movie began. Louis' eyes slowly drifted over down to the younger curly haired boy, and noticed how aggressive they were kissing. He saw Harry's hands running through Nick's black hair, while Nick's hands were resting at the back of Harry's neck. Louis felt his stomach lurch into his throat and anger start pulsing through him. He coughed loudly, loudly enough for Harry and Nick to pull apart alarmed. Harry looked up to see who was coughing, and his eyes widened with panic as he met gazes with Mr Tomlinson. Harry's throat closed up and he quickly moved his gaze to the screen.
This has to be some kind of fucked up joke.
That's not Mr Tomlinson.
Harry looks back quickly, and is startled when he sees Mr Tomlinson scowling back. Harry leans back into his chair, nausea settling deep in his stomach.
"You okay Harry? You look like you just saw a ghost?" Nick chuckles, elbowing him gently, completely forgetting about the rib. Harry flinches at the pain, and bites his lip to stop from yelling.
"I'm fine you douche! The cough just startled me,"
"It was pretty loud,"
It takes no more than 10 seconds before he's kissing Harry again. Harry doesn't want to say no and cause an argument right now, but he feels sick to his stomach knowing his teacher is watching this right now. fuck. That's all that Harry could think of. Mr Tomlinson was going to kill him. He didn't even know Mr Tomlinson was here especially with his girlfriend... the last thing he'd want is to see Harry and his boyfriend pashing. That's what they did at the movies; they kissed, quite a lot actually. Nick could barely keep his hands off Harry. Harry just was so beautiful.
Louis stares angrily at the screen as the movie started, and within 15 minutes, he felt Eleanor's hand gently running up his thigh. He frowned and turned to her, she turned her head to him, a smirk on her lips.
"W-What are you doing?" He stutters, blue eyes widened with horror
"I don't know," She chuckles, her fingers brushing over Louis' sensitive spot
"Well you clearly have an idea," Louis breathes, agitation settling in his voice
Louis' air got trapped in his throat but then Eleanor started kissing at his neck, sucking and nipping gently. He felt the moan building in his throat, but then his eyes darted over to Harry. He noticed that Nick was practically having sex with him. Well no of course, they weren't, they were fully clothed, but they were fully making out. Eleanor bit down on Louis' collarbone, causing Louis to cough again, to hide his moan. Harry's green eyes flickered over to Louis and he felt something stir inside him as he saw the clingy brunette girl basically sucking his neck. It made him uncomfortable and he didn't know why. It was his teacher for god's sake. He'd get uncomfortable if he saw any other teachers and their partners making out in the movies. He was sure that Louis was uncomfortable seeing his student making out with his boyfriend. Nick suddenly bit down hard on Harry's shoulder, causing a loud gasp to escape his lips.
"N-Nick, what are you doing?" Harry pushes Nick back
"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Nick whispers, his thumb brushing the bite mark
"Yeah," Harry's eyes narrow, lips slightly pouting
"I'm-I'm sorry. I'd never hurt you on purpose,"
"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second," Harry pressed a soft kiss to Nick's lips before jogging down to the bathroom.
He can't get out of here fast enough. He wants to ask Nick if they could just go home and watch netflix or something but then again, watching movies at home would lead to Nick pestering for other things.Louis notices Harry leave his seat and the cinema in a rush, obviously to the bathroom and he'd heard the loud gasp that had escaped Harry as well. He waited for a further minute before excusing himself.
"Babe, can we not do this now. Can we just enjoy the movie? I will be back in a tick, I kind of forget to go to the bathroom beforehand,"
Eleanor visibly deflates, but smiles.
"Yeah, don't take too long,"
Louis stands up, his knees feel extremely week and he isn't sure what to do. He wants to demand Harry to stop, as it's not the place for it. But what's that going to be taken as? "You can't kiss your boyfriend or show him any love in my general vicinity"? This wasn't school, Louis didn't have the right to boss the boy around but he wasn't going to sit and watch the movie and have that type of distractions happening. He wouldn't want it with anyone.
He jogs out of the cinema and into the boy's bathroom. Harry jolts as the door flung open and after he had just dried his face. He had splashed his face with cold water and wiped the bite mark that was already bruising. His eyes darted over to the door and he felt his chest tighten as Mr Tomlinson walked in. Mr Tomlinson's dark blue eyes made eye contact with Harry's bright green ones.
There's a second or so of silence. Louis feels more uncomfortable than ever.
"Fancy seeing you here Mr Tomlinson," Harry was the first to speak, but it was almost a squeak
"Yeah, I guess. Are you having fun watching the movie?"
"I- yeah, It's a good movie,"
Louis raises an eyebrow.
"I didn't think you were watching the movie, you seemed fairly pre-occupied," He smirks
"As were you,"
"True," Louis smirked, washing his face
"Shouldn't you be at home working on homework or something?" Louis asks the younger kid
"I finished my homework with Nick when I went home," Harry answers
"You should be at home resting, you took quite a beating today," Louis swallows
Louis didn't realize he was staring at Harry's lips in utter silence for a few moments too long, until Harry cleared his throat. Louis felt discomfort growing in the pit of his stomach.
"Is there something you wanted Mr Tomlinson?" Harry asks
"Just call me Louis- only if you see me outside school,"
"Okay Mr- I mean Louis," Harry corrects himself
Harry felt himself looking at Louis' neck and thinking about what it'd be like the suck on his soft skin, and then he thought about running his hands through his teachers bronze hair and his abs that were so clearly defined from his navy shirt. He snapped out of his trance when it was Louis' turn to clear his throat. Harry hated Mr Tomlinson; he couldn't look at Mr Tomlinson like that. That'd be weird. He was in love with Nick anyway. Louis stared at Harry, raising an eyebrow as Harry's gaze dropped to the floor and went bright red.
"Well we don't want to leave our dates waiting any longer, I just had to wash my face," Louis says carefully, thinking of what to say , before walking towards the door.
"Uh- yeah, same," Harry began following him.
Harry stared at Louis' back, and felt him throat close up as he thought about clawing those perfectly sculptured muscles on his back. He'd never thought about a teacher this way, and it was obvious Mr Tomlinson was a homophobic so there was no chance in hell that it was going to happen. Louis walked in fast, and Harry waited outside, carefully counting to a minute, making sure it wasn't suspicious and then made his way to his seat. Harry made sure he didn't kiss Nick, just held his hand in the dark. It was surprising because Nick didn't kiss him either. And the same went for Louis and Eleanor.
Louis actually thought the movie was great, but once it finished, he noticed Harry and Nick literally almost sprint out of the cinema. Eleanor waited until the credits finished, which infuriated Louis but at least the boy would be gone then. Eleanor ended up dropping Louis home, but it took a while for Louis to get into the house because Eleanor wouldn't detach herself from his lips.
"I wish we could babe, but I have papers to mark,"
Any excuse to get her off him right now.
"There's always tomorrow night, you go and do that! I love you," She kisses him one last time
"I love you too,"
Louis quickly climbed out of the car and made his way into his place. He was still shaken from seeing Harry there. It made him angry because he couldn't even fucking get out for the night and escape without Harry making an appearance. It wasn't late enough for Louis to sleep yet, so he decided to do some marking while he can. The first paper on the pile, is of course Harry's. Harry's writing was amazing, easily an A+. The second part of the essay however, he didn't even start, which instantly made him go from an A to uncompleted, which was an immediate F. Harry had failed his first exam of the semester. The thought of texting Harry briefly crossed his mind but then again, he'd be sacked in a second. He'd find Harry tomorrow, when he's doing his detention and discuss it further.
He reads through one or two other assessments, that are alright but not the best writing that he's seen. He doesn't want to see anyone fail, so he decides to give them a pass, noting that they need to focus more in class and on the elements needed rather than just winging it. He doesn't do it for long because he wants to go to bed, he wants to forget today happened. There was something about seeing Harry being treated like trash that triggered him, psychologically it was fucking him up, bringing back memories of his past. But before they could get worse, he was forcing a sleeping pill down him throat and climbing into bed. Hopefully escaping the memories that were clouding his mind.
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