Chapter 3
It was way too early to be dealing with this shit today. After a brutal argument with Nick last night, Harry had the worst sleep of his entire life. To his luck, Nick was still nice enough to drop Harry off at the gates of school on his way through, but it just meant he was here 30 minutes before his usual time and he felt so tired and quite frankly, disgusting. The only thing that was keeping him in a better mood was knowing that his two best friends Niall and Ed are always at school early, so he had a decent amount of time to vent.
For the first time in what felt like a year, Cheshire wasn't actually raining. The sky was clear, and Harry wasn't miserable and soaked in rain. He was able to wear his uniform, without a giant coat. It was considerably warm which was great. It wasn't too far to the courts where Niall and Ed usually sat around and much to Harry's delight, both the boys were sitting at the table but appeared in a serious conversation. He saw the blonde haired lad roll his eyes as Ed frowned and as Harry drew closer, Niall looked at the boy.
"Hey Harry," Ed turns to him, a wide smile on his face.
Harry smiled back, placing his bag on the floor and taking a seat next to his best mate.
"Hey you two,"
"How'd the night go with Nick?" Niall questions, moving his eyebrows up and down
"It was great," Harry replies flatly
"Did you finally get in?"
Ed gently nudges Harry as a joke while he speaks.Harry's eyes almost popped out of head and he felt himself choke on disgust. This was always an ongoing joke between the two of them. If it wasn't Nick pushing for it, Niall and Ed would question it or joke about it. It was getting to the point Harry was just going to ditch his morals, sleep with the boy just to shut everyone up.
"No, I've told him where I stand on this," Harry looks at them both sternly
"Are you literally going to wait until you graduate?" Niall frowns
"Why not? I've got education to worry about and I'm happy and Nick's happy and that's all that matters,"
Niall rolled his eyes and pulled a brown paper bag out of his school bag. Harry watched as he began to eat a ham and cheese croissant. There was a high chance that Niall had eaten about 10 times this morning, but was still hungry. Harry doesn't understand how a kid so small can eat so much. He must be blessed.
"What classes do we have today?"
Ed raises a finger, grabbing his bag. He quickly ruffled through the mess, and smiled to himself as he quickly pulled out his planner and looked at his classes. His smile did falter, and a look of disgust crossed his face as he shoved it back in his bag.
"I have Maths, Biology, Double Music and History," Ed groans, leaning forward and resting his face on his hand.
"Well, at least you have double music, I have Chemistry, Maths, Geography and Music," Niall shrugs his shoulders
Harry looks at his schedule and he felt himself grumble in anger as he realized that he had a double drama lesson, middle period. It just happened to be that fate was really testing him lately. He was going to find whoever fate was, and punch them in the face.
"What do you have?" Niall looks over Harry's shoulder
"History, Double Drama, Music and Ancient History,"
"Oh wow, you have a classic day," Niall rolls his eyes, patting Harry gently on the shoulder.
Harry didn't reply, and just ran a hand through his hair and yawned loudly. There was without a doubt a chance he was going to fall asleep in class, and he had his bets on drama.
"You look like a bag of dicks, what's up?" Ed nudges Harry again
"I didn't sleep much last night,"
"Why? You had your little buddy to cuddle up to?" Niall's face falls as Harry glares at him
"You know, if looks could kill, I would have fallen on my face. What happened last night?"
"It's just...we had a really big argument. He did drop me off this morning, but he left without a word. Last night he actually slept on the floor, and I slept in bed. I couldn't sleep. I felt so guilty but I'm trying to stick to my morals. He hates it," Harry's voice is slightly cracking, almost as if he were about to cry.
"Woah, woah. Hold the fuck up. He's mad because you won't have sex with him? I know we always joke around with you but you're a good person. You shouldn't let anyone push you into things you're not ready to! What was he saying?"
"He was saying that I'm a tease basically. He said it's stupid that I wait until graduation and that he's sick of waiting for me. He said he'd make it worth it, if I did it now rather than later. He says he loves me and wants to show me. It made me think that maybe I could but I just..I'm not ready and he doesn't understand. He always tries and gets so mad when I push him away,"
"I really dislike him," Niall mutters
"I second you on that one Blondie," Ed raises a hand, and swiftly high fives the other boy
"Well, I love him"
"My only advice is, do what you want, be who you want and don't let any emotionally manipulative slut tell you otherwise," Niall flashes his white teeth in a giant grin, basically forcing Harry to smile himself.
"My advice is, leave him because he's a twat,"
Harry rolls his eyes, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He can't help but send a text. He won't survive the day knowing that Nick's not talking to him.
Harry: Look, I'm really sorry. I know you don't agree with my decision and I understand it's hard. I love you, but..I am personally not ready. It's not even about waiting to graduation, but I am not ready for that just yet. I love you Nick, please understand.
Harry pressed send, and re-read the text. It seemed perfectly innocent. There was no swearing or anger. It was a calm explanation and if Nick was going to be a prick about it then Harry's not sure what he's going to do. The reply is basically immediately.
Nick: Hey. I know. It's not your fault. But I need you to understand that I have been waiting for 2 years. We're always kissing and teasing each other and then it feels like its right there, and then you just push me off and say no. It's getting harder and harder to say no and I'm just scared that one day I won't be able to stop. I don't want to hurt you. I love you. I love you a lot. But please understand, I can't keep doing this. We need to talk about it all.
"What the fuck does "It's getting harder and harder to say no and I'm just scared that one day I won't be able to stop" mean?! Is he insinuating he won't be able to control himself and just fucking ignore my rejections and have sex with me?" Harry suddenly snaps
"I-What the fuck? Is he actually serious? You could be having some kinky as fuck foreplay and if you say no, I don't care how horny I am, I will back the fuck down. I will even leave the room, lock myself in the bathroom and relieve myself. That's before asking you if that's okay. That's bullshit about the control," Niall exclaims, thrown back by Harry's sudden outburst.
"If you don't tell him to fuck off right now, I will personally beat the shit out of you," Ed mutters, his ginger eyebrows pulling into a frown.
"No, I just- I will sort this," Harry frowns, texting back.
Harry: You did not just insinuate that one day you will lose control and rape me. I know you didn't say the word rape, but what you said fucking means the same thing. If you can't control that shit then you can actually fuck off. I can't believe you!
Harry presses send, and before he can even get a reply. He hears a voice yell. His head snaps up, as so do Niall and Ed's.
"You aren't texting in school grounds again are you Mr Styles?" Harry hears a loud British voice
Harry's heart literally plummeted into the depths of hell, as he met the eyes of the same dickhead that ruined his day yesterday. This same dickhead seemed to have it in his best interests to make Harry's day shit already. Harry let out a slow exhale, and blinked a couple of times. Mr Tomlinson walked closer, and Harry couldn't help but acknowledge how damn fine he was. Mr Tomlinson was wearing a pair of maroon chinos, a grey button up, rolled to his elbows and a pair of black vans. His feathery, bronze hair wasn't gelled, but falling over his eyes slightly. Louis pushes his hair out of his eyes and stops just a few steps away from Harry and the boys.
"S-School hasn't started, I'm allowed to text until school starts," Harry raises an eyebrow
"You aren't allowed to text in school grounds, pass me your phone," Mr Tomlinson holds out his hand, not breaking the eye contact.
Harry felt his cheeks start burning and he looked over at Niall and Ed, who were frozen on the spot staring at Mr Tomlinson. Harry was frozen and he couldn't move.
"Harry, give me the phone," Mr Tomlinson's voice suddenly became louder, snapping Harry out of his trance.
"But the rules have always been phones must be turned off at 9, it's only 8!" Harry stutters
"Give. Me. The. Phone. Mr Styles," Mr Tomlinson's eyes narrows angrily.
This was complete bullshit. The rules had always been that you are able to use phones in the morning, as long as they're turned off or put away when it's time to start the day. He had done it for years, so unless some fucking rule has been passed since yesterday afternoon, then that was the rule. Harry swears on his life that Mr Tomlinson was making Harry's life a living hell for just a laugh. Harry angrily switched off his phone, but before he does, he glances at the screen sighing as Nick hasn't replied yet. He placed the phone into Mr Tomlinson's hand in one hard movement, even Mr Tomlinson's hand jolts at the force. Harry scowled at his teacher, as the man clenched his jaw almost concealing a smile, and then throwing it in his little bag. Harry could taste blood as he bit down on his tongue, to prevent him from launching himself into a frenzy.
"Thank you. Have a good day lads," Louis smiles softly, nodding and walking off without another word.
He leaves Harry, Niall and Ed sitting in shock. Harry's jaw loosens once his drama teacher is out of the way and he mutters to himself.
"Excuse me, what the actual fuck just happened there?" Niall finally speaks after a few seconds have passed and Mr Tomlinson is out of hearing range.
"Who fucking knows, he has a habit of ruining my days. It's only day 2," Harry breathes, slamming his fist on the table angrily
"Harry," Ed suddenly speaks up.
Harry raised an eyebrow at him, then looked at Niall who looked completely dumbfounded.
"Was that your drama teacher? Mr Tomlinson?" Niall's blue eyes suddenly widened as if a lightbulb went off. That often happened with this boy, and his lightbulb moments were not his best moments.
"Yeah," Harry mutters to himself
"Holy shit," Ed's voice suddenly becomes a few octaves louder, making Harry jump sightly, and he suddenly throwing his hands onto Harry's shoulders and shaking him gently.
He scares the fucking shit out of Harry, and Harry stares at the ginger with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to ask his best friend if he has lost his damn mind but Ed continues.
"What just happened?" Ed asks
"He- Um- He took my phone," Harry frowns, completely confused.
Was there something he was missing? Yes Mr Tomlinson just took his phone and was a giant dick about it, but that was about it? Did he say something that Harry missed?
"Dude, it's always been school rules that you can't use your phone during school hours. It's before school hours. I use it in front of teachers walking around and I never get in trouble. He's a weird one," Ed looks past Harry, watching Louis disappears behind the buildings.
"I said that..." Harry raises an eyebrow
"You know, I just realised for once in your life you aren't a teacher's pet. Looks like Mr Tomlinson hate you," Niall chuckles
"You know what. Fuck you Niall, also I figured," Harry picks his bag up, looking over to see if Louis was still loitering around waiting for another moment to pick on him. But thank god he wasn't there.
Harry zones out for a moment, as Niall and Ed start to talk about some fight that is going to be televised tonight. This is probably what they were arguing about before Harry got here.
"You know McGregor will kick his ass!" Niall shouts
Harry rolls his eyes.
"Would you two stop bickering for 2 minutes, I've never seen two people fight about UFC in my life. As far as I'm concerned, they are both brilliant fighters and props to both of them. End of argument. I'm going to the toilet, I can't listen to you two for a minute longer. I'll be back soon," Harry says, and leaves without another word after.
He fastens his bag on his back, and starts to make his way towards the bathroom. It was unusually empty this morning, the school was usually packed by now. But there was a relaxing tone to it, Harry enjoyed the quiet. He needed quiet after last night, and especially after this morning. He began to walk faster and before he can register it, he was face first in the gravel. His knees and hands were burning, and he can feel blood already seeping through his skin. He had a problem with how clumsy he was, but he knows he didn't trip over nothing. He blinks a few times, attempting to blink away the water forming in his eyes and sat up slowly. He wiped the gravel stuck to his skin, and looked up through his blurry, tear filled eyes. It shouldn't have come as a surprise when he met a pair of chocolate brown eyes and the caramel coloured skin. The panic was inevitable as the name left Harry's lips
"Zayn," Harry's voice was wavering
"Harry," Zayn's lips turn into a smirk, causing terror to flood through Harry
Zayn Malik. The biggest asshat you'll ever meet at Seabrook High. Harry and Zayn had a history that went back for a while, but it got worse when Harry came out. Harry was truly terrified of him, and so was every single student at this school, except Ed. Which made no sense. Maybe that was because Zayn hadn't ever picked on the boy so Ed has no idea what it's like. Zayn was popular, attractive and had a beautiful girlfriend. He was everything a person would despise, except he's a fucking bully. If Zayn alone was bad, when he started dating Perrie, things went from bad to worse. Before Harry completely realised he was gay, he had a small thing towards Perrie, and she treated him decently, but since Zayn came around he was nothing.
"What do you want?" Harry mumbles
"Get up loser," Zayn's voice was loud, urgent.
Harry blinked up at him and before he can move, he feels Zayn's hard boot hitting the side of his ribs. He grunts, the air half knocking out of him. He literally feels like his ribs just broke. Zayn watches, and continues to shout. Harry swallows hard, forcing himself to get up. He clings onto his side, and face wincing in pain.
"I'm up,"
Zayn's chocolate eyes carefully looked Harry up and down, his nose piercing glistening in the little light that was under the building right now. He was cracking his fingers and neck. His lips curled in disgust. Harry was slightly confused, until he is slammed straight into the wall behind him. Zayn's forearm pressed hard against his neck.
"Listen, I'd rather walk around school and see normal human beings not homosexuals. They annoy me, and you annoy me. I want you to leave this school,"
It had been a while since this had happened. All the haunting memories of the past come flooding back, all the broken noses, bones and bruises. All the pain and tears come flashing back and Harry's silently crying. Zayn watches Harry intently.
"You heard me? I want you to leave this school, and never come back,"
Harry shook his head. He was openly crying in front of someone who will later mock him for it. Zayn huffed to himself, pulling his fist back and colliding it with Harry's face. Harry feels the blood trickling out of nose and onto his lips in a split second. He can't see through the tears and fuzziness. He swallows and doesn't speak.
"Shut up faggot," Zayn hisses
"O-Okay," Harry tries to stop crying
"Mr Malik?" Harry hears a quiet voice, not too far from behind Zayn.
He makes eye contact with Zayn, who's eyes are slowly widening and his body becoming tense. Zayn looks at Harry's face, mouth scowling.
"Malik!" The voice suddenly blasts, and hits Harry like a tidal wave
Harry's suddenly dropped to the floor and Harry can see Zayn stepping back, arms up as if to say he wasn't doing anything. Harry blinks through the tears, and focused on the person speaking. He notices the ice blue eyes, and the slight stubble and the bronze hair and Harry's chest constricts.
"Mr- Mr Tomlinson, it isn't what you think- I'm sorry," Zayn steps back, stuttering words
The look of smugness is completely washed away with Mr Tomlinson standing no further than 4 meters away, completely aware of the situation that just took place. The metallic taste of blood is faint on Harry's tongue and makes him feel nauseas. In some fucked up sense, Harry was expecting this teacher to just shrug his shoulders and walk off, and letting Zayn continue what he's doing.
Mr Tomlinson's voice is hard, venomous and urgent. It makes Harry's blood turn cold. It was more than terrifying to hear his teacher sound so angry. If it wasn't a teacher, Harry would expect a fight. He was literally seething.
"Go and see the principal, I'll be there shortly," Mr Tomlinson stares at Zayn
"Mr Tomlinson!," Zayn groans, rolling his eyes and throwing his hands down
"Go to the principals office now Zayn, before I drag you there myself," Mr Tomlinson yells again, voice ricocheting off the walls.
Zayn's eyes widen again and he swiftly makes an exit in the direction of the the office. Harry sits against the wall in pure agony. The blood was seeping through his shirt, and onto the floor. It was safe to say he couldn't move either. Mr Tomlinson stands there, silent, staring at Harry. A few moments pass before his teacher is crouching in front of him, placing his handle gently under Harry's chin and making him look up. He assesses the damage with soft blue eyes, and breathes in.
"Come to my office Harry, we'll get you cleaned up," he says flatly, standing up and brushing off his pants
"C-Can I go to the bathroom please?" Harry squeaks
Harry forces himself up, and moves as fast as he can past Mr Tomlinson and into the bathroom. The bathrooms are a light blue colour and white. Harry runs to the sink, looking at the mirror and groaning to himself. He looked terrible. His skin had indentations, and his nose was bleeding excessively. His hands were bleeding from being grazed, along with his knees. He turned the tap, carefully washing the blood off his face. He used a towel to dry it off and wipe any other fresh blood beginning to trickle down. He wiped off his knees and fixed is hair the best he could before leaving. He takes a moment to pray to himself because he doesn't need Mr Tomlinson to lecture him about that phone.
Mr Tomlinson is waiting outside the bathrooms, and looks relieved as Harry walks out. His shoulders visibly drop, as if they were tensed up and he runs a hand through his hair.
"Follow me," Louis speaks carefully, and begins to walk.
Harry follows Mr Tomlinson through the building, and up a flight of stairs. It takes Harry a bit to make his way up there, since his ribs are still in pain but the office isn't a far walk from there. When Mr Tomlinson opens the door and lets Harry in, Harry takes in the view of the office. The walls are beige, besides one red feature wall. Louis' desk is big, and white, covered in small aesthetically pleasing objects. The walls are covered in small art pieces which look amazing. Harry silently takes a seat at the desk, while Mr Tomlinson searches through his cabinets.
"I've got this," Louis mumbles, pulling out a drawer of bandages, pain killers and disinfectant.
He also grabs a bag of ice out of the mini fridge he also kept in here. Harry notes to ask him later why he has that mini fridge, but decides against it. He looks at Louis briefly, and looks at his desk looking at the silver name ornament.
Mr Louis W Tomlinson
Harry does wonder what the W stands for but he's too nervous and scared to ask right now. Mr Tomlinson walks towards Harry, and takes a seat in front of him, gently wiping the disinfectant over Harry's soft skin on his knees and then placing the ice against his nose. He stares at the ground for a few seconds before Harry speaks.
"No problems. I might seem mean, but I do not allow bullying of any sort to be allowed, no matter who it is, or who it's to,"
Harry took the ice in his hand and held it against his face himself as his teacher began to slowly page the room. His face is flat, and eyes focusing on the floor, clearly thinking. His head snaps up after a minute or so, and he looks at Harry.
"I thought Zayn was a nice kid?" Mr Tomlinson raises an eyebrow
Harry shook his head and looks Mr Tomlinson dead in the eye.
"No, Zayn is a bully. He's bullied me for years. He bullies anyone who is weaker than him, which is almost everyone. " Harry sighes
Mr Tomlinson chuckled, his eyes crinkling in the corners. He sat down at his desk and stared at Harry for a little longer. The more Harry looked at him, he noticed how tired and worn out the man looked. He looked like he hadn't gotten a decent sleep in a long time. Harry diverts his eyes before it's considered too long staring at the man. He looks at a photo of Louis, who is standing on a bridge with a girl. She's got her arms around him and smiling wide. He's smiling too. They look happy. Harry swallows and looks back at Louis.
"Well I can promise you that you won't be seeing Zayn for a while, I don't think he'll be in my drama class any longer," Mr Tomlinson stretches
Harry frowns, taking in what his teacher just said. It takes a second for him to register.
"You're kicking him out?"
"Definitely, like I said, I don't allow bullying,"
"Thanks Mr Tomlinson," Harry smiles, although slightly confused
"Don't thank me,"
Harry nods, not sure what to say
"Also, as much as I hate to do this, the matter with your phone... you'll be given an afternoon detention again today. I'm sorry," Mr Tomlinson frowns for a moment, and raises an eyebrow watching Harry intently
"But-," Harry starts
"Harry," Mr Tomlinson stares
"I'll write a letter to your teacher for your next class, explaining while you'll be late," Mr Tomlinson grabs a piece of paper and pen.
Harry watches in awe as Louis started writing, the pen flying across the paper effortlessly. Mr Tomlinson passed the paper to Harry, and Harry quickly read.
To whom it may concern,
I apologize that Harry Styles is late for class today, as I came across an incident where another student was bullying him. Harry has been in my office for the morning, filling out an incident report. Sorry for the inconvenience,
Mr Louis Tomlinson
"You may go to class," Louis tilts his head towards the door
"Mr Tomlinson, I'm not really feeling well..."
"I suppose you should go see the nurse, you did take quite the beating it appears, sorry,"
"Uh, yeah,"
"Go down to the office and they'll give your parents a call. Your phone is down there and if you do happen to go home, your detention will be when you come back,"
"Thanks," Harry smiles slightly, and slowly stands up from the seat.
He takes a few seconds to grab his bag and put it over his shoulder. Any movement right now was making the rib problem worse. He scrunches up his face in pain as he turns away and walks towards the door. He leaves in silence, and closes the door behind him.When he does leave the room, he is almost tackled to the floor by Niall and Ed. He lets out a low hiss as his ribs suddenly are hit by an arm hugging him tight.
"Shit" Harry gasps, eyes wide as he looks at his two best friends who look giddy and concerned at once.
"You literally went missing, what happened? and have you been bleeding?" Ed asks, looking over Harry.
"Zayn, that's what happened," Harry wipes his shirt
"Little shit," Niall shook his head
"I'm going down to the office, I'm going home sick. I feel like shit,"
"Wait, hold up. We'll walk with you, tell us what happened!"
Harry shakes his head and begins walking carefully, still clinging onto his side. Ed and Niall follow him down the stairs, bombarding him with millions of questions.
"He beat the shit out of me, and said he wanted me to leave the school. Mr Tomlinson found me-,"
"No fucking way, the Tomlinson saga continues! Was he a prick?" Niall hoots
"No. He was actually nice. He scared the shit out of Zayn, and took me into his office and helped me get my shit together,"
"Explains why you were in his office. I was slightly concerned he was like giving you a lecture,"
"No, just helping, look I'll go to the office. You both are late for first period, I'll talk to you later,"
"Hope you feel better mate, I'll call you this arvo," Niall and Ed are careful when they hug Harry, making sure they don't bump his ribs.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It was kind of pathetic, but here Harry was sitting in the carpark with a pink leave slip stuffed in his pocket. Waiting for his boyfriend to come pick him up and take him home. When he turned his phone on, he had about 3 texts. All reading:
Nick: I didn't say rape. Who do you take me for? A fool? I'm just worried that I'm going to hurt you and that's the last thing I want. I'm sorry. I'll stop okay. I understand. I'm sorry. I love you.
You're mad at me. Fuck. I fucked up.
I'm so sorry Harry. I love you
As soon as he could, he was texting Nick explaining what had taken place this morning and explained he was needing a way of home. Nick happily offered to give Harry a ride home, and in return they can talk about their issues. Harry watches as Nick's car pulls up and he climbs into the car. Nick leans forward and places a gentle kiss onto Harry's cheek and begins to drive. The entire drive is silent, which is worrying.
Despite the argument, Nick was kind enough to leave school just to pick Harry up and make sure that he's okay. Harry was so grateful for that. The drive was quick, and soon enough they're both walking into Harry's front door.
"Are you okay sweet cheeks?" Nick asks gently playing with Harry's hair
"Yeah, I'm in a little pain,"
"I can understand, c'mon let's go into the lounge room. I'll get you some ice cream and we can cuddle on the couch,"
Harry smiled widely as Nick kissed Harry's bruised cheek and walked into the kitchen. Harry walked into the lounge room and made sure he was in a comfortable position on the couch. He hopes that Nick gets him a giant bowl, because he will need it once the conversation that needs to be done, has taken place. He started to flick through channels, but couldn't find anything, so closed his eyes. He inhaled deeply, trying to relax. He felt himself exhale quickly as he saw those bright blue eyes behind his closed eyelids. His eyes flung open and he turned his attention back to the TV.
"Chocolate or Strawberry?" Nick yells
"Pig!" Nick hollered from the kitchen, laughing lightly
Harry smiled. Oh god. He loved Nick so much. Even if Nick had some serious flaws, he was just so happy. He didn't want this ever to end and he wanted to sort this out. This could easily be sorted out. Well he thinks it anyway. Shortly Nick returns with two bowls, and hands Harry his. Harry's bowl is filled to the brim, thank god.
"So, I think we should talk yeah?"
"Yeah," Harry swallows
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