Chapter 23
The days pass by in a blur, and weeks feel like they're gone with a blink of an eye. Louis can feel the hard shell he'd built crumbling away with each fleeting glance at Harry. It's something about those eyes and the way they sparkle that causes Louis' heart to skip a beat. It's awkward to begin with, so fricking awkward to try and overcome and forget about the incident. It takes Harry a week before he could even build the courage to look at Louis; the feeling of his stares burning through his skin made it tremendously hard. Avoiding the inevitable it seemed, because at some point he knew he was going to have to make eye contact.
And it does happen. It's the end of the term, and holidays have officially started. When the clock ticks over to 3pm, students are quick to move. It's an avalanche of prepubescent children out the doors, scrambling to be the first one free. Harry had been packing his bag up a little slower, to avoid the possible trampling he'd experience if he decided to follow the rest. Overall though, there was a giant relief that had washed over him. The freedom of now not having to live under constant stress and anxiety, and constantly worrying about what's next with Louis. In fact, the weeks that had passed there really hadn't been a next. After their last conversation it all came to a screeching halt. No conversations, not even a single word. But Harry's certain it's because he's avoided every little thing to do with Louis at all costs.
As Harry zips his bag and goes to stand up from his desk. He is taken aback when a hand smacks onto the desk. He stares at the hand; refusing to look up. His throat is beginning to close, and the pit in his stomach is growing. The hand is so small, but so masculine at the same time. He can see a tattoo slightly poking out from under the sweaters sleeve.
"Uh," Harry's voice comes out slow and strained, as his eyes slowly venture up.
It's then when his breath completely hitches in his throat. He feels his very own soul starting to leave his body. Because those blue eyes are staring right back at him. The very same blue that sets ofc fireworks in his veins and causes an anxious sweat start to build in the palms of his hands.
"Hey Harry," The voice isn't foreign, not in the slightest. However, the tone is. It's playful in nature.
"Hey Mr Tomlinson," Harry swallows, eyes quickly darting towards the door, as the last remaining students trickle out to their freedom.
It's just them. Him and Louis. The room feels so small suddenly, like it's closing in. Louis feels exceptionally close. Harry clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath while looking back at Louis; who has a gentle smile pressed onto his lips.
"Listen. I know this term has been ridiculously difficult. And I also know for a fact you've been avoiding me. You haven't even looked at me since the last conversation. I just wanted you to know that you did really well this term and I'm proud of you,".
Louis then begins to walk back to his desk, a spring in his step. Something that Harry hasn't seen in what seems forever with Louis.
"Thanks, I've tried my best,".
"With avoiding me. That I could tell,".
"Well I don't know what else to do. Communicating with you hasn't been the easiest, and I'm just struggling with a lot," Harry shrugs, his heart rate starting to skyrocket.
"You and me both Harry. I've been feeling like I've got the world on my shoulders every single day. I'm constantly second guessing myself. Do you know how tired I am?".
Louis takes a seat at his desk and rests his chin into the palm of his hand. His bronze hair had been slicked back but was starting to come undone. He was looking a little dishevelled. He hadn't shaved in a couple weeks and had a steady amount of facial hair. Which aged him quite a bit. But Harry thought he looked so damn fine; it was starting to hurt.
"I could imagine pretty tired,"
"Well let me tell you this. We'll keep it another little secret between you and I,"
"I don't think we should have any more secrets Louis. This one is already draining enough. I don't want it. I have enough of my own secrets to deal with,"
Harry rolls his eyes and leans back into his chair. This is not how he had planned to start his holidays off. He was expecting to be anywhere else, with the boys and having a great time partying. Harry and his boys had been invited to a house party to celebrate the end of term, and Harry was looking forward to it. He saw it as a way of letting loose and trying to shake off the stress that he's felt this term. Louis frowns and cocks his eyes, eyes narrowing on Harry.
"What secrets do you have then?"
"Louis...I don't know what's into you right now. But this is really inappropriate. Thanks for everything, but I'm not making anymore mistakes that could cost both our futures,"
Harry stands up, shaking his head. He wishes that maybe in an alternative universe they could have this conversation. He was so damn attracted to Louis, and the feelings he had been cooping up since the kiss were overflowing but he needed to maintain peace. He can hear Louis scrambling for words as makes it to the door. Harry stops and looks over his shoulder.
"I don't know about you Mr Tomlinson. But I'm going to go and enjoy my holidays doing things people my age should be doing. I think you should start talking to people your own age. I don't think you've quite come to terms with yourself and it shows,".
And with that Harry's gone. Louis' left with his mouth zipped shut and the words of Harry ringing in his ears. He swears that Harry had never been that sassy, or is it because it's been such a long time since he'd even heard Harry utter a word that he's forgotten? Louis slumps back into his chair and lets out a long deep sigh. It's over. He can't do it anymore.
By the time Harry makes it home, Ed and Niall are already sitting on his bed with a celebratory drink in their hands. It wasn't normal for them to do it, in fact, this was their first time doing anything of his nature.
"Should we really be drinking?" Harry mutters as Niall takes a large swig from his can.
"It's our senior years Harry. Lighten up a little. It's been some really intense past couple months. We deserve it, and you especially. This party tonight is going to be just what we need. Now have a drink," Ed chuckles reaching towards a can placed on Harry's bed, and throws it towards him.
Impressively enough, Harry catches it. He eyeballs the can, and he doesn't exactly really want to drink but after everything he's been through, he says fuck it. He peels back the tab, causing it pop open and he drinks a few mouthfuls. It's bitter and fizzes. He scrunches his face up.
"That's the spirit," Niall chuckles
The afternoon is spent with the boys drinking and gaming. They're yelling and clumsily stumbling over their own feet around the room. Harry makes the executive decision to start drinking water for a while, because he needs to keep his head screwed on straight. Niall and Ed don't listen however, but they're just enjoying themselves. When it's time to leave they all climb into the back of Anne's car.
"Thanks for driving us," Harry leans forward, kissing his mother on the cheek.
Anne beams back and squishes his cheeks. Harry's mortified and before he could say a word, Ed and Niall are howling. Maybe this wasn't a great idea whatsoever.
"Alright. Lets get you to this party. You know to be safe. Don't drink too much. If anything happens, please call me. Whatever time of the night it is. I'll come straight over." Anne look back at the boys through the rear vision as she begins driving.
"Yes mum," Harry groans, both mortified and annoyed by his mothers babying.
"Harry. I'm just looking out for you. I don't want anything to happen because you've been through so much already,"
"Mum, what's the worst that could happen? I'm not drinking anymore and I'm spending the time with Niall and Ed. It's just a little party anyway,"
Oh how wrong he was.
When Harry's dropped off, he's lectured for 10 minutes and spends the whole time convincing Anne to let him go. The music is so loud, and there's people everywhere. Niall and Ed are in awe. Harry is as well to be quite honest, and he's revving to go enjoy himself but his mother isn't quite on the same level. Finally after begging and deals being made they're all running towards the large house.
"Whose house is this anyway?" Ed looks around, watching girls stumble over each other clearly intoxicated
"No idea, who cares. It's a party!" Niall starts to walk a little faster.
They've arrived at the front doors. The house is almost the size of a mansion. The doors easily 7ft tall. They walk in, and Harry's dodging people left, right and centre. It's so bloody full and the music is enough to give him a headache. A girl suddenly puts a drink in his hand.
"Drink up buttercup. Being drunk is the best part," She winks at him before turning to give someone else another drink.
Harry anxiously brings the drink to his mouth and takes a sip. It's sweet. He can slightly taste the alcohol but it's nothing compares to what he was drinking earlier. This is something he could drink all night. He drinks the rest in quick succession and continues to get lost in the maze of people, and within the house. He's stopped in his tracks though, when he stumbles across a bunch of jocks and Zayn, of all people. Zayn looks Harry up and down and snarls at him, looking like a fucking wild animal.
"What are you doing in my house?"
Fuck. Harry's heart sinks and he instantly wants to disintegrate into thin air.
"I'm sorry, I got invited. I didn't know this was your house. I'll go home right now," Harry stutters, backing up slightly. He wanted to be as far away from Zayn as possible.
Zayn mutters something to the guy standing next to him and laughs. He looks Harry up and down again and walks towards him. Harry can feel himself bracing for impact and can feel fear running through his whole body. Zayn's mouth is suddenly right next to his ear.
"Enjoy your night. Just don't get freaky in here thanks,"
And with that, he pushes past Harry and disappears into the crowd. Harry stares after him and remembers to breathe. He exhales quickly, heart beating a million miles per hour. He's never been so confused in his life. He knows for a fact Zayn hates him, and he swore that he was about to be beaten to a pulp. But he's unscathed and was even told to enjoy his night.
"What the fuck," He mutters to himself, breathing heavily
He looks around and spots the boys sitting on a red couch a few feet away. He makes a beeline for them. Anything to be comfortable and not on his own. He takes a quick seat next to Niall, who's got a drink in each hand.
"Oh! There you are. I got you a drink. You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost,"
"Not quite, just had a strange encounter with someone. But I'm okay. I'll take the drink though. Thanks," Harry smiles, and takes a big drink from the cup.
The boys and him continue to banter amongst themselves. It all seems to be going well until Harry starts to feel quite left out. Niall and Ed both have a girl sitting next to them and are deep in conversation. He sticks around for a while, but once the boys start to get a bit hands on, Harry decides to go for a walk to the bathroom. He assumes the bathroom would be up the stairs, so he quickly makes a move for it. He runs up the steps, taking 2 steps at a time. He pushes his way through the first bit of the hallway, and then it mostly clears up. He feels like he's got his personal space again. He leans against a wall and closes his eyes. The alcohol is starting to sink in, and he's starting to feel a bit tipsy.
"How fucked is it that this party has to have adult chaperones? I thought Zayn was better than that,"
Harry overhears a girl bitching and laughing amongst her friends a few feet away. Harry can't help but tune in. He hadn't seen anyone chaperoning here. If they were, they were definitely doing a shit job at it.
"Oh it's not that bad. Mr Tomlinson doesn't give a fuck. He's drinking himself. I don't think he cares. I mean....look at this place. We're all drinking, the music is loud. There's drugs. Chill,"
Louis? Harry has to do a double take. Surely he heard that wrong. Louis was definitely not here. He looks around the hallway, peaking over peoples heads. As if on cue, Louis sort of pushes through a couple girls. He has a smoke in his mouth and a drink in his hand. He's not looking at Harry though, in fact, I don't think he's even noticed that Harry's here. Harry does not want to get involved with any sort of shit, especially not here. Harry desperately looks around and makes a beeline for the closest door and enters quickly. He closes it and presses himself against the door.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck," He mutters
This is the worst case scenario. There are drunk kids everywhere in this house, and he's drunk himself. Louis is drinking. Why the fuck is Louis here? What kind of teacher does this shit? But then again, what type of teacher kisses his student?
Louis is clearly one a different level and Harry has no damn idea what to do. He looks around the room. It's dimly lit and it's just a boring old study. At least there's no one in here and no room to get frisky if they wanted to. He looks for another exit but there's nothing but a window that involves climbing onto the roof. And there's no way in hell that Harry's going to be climbing any roofs.
"I'll just stay in here for a little bit. Give it some time and he'll go. Surely," Harry mumbles to himself, walking towards a shelf full of books. His phone buzzes and he looks at it quickly.
Niall- D U D E. Apparently Mr Tomlinson is an adult chaperon here. LMAO.
Harry- Yeah, I'm already aware. Currently hiding.
Niall- oh piss off Harry. Don't hide. Just let it happen....
Harry: no. leave me alone. I'll see you soon once I can get a clear exit
Harry spends a few minutes scanning through all the titles of the books and then decides that's more than enough time for Louis to leave the hallway. As he turns around to walk towards the door it suddenly swings open.
"Alright. Whoever's in here having fun, get- oh shit. Hi," Louis storms in
Harry's like a deer in headlights. He's completely frozen. Louis is in the doorway. He looks over his shoulder and steps forward closing the door gently behind him. Harry swears he hears it lock. Why didn't he think of locking it? Fuck.
"What are you doing here Harry?"
"I...I was doing some reading. There are a few cool books in here. I originally was looking for the bathroom and got sidetracked," Harry runs a hand through his hair, watching Louis closely.
"Are you drunk? Have you been drinking?" Louis steps closer towards him
"Not I've had a few drinks yes," Harry swallows.
Louis' eyes are glued to him and he's closing the space slowly. Harry's feet are glued to the ground. He's in a trance. He's taking in the sight of Louis. The tattoo on his forearm is clear in view and not covered by a sweater anymore. His chinos are so damn tight, and his hair is ruffled. His blue eyes glimmer under the light in the room. Louis' biting on his bottom lip as if he's in deep thought.
"What are you doing here anyway,"
"I was made chaperone. The school knew of this party and we couldn't exactly shut it down. So myself and a few other teachers are here,"
"But you're not even....chaperoning. You're drinking yourself,"
"I didn't say I had to be a good chaperone. Kids will be kids," He laughs, shrugging, and then continues to talk.
"While you're here. I wanted to say that you were right. I hadn't really come to terms with myself. I have so many things I'm dealing with and I am a closed book. I act out and do stupid things because it's all I know. I'm sick of hiding shit. You don't want anymore secrets do you?" Louis stops moving now, watching Harry carefully, almost like he's drinking in the sight of him.
"No...No secrets,"
"Okay. I don't know why, or how but something...something about you has led me to this revelation. I think you're extremely intelligent, charming and so attractive it physically hurts sometimes. Do you know how hard it is to control myself? I lost control once and I have tried so hard to keep it together. It's so hard,"
Harry parts his lips and takes a deep breath. He can feel the blush creeping up his face. His body is flushing.
"Do you know how hard it is for me to not kiss you right now? It's taxing on me. I just want to kiss you all the time. Fuck,"
Harry's sure that Louis isn't thinking straight. The alcohol is speaking for him. It doesn't help that he's intoxicated himself because he really needs Louis right now. He needs Louis to just bite the bullet and kiss him. Harry rubs his hands against his thighs, wiping the sweat off his palms.
"I want.... I want to kiss you too. A lot," Harry says softly, it's barely even a whisper
Louis takes a few steps forward and he's standing right there in front of Harry. Harry can feel his warmth, and he can smell him. He smells of whisky, cigarettes and some cologne. But in that moment, it's the most comforting smell. Louis hand brushes against Harry's and Harry forgets to breathe. It's trapped. He looks into Louis' eyes.
He feels like he's been taken in by a wave and is drowning in them. They're a dark stormy blue, and Harry's breathe is slowly being squeezed out of him. Louis' fingers gently touch Harry's hand and Harry closes his eyes and swallows.
"How much?" Louis leans and whispers into Harry's ear.
"If you don't...I might combust,"
"Yeah, me too,"
And that's all he says. Louis' lips gently press against Harry's neck. His knees are already buckling. Louis' hands are on Harry's hips as he kisses his neck, gently biting and sucking as he moves up. He's kissing under Harry's jaw and Harry swears he can see the light of heaven. His soul is leaving his body in this very moment.
"I can't control it anymore. You do this to me," Louis' voice is so low and hoarse that Harry's legs almost give out completely. Louis' hands tighten their grip on his hips and Harry lets out a squeak.
"Steady love,"
Louis is walking Harry backwards to the desk. In a matter of seconds his backside is against the table.
"Sit," It's almost an order
Harry instantly sits down, and he's glad he does. His legs couldn't take it anymore even if he tried. Louis slightly opens up Harry's thighs so he can fit between them. His hands are roaming from thighs, to hips, to chest and to his face and hair. Harry is shaking and his body is going to combust. Louis' lips are feverish and his beard scratches Harry in all the right ways.
"I just want to take this all off, I just want you," Louis' voice is breaking. He mutters each word between a quick kiss. One hand is filled with Harry's hair, and the other is tugging at Harry's shirt.
Between Louis' heat, his own body temperature skyrocketing and the clothes, Harry feels like he's going to melt under the touch of Louis.
"We can't," Harry whispers, thinking about the repercussions
Louis' hand lets go of Harry's hair and cups his chin. He forces Harry to look straight at him. The words on Harry's tongue dissipates as he automatically starts to kiss Louis again. He doesn't care anymore. This is the best feeling anyone's given him. Louis smiles into the kiss, and so does Harry.
They've finally found home.
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