James woke up to the feeling of arms wrapped around his middle. He groggily opened his eyes and saw that Thomas sleeping against his chest. James' eyes widened and his face went red. He tried to wiggle himself free from Thomas' grip without waking him up and failed miserably. Thomas started to stir and then opened his eyes, smiling softly at James.
Then his smile fell and he looked down sadly, unwrapping his arms from James and turning over.
"Thomas?" James hesitated, extending his arm and softly placing his hand on Thomas' shoulder.
"James, why did you forgive me?" Thomas asked shakily. James sighed and turned onto his back, really putting this into thought.
Why did he forgive Thomas?
Because I'm in love with you, idiot.
"James, really?" Thomas turned back over to face James, his eyes wide. James looked at him and his face started to heat up again. "I said that out loud?"
James covered his face and nodded slowly. "It's true, Thomas. I've loved you for a long time... But I was scared of you. And to be honest, I still am."
Thomas moved his hands to where they were cupping James' face.
"I think I have too..." Thomas started in a whisper, "I... I've always been scared of what other people think and my father that I've never been able to admit it to anyone, not even myself. I don't know why I acted the way I did... And I noticed how broken you looked everytime I poked fun at someone gay. It broke my heart everytime..."
Thomas was now in tears, James being close to it. He pulled Thomas to his chest, petting his curls softly.
"I'm s-so sorry..."
"Thomas, stop apologizing! It's okay, I forgive you," James chuckled softly as Thomas raised his head.
"But wh-what about everyone else? At sc-school?" Thomas hiccupped softly. James looked up in thought for a moment.
"I don't know..."
Thomas' eyes flickered down to James' lips. "James?"
"Yeah?" James' heart was pounding.
"C-can I... can I kiss you?" Thomas gave a subtle pleading look. James smiled. "Yes."
Thomas slowly leaned in, closing the gap between him and James. The moment of bliss for the two had to be cut short as Thomas' phone rang. He groaned as he grabbed it, checking the caller ID.
"It's Lafayette," Thomas hurriedly pressed the accept button as he climbed out of James' bed.
"Laf, I'm okay. I'm at James' house," pause, "yes, he did," another pause, this time Thomas seemed flustered, "shut up! I'll see you later." Thomas hung up, shaking his head. James got out of his bed, slowly walking towards Thomas.
He wrapped his arms around Thomas carefully. "Is this okay?"
Thomas smiled.
"It's perfect."
The boys stood there for a while, just enjoying each other's embrace, everything in the past flying out the window.
A/N: i know this is short but i feel like a failure so i wanted to get something accomplished. it really isnt that good but oh well i guess. im a terrible writer, im sorry.
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