James lay in his bed, half of his body covered by a blanket. He was staring at the ceiling, quiet and lost thought. Then his phone rang abruptly, making James jump.
"H-hello?" James said slightly shakily. The person on the other line grunted softly. "James, where the fuck are you?"
"I-I just woke up..?"
"It's fucking lunch period already. You're late,"
James panicked. He's never been late to school.
"Fuck. I'll be there in a m-minute," James' face flushed as he frantically looked for something to wear. He felt embarrassed even though Thomas couldn't see him.
"Bye, James,"
"B-bye, Thomas." James hung up quickly and threw his phone across the room and onto his bed. He continued to panic throughout his quick morning routine, running to school.
By the time he reached the school, James was out of breath. He his behind a few trees so he catch his breath and forge a doctors note.
"Finally!" Thomas exhaled as James entered the lunch room. James' face turned red as usual.
"You should really see a doctor..." Thomas commented, placing a hand to James' forehead. That only made him blush more.
"So, James, I need your help."
"With wh-what?"
"You see those kids over there?" Thomas jabbed his fork in the direction of two boys, one with curly pink hair and small gauges, the other with buzzed hair. James nodded slowly, not liking where this was going.
"I need you to help me gather dirt on them," Thomas stated calmly. James inwardly screamed at him. "What did they do?"
"They're faggots," Thomas snorted. James' heart sank. He took out a piece of paper and a pencil quickly. "What are their names?"
"Joshua Dun and Tyler Joseph. Joshua's twitter username is joshuadun, as well as his instagram. Tyler's is tylerrjoseph."
James wrote down this information and then folded the piece of paper, sticking it in his pocket.
"Maybe you can text them and take something out of context," Thomas smiled devilishly.
James didn't like doing stuff like this. In fact, he hated it. Why can't people just be happy and love whoever they want? Why was it so wrong? He sighed and looked at Thomas.
The bell rung.
James hurriedly made his way to his locker to get the textbooks he needed for his next class. He took a quick glance at Thomas as he walked by him.
I love you, James thought vaguely.
James threw his backpack across his bedroom and landed face first on his bed.
Why do I agree to do this? James thought bitterly. With a sigh, he grabbed his laptop and the piece of paper from lunch. He logged into his twitter and searched for Joshua Dun.
The boy was pretty popular. And it looked like him and Tyler Joseph produced music. Twenty One Pilots... James groaned. He didn't want to destroy this kid's life!
Maybe if their music isn't any good, I'll feel better...
James smiled and his idea and clicked the YouTube link. The first song he listened to was called Forest.
James' face went white. This is really good!!! He listened to more of their music, feeling more and more guilty.
But I have to do this... For Thomas.
So James messaged Joshua. Talked to him for a while. He was a very nice guy. He looked a bit intimidating but was really nice.
He then messaged Tyler. Turns out, this guy has major problems with depression and anxiety, making James feel even worse.
James quickly found some dirt on Instagram and a few things to take out of context. He sent it to Thomas hesitantly. Thomas sent back a 'thx jemmy' once he got the message.
James closed his laptop and dropped it at the foot of his bed. He layed back and started crying a bit.
Why is Thomas like this?
And why does James stick by him no matter what? No matter how much of an asshole he is?
Why do I love him?
A little bit of crying turned into a lot of sobbing and James soon found himself falling asleep. He fell asleep at six p.m, no food, no change of clothing and he didn't finish his homework.
I made a tøp reference because I didn't know who else to put,,,,
I could've done ethan and bradley from emo the musical oops,,,,,,,
oh well
thanks for reading
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