The Start of New Beginnings
Natalie's P.O.V
I can't believe this was actually happening. All of us have been together for 8 years and now we're going to be separated. I know that this is for the best, but we all were practically sisters. I could go on about how much I care about all of them, and how I wish we could all stay together but I have to focus on what me and Ava have to do to survive.
"We can ask a nice rat if we can stay with him!" Ava said. I laughed hoping we could find a place to stay and that we didn't actually have to ask a rat to stay at his home.
"We can find a store and get food and supplies with what we have."
"Yea, better then having rat for dinner."
We walked for what seemed like hours trying to find a store where we could get food and supplies from. We eventually found a store that was still open at this time.
"Okay you look for food and water while I look for blankets or anything that will help us."
She nodded and walked off by the food section. The store was a decent size and didn't look like there was a lot of workers. I started looking for spots that we could hide in atleast over night. I eventually found a spot behind some boxes that is big enough for the both of us. I moved the boxes and made a small space for us to fit. After I finished making a spot I went and grabbed coats, gloves, hats, cloths, and new pairs of shoes. The store wouldn't mind right? I stuffed them into our spot and went to grab Ava. It didn't take long to find her. She got beef jerky, granola bars and some other snacks. Looking before moving the boxes I pushed Ava inside and told her that we were staying here for the night.
"We can't stay here!"
"It's better then sleeping with the rats isn't it."
"Yea, but if we get caught we could go to jail not to mention we don't have nearly enough money for all of this."
" If we're quiet and get out before the workers come in in the morning we will be fine."
"Okay but if we get caught I'm blaming you for this."
I hope this works. If it doesn't I can't imagine what would happen to us.
When I woke up the lights were still off. I got up and walked to the front of the store to check if the door was locked. Luckily the guy who locked up only locked it from the outside so we can leave. I went back to wake up Ava and told her to gather everything. I took a backpack and shoved everything we grabbed into it and told her to start heading to the doors. We walked right out and ran a few blocks in case there were alarms we weren't aware of.
"See we didn't get caught I told you everything would be fine."
"Maybe I just wanted to make a rat friend."
I smiled before saying that we needed to find a place to stay.
"We could find an abandoned building or something like that."
"Okay let's start looking."
After walking for what seemed like forever we came across a hotel.
"Well time to see what we can do."
"We're not really gonna do this are we?"
"We need a place to stay and we're gonna have to practice our powers one way or another."
"Okay what's the plan?"
"You go up to the desk and put poison in his water. It's hot in here and he's already going through glasses of water in minutes. After you do that go behind that wall over there and wait for me."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm gonna go behind the desk while there distracted by him and grab a room key."
"Okay lets go."
I stood against the wall watching what was happening. When the man wasn't looking she put poison in his drink. He was sweating like a pig and took a big drink of his water. Almost in a instant he put his hands to his throat and started choking. Ava screamed and yelled, "Oh my God he needs help please someone he needs help!" She stepped back while everyone rushed to his aid then looked at me. It's go time. While everyone was distracted by the man I snuck behind the desk and grabbed a key card then ran behind the wall where I met Ava.
"I got the key card room 104."
"Will he be okay."
"I don't know they called the paramedics but-"
I looked at her she was sad she didn't want to kill that man. She didn't know her powers would do that.
"Hey, we needed a place to stay I'm sure he'll be fine," I said softly.
"What if he's not."
"Then we live for him. He helped us now we have to live, be strong, and forget everything. Right now we need to survive or else that could be us if Mr. Ashlee finds out we have powers."
She nodded and stayed silent as we walked to our room.
*Written by Natalie*
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