Someone New?
Emma woke up abruptly in the back of the police car.
"Oh no I'm back here again," Emma said with a sob.
"It'll be okay Emma."
"Are you kidding! I swore to myself that I would never go to jail and here I am!" Emma said.
"Emma calm down just take a nap or something."
"Ugh fine."
Emily was building up with anger. She got them in this mess by wanting to save them and they played her. They used her for a place to stay and then left. Now she didn't even have a TV, but she wasn't going to have anything. She was scared. She didn't know what it was gonna be like. Emily started to tear up. With all her energy her tears had a slight yellow tint.
* at the prison*
Both of them went through questioning, mugshots and all that stuff already. They were brought to their cell. The department let them share a cell, they must've been in a good mood that day. Emma sat in the chair and put her head in her lap and cried.
"So this is where my life comes to," she said sadly. "It's all your fault too!" she screamed.
"Excuse me!" Emily said angrily.
"You were the one with the bright idea of saving them, you knew how they are!" She yelled.
"Okay you know perfectly well that saving them was the good thing to do, it's really sad that when I told you this plan you complained because you were to lazy to get your ass of the couch!" Emily shouted,her eyes glowing yellow with anger. "I liked you better when you were asleep." Emily mumbled.
"Fine, now I'm not gonna sleep on purpose." Emma said.
Emily rolled her eyes and rested her head against the cell bars. Then something caught her eye. A boy about the same age as her( 18 years old) was handcuffed and brought into the cell next to her. He had tear stains on his cheeks and looked awfully sad. Emily felt a deep sadness for him. When the officer left, he sulked in his cell and sighed. Emily went up to the cell bars.
"Hey what brought you here?" Emily said.
Emma opened her eyes from taking a quick nap with a suspicious look.
"Hi, might I ask your name?" The young man asked.
"I'm Emily, you?"
"I'm Hunter."
"Oh I like your name." Emily said happily with bright eyes.
"Likewise," he said chuckling.
"So back to the original question, what brought you to this shit hole?" Emily asked.
"Well it's kinda a long story, but basically my so called 'freind' framed me for breaking into a teachers home and stealing from them." Hunter said sadly.
"Oh wow I'm sorry, well I can kinda relate."
"She basically tried breaking criminals out of jail!" Emma chimed in.
"Emma shut up!" Emily yelled.
"Okay so mine is a very long story, but basically my old friends that I thought were as close as sisters to me did some bad stuff and Emma and I (she said gesturing to Emma) got them out. They went to my apartment and we had some good times then.... they played us they left in the morning and broke our TV and took our car. Now the police found us and I'm here." Emily said.
"Oh god, wow that's terrible." Hunter said.
Emily wasn't sure she trusted him enough to tell him about her ability and everyone else's. But she started to like Hunter. Having someone to talk to would definitely make this whole experience better since Emma just complains about everything. She talked to him for the rest of the night. They talked about their lives and what it was like before they got into this mess. They laughed with each other and talked for hours. Emma yelled "Can you two shut up I'm trying to sleep!"
"Sorry," they both said in unison and looked at each other for a moment and cracked up.
Emma rolled her eyes and covered her ears with her hands.
"Well I have bad sleeping so I don't really get to bed at a decent hour." She chuckled.
"I sleep like a baby but considering how my weeks been I probably won't sleep either." Hunter replied.
"Good, now I won't be alone with no one to talk to considering Emma hates me at the moment." Emily said with slight laughter.
They continued to talk till Hunter finally started falling asleep. Emily kept talking till she heard no response.
"Oh, great now people are gonna think I belong in the asylum because I was talking to myself, oh my god I'm still talking to myself, okay I need to stop."
She said nervously.
She rested her head on the cell bars till she fell asleep. She was looking forward to learning more about her new freind and hopefully gaining his trust. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.
*back at the other girl's apartment*
The news reported that the two mysterious girls who the police nicknamed "The Rescuers" were taken into custody.
"AHAHAHA! That's a knee slapper!" Bella yelled.
"Don't you guys feel a tad bit bad, I mean they were our friends?" Ava asked.
"A tad bit, that's the keyword." Bella said.
"HAHA... I DON'T!" Erika said with laughter.
Ava sighed and layed her head down on a pillow.
"I'm tiered," Natalie exclaimed.
"Natalie that's sad, it's only eight o'clock at night." Bella said.
"Well you didn't have to drive all the way over here." Natalie said.
"Hey I offered but noooooooo," Bella said.
"We probably wouldn't be here right now if I let you drive."
"She's got a point," Ava chimed in.
"Shut up Ava!" Bella yelled.
The time passed and it was now 11 o'clock at night.
"Well guys, it's 11 and Erika is beat!" Erika yelled.
"I'm not but you know majority rules." Bella said looking over at Ava and Natalie fast asleep.
"I am going to bed, GOODNIGHT!" Erika yelled as she flopped on the bed.
"Goodnight Erika, have sweet dreams." Bella said slyly.
"You better not..." Erika said.
Bella always loved messing with Erika by using telepathy to tell her she was in danger so she'd wake up all nervous and scared. In the words of Bella, it brought her joy.
"I won't," Bella said.
"Okay goodnight," Erika said suspiciously.
"Goodnight." Bella said as she switched off the lights.
*Written by Emily*
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