"They're in the basement, as you requested. All ages 4 and female,"James said as he approached John slowly.
John was sitting down working on plans for the future when he heard James, he sprung up with a sly smile on his face.
"Are they awake?"
James shook his head as he held back a smirk.
"They all came from the daycare they don't know what's going on. They're in
the basement thinking their parents are going to pick them up."
John shook his head pushing past James, purposely hitting his shoulder.
He quickly walked through the hallway and down the stairs, he was greeted with six children. They all stared at him.
"Who are you, I'm Bella, I like your eyes, they are really blue like uh, uhhh water!" One of the girls said tugging at his shirt.
"I'm John , I'm going to be watching you for a little while." John spoke gently to the kids, as they all just sat and smiled at him.
"But my mommy and daddy told me not to talk to strangers, your a stranger, oh no I'm gonna be in trouble!" Another little girl said smiling.
"Your parents said you can stay with me for a little while, I have some cool things to show you girls."
~Eight years later~
"No one say anything, the minute we say one word, they'll use it to their advantage and we won't just be lab rats anymore!" Emily exclaimed. She wasn't wrong, everyone knew she was 100 percent right, they were just scared that Mr. John Ashlee would find out.
"Has anyone's gotten out of hand, like to the point you can't control it," Natalie asked.
"If it got that bad, you would be able to tell Natalie," Emma responded rolling her eyes.
"Let's stop worrying, he will be home soon. It would be even worse if he found out we were lying and talking crap about him," Bella stated.
Everyone agreed and tried to do what they would normally do. Ever since they found out that the experiments were working everything felt different. No one feels safe anymore, as if they did from the beginning. They could get caught at any moment. One day when they were about to go to bed they heard John talking about how their birth parents were still trying to find them.
The next day, as usual, they would do their chores. John would leave every day at four in the morning and come back at one. While he was gone the girls would be expected to do housework. Once he got back they would get two hours of tutoring. After tutoring they went to the lab and would complete hours of various training. Nothing less and nothing more, it wasn't even weird up until last week, when they found out the experiments were working, and that they were kidnapped.
"Guys he's home," Ava yelled. Everyone ran to the door to greet him, per usual.
This time it was different though, they knew they couldn't trust him. They also knew he gave them abilities that seemed impossible to anyone else.
As he walked up to the door, Erika held a finger to her mouth reminding them not to say anything.
"Hello girls, how was your day?" John said as he walked through the door.
"Good." The girls all responded in unison.
This was also part of their routine. John didn't like long talks, he liked simple answers like yes or no. The girls learned this after a few years of living with him. Once they reached the age of six he grew much harsher and straight forward with the girls.
"Today we will be skipping tutoring everyone go downstairs. I'll meet you girls down there in a moment." John was in no mood to wait, he was done with failed experiments.
"Mr. Ashlee may I ask why?" Erika questioned.
"What have I told you girls about asking questions, as I said before I'll say it again, one day I am going to commit homicide against you all, and it will be your faults. Now go downstairs and do what you were told for once. "
The girls all nodded and ran downstairs. That was Mr. Ashlee's favorite thing to say, it was odd, but everyone believed his words. No one was really phased by it, he said things like that all the time.
"What do you think he's going to do," Ava asked frantically.
"I have no idea, but I suggest we make a back up plan quickly," Emily suggested.
After their quick exchange the girls stayed quiet waiting for Mr. Ashlee to come downstairs. No one really said anything. Everyone had a bad feeling that something was going to happen.
After what felt like hours they heard stomping coming down the stairs. They didn't move and waited for him to address them. He didn't even look at the girls and started talking. By his expression the girls knew it wasn't good.
"Girls, I'm highly disappointed and can't take it anymore. After years of trying biokinesis and other practices, nothing has worked. I've been training you girls for years now. Nothing has changed, you are still all normal and you see it's a big problem. So what can we do? Well we have a few options, we can one return you girls home. I know you know, so don't try and hide it. But you see that option will hurt me, you will go tell your parents, and I'll be put to jail. Second option is, I can kill you all. But that also puts me in risk of getting caught. The last option is, is that I let you all leave, and that option is probably the best. So I've made up my mind, all six of you must be gone by 6AM. If you are not gone you will be sold or killed, I'm not sure yet. If I ever see that one of you girls were returned to your parents , mark my words I will find you. Goodnight girls."
The girls stood there shocked. Yet, the knew it was coming. They saw him getting frustrated by the second.
"Girls I know this sucks but I suggest we get the hell out of here," Natalie said breaking the silence.
"Good idea, we can't all stay together, we have to split up somehow if we don't want to get caught," Erika said. They slowly nodded, they didn't want to split up after being together for over eight years and being pulled apart sounded worse than anything that has happened so far.
"Me and Emma, Bella and Erika, and Nat and Ava," Emily said. Everyone agreed and started getting ready for what awaited them.
After another hour, they were certain Mr. Ashlee was asleep and walked out the door. They waited at the front door for a second and didn't move.
"So this is it for.... the Homicide Squad," Bella commented.
"That's a legit name, why did we come up with that now," Natalie spoke softly.
"We'll see eachother again, till then." Emily said gathering everyone into a hug.
Once they separated that was it, they went their own ways, with little supplies.
*Written by Bella*
Warning a shitload of grammar mistakes and spelling issues blah blah blah, school doesn't pay off all the time warning to y'all. But please ignore those mistakes and pretend they are correct, also if you read this like actually read this.... you are amazing let's be best friends unless your creepy than let's not.
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