"I'm Sorry"
Brandon was driving at full speed to the hospital that Emily sent the address too. Emily called Hunter and he answered right away.
"Hunter you all need to get here quick, she's loosing a lot of blood, the doctors are running around like crazy trying to save her... please!" Emily said in hysterics.
"Em we are on our way, going as fast as we can!" Hunter said trying to calm her down.
"Pass me the phone!" Bella said worried.
Hunter quickly passed her the phone to Bella who was sitting next to him.
"Bem Bem is everything okay?!"
"I don't know, they are doing everything they can, this is not happening!" Emily said crying her eyes out.
"We are almost there hold tight," Bella said.
Brandon pulled up to the nearest space at the emergency room and put the car in park. Everyone jumped out of the car and ran towards the building. Luke walked to the front desk.
"We need to see Emma, she was shot."
"The doctors are at work they can't have any interruptions, please have a seat," the lady at the desk replied.
Luke grunted in annoyance. They all found Emily in the farthest back seat. She had tears streaming down her face. Her foot was tapping so rapidly it was hard to see it move. Hunter ran up to her and gave her a hug. Emily had blood all over her fingers which stained Hunter's shirt, but he didn't care. They all comforted her while Hunter held her hand as she cried on his shoulder. Bella put her face in her hands and started to cry. It was the most serious Bella has ever been, considering Natalie was gone and Emma was staring at death in the face. Erika and Ava tried to hold back their tears, but gave in. The guys all sat silently with a grim expression on their faces. It had been hours and Emma was still in the room. The sight of nurses and doctors running back and forth with blood trails was horrifying. Two more hours went by till the doctor came out of the room with a terrible look on his face. He lead them to a private room...
"I'm sorry..." is all he said and that was enough.
"NO!" Emily screamed as she pounded her fist on the table. She gave Hunter the strongest hug he had ever received. She held an end of his shirt tightly and started to ball her eyes out.
Tears were streaming down Hunter's face along with all the others who were in hysterics. The doctor explained everything and was very genuine. They all decided to call the funeral home to pick up their freind.
The drive back was grim. No music, no talking, just silence. Everyone was crying, yet not making a sound. There was nothing to say. Natalie was who knows where and Emma was gone. Emily took a deep breath and broke the silence.
"It was all my fault, I could've run faster, I could've got there in time to save her, I cou-"
Bella then stopped her.
"Bem, it was not your fault you did everything you could, by blaming yourself your gonna drive yourself insane, please stop."
"I'm sorry, I jus-," then she began to cry again at the lose of her freind she had known for her whole life. Hunter held her hand and she rested her head on his chest breathing deeply with puffy, swollen eyes.
After what seemed like forever they made it back to the hotel. They went back up to they're rooms. Erika and Mason decided to go get some food for the night. This left Hunter and Emily alone in the room. Emily was crying in her pillow till Hunter tapped her back.
"Emily," he said wiping a tear off her cheek.
"Look at me, you are the strongest girl I've ever met, please stay like that for me, we'll get though this together...,"
Then suddenly Emily couldn't hold it back any longer, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, tears were streaming down her face and her hands were shaking. Hunter held her for those few moments until they looked at each other.
"I love you," Emily said quivering.
"I love you too Em, together?" Hunter asked.
"Together," Emily said confidently.
He laid with her holding her hand while his thumb was rubbing against her's till she closed her eyes.
Mason and Erika came back with some pizza and grim faces. They all got up to eat, they had been starving. Emily walked out of her room holding Hunters hand with her head on his shoulder. They entered the room where Ava, Brandon, Dallas, Bella, and Luke were in. Emily had a massive headache from all the crying, and the others had watery eyes and depressing looks on their faces. They all ate till Bella spoke up.
"I usually always have something to say but... I have no idea," she said as her throat held her back from crying. Luke rubbed her back comforting her. Erika and Ava were the first done.
"I need to go to bed, I can't keep my eyes open one more minute at this day from hell," Erika said on the verge of tears.
Mason joined her and said goodnight to everyone as a tear fell from his eye. He closed the door and followed her to the other room.
Ava, Brandon, and Dallas all got up with their heads down, and laid on the couches/beds. Luke took Bella with his arm around her to one of the beds and she fell asleep with her head on his lap. You could see the puffiness in everyone's eyes.
"Emily, lets get you to bed, you need some rest," Hunter said holding his arm out to help her out of her seat.
"Okay," she said as she took his hand.
"Goodnight everyone," Emily said sadly.
Hunter walked her back to their room. Mason and Erika were already asleep.
"You know I'm not getting sleep tonight right?" Emily said.
"If you can't fall asleep I'll stay up with you all night if I have to," Hunter said with a calming and reassuring tone.
"Thank you," she said as she gave him one last kiss before laying her head down on the pillow. Hunter did the same with his arm around her. Emily's energy was all burnt out, and she fell asleep.
*Written by Emily*
Sorry this chapter is very depressing it will get better lol- Emily xoxo
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